The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 459 Heavenly Tribulation: You may not believe it when you say it, I'm going to cross th

Chapter 459 Heavenly Tribulation: You may not believe it when you say it, I'm going to cross the robbery

The process of transforming into a baby is quite slow. Even though his strength is not weak, and the strength of his soul is also at the baby level, the process of transforming into a baby is still very slow.

During this process, his attention must be [-]% concentrated, even if there is even the slightest distraction, it will cause the infancy to be less than perfect, resulting in deafness, blindness, lameness... a series of symptoms.

He can tolerate imperfection in other things, but Yuanying must be perfect.

Yuanying said that the popular point is laying the foundation for becoming a fairy.

If you have the chance to become a fairy, the perfect Nascent Soul can at least increase your success rate by [-]%.

Don't underestimate this [-]%, how many unrivaled powerhouses died on this [-]%.

Under such a premise, he calmed down, no one disturbed him in the mirror world, and he used the pill to transform into a baby quietly.

The huge golden core began to change under the method urged by Zheng Tuo.

First the limbs, then the head, the facial features...

In the process, he had a chance to change his appearance.

Zheng Tuo didn't have much interest in this, and still kept it the same.


The world in the mirror, the world of ancient jade, the world of ten directions, and the imprints of heaven in the three worlds are constantly imprinted on the ever-changing golden elixir, and then, they are all refined and integrated by him with the method to form a new world imprint.

He can absorb the imprint of the world, not the imprint of nature, entirely because of the colorless aura.

The colorless aura can transform into any aura attribute, and can be called the ever-changing little gentleman in the aura world.

It is completely understandable that it can absorb the mark of the heavenly way. After all, it has been tempered ten times that has never been seen in ancient times.


This time, he is not passively absorbing the mark of heaven, but can actively absorb the mark of heaven.

The distinction between passive and active is believed to be understood by many friends, so I won’t elaborate here.

Zheng Tuo took the initiative to absorb the imprints of the heavenly ways of the three worlds, and after merging the imprints of the heavenly ways of the three worlds together, he blessed it on the Nascent Soul.

can be clearly seen.

On the Nascent Soul that gradually formed, there appeared one after another mysterious marks.

The imprint has a touch of divinity, and it is constantly refining the Yuanying, making the Yuanying shrink a little bit.

The combined Tiandao mark is obviously more powerful, and it can actually help him refine the Nascent Soul.

Looking at the incomparably huge Nascent Soul, various lights are constantly shining on it.

With each flash of light, the Nascent Soul will shrink by a fraction.

Every time the Nascent Soul shrinks by one point, the breath of the Nascent Soul will strengthen by one point.

In this balanced situation, the Nascent Soul kept flickering, flickering, and flickered for a full [-] times before it stopped absorbing the mark of heaven from the three worlds.


After stopping absorbing the imprint of Heavenly Dao from the Triple World, Nascent Soul finally took shape.

Jin Dan turned into a baby, but Zheng Tuo didn't look very happy, and even wanted to complain a little bit.

to be frank.

It is indeed inappropriate for his Nascent Soul to be called the Nascent Soul.

Because the Nascent Soul is too big!
Looking at the Nascent Soul, which is thousands of times bigger than the main body, this is not a Nascent Soul, it is simply a giant baby the size of a mountain, okay?

too big!
It's too big!


If this thing is taken out, there is no need to fight at all, and it will scare the opponent to death.

He looked at the huge Nascent Soul in front of him, really helpless.

and also.

Why did Yuanying only flash [-] times when it was refined by the new mark of heaven.

It is only one time to round up an integer to reach [-] times. This is not the rhythm to kill obsessive-compulsive disorder patients.

He urged the Falling Immortal Jue, trying to continue to transform into a baby, and attracted the imprint of the three worlds to come, completing the [-]th flicker.

But the mark of heaven in the three-party world has no interest in him, even if he is inhaling, he will not feel anything, it is numb.

It seems.

To say a thousand words and ten thousand words, I still need the help of Father Tiandao from the world of cultivating immortals.

With this thought in mind, he didn't leave the mirror world in a hurry, but continued to worry about the giant baby in front of him.

Although after [-] flashes, the Nascent Soul will shrink each time it flashes, but the Nascent Soul in front of you is still as big as a giant.

Nascent Soul with such a physique simply has the word high-profile written on his face.

Although the Nascent Soul Stage is already among the strong in the world of cultivating immortals, there is no problem with self-protection.

But if he went out for a walk with such a big Nascent Soul, he would be suspected of showing off his wealth.

The world of cultivating immortals is full of fish and dragons, and there are countless masters. Even if I have an innate spiritual treasure, I still have to keep a low profile.

After all, the imperial capital is so awesome that it has been taken in, and I am alone, my brother, without any backstage, so it's better to keep a low profile and not show off your wealth.

Otherwise, if he was besieged like Uncle Yun Qianli and his Nascent Soul was shattered, even if he was a genius and evildoer, he would have no chance of being immortal.

Hold on tight, don't wave.

With our little strength, we will be drowned if we can't find a single wave in the world of cultivating immortals.

If you have such an idea, you can only use the old method.

Mind a move.

Divide the Nascent Soul into nine parts and turn it into nine Nascent Souls.

Just like the golden elixir, the nine Nascent Souls can be combined arbitrarily, and the combination of the nine is showing its true strength.

Zheng Tuo was not surprised by this result.

It has been done since ancient times.

For some people, their spiritual root is not an attribute.

Therefore, in order to pursue the ultimate, many people practice only one attribute, and when they reach the Nascent Soul, they will transform into two attributes of the Nascent Soul.

One is the main one and the other is the auxiliary one.

Since ancient times, a single attribute practiced to the extreme is obviously stronger than two attributes, so this method is quite common.


He didn't dare to take such a big risk to divide the Nascent Soul into nine parts.

After all, there is a complete imprint of the heavenly way in his Nascent Soul, and if the imprint of that day's way is destroyed at nine o'clock, he will not be able to find a tune by crying.

Yuanying is divided into nine parts.

Although a single Nascent Soul is still huge and outrageous, comparable to the size of a locomotive, it is already much better than that giant infant.


After he repeatedly confirmed that there was no problem in doing so, he entered the Nascent Soul with a thought.

He looked at his big fleshy hands, and an indescribable feeling came to his heart.

It is obvious that he appeared in the body of the Nascent Soul, and his perception of the aura of heaven and earth has reached an unprecedented height.

At this moment.

As if you are part of the aura of heaven and earth, all the aura in the world is like an arm, so don't be too mysterious.

It turns out that the Nascent Soul Stage is so powerful, it's incredible.

After playing around for a while, Zheng Tuo stopped.

It's almost time to go out and finish the final upgrade.

The figure moved away from the mirror world.

Look up.

Looking at the condensed catastrophe above the sky, he urged the bronze mirror and the world of ten directions to suppress the sky in all directions, so as to prevent the breath of catastrophe from running out and attracting the prying eyes of some big guys.

After getting it done.

Looking at the dark cloud of lightning and thunder, he rubbed his hands, licked his lips, and plunged into it.

Among the dark clouds.

"Hi...Brother Tianjie, let's meet again."

The appearance of Zheng Tuo made Tian Jie tremble all over.

It seemed that at this moment, the catastrophe that made people fear in the world of cultivators did not come to save Zheng Tuo from the catastrophe, but to overcome Zheng Tuo himself.


The light of thunder flashed all over Tian Jie's body, and there was no foreplay at all. A silver light and thunder struck Zheng Tuo.

Zheng Tuo chuckled.

The Nascent Soul was separated from the body, excitedly pounced on it like a hungry wolf seeing a lamb.

(End of this chapter)

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