The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 50 1 pot of pills fed the dog

Chapter 50 A pot of medicine pill feeds the dog
In the alchemy room.

The walls and floors are made of dust-free stone, which can ensure that there is no dust in the room.

Zheng Tuo even took a shower and put on clean clothes.

After all, elixir is something that people eat, and the effect is another matter. It must be clean when it is clean.

Take out the prepared materials one by one and place them on the table in front of you.

According to the records of the quenching spirit pill recipe, the spirit grass is divided into a certain proportion and then begins to concoct pills.

The technique of alchemy is very difficult for immortal cultivators in the Qi refining period.

There are two difficulties.

the first.

Alchemy requires the use of aura to transform the fire of the pill, decompose all the materials, and then fuse them.


In the process of fusion, a strong spiritual force is needed to assist.

The difficulty is that the spiritual power of immortal cultivators during the refining period is not strong. If they are not talented, they cannot refine medicine pills at all.

However, the above two points are nothing to Zheng Tuo.

The method of transforming Pill Fire with Spiritual Qi is very simple. He has already learned it and tried it several times.

As for mental power, he can say without showing off that he absolutely crushes the people of his generation.

Perhaps because of the relationship between his two lifetimes, his mental strength is twice that of ordinary people.

Otherwise, why would he be stronger than Jiuli'er when he learned the law of formation.

With such a powerful spiritual force, he could have used the more convenient jade slip for study.

But for the sake of prudence, he still insisted on using paper books, just to give the illusion that his mental power was ordinary, so as not to get in trouble.

Now that alchemy is needed, he naturally won't hide it.

Activate the Pill Fire method to transform Pill Fire with aura.

The red red fire has no temperature and looks like a fake flame.

In fact, Pill Fire is not an ordinary flame, but has been developed and used to burn spirits.

Activate Dan to heat the furnace and keep the furnace at a certain temperature.

Then he began to add the required materials into the pill furnace in order.

During the whole process, Zheng Tuo seemed cautious.

After all, this is the first time, it is inevitably a little tight, and it should be a lot looser after a few more visits.

After all the materials were put into the pill furnace, Zheng Tuo closed the lid of the pill furnace.

At this moment, he released his powerful spiritual power to wrap the pill furnace.

The pill furnace slowly vacated and rotated slowly.

In a trance.

Zheng Tuo entered a magical world.

In this world, all the alchemy materials have become enormous, as if they were viewed under a microscope.

He turned into a fire, tearing the materials one by one.

During the process, he could clearly feel that there were some unclean things on top of those huge materials trying to resist him.

But under the fire of Dan, it all turned into fly ash and disappeared into the air.

Taking the essence and removing the scum is what he is doing at the moment.

The whole process lasted ten minutes, and all the materials were refined once.


With his cautious character, how could he be content with refining it once.


According to the records of the method of Dan Dao he learned.

The quality of medicinal pills depends in part on the number of times the material is refined.

generally speaking.

After refining 1 to 2 times, there is a chance of refining a low-grade medicinal pill.

After refining 3 to 5 times, there is a chance of refining a Chinese medicine pill.

After refining 6 to 8 times, there is a chance of refining a high-grade medicinal pill.

If it can be refined 9 times, there is a chance of refining the top-quality medicine pill.

in this way.

He carefully controlled the fire with his spiritual power, trying to refine all the materials.


Just when he controlled the pill fire and tried to change his position to continue refining, the pill stove made a trembling trembling.


A sound like a flat tire rang out.

Then the lid of the pill furnace trembled like an epilepsy, and pungent black smoke came out from the cracks that were lifted.

Seeing so.

Zheng Tuo thought about it and activated the five Patronus formations on his chest.

Five emerald green turtle shells wrapped him.


The clothes on his body flashed several golden lights.

An instant teleportation formation was formed, teleporting him to another alchemy room in a blink of an eye.

Everything seems to be slow, but in fact it is done in an instant, as if it were practiced millions of times.

In fact, Zheng Tuo did spend a few months practicing his first reaction when encountering danger.

Through the bronze treasure mirror, I saw that the pill furnace was only emitting black gas, and there was no other action.

After repeatedly confirming that the furnace would not be fried, Zheng Tuo shook his head.

For the first time, alchemy, hit the street!

Back to the alchemy room.


He raised his hand to turn on the homemade range hood above the alchemy room, and inhaled all the black smoke in the room into a magic weapon.

For the first time in his life, he failed in alchemy, and Zheng Tuo had this mental preparation.

Pack up your mood, take out the second material, and follow the order just now to refine the second pill.

In a trance.

He came to that magical world again.

Use the body to transform the fire, extract various materials, take the essence, and remove the crumbs.

This time the whole process he obviously accelerated.

In the end, with his unrelenting efforts, he completed 3 material extractions.

This time, he is not refining the material for the fourth time, because he knows that three refining is his limit now.

If the 4th material refining is carried out, it will definitely be scrapped.

So he was decisively fired.

A faint fragrance came from the furnace and filled the entire Dan room.

A thumb-sized mid-grade quenching elixir was deposited in the elixir furnace.

Take the pill out of the pill furnace.

Zheng Tuo took out the magic weapon of glasses to observe carefully, and then took out a small notebook to record it carefully.

After the completion, Zheng Tuo made a difficult situation.

He can't use the mid-grade Spirit Quenching Pill, nor will he use it for Xian'er, nor will he sell it.

What to do, throw it away?

Looking at the pill of Hunyuan in his hand, it was a pity to throw it away.

Forget it, it's cheaper for you.

Summons a big yellow dog from the mirror realm.

The big yellow dog's name is Jiutong.

He was born after watching Jiutong, and his foundation was very clean, so he planned to train him to be a big housekeeper in the mirror realm.

After all, with the deepening of his practice, he must not have much time to take care of the mirror realm, and he needs a guy who knows the basics to take care of him.

Originally he wanted to use puppets.

But I always feel that the puppet is unreliable, so it is more reliable to cultivate a big yellow dog by myself.

"Nine tubes, eat."

Zheng Tuo rubbed Jiutong's head and smiled.

"Wang Wang!"

The nine-tube stupid dog, like the stinky dog, opened his mouth and ate the middle-grade quenching elixir.

After all, Spirit Quenching Pill is a kind of elixir, so it contains a lot of spiritual energy. The biggest effect is Spirit Quenching, so it doesn't matter if you give it to Jiutong. Jiutong is a fifth-order spirit beast after all.

After eating the middle-grade Spirit Quenching Pill, you can clearly feel that it is quickly digested in the nine cylinders.

Zheng Tuo took out a small notebook and carefully recorded the whole process.

Although Jiutong is a beast, his practice is the method of Xianjia, which is completely different from those wild monsters outside.

Therefore, Jiutong can temper the spirit just like a normal person's immortal cultivator.

After recording the changes of the Spirit Quenching Pill on Jiutong.

Zheng Tuo returned to the alchemy platform and continued alchemy.

Jiutong is quietly lying on the side and refining the Spirit Quenching Pill in the body.

Having had the experience of the first two times, Zheng Tuo started to get on the right track.

The third furnace refined the materials 3 times, and successfully obtained a mid-grade quenching elixir.

After checking the record, eat it for Jiutong.

In the 5th furnace, the materials were refined 4 times, and a medium-grade quenching elixir was successfully obtained.

After checking the record, eat it for Jiutong.

In the 10th furnace, the extraction of materials failed 5 times, and the elixir was not obtained.

Actually, alchemy is a very boring thing.

It's as boring as a programmer reading code and an uncle handing in public food.

But for Zheng Tuo, it was like opening the door to a new world.

Because he was surprised to find that as he continued to succeed and fail in alchemy, his spiritual power actually improved.

Slowly, but definitely improving.

In the 80th furnace, refine the materials 5 times and obtain a mid-grade quenching elixir.

After observation, it was found that a small number of Dan lines appeared on the Quenching Pill.

Danwen, the symbol of top-grade medicinal herbs.

When the refined medicinal pill appears with a pill pattern, it indicates that he is infinitely close to refining a high-grade elixir.

After recording, give the medicine pill to Jiutong to eat.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

Jiutong cried twice with tears in her eyes.

Zheng Tuo turned to look.

It was found that Jiutong's eyes were red, his whole body was fried, and he looked like he was going to hold back.

In fact, it is the prelude to his breakthrough.

Zheng Tuo laughed when he saw Jiutong like this.

None of the top-grade medicinal pills came out, but instead, you are a beast to break through the current state.

Yep, break through quickly so that you can help yourself manage the realm in the mirror.

Put the nine barrels into the mirror and break through the boundary.

He is researching how to improve mental strength.

With his current mental strength, refining the material 5 times is the limit.

Even if he is refining [-] alchemy furnaces, it is estimated that he will not be able to improve too much.

Why don't you go to the bookstore and check to see if there is any way to improve your spiritual power.

Zheng Tuo got up and wanted to go to the bookstore.


There was a strange wave in the bronze ring on the finger.

Under Zheng Tuo's investigation, he took out a broken ancient jade from it.

(End of this chapter)

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