The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 511 The Devil's 7th ...... Die

Chapter 511 Mo Xiaoqi's...Death ([-]-character chapter)

"Okay, tell me, I can promise you anything you want."

"Okay, my request is actually not much, you just need to be my servant."

Zheng Tuo said so.

To be cautious, Mo Xiaoqi must die.

He knew too many secrets about himself, and if he didn't kill him, he would expose a lot of things about himself.

Then before that, he must control it.

Becoming your own servant is the best control.

As for the release of the Great Demon God, from a certain point of view, the people of the Eastern Region should thank themselves.

Especially after hearing what Mo Xiaoqi said just now.

The world of cultivating immortals is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Release the Great Demon God, it should be able to hinder things in the dark, so as to buy yourself some time to improve your strength.

"No Face, I agree to your request."

Mo Xiaoqi was decisive and directly signed a master-servant contract with Zheng Tuo.

The master-servant contract is signed, and Mo Xiaoqi becomes Zheng Tuo's servant.

"let's start."

Mo Xiaoqi looked at his uncle, the Great Demon God, his eyes sparkled.

"Wait, don't worry, before you start, hand over everything you own."

Zheng Tuo smiled and looked at Mo Xiaoqi.

"My everything? Hand it over? Here?"

Mo Xiaoqi has a weird expression!

She knew that this guy without face would make all kinds of rude demands, and he didn't blush or beat his heart. He seemed to be an old driver who was used to it.

"Hurry up, don't ink, I'm in a hurry."

Zheng Tuo urged Mo Xiaoqi to hurry up, because the king-level old man had already chased him down, and it looked like he was able to rely on his own strength to move forward in the Shenyang storm.

Mo Xiaoqi is one hundred and twenty unwilling, here, you must at least have a comfortable place.

Forget it.

Anyway, I am not afraid of death, just come.

As she said that, she grabbed her long skirt and wanted to take it off forcefully.

"Wait!" Zheng Tuo stopped Mo Xiaoqi, "What are you doing?"

"You don't want everything from me, I'll give it to you!"

Mo Xiaoqi was puzzled by the question, does this guy with no face have any new ways to play.

dare not think, dare not think.

Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps all over my body.

Zheng Tuo had a headache: "Sister, what I want is your method and supernatural powers, why do I want your body! Take a step back, even if I want it, I can't be here, you are crazy."


The little girl now asked if she was not good at cultivating immortals, and she was thinking of some messy things in her mind.

"That's it!"

Mo Xiaoqi looked rather disappointed.

"But mine are all the methods and supernatural powers of the demons. You are a cultivator, and it is useless to learn it. Why do you want to learn it?"

Mo Xiaoqi didn't want to hand over his method and supernatural powers.

My method and supernatural power are the top of the demon clan, only the son of the demon emperor can practice, how can I easily teach others.

"I can live in the devil's energy, and it's nothing to learn the magical powers of the demons. Hurry up, don't mess with me like a bitch."

Zheng Tuo jumped into a rage, secretly thinking that the woman is really ink.

Mo Xiaoqi was silent.

At the same time, his little face was blushing.

"Mo Xiaoqi, I just want your magical powers. Why are you blushing? I don't want you to do difficult things."

Mo Xiaoqi took a deep breath.

She is now a servant, and she can only listen to what Wu Mian says, and pass on all her methods and supernatural powers to the other party.

She is reluctant.

The method and supernatural powers were taught by the emperor himself, and they are secrets that are not passed on, but now he wants to pass them on to others.

"It's done."

In Zheng Tuo's mind, Mo Xiaoqi taught Zheng Tuo's method and magical powers in a special way, and immediately let Zheng Tuo know why Mo Xiaoqi blushed and shy.

You demons are playing the real society, so you are willing to bow down.

Zheng Tuo accepted the methods and supernatural powers taught by Mo Xiaoqi, and kept them all in his heart.

You don't say it.

The power of the martial arts and supernatural powers really surprised him a lot.

As expected of being the son of the Demon Emperor, all the resources he can have are top-level configurations.

First write down all the magic skills, don't practice them for now, go back and study them carefully, get rid of the chaff, keep the essence, and see if there is anything you can use.

of course.

He asked for magic skills mainly to plan for the future.

Because he felt that a faceless man who took the blame was not enough, so he learned the magic skills later, and it would be better to let the demons take the blame to be healthier.

Get the magic done.

"You and I go forward, there is a golden sheepskin that can get close to the Great Demon God."

Zheng Tuo had tried it before and said there was no problem.

Mo Xiaoqi nodded.

The two moved forward step by step, approaching the Great Demon God.

"Stop, do you know what you're doing?"

The voice came from behind.

The king-level old man chased after him with his own strength.

But in the Shenyang storm, his strength was also greatly reduced, and it was impossible to catch up with the two in the first place.

"Master, what's the matter with you, we have no grievances against you, what are you going to do with us, or are you jealous of us, a couple of gods and immortals?"

Zheng Tuo has a poor mouth.

Trying to get words out of the old man's mouth.

"Junior, the giant in front of you is called the Great Demon God, the number one war god of the ancient demon race. At the same time, he has another title, the Destroyer Demon God. If he is born, the Eastern Territory will surely burn all lives. You are a junior, for a woman! , Let the people of the Eastern Region suffer, and you will become a sinner of the Eastern Region."

The old man's words were extremely harsh, and in just a few sentences, he defined Zheng Tuo as a heinous crime.

In fact it is.

If the Great Demon God is born, it is likely to break the balance between the Eastern Territory and the Demon Race, and make the Eastern Territory's life miserable.


If it was before, Zheng Tuo might think so.

But after repeated confirmation with Mo Xiaoqi, he knew that there was no problem in releasing the Great Demon God.

"I think." Zheng Tuo said: "It is better to let the Great Demon God be born than to be beheaded by you. Besides, the ghost knows who you are and what purpose you have. Since you don't know anything, then simply ask the Great Demon God You."

Zheng Tuo and Mo Xiaoqi walked forward quickly, with the golden sheepskin, the speed of the two was obviously faster than the old man.

"Junior, stop, you can't release the Great Demon God, or the human race will suffer catastrophe."

The old man was very excited, his whole body shone with light, he rushed into the storm of Shenyang, trying to get close to the two.

However, the Shenyang storm is too terrifying.

After a period of time, it was obvious that he was greatly hindered.

Even so.

In Zheng Tuo's eyes, he still exclaimed that the strength of the king class is so powerful.

Without relying on the golden sheepskin, it was possible to survive the Shenyang storm and walk out of such a long distance.

"Junior, it seems that you already know a secret that you shouldn't know."

The old man is like a different person.

There was a black air around him.

The black energy is different from the devil energy, it is a kind of power attribute that Zheng Tuo has never seen before, which made him feel nauseous for a moment, with a feeling of wanting to vomit.

And what surprised him even more.

Under the blessing of the black energy, the old man was no longer affected by the Shenyang storm, and strode towards the two.


Zheng Tuo saw this.

The figure jumped onto Mo Xiaoqi's shoulders.

"Drive... bah... run, run quickly."

Boss Mo Xiaoqi was upset.

The bastard has no face and takes advantage of himself.

But the king-level old man came after him, so she had to run faster.

The two speed up, and the speed of the old man behind them slows down.

Even though his black energy was weird and unpredictable, it couldn't withstand the ravages of the Shenyang storm.


The Shenyang storm seems to have a spirituality, and it dances wildly around the old man, which is much more powerful than the Shenyang storm that Zheng Tuo endured.

After such pursuit, Zheng Tuo and Mo Xiaoqi finally arrived at the location of the Great Demon God.

"Mo Xiaoqi, I will send you special magic energy from behind, and you can use the method to unlock the seal, let's start."

Zheng Tuo said so, and put his palm on Mo Xiaoqi's abdomen where the Qi Sea is.

Mo Xiaoqi is very displeased with Zheng Tuo's behavior of using power for personal gain and blatantly taking advantage of him.

"Don't struggle, you are mine now, you are ashamed. I am saying, if I really want you, I can wait until now, and quickly resurrect the Great Demon God, otherwise we will both have to confess here."

Zheng Tuo spoke very straight.

After all, the old man at the back has activated the method, forcibly breaking through the Shenyang storm, and killing him step by step.

Mo Xiaoqi knows what Zheng Tuo said is true.

I am already her servant, and the whole person is hers. Whatever she wants to do, she will do. It's just that she didn't realize it at the first time.

Looking at the uncle and the great demon god in front of her at this moment, she knew that her sacrifice was worth it.

"Raise your hand, press it on the body of the great demon god, and then use all your strength to activate your own method and sacrifice yourself."

The devilish energy surged and was sent into the body of the Great Demon God at such a short distance.


There was a rumbling sound from the Great Demon God.

Those rock-like cuticles began to fall off, revealing pieces of incomparably strong demon bodies.

"Stop it, stop it for me, stop it..."

The king-level old man broke out with all his might.

It's hard to imagine the tough strength, and it even accelerated towards the two.

"Faceless, magic energy, I need special magic energy."

Mo Xiaoqi screamed out.


On Zheng Tuo's hands, a special magic energy surged, and it was directly injected into the sea of ​​seven Qi Qi.

The pure and powerful special magic energy made Mo Xiaoqi look very painful.

She is burning everything in herself, trying to wake up the Great Demon God.


After all, she is only a strong person in the out-of-body period.

When she injected all her own devil energy, plus all Zheng Tuo's special devil energy, into the Great Demon God's body, it seemed that she was still a long way from awakening the Great Demon God.

at the same time.

Behind him, the king-level old man killed the predecessors of the two.

Without any accident, the old man shot directly, bombarding and killing both of them.

See here.

Zheng Tuo picked up Mo Xiaoqi, turned around and ran away.


The old man struck violently, hitting the Great Demon God's leg hard.


The chains binding the Great Demon God trembled, sending out endless spirit patterns, shaking the area.

"In an instant!"

Several chains flew out of the Shenyang raw stone, and went straight to kill the old man.


The king-level old man has no special method, so Shenyang Yuanshi quickly regarded the old man as the one who rescued the Great Demon God.

The king-level old man turned pale with shock on the spot, turned around to dodge the attack of Cang Tiansuo.


Flames rose around him, forming a fiery hell and besieging him.

Several heavenly locks flew towards the king-level old man.


The old man shot with all his strength, and shook the sky lock with his palm, the sky lock clanged and broke.

Such a scene.

It bought enough time for Zheng Tuo and Mo Xiaoqi.

Zheng Tuo began to take drugs, swallowing one by one of the colorless Xiantian, and also gave Mo Xiaoqi a few by the way.

The two ate the colorless elixir, and all the magic energy recovered in an instant, and continued to send magic energy to the great demon god.

With the input of magic energy, Mo Xiaoqi's complexion became paler and his whole body became more depressed.

Through the contract, Zheng Tuo could feel that Mo Xiaoqi's life was passing by at a very fast speed.

Zheng Tuo didn't stop him.

This is Mo Xiaoqi's will, she has no intention of going back alive this time.

It is no exaggeration to say that she has been waiting for this moment her whole life.

On the other side, the king-level old man fought against Cang Tiansuo, and finally with the help of Shenyang Yuanshi, the king-level old man was tied up tightly.

"King Cangtian, you dare to betray your master, your descendants will die badly, and your race will be wiped out..."

The body of the king-level old man began to change.

His whole body was like ink, exuding a disgusting black air, he looked like the leading man in a horror movie.

That is not human race at all, nor is it monster race or beast race, but a terrifying race that has never been seen before.

He was struggling, and his body was changing.

After a few breaths.

It turned into an appearance exactly like the Great Demon God.

From a distance, it looks like a small big demon god.

Such a situation shocked Zheng Tuo!
The scene in front of him is exactly the same as those kings fighting above the void.

what happened?

What happened?
Could it be that all king-level powerhouses will give birth to a shadow-like self?


The Shenyang raw stone moved slowly, gradually shifting from the top of the Great Demon God, slowly descending on the top of the king-level old man, and then slowly falling down, suppressing the fake Great Demon God.


The demonic aura surged all over the body of the fake great demon god, and unexpectedly burst out with unparalleled strength, forcibly withstood the suppression of the Shenyang raw stone.


There was a crisp sound.

Where the Great Demon God is.

The heavenly locks on his wrists, ankles, and neck all collapsed.

After one breath, the Great Demon God regained his freedom.


The Great Demon God opened his mouth and let out a mouthful of foul air.


He opened his eyes slowly.

A pair of eyes as dark as an abyss instantly absorbed all the light around them.

The entire cave, except where the Shenyang original stone is located, has turned into a terrifying dark world.


The burning Shenyang raw stone is like a match head at this moment.

It seems that as long as the Great Demon God breathes lightly, the eternal flame on the Shenyang rough stone will be extinguished.

"What a great demon god, he used the power of the Heavenly King to proclaim himself, made me weak, and then attacked me. I really underestimated you."

The fake Great Demon God's voice was full of unwillingness.

Cang Tianwang betrayed his master at the cost of sacrificing his descendants, he really is a rare character in the world.


"Great Demon God, you know who I am, so if you want to kill me, it's a dream."

Although the fake Great Demon God was suppressed, he was still strong.

On the other hand, the Great Demon God doesn't have so many words.

The demonic energy surged, wrapping it, and in the breath, it turned into a middle-aged man with a thick back, a square face, and a big beard, who seemed to give people an unusual sense of security.

The Great Demon God didn't speak, but just stared at the fake Great Demon God.


The Shenyang rough stone began to fall.

The extremely hot Shenyang raw stone began to suppress the false great demon god.


The fake Great Demon God couldn't bear this kind of suppression at all.

His body began to deform irregularly, and began to change from the appearance of the Great Demon God to his original terrifying image.

"Great Demon God, you think that everything will subside after you behead me, dreaming, you are just like the real King of Man, you are dreaming, you are dreaming..."

The fake great demon god clamored to be melted into ashes by the Shenyang raw stone.


The Shenyang raw stone instantly shrank like a firefly, and with a whoosh, it hit Zheng Tuo's eyebrows.

Zheng Tuo only felt that there was something more in his Shifang World.

Feel carefully.

The Shenyang raw stone actually replaced the light-attributed sun and became the sun of the ten-fang world.

The Shenyang storm disappeared, and everything in the cave returned to calm.

The Great Demon God turned his head and looked at Zheng Tuo and Mo Xiaoqi.

Looking at those eyes, which were like a deep pool, made Zheng Tuo feel chills all over his body.

Even with the bronze mirror protecting him, he still has a feeling.

As long as the Great Demon God wants to kill him, he will be instantly killed.

The big gap between them and the Great Demon God cannot be reasoned at all, because the talent of the Great Demon God is not weaker than him, and he is already a mature super evildoer.

The Great Demon God didn't speak, nor did he save Xiao Qi.

A gap slowly opened on the top of its head, and the Great Demon God raised his head, looked at the unfinished king-level battle above the void, and stood up to join it.


It's time to go.

Zheng Tuo breathed a sigh of relief.

The Great Demon God gave him the feeling that he was by far the most oppressive and daring powerhouse, not one of them.

When Na Baiqu was born that day, he didn't have such a strong sense of oppression.


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the realm of cultivating immortals, those who are more talented and stronger than themselves are like crucian carp crossing a river, crackling and pushing.

The Great Demon God left.

He just looked at Mo Xiaoqi.

"Wu Mian, leave me alone, I don't have long to live, so go away."

Mo Xiaoqi was extremely weak, her soul was damaged, and her life was seriously lost.

can be seen.

Its smooth skin is aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a few breaths.

Mo Xiaoqi has completely turned into a gray-haired old woman.

Zheng Tuo looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

He was powerless to stop him, and could only watch Mo Xiaoqi grow old.


Feeling that the contract between the two is gradually weakening, that is to say, Mo Xiaoqi's life has come to an end.

"do not look."

Mo Xiaoqi struggled to cover his old face with rough palms.

She didn't want people to see her embarrassing appearance.

Even instinctively took away the little feet.

The little feet that were originally pure and white now looked awkward, wrinkled and old.

Zheng Tuo saw this.

Immediately took out the special magic energy and put it near Mo Xiaoqi's mouth.

"I'll give you special magic energy, and you'll get better after eating it."

Zheng Tuo was quite touched by this situation.

Along the way, it was quite an interesting journey to fight and fight with Mo Xiaoqi.

If he just watched him die in his arms like this, it would definitely not be a good direction for his future practice.

There was a smile on the corner of Mo Xiaoqi's mouth.

"Don't worry, I won't die, I'm just a clone, as long as my main body is fine, I won't die, it's just..."

Mo Xiaoqi was silent.

a long time.

"It's just... the memory of this journey, I will never think about it again."

(End of this chapter)

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