The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 515 A Children's Book Called "Junior Faceless"

Chapter 515 A Children's Book Called "Youth Faceless"
In the imperial capital, prosperity is like brocade.

When Zheng Tuo first arrived in the imperial capital, he felt that the atmosphere in the entire imperial capital was quite tense.

It's like a big enemy is present.

Be it pedestrians, merchants, hawkers, or guards all have extremely serious faces.

After a little understanding, you will know that there are demons descending on the imperial capital.

The two sides are mortal enemies. After thousands of years of fighting, that kind of hatred has long been buried in the bones.

At this moment, the demons actually set foot in the imperial capital, making the geniuses and monsters in the imperial capital extremely angry.

One by one clamoring to challenge the demons, they are about to trample the demons under their feet and win glory for the human race.

Zheng Tuo had no intention of participating.

He came to the Emperor's Book Pavilion and changed to a place that was less noticeable, and continued to comprehend his own formation method.

On the other hand, the imperial capital.

All of a sudden, there was a surge of wind and clouds, and powerful people from all walks of life gathered here to start a struggle for hegemony.

Because there is a contract between the human race and the demon race, they can only fight at the same level, or challenge a high level with a low level, and cannot bully a low level with a high level.

and so.

The battle between the two sides is completely at the same level.

The foundation building period, the air sea period, and the Jindan period.

The three most important stages of cultivating immortals all involved battles.

The Imperial Capital Immortal Arena is full every day.

The battle between the two sides can be said to be extremely fierce.

A lot of life and death certificates, beheading and being beheaded, happen every day.

And in this one.

The most eye-catching one, apart from those strong demons and human beings, is Mo Xiaoqi.

That's right.


A few years ago outside Shenyang Tiangong, Mo Xiaoqi, who was forced to self-destruct by Faceless, came again.

And this time, he appeared generously in the imperial capital.

Mo Xiaoqi no longer remembers what happened in Shenyang Tiangong.

But she knows.

His strongest clone was killed by Faceless again.

And this word made her dislike it very much.

Back and forth, her avatars were beheaded by Faceless one after another, which almost broke her down.

Although the one who came this time was also a clone, but after the reward given by her father, her strength has still reached the initial stage of leaving her body, and she is stronger than the previous clone.

She appeared in the imperial capital.

Her beautiful face is cold and haughty, she wears a black dress, and she has the temperament of a queen, which compares to all the fairies in the human race.

In front of Mo Xiaoqi, the daughters of the Eastern Territory, who are usually crowned as beautiful fairies, are simply too vulgar.

a time.

Mo Xiaoqi has an extra title of Black Rose.

Cold, arrogant, and prickly, these are the best descriptions for Mo Xiaoqi.

"Mo Xiaoqi, you dare to come to the imperial capital."

Someone appeared and blocked Mo Xiaoqi's way forward, trying to suppress Mo Xiaoqi with arrogance and earn face for the human race.

Mo Xiaoqi didn't say a word, and Mo Ba, who was beside him, took a step forward.

Moba, who looked like an iron tower, had a dull expression on his face, but that beast-like aura made the speaking man take two steps back unnaturally.

Mo Xiaoqi ignored the man, her crystal black eyes swept across the faces of every human around.

can be seen.

Anyone who looks at him, regardless of gender, bows his head in low self-esteem, not daring to look at him.

Mo Xiaoqi is too cold and glamorous, too proud.

That unique queen temperament alone makes women feel ashamed and prevents men from having any evil thoughts.

Even if a woman like Mo Xiaoqi stood there and asked them to touch her, they would not dare to touch her.


Mo Xiaoqi's voice was cold and arrogant, like a queen scolding her subjects.

"Tell Wumian to come out and die. Auntie, I will wait for him in the imperial capital."

After Mo Xiaoqi finished speaking, he walked away.

After Mo Xiaoqi left, the people around him breathed a sigh of relief.

In front of Mo Xiaoqi, they really felt inferiority.

The son of the Demon Emperor, a strong man in the out-of-body period, with a peerless beautiful appearance and temperament.

Take out any one and crush everyone present.

The inferiority complex in my heart gradually disappeared.

People just talked about it.

Passerby A: "This guy without face is really cruel. He not only offended Cangtian Pavilion, he even offended Mo Xiaoqi."

Passer-by B: "More than that, look at Mo Xiaoqi's resentful look when he mentioned the word "faceless", wishing to pull out the skin of "faceless."

Passerby A: "You mean, what did this guy with no face do to Mo Xiaoqi, but what can they do?"

Passer-by B: "Tell me, if a woman hates a man to the bone, what else can she do other than that. Taste it carefully."

Passer-by A: "You mean, Mo Xiaoqi is...unable to be defeated by Faceless, and Wuface has such a great ability to subdue Mo Xiaoqi, the black rose?"

Passer-by B looked around, made sure he wasn't paying attention to them, and said softly, "This guy with no face is a lover, you don't know, the golden cicada girl on the Golden Island, and Ye Qingqing, the senior sister of the Luoxianzong, were all teased by him. However, I don’t think there is anything unexpected about adding Mo Xiaoqi, and I even think it’s normal.”

Passerby A: "That's not it. If this guy's beauty is so overwhelming, he is a peerless beauty."

Passer-by B: "Yanfu is still a nightmare to be discussed. Look at Mo Xiaoqi's posture. If he meets Faceless, the two of them will fight in minutes. After all, Faceless is too scumbag to force Mo Xiaoqi to fight outside the Shenyang Temple." Seven blew up."

Passerby A: "Brother, please speak slowly, I wrote it down and am going to publish a book, the title of the book is "Youth Faceless". a sum."

Passerby B: "Good idea, brother is really a good idea."

Passerby A: "I enjoyed chatting with Xiongtai very much, but I don't know Xiongtai's last name."

Passerby B: "I'm using the Nine Stone Sword."

Passer-by A: "It turns out that it is Brother Jian, who is laying down swords and snow plums, and has been admiring him for a long time."

Jiushijian: "Brother Dao, come, let's go to the tavern, chat while eating."

Dao Xuemei: "Hahaha... that's exactly what I mean, please."


When Mo Xiaoqi came to the imperial capital, apart from showing the majesty of the demons and suppressing the situation of the demons, he was looking for faceless revenge.

Imperial Capital Book Pavilion.

Zheng Tuo looked at the information sent by the thin monkey, feeling a little helpless.

Mo Xiaoqi came to the emperor as he expected.

This woman's ruthlessness towards her simply broke through the sky.

And what he didn't expect was that.

Mo Xiaoqi started targeting the intelligence organization of the Eighth Jedi without finding him.

Fortunately, the intelligence organization's precautions were extremely cautious. As soon as they heard the news, Fat Tiger and Thin Monkey immediately organized the evacuation of their personnel.

in this way.

It was called Zheng Tuo who had to recall all the secret sentries and not go out for the time being to avoid the limelight.

He has no plans to confront Mo Xiaoqi head-on.

Because it's totally unnecessary.

Now he just wants to practice in peace, the matter between the demons and the human race is a foregone conclusion, and it is not something he can change.

The only thing he can change is himself.

Practice hard, improve your strength, and plan for the future.

Take a complete explanation of the Dao of Formation, and patiently comprehend it.

As he expected.

Mo Xiaoqi yelled for more than a year, but she didn't respond with a single word.

in this way.

The voice quieted down quite a bit.

But it has to make people sigh, no face to what Mo Xiaoqi did, which made him hate him so much, and shouted for him to come out and die for a full year.

At the same time, Faceless was really able to hold his breath, and he never came out.

after all.

According to Wuface's usual personality, he has long since jumped out to fight against the demons.

And in this special period, it is obviously necessary for a strong man like Faceless to take action to increase the power of the human race.

It's a pity that God didn't want it.

Faceless seemed to have disappeared from the Eastern Territory overnight, and everyone in the Eighth Jedi seemed to have disappeared as well.


The legend about Faceless has not stopped.

Just when people thought that the matter was about to subside, suddenly a book called "Youth Without a Face" came out.

As soon as this book appeared, it immediately detonated the entire imperial capital.

In just one month, it almost reached the level of one book for everyone.

Just because in this book, there are many love histories about Faceless, among which there is no shortage of emotional entanglements with Mo Xiaoqi.

And the writing is so sharp that it can be called a textbook-level love epic.


On the top floor of the highest standard inn in the imperial capital, Mo Xiaoqi was furious on the spot, and knocked over the roof of the inn with a bang.

The devilish energy around her was overwhelming, and her whole body exuded terrifying fluctuations, which shocked the imperial capital's protective formation on the spot.

Mo Xiaoqi was furious.

She had only retreated for a month, and this kind of thing had already spread outside, which made her go crazy.

Especially in the book, she is described as a cold and arrogant girl, who was melted by the tenderness of the faceless after meeting the faceless, and planned to live and fly with her, but was rejected by the human race carelessly by the faceless, and blew herself up in grief.

The exaggeration described in it is simply unimaginable.

"Who did the good thing, get out, otherwise, if you are caught by me, I will crush you to ashes and suffer from the poison of demon corpses for millions of years."

Mo Xiaoqi's voice shook the imperial capital, yelling for the person who wrote the book to get out.

imperial capital.

In a certain inn, Dao Xuemei and Jiu Shijian smiled and listened to Mo Xiaoqi's roar.

The two are quite proud of their feats, and they have no intention of regretting at all, and even want to write a "Youth Without Face [-]"

of course.

The victim can't just be Mo Xiaoqi.

Falling Immortals.

Ye Qingqing felt an indescribable emotion when he looked at the "Youth Without a Face" sent by his disciples who sat down.

Faceless is indeed the one she has to thank.

But apart from that brief exchange, the two have never met before.

She wanted to thank the other party and never had a chance.


The records in the book are not true.

"Come on."

She summoned her disciples.

"Master Peak Master."

The disciples saluted respectfully.

"Go and tell the suzerain that this matter was not my doing."

"Yes, Lord Peak Master."

The disciple left.

Ye Qingqing looked at the green mountains in the distance.

If it was in the past, she would not care about these.

But now she represents the Fallen Immortal Sect, if others spread rumors, within the scope of their ability, they must clarify.

She personally doesn't care, but she can't tarnish the name of Luoxianzong.

In case someone mentions Ye Qingqing in the future, the first thing that comes to mind is not Luoxianzong, but a woman who is only infatuated with Faceless.

in this way.

When Mo Xiaoqi and Ye Qingqing both came forward to clarify, people knew that this matter was deliberately set up by some people.

However, it also shows from the sideways glance that Faceless is truly legendary.

The incident of the boy without a face can be regarded as a small episode.

The battle between the Human Race and the Demon Race continues.

The two sides have victories and losses, which can be said to be quite fierce.

In the midst of this fierce confrontation, a bigger piece of news came.

As the demons entered the Eastern Region, another force from the Ice Dao Region appeared, announcing the establishment of the Ice Dao Sect in the Eastern Region and becoming a member of the Eastern Region family.

The emergence of the Ice Dao Sect is more acceptable to the Eastern Territory humans than the Demon Sect.

after all.

The Ice Dao Sect has no enmity with [-]% of the people in the Eastern Territory.

There are even many people who don't know the existence of Ice Daoyu.

The emergence of the Ice Dao Sect made the Eastern Region even more chaotic.

Moreover, the powerhouses from the Ice Dao Sect are more ruthless than the demons, and they are all ruthless characters.

There is a lack of aura in the Ice Dao Domain, and those who can cultivate to a high level in that place are those with great perseverance.

This kind of character appeared in the Eastern Region, and it was like a fish leaping into a dragon's gate and turning into a real dragon.

The Demon Sect and the Ice Dao Sect entered the Eastern Region.

All kinds of powerful people emerge in endlessly.

I thought it would have a huge impact on the human race in the Eastern Region.

Looking back people found out.

The Eastern Territory is still the Eastern Territory.

With the addition of the two races, it was like throwing a stone into a calm lake.

Started to make huge waves.

The waves were so high that they seemed to be able to swallow the entire human race in the Eastern Region.


After the huge waves fell, everything returned to calm.

The human race endured the shock, but also learned from it and became stronger.

The struggle between the human race and the demon race continues.

Even if the golden battlefield no longer exists, the enmity between the two sides will not dissipate.

A few years later.

Another news spread to the Eastern Region.

A large ethnic group rose up on the Golden Island, called the Golden Ancient Clan.

It established a sect in the Eastern Region, named Golden Mountain, and became the third foreign ethnic group to establish a sect in the Eastern Region.

The Golden Ancient Clan is no stranger to the Eastern Territory humans and demons.

It is composed of golden creatures on the golden island.

among them.

The most eye-catching thing about the Golden Mountain is that apart from being golden all the time, there is another person who has caused widespread discussion among people.

That is one of the four mountain gods of Golden Mountain, Chi Xiao.

Red Owl.

The former eldest sister of the Suzaku Army on the golden battlefield, a man of the Eastern Region, and a goddess of the human race.

I don't know why he joined the Golden Clan and became one of the four mountain gods of the Golden Clan.


Not only did she betray Luoxianzong, the cradle that raised her, but she also betrayed the entire human race.

a time.

The sound of crusade by the human race in the Eastern Region was overwhelming, and Chi Xiao was asked to give an explanation.

On the other hand, Chi Xiao didn't speak a word, and the only reply was the sharp spear.

The terrifying strength of the Nascent Soul in the early days swept across the world.

Whether it is the human race, the demon race or the ice race, Chi Xiao has no opponents, and all of them were defeated.

People are amazed at how terrifying Chi Xiao's talent is. Among Chi Xiao's generation, Chi Xiao should be the first person to set foot on the baby level.

After Chi Xiao fought the most resounding battle of the Ancient Golden Clan.

There was a message from Jinshan.

Chi Xiao did not betray the human race, he was originally one of the four guardian groups of the Golden Ancient Clan, a member of the Chi Xiao family.


The ancient golden clan showed their favor to Luoxianzong.

Said that the Lord of the Golden Mountain would personally visit Luoxianzong to express his apology.

Because Chi Xiao came from Luoxianzong after all, how could the departure of such a powerful person make the sect not feel bad.

Soon after.

Ye Qingqing of the Fallen Immortal Sect personally spoke, welcoming Chi Xiao junior sister back home at any time, and said that no matter how far Chi Xiao went or what status he was, the Fallen Immortal Sect would always be Chi Xiao's home.

As soon as these words came out, the entire Eastern Region was amazed.

Especially from Ye Qingqing's mouth, it was like a typhoon of level [-], sweeping across the entire eastern region.

In the history of the Eastern Region, there has never been a sect that would treat a super evildoer who has left the sect in this way.

That is a super evildoer, who can support a top ten sect.

a time.

The name of the Fallen Immortal Sect overwhelmed the Demon Sect's Ice Dao Sect and the Golden Mountain, and became a model of the Human Race Sect.

Magnificent, upright, informal, and courteous, these are the labels of Luoxianzong.

Perhaps the overall strength of Luoxianzong is not as good as the other three sects, or even inferior to the other nine sects.

But everyone knows.

The Fallen Immortal Sect has two innate spiritual treasures, as well as super monsters like Ye Qingqing, Shen Xianer, Wu Dao, and Li Jun.

In the future, the Eastern Territory will definitely have a place for the Luoxianzong.


The Demon Sect, the Ice Dao Sect, and the Golden Mountain, three major forces joined the Eastern Territory.

From being unacceptable at the beginning, people gradually accepted it, and finally discovered it surprisingly.

The three strengths seem to have been assimilated by the human race unknowingly and become a part of the human race.

This caught many people by surprise.


Most of them have intermarried with the Ice Dao Sect and the Golden Mountain.

It can be said.

In the past two or three generations, the Golden Mountain and the Ice Daoyu can be regarded as daughters-in-law who married into the human race, and they are called half of their own family.

The terror assimilation ability of the human race is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

As for the Mozu.

So far no one has the guts to marry or marry a demon.

Under this upsurge, Jiushijian clamored for Wu Face to marry Mo Xiaoqi back home.

The son of the Demon Emperor married a human race.

Faceless pressure Mo Xiaoqi.

The human race suppressed the demon race.

Either way, it's a bargain.

However, Jiushijian was caught by Mo Xiaoqi that day, and the mother who was beaten did not know him.

Strange to say.

After Jiushijian was beaten, Mo Xiaoqi let him go.

It was only discovered after people looked back.

This guy who talks so cheap is actually a member of the Jiuli clan.

No wonder Mo Xiaoqi didn't use the Nine Stone Sword. According to rumors, Mo Xiaoqi's uncle, the Great Demon God, has some inexplicable connection with the Jiuli clan.

In this atmosphere in the Eastern Territory, many powerful people have indeed emerged.

Especially one of the girls named Jin Chan.

It was exactly the same as Mo Xiaoqi at that time. He set foot in the imperial capital and yelled for Faceless to come out and die.

Jin Chan has a deep obsession with Faceless, that bastard ruined her golden orchard, and in the end thousands of golden fruit trees were missing, which drove her crazy.

On the second day after Jin Chan asked Faceless to come out, someone gave her a hard-edited copy of "Youth Faceless".

After watching.

Jin Chan completely blew herself up, she wanted to find Faceless in the East Territory like crazy, and then smashed him into pieces.


Jin Chan and Mo Xiaoqi formed the duo of the Women's Enemy Alliance to carry out a carpet-like search of the Eastern Region against Faceless.

Not only that.

The two issued the highest level reward order.

Promote the name of Faceless to the first place in the black market black list.

Whoever can provide a faceless clue will win a golden fruit.

Whoever can catch the living faceless will be rewarded with a piece of Houtian Lingbao.

a time.

The Eastern Territory is surging.

A mine-sweeping operation against Faceless began.

Golden Mountain, on top of a certain mountain.

The Red Owl stands alone on the top of the mountain.

Wearing a red dress, long fiery red hair shawls, and red golden eyes fluctuating constantly.

She also has a copy of "Youth Faceless", which records various information and stories about Faceless.

There are many entanglements with women, and there are also stories about Faceless fighting Cangtian Pavilion in the Golden City.

Most of it is fabricated, but the story is really well written, so fascinating that it is easy to think it is true.

"Sister Chi Xiao, I'm thinking about that little lover again."

A familiar voice came, Chi Xiao immediately put away the book and looked back.

The green dragon was wearing a green dress, looking at her with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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