The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 703 Desires are immortal, inner demons are immortal

Chapter 703 Desires are immortal, inner demons are immortal

The stronger the inner demon, the more evil in the heart.


The inner demon came to kill him, as if waiting for a world of darkness, with a monstrous evil spirit, wrapped his spiritual platform, intending to expel him and snatch the spiritual platform.

"Unfortunately, the demons are just demons after all."

Zheng Tuo whispered.

He didn't activate any spells, he just stood there, watching the demon coming to kill him, and faintly uttered a word... Suppress!

All of a sudden!
A bullet emitting a soft white light flew out from under his feet and crashed into the demon.


The voice of the inner demon was rolling, shaking the world in all directions.

Facing the word Feilaizhen, he raised his hand and grabbed it.

When the word "Zhen" clashed with the big hand, the demon immediately gave a meal.

The word "Zhou" seemed to have some kind of great power, and it actually restrained him in the void, unable to move an inch.

See here.

Zheng Tuo was not surprised.

The word town represents his own will, which is a tangible manifestation of his consciousness, and it is a special supernatural power that he has realized in combination with the past.

Executed at this moment, immediately suppress the powerful heart demon.

"Open it for me!"

The inner demon was furious, and the sound of the demon vibrated the void, trying to break free from the suppression and snatch the altar.

No matter what.

Even if he erupted with terrifying magic skills and unleashed endless evil, he still couldn't shake a single bit of that town character.

The town character is tangible, emitting soft white light, like a lighthouse in the dark, illuminating the darkness in the distance, and guiding the lost way for the demons.

"You and I are one, you understand me, and I understand you myself."

Zheng Tuo whispered, urging the word town.

The white light of the word town is softly emitted, gradually expanding.

After only a few breaths, Nuo Daxin's demon was suppressed by Zhen Zi to the size of a palm.

Looking at the suppressed heart demon floating on the edge of the Lingtai, Zheng Tuo raised his hand and shot out a light attribute aura.

The light attribute aura is very special, it doesn't do any harm to kind people, but the damage to evil things is doubled sharply.

At this moment, it was cast by him and turned into a cage of divine light, locking the demons in it.


The moment the inner demon was imprisoned in the divine light cage, black air emanated from his whole body.

The black air smells bad and extremely pungent.

"Evil is not what I want. I am willing to purify the evil with my Dao heart and give you and me a new life."

Zheng Tuo sat cross-legged, like a Buddha universalizing all living beings.

For the first time, he seriously stimulated the light-attribute aura to purify the demons.


The heart demon let out a roar like a ghost.

He felt that he had become extremely weak, his power was crazily passing away, and he was about to disappear here and be completely essenced.

"Zheng Tuo, people's hearts are divided into good and evil, without me, you can't live alone."

The voice of the inner demon came, with an unspeakable temptation, trying to shake Zheng Tuo's heart.


Zheng Tuo exudes fluorescence all over his body, like a living Samantabhadra, exuding a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

"The human heart is divided into good and evil, but one thing is not clear. The human heart is divided into good and evil, but it is not both good and evil. There is no right or wrong in everything in the world. It's just that you and I stand at different angles. A beggar, robbing bread, My wife, who is about to starve to death, feeds my hunger. You tell me whether he is good or evil."

The inner demon was silent, as if tamed by Zheng Tuo.

"Rolling Red Dust, you and I are just a drop of weed after all, not worthy of goodness, nor worthy of evil. You and I can only live in the gray area between good and evil."

Zheng Tuo experienced twelve reincarnations of Yuanying, as if he had lived twelve different lives.

The twelve reincarnations gave him a different understanding of life.

This made him very indifferent, and he was able to break away from certain fixed perspectives and look at problems from other perspectives.

"Hahaha... sophistry, it's all sophistry, if you want to move my heart, it's a dream."

The demon is not convinced.

Although the essence is trapped by Shenguang, he has Zheng Tuo's resolute character and will not give up easily.

"Since you know where you live, you should also know that extreme good and extreme evil are all shortcuts to the peak, why not take it."

The heart demon knows that Zheng Tuo is shaking his own heart.

If his Dao heart collapses, he will be easily obliterated.

Wonderfully wonderful.

In the previous move, he was still shaking Zheng Tuo's heart.


Zheng Tuo turned around to shake his Dao heart.

As expected of me, the method is so secretive and superb that it is difficult for people to detect it, and I will be tricked without knowing it.

"Extremely good and extremely evil are shortcuts, but they are extremely difficult to walk. No one who has walked these two paths since ancient times has ever really reached the peak. How can someone who is so cautious like me walk?"

Zheng Tuo generously admitted that he did not leave because of caution.

At the same time, increase the strength in your hands to purify your inner demons.

I originally wanted to purify the inner demons easily by shaking the Dao heart, but I didn't realize it. The only person who knows me best is myself.

Since scheming can't work, let's go straight and be tough.

"Coward, you are a coward."

The heart demon couldn't help but curse, trying to fight back in this way.


Zheng Tuo ignored him at all, and tried his best to activate the divine light cage to purify it.

"Zheng Tuo, if I die, you will die too, stop, stop for me..."

The demon shouted.

The demon energy around him is slowly dissipating, and it will disappear soon.

Facing the screams of the inner demon, Zheng Tuo resolutely stepped up his efforts and continued to evolve in all directions.

As for the demon being killed, he was not worried.

He knows where his limit is, and his limit is the limit of the demon.

as he thought.

In the final stage of being purified, the inner demon reveals its original appearance.

It was a child who looked about twenty-four or twenty-five years old, dark and not slippery, like a piece of black coal.

At this moment, it was exposed, but it was rare to show a touch of shyness.

And with the continuous purification of the light attribute aura, the demons began to purify towards the purest dark attribute.

Zheng Tuo is no stranger to this feeling.


This happened when he used the light attribute aura to purify the demon nine clones.

The magic nine clones finally turned into the purest dark attribute in the world.

That is a special power comparable to the light attribute.


The demons are developing in this direction.


Zheng Tuo did it on purpose.

The inner demon cannot die, as long as he exists for a day, the inner demon will exist for a day.

The two of them are in a symbiotic relationship.

Because demons are desires.

Desire never goes away.

For example, wanting to eat, practice, and see the scenery are all desires, but desires can be big or small, strong or weak.

Desire will not disappear, and as long as he is alive, it will never disappear.

Desires are immortal, demons are immortal.

Since the demon is immortal, let the demon be stored in another form.

If the inner demon can be transformed into the ultimate dark attribute, it may be a great help for him.

If you have such thoughts in your heart, try your best to purify your demons.

The willpower of the inner demon is beyond imagination. Under the almost crushing purification of the divine light cage, the inner demon is still alive, not even making a sound.


In the process of purifying his demons, Zheng Tuo also became extremely weak.

Purifying the inner demons is also purifying his soul, making him extremely weak.

I do not know how long it has been.

Zheng Tuo only felt that his soul might collapse.

That is, at the moment when this thought appeared, the purification of inner demons was finally completed.

(End of this chapter)

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