The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 73 A Heart-wrenching and Heart-warming Dream

Chapter 73 A Heart-wrenching Dream

Zheng Tuo rubbed his eyes and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.


He was lying on a small bed, and judging from the surrounding furnishings, it should be his former home.


He seems to have traveled back, and traveled back to his childhood.

Could it be that the limit of the tenth quenching spirit can not be crossed!

Zheng Tuo couldn't believe it.

Moving muscles and bones is really just a child's body.

of course.

He knew he must be in an illusion.

In the eighth and ninth quenching, there have been various environments to test one's mind.

It is not uncommon for the tenth time to appear in a fantasy.

I just didn't expect it to be my former home.

You want me to immerse me in the good memories of the past forever.

Zheng Tuo said what he thought.

"Stinky boy, what time is it, you still can't get up, you're going to be late."

The mother's cry was like a lifetime away, causing Zheng Tuo to be in a trance.

Get dressed and open the door.

A smell of food filled his face.

Phantom is quite similar.

Zheng Tuo looked into the distance.

In the kitchen, the mother is using her skillful skills to rage on the family's non-stick pan.

An egg in a non-stick pan is like a boat in a storm, it may be overturned at any time, but every time it is about to be overturned, it is rescued by my mother.

On the sofa, my father was smoking a cigarette with his eyes open, and the old god was watching the newspaper.

In that era when a mobile phone was all over the world, my father was really a mudslide.

"What are you doing! Hurry up and get dressed and eat, what time is it?"

Facing his mother's almost roaring voice, Zheng Tuo's eyes suddenly became wet.

Although I know that everything in front of me is an illusion.

But the feeling that blood is thicker than water has already penetrated deep into the soul.

Back then, an accidental car accident took my parents away, which was too sudden.

After he passed through in a daze, he thought he could start a new life, but found that he was still unable to let go of his memories.

No way.

He is a human being, not a fairy.

In particular, people living in modern society are much more reliant on family affection than those in the Eastern Regions of Immortal Cultivation.

Immortals seem to be otherworldly, but in fact they are no longer fully human.

"I'm sorry, Mom and Dad, I'm going back."

Zheng Tuo apologized.

He turned around and jumped out of the fourth-floor window with a thud.


I heard my mother's screams and the sound of the knocked over non-stick pan hitting the ground.


Consciousness sinks into darkness.

When he woke up, he found a cold little hand caressing his forehead.

"you're awake!"

The little nurse looked young and a little immature.

"This is... a hospital!"

Zheng Tuo smelled the smell of disinfectant.

"Otherwise! Jumping from the fourth floor, you are lucky to be able to come to the hospital."

The little nurse didn't have a good impression of Zheng Tuo.

"Miss, please ask me what floor I am on."

The little nurse looked at Zheng Tuo.

"Why, what floor are you planning to jump on!"

The little nurse shook the thermometer in her hand and looked at the sun to see if she had a high fever.

"I can tell you, our doctor... ah..."

The little nurse only felt a wind blowing by her side, and then Zheng Tuo jumped out of the hospital window with a whistle.


Zheng Tuo slammed into the guardrail of the window.

"Damn, it turned out to be the first floor!"

Zheng Tuo fainted again.

When he woke up, he found himself tied to the hospital bed.

next to.

Mother and father nervously listened to what the doctor was saying.

Seeing him wake up, his mother immediately stepped forward and grabbed his hand.

"Xiao Tuo, are you alright? Mom is here. Tell your mom if something happens."

Seeing his mother's tearful eyes, Zheng Tuo's heart twitched.

Could it be that he really crossed back!
It seems that this time the illusion is a little more difficult.

"Mom, I'm fine..."

After Zheng Tuo comforted his mother, her mood stabilized.

Then the doctor stepped forward, asked him some questions, and released him.

Because of jumping off the building, he needed to stay in the hospital for a few days.

But fortunately, he was hanging on an old tree at the time, and he suffered only skin trauma, and he could be discharged from the hospital after two or three days of rest.

Sitting on the hospital bed, Zheng Tuo moved the palm of his hand.

It's so real!
He tried pinching himself, but found it still hurt.

Try to see if it can bleed.

Zheng Tuo took out a needle and pointed it at his palm.

"What are you doing!"

The little nurse suddenly appeared and overturned the medical equipment in her hand on the spot. As if she was about to be insulted by Zheng Tuo, she used the legendary king and eight punches.

Zheng Tuo maintained his current posture.

Look at the little nurse who is enjoying herself there.

a long time.

Probably tired.

The little nurse stopped and found that Zheng Tuo was looking at her like a lunatic.

Immediately, his face blushed, he stroked the messy hair around his ears with his hands, and squatted down to put away the fallen medical instruments one by one.

"Raise your hand and take your temperature."

The little nurse, like a ruthless character who has seen a big scene, continues to sit on her own job.

Zheng Tuo looked at the little nurse whose little face was almost familiar, picked up the needle, and stuck it at the other's wrist.


After a third of a second.


The harsh scream that could shatter the glass hit, Zheng Tuo was overturned on the spot, and then all kinds of messes flew towards him.

The characters in the fantasy are too realistic.

Zheng Tuo blocked the opponent's attack with his arm, muttering in his heart.

The next day, he was forcibly ejected from the hospital.

Before leaving, he wanted to apologize.

Although it is an illusion, what he has done is indeed too much.

But according to the head nurse, the little nurse resigned that day.

Zheng Tuo felt lost for a while, and thought he would have a good memory.


back home.

Under his mother's orders, he carried his schoolbag and went to school.

the whole process.

Zheng Tuo knew it was fake, but he admitted that he enjoyed it.

Familiar strict teacher, familiar best friend classmate, familiar beautiful tablemate.

You don't say it.

His freckled tablemate grew up and became a beauty blogger with millions of fans.

And his best friend, Fat Man, became another chef and went abroad to study.

As for the class flower that all boys liked back then, I heard that she was in a divorce with her rich husband.

of course.

The most pitiful one is his head teacher.

Overworked, he passed away on a night of grading exam papers, and he also attended the funeral that year.

Everything in front of him was both unfamiliar and familiar to him.



He was standing on the rooftop of the thirty-first-floor high-level apartment on the opposite side of his house.

He took out half a cigarette in his pocket and lit it.

Take a breath.

Spit out slowly.

For some things, the past is the past, and it is only beautiful in the memory. If you let me live it again, it will not make any sense.

However, after seeing the magic of the Xiuxian world, I believe it.

The end of the immortal road is reincarnation, so I would like to move forward cautiously step by step, until the end of the immortal road, when I see my parents and you, that is the real reunion of our family.

Throw away the cigarette farts in your hands and take your own unshakable steps.

(End of this chapter)

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