The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 816 God's Perspective, Exploding the Stars

Chapter 816 God's Perspective, Exploding the Stars

"Baiqu? The younger brother of the king?"

Zheng Tuo looked at Baiqu who left with the Shadow Demon Lord, and felt that the relationship was a bit confusing.

The king of men is from what era, his younger brother Baiqu is so young, how can he take care of him so well.

Zheng Tuo thought to himself.

But the good news is that Baiqu appeared, and his strength seems to be completely comparable to that of the Shadow Demon Lord.

Could the catastrophe of the Shadow Demon end in such a situation?

Zheng Tuo observes the Eastern Territory through the bronze mirror.

Looking at the desolate land, sad emotions, whether you want or not, will be with you.

The Eastern Territory, once full of vitality and hope, now only has endless ruins and deserts.

This is the situation.

Anyone who sees it will be greatly touched in their hearts.

Zheng Tuo came to the Eastern Region as a traveler and lived here for nearly a hundred years.

It can be said that the Eastern Region is his second hometown.

Looking at his second hometown being destroyed in this way, he felt a sense of desolation and powerlessness in his heart.

Sad and desolate, all things withered, and all living beings perished.

People who are unable to face the level of the Shadow Demon Lord are unable to recover, and they don't even have the qualifications to resist.

I hope that Baiqu can defeat the Lord of Shadow Demons and protect the peace of the Eastern Territory in the future.

Zheng Tuo thought in his heart, and at the same time he was doubtful.

What is Mo Xiaoqi doing?
The entire Eastern Territory was slaughtered by the Lord of Shadow Demons, everything was destroyed, and it became a land full of desolation.


Mo Xiaoqi, who is the eye of the human king's barrier formation, shouldn't just watch the creatures of the Eastern Region being slaughtered by the Lord of Shadow Demons like this.

In fact.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't feel any breath of the King's Barrier.

That is to say, there is a problem with Mo Xiaoqi's body, and he cannot block the Lord of Shadow Demon with the Human King Barrier.

It's really a leak in the house and Peng Lianyeyu, how could there be a problem at this time.

He shook his head, puzzled.


"Master, I feel that the battle between Baiqu and the Shadow Demon Lord is calling me. It's very strange. I obviously didn't take the initiative to observe it, but there is a force that pulls me to observe the battle between the two."

The voice of Bao Jing came, sounding a little confused.

"There is a force that actively summons you to watch the battle between Baiqu and the Shadow Demon Lord?"

Zheng Tuo was puzzled and repeated what Bao Jing said.

The treasure mirror is an auxiliary innate spirit treasure, who can communicate with the treasure mirror without the treasure mirror being aware of it.

"Yes master, that feeling is very strong, whether the master watched the two fight."

The voice of Baojing came and asked Zheng Tuo for his opinion.

"According to what you said, is it dangerous to watch the two fight?"

Zheng Tuo asked Baojing.

If there is danger, it is naturally best not to look at it.

"Master, according to my careful experience, if you watch it, there is no danger."

Baojing expresses her feelings.

"it is good."

Zheng Tuo nodded, and took out the stone tripod with his backhand.

The stone tripod is simple, exudes ancient charm, and turns into the size of a water tank.

He moved and hid in the stone cauldron.

If there is danger, the precious mirror cannot protect itself, and the presence of the stone tripod is also a kind of strong protection.

After hiding in the stone cauldron, he activated the surrounding sixth-order formations to protect himself.

After the preparations were completed, he ordered the mirror to reflect the picture he felt to himself.

The precious mirror obeyed the order to reflect the supernatural powers of the heavens, revealing the battle between Baiqu and the Lord of Shadow Demons.

At this moment.

The two, one dressed in white Shengxue, and the other dressed in black like a demon, are engaged in a life-and-death battle above a star.

The strength of the two is extremely terrifying. In a life-and-death battle, the entire star is being destroyed under all efforts.

"Hahaha... Baiqu, you are indeed as powerful as your older sister."

The Lord of the Shadow Demons laughed loudly, the shaking stars trembled, and countless cracks appeared on the ground.

"But it's a pity that you don't have light-attribute aura, and you can't defeat me without light-attribute aura."

The Shadow Demon Lord raised his hand and shot out a black light, which raged and turned into an invisible blade, killing Baiqu in front of him.


Baiqu snorted coldly, the silver spear of Haoyue trembled in his hand, and knocked the invisible black light away with a clang.

The invisible black light immediately hit the ground in the distance, instantly tearing the ground into a bottomless canyon.

"Lord of the Shadow Demon, I will still kill you without the light attribute aura."

Baiqu's method was also powerful and extraordinary, the silver-white spear of Haoyue trembled in his hand, and suddenly stabbed at the Shadow Demon Lord.


At this moment, the entire star was instantly frozen, and countless snowflakes flew around, surrounding the Shadow Demon Lord.

Each snowflake is a magic weapon that can penetrate the void, and it turns into a monstrous storm at this moment, strangling the Shadow Demon Lord.

The shadow pattern of the Shadow Demon Lord flickered around him, turning countless black shadows into an absolute defense, easily blocking the attack of the snow storm.

"Very powerful supernatural power, but if you want to hurt me, you still need to show some real skills."

The Lord of Shadow Fiends was calm and calm.

With his strength, he has seen too many strong men and fought against too many strong men.

Although Baiqu was strong, there was no reason for him to feel flustered.

"If you want to see the real ability, okay, I'll let you see how strong I am, my lord."

In Baiqu's hand, Haoyue's silver-white spear danced, and the whole body turned into a silver light, instantly killing the Shadow Demon Lord.

Without any explanation, the long spear stabbed out, only taking the head of the Lord of Shadow Demons.

"Close combat, very rich combat experience."

The Shadow Demon Lord nodded like an elder, evaluating Baiqu's actions at this moment.

As he spoke, a black knife appeared in his hand.


The shadow knife immediately assassinated with a silver gun.

"Alright, many have never fought like this, let me play with you."

The Lord of the Shadow Demon suddenly trembled with the shadow knife in his hand, immediately knocked Baiqu back, and then he raised the knife to kill Baiqu.

The two peak legend-level powerhouses chose to hold magic weapons at this moment and fight in close combat. Zheng Tuo was really stunned.

Good guy!
You are peak legendary immortal cultivators, you don't need supernatural powers to confront each other, and you actually choose to fight with physical training.


While Zheng Tuo was watching the battle, he suddenly realized.

The two seem to be fighting in a physical way, but in fact the means used have the shadow of the supernatural powers of immortals.

A fighting method that combines physical and immortal cultivators?

Zheng Tuo's heart moved, he had never seen such a special way of fighting.

The world of cultivating immortals is divided into cultivators and cultivators.

The fighting methods of the two are completely different, physical training and close combat, mainly with fists.

Immortal cultivators are urging the method, focusing on supernatural powers.


Baiqu's fight with the Lord of the Shadow Demons is like a close hand-to-hand combat, but he also has supernatural powers attached to the magic weapon.

And look at the gestures of the two, both have the ability to destroy the world.

The entire star trembled wildly under such a violent duel between the two, and even cracked from the battle between the two, and it seemed to be destroyed.

The star of Black Void is one-tenth the size of the Eastern Territory, and it is bare and lifeless.

The fierce battle between the two is simply a disaster for this star.

Zheng Tuo saw it clearly, every time the whole star trembled with the two, huge cracks would appear on the ground.


One of the largest cracks almost tore the entire star in half.

The duel between the legendary powerhouses was too terrifying, breaking a star.

If a battle of this level takes place in the Eastern Territory, even if the land of the Eastern Territory is protected by special forces, it may be sunk by the power of the two, or even destroyed to the point of disrepair.

Zheng Tuo watched the battle between the two, and he had a deep feeling.

He told himself before that strength is the root of everything.

At this moment, seeing the two fighting at such a level strengthened this belief even more.

In the world of cultivating immortals, strength is the last word.

If his own strength could surpass the Shadow Demon Lord at this moment, he would not dare to invade the Eastern Territory even if he borrowed a hundred courage from the Shadow Demon Lord.

In the world of cultivating immortals, where a person can master extraordinary power, strength is the only indicator to measure everything.

The strengthening of such a concept made him take out his small notebook and write down the matter.

Write down this matter, put away the small books, and continue to watch the battle.

At the same time keep vigilant in mind!

Someone secretly assisted me to watch the battle between the two. I think it should not only be watching the battle between the two, but there should be other things to find myself.

as he thought.

As he watched the battle between the two, the king-level truth he experienced just now in the battle between the Shadow Demon Lord and the Four Elders appeared at this moment.

At the moment when he felt the true meaning of the king level, Zheng Tuo immediately realized it.

No wonder I can feel the king-level truth when I watch the battle of the legend-level powerhouse. It turns out that someone secretly helped me to pass the king-level truth in the battle to me, so that I can observe it.

Who is so kind, or what purpose does the other party have.

He already has several candidates in mind, who can do this, and there are probably only two people he knows.

Keeping this matter in mind, that person should come to him after thinking about it.

No matter how.

At this moment, the king-level truth conveyed by Baiqu's battle with the Shadow Demon Lord is very strong.

That kind of special feeling belonging to the high level came like a tide, wave after wave.

For him in the out-of-body period, this is definitely a great opportunity that can only be met but not sought after.

If he can feel the true essence of the king class and absorb it perfectly into his practice, then his pace of breaking through to the king class will definitely be accelerated.

Hold on tight, don't wave.

Zheng Tuo maintained a cautious and calm attitude at this moment.

In matters of practice, the most taboo is to swallow jujubes whole, wanting to eat a fat man in one go.

The most typical example is the King-level Shadow Demon.

She has nothing but appearances, pretending to be a king, but she can't even beat herself, and she is easily beheaded by herself.

Everything is because the king-level shadow demon's cultivation speed is too fast and his foundation is unstable.

He didn't want to be called a superficial cultivator like a king-level shadow demon.

Since stepping into practice, every step of his practice has been solid.

Even if his strength improved slowly, he was not in a hurry.

It's not a bad thing for a tall building to rise on the ground, sometimes it's slower.

just now.

Facing the appearance of the king-level truth, he was naturally happy in his heart, and at the same time he was able to restrain his inner desires, telling himself not to get too excited, just be normal.

woohoo hoo...

Take a deep breath and allow yourself to remain calm and cautious.

With a thought, the Nascent Soul unites with the Soul.

He could clearly feel that there was an invisible barrier between the Nascent Soul and the Soul.

Separation is the stumbling block preventing him from being king.

When he can eliminate all the barriers and make the two perfectly combined, he will be able to set foot on the king level and become an immortal cultivator in the fusion stage.

And the emergence of king-level truth is a way to eliminate barriers.

Do not neglect.

He sat cross-legged in the stone cauldron, opened the world of ten directions, cooperated with the bronze mirror, and felt the king-level truth coming to him.

Eliminating the gap between the Nascent Soul and the soul with the truth of the king level is the only way for him to reach the king level.

Practice is everywhere.

Zheng Tuo didn't know who was helping him secretly, and he would not let go of the opportunity to practice at this moment.

Feel carefully.

While keeping a little vigilance, fully absorb the essence of the king level, eliminate the barrier, and continuously improve your strength.

Zheng Tuo's practice is safe and steady.

The battle between Baiqu and the Shadow Demon Lord was extremely fierce.

The two fought to the death without holding back, and displayed all kinds of terrifying supernatural powers, destroying the world and destroying the earth.

The stars trembled, shattered, and exploded because of the battle between the two.

In front of immortal cultivators of this level according to the legend, the stars that can give birth to life are as fragile as soybean milk and are easily destroyed.

"Baiqu, if you only have this method, then I can only say that you really let me down."

The shadow knife in the hands of the Lord of Shadow Demons flickered with thousands of black shadows to force Baiqu back.

At this point in the battle, he was no longer interested in playing and was ready to end the battle.

He activated his supernatural powers to cover the entire star, including Baiqu.

"That's it."

The Lord of the Shadow Demons made a move, urging the great supernatural powers.


In the distance, Baiqu felt a murderous aura coming from behind.

His figure was erratic, and he deftly escaped from his original position. At the same time, a silver-white spear arrived, poking a huge deep hole in the ground where he was just now.

Baiqu looked up.

It was a man exactly like him.

The white clothes are better than the snow, the silver spear is like the moon, handsome and unrestrained, romantic and suave.

More importantly, this person's strength is exactly the same as his own, exactly the same.

"Shadow, my shadow?"

Bai Qu knows a lot about the Lord of the Shadow Demons. He once guarded the hell and had a fierce battle with the Lord of the Shadow Demons.

He knows a lot about the means of the Shadow Demon Lord.

The Lord of Shadow Fiends can awaken the shadows of others to fight for him.

And the strength of the shadow is closely related to the strength of the Shadow Demon Lord.

At this moment.

The Shadow Demon Lord can summon shadows with exactly the same strength as him, that is to say, the Shadow Demon Lord's weakest strength is also comparable to him.

"Lord of Shadow Demons, you think you can defeat me with my shadow, you underestimate me Baiqu too."

Baiqu played a gun game, carrying Haoyue's silver spear behind his back.

Even if there is a shadow opponent whose strength is comparable to his own, plus a shadow demon master, he will not be afraid of the opponent.

Because he was just playing with the Shadow Demon Lord just now, and he didn't try his best at all.

"No no no..."

The Shadow Demon Lord shook his head.

"Baiqu, you are very strong. You are indeed very strong. You have reached the point where you can cause me trouble, but you are not smart enough."

There was not even the slightest smile on the face of the Shadow Demon Lord.

But you can feel him laughing, he is laughing at the white song at this moment.

As smart as he is, there is absolutely no need to fight Baiqu to the death.

He only needs to lure Baiqu out, and then return to the Eastern Region alone, transforming the Eastern Region into the second Shadow Demon Realm.

After the completion of Shadow Demon Realm, he will be invincible in the entire world of cultivating immortals.

"If you are not smart enough, you will eventually have to pay the price for not being smart enough."

Black smoke surged around the Shadow Demon Lord, enveloping him.

"Boy, enjoy the gift I prepared for you."

The Shadow Demon Lord said, his figure was wrapped in black smoke and slowly disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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