The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 826 Game Rules in the Human King's Barrier

Chapter 826 Game Rules in the Human King's Barrier
Zheng Tuo did not participate in the comprehensive transformation of the Luoxianzong's territory.

With Uncle Yunyangzi and a group of elders present, he didn't have to worry about this matter.

What he has to do now is to concentrate on practicing, improve his own strength, and become stronger.

The Soul Realm, above the Immortal Peak.

Zheng Tuobao looks solemn, squatting cross-legged in the void.

There are nine divine suns shining brightly behind him, and among the divine suns, the nine divine souls and dao bodies are just like him, and they are absorbing the power of the divine soul from the stone cauldron to bless their bodies.

Zheng Tuo has been practicing the Myriad Path Demon Emperor Sutra for a few days, and Zheng Tuo feels quite good.

During the practice, there were no accidents.

The spirit, soul, and body absorb the power of the spirit and soul in the stone cauldron in an orderly manner to strengthen their own body and enhance their own cultivation.

For him, the stronger his soul, body, and body, the more he can improve himself.


He has only practiced the Myriad Dao Demon Emperor's Sutra for a short time, and he is not sure whether there will be accidents if he continues to practice.

and so.

He does not intend to continue to nurture the soul body, but to continue to practice for a few years with the nine soul bodies.

If there are not too many accidents in the process of practice, it will not be too late to cultivate the soul and body.

Let the nine Taoist bodies practice quietly in the spirit world, while he separates a ray of spirit to attach to the puppet and come to the green grassland.

The green grassland is quiet and full of hope.

The Twelve Generals and the Underworld God are currently practicing quietly.

Zheng Tuo didn't bother them.

The purpose of his coming this time is to use the Human King's Barrier to practice formation.

After the catastrophe of the Shadow Demon, he became very interested in the tenth-order formation.

If he can also arrange a tenth-order formation, wouldn't he be invincible innately.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if you can't arrange a tenth-order formation, you can arrange a ninth-order formation or an eighth-order formation, which is also a very strong means of self-defense.

Today, he can only arrange sixth-order formations.

The sixth-order formation is already a powerful formation in the world of cultivating immortals.

However, with the powerhouse he was facing now, the sixth-order formation was obviously not enough.

At least a seventh-order formation is needed to give him a more assured bottom line in his heart.

The best way to learn the formation is to study and learn through the barrier of the king.

He possesses the Human King Talisman, and through the Human King Talisman, he can enter the Human King's barrier for deeper learning and comprehension.

Mind a move.

On the green grassland, a willow tree appeared.

The willow branches hang down, casting a great deal of shade.

Zheng Tuo sat under the willow tree, adjusted his state, and prepared to comprehend the way of formation.

The existence of willow is not just an ornament.

Each wicker stick is a formation.

Formation and formation collide with each other to form a stronger formation.

So on the surface it looks like a big willow tree, but it is actually a very forbidden and powerful protective formation.

Zheng Tuo sat cross-legged under the big willow tree, carefully feeling the fluctuations from the human king talisman.

In a trance!
He is in the fortress of the king of men.

Although there are only three layers left in the Human King's Barrier, it is still a Human King's Barrier, a tenth-order formation.

To him, the Human King's Fortress is an ocean full of endless formations.

In this ocean, every wave, every drop of water, and every fish that swims contain the law of formation.

Zheng Tuo, as an array Taoist who can arrange sixth-order arrays.

Now that he is in this sea of ​​formations, there are only two words in his heart to describe it, and that is small.

A formation Taoist who can arrange a sixth-order formation is also a well-known existence in the Eastern Region and in the world of cultivating immortals.

But in front of the tenth-order formation, he felt like a weak woman, facing a mountain peak that could not be seen at a glance, and a blue and bottomless ocean.

He is so weak.

In this ocean, he is just a drop of sea water.

He can't control himself, he can only drift with the current and let the power of the sea dictate him.

Even so.

However, Zheng Tuo felt an unprecedented experience, the experience from the method of formation.

It doesn't matter if his drop of seawater is weak or weak, every drop of seawater around him is the law of the formation of the most truthful truth.

At this moment.

He didn't do anything, just drifted with the flow, and he could comprehend several times more truths than usual.

What's more, how could Zheng Tuo be good at anything.

He kept his heart, released his own formation method, and tried to establish a connection with the surrounding sea water.

Getting started was difficult.

After all, he is an outsider, and it will take time and a lot of effort to establish a solid interpersonal relationship locally.

Persistence is often the most painful beauty.

I do not know how long it has been.

Zheng Tuo, who was focused on building connections, began to feel a little bit of the surrounding sea water building connections with himself.

Zheng Tuo showed joy.

Due to sincerity, gold and stone are opened.

In the case of staying true to myself and always trying to make connections, it finally paid off.

Zheng Tuo's confidence increased greatly.

If there is a return, it means that he is on the right path.

Next, as long as he continues unswervingly, he believes that his formation method will be greatly improved.

Keep your heart, continue to persevere, and try to establish a closer connection with the surrounding sea water.

Practice is an outing that makes people forget the time.

Zheng Tuo didn't know how long he had been swimming in the ocean of formation methods.

He only felt very comfortable, he was surrounded by sea water all the time, that kind of feeling was incomparable and made him greedy.

When you are greedy for a certain feeling, you will be surprised to find that the speed of that feeling will disappear much, much faster than you imagined.

As if in an instant, the comfortable feeling disappeared.


Zheng Tuo was pleasantly surprised to find that the feeling of establishing a connection with the surrounding sea water became clearer and more reliable.


His drop of sea water swelled a full circle unconsciously.

Everything is developing in a good direction.

Zheng Tuo didn't buy it.

He is always vigilant, the more vigilant he looks, the more vigilant he will be.

How many people have plummeted and disappeared from everyone because they forget their form when they are proud.

He didn't want to step on the air and fall down just after reaching the peak.

With such a mentality, continue to establish contact with the surrounding sea water, and continue to practice in the ocean of formations.

I don't know how long it took.

Zheng Tuo suddenly had a very magical feeling.

That is, I seem to be able to control the surrounding water droplets for my use.

It feels so strong.

Zheng Tuo was full of curiosity and vigilance.

With a thought, he cautiously made contact with the surrounding water droplets.

The droplet that made contact with him was absorbed by him.

He could clearly feel that after absorbing the water droplets, he swelled a little more than he had just before.

The expansion of oneself represents the improvement of the method of formation.

Zheng Tuo immediately looked at the endless water droplets around him, and he was full of expectations for this.

It is not too late.

He let himself calm down for a second, and then began to contact the water droplets around him.

There are many drops of water, but not many that can get in touch with him.

want to come.

Those water droplets that can get in touch with him are the formation method that fits with his formation concept.

And those water droplets that can't get in touch with him are the formation methods that are completely incompatible with his formation philosophy.

There is such an idea.

He didn't forcefully merge those water droplets that couldn't connect with himself.

Instead, choose those droplets that you can connect with yourself to fuse with.

Although there are not many water droplets that can contact him, it is completely enough at this moment.

Zheng Tuo kept his focus, keeping vigilance in mind.

It is true that the tenth-level formation is mysterious, and it is true that the tenth-level formation is powerful. At the same time, such a powerful and mysterious tenth-level formation is also full of danger.

Even if he has someone, the King Talisman can protect him from being wiped out by the big waves or even powerful creatures in the formation ocean.

He still has to be careful, be careful, be cautious.

he knows.

If I don't deal with it carefully, and make a mistake, I will be wiped out in an instant.

Although he is only a ray of soul at this moment, all the time and hard work spent in the past will be in vain.

Not only that.

According to the words of the God of the Underworld, the King's Barrier can only last for two hundred years.

For mortals, two hundred years are two lives, and even more compactly, three lives and four lives are also possible.

But for immortal cultivators, two hundred years is a blink of an eye.

Especially for a strong person like him in the out-of-body period, two hundred years is too short, so short that Zheng Tuo has to get nervous and can't waste a minute or a second.

and so.

to him.

Even if it's just a ray of spirit coming to comprehend the method of formation, he must ensure that there is no damage, and there must be no casualties.

With such a mentality.

He continued to absorb the water droplets around him to strengthen himself.

The process is slow and forbidden.

Every time Zheng Tuo absorbs a water droplet, he will examine the water droplet three times, and after confirming that it is correct, he will absorb it again.

Although this slowed down the speed of absorption, it also gave him a full sense of security.

The absorption of water droplets is still going on, and Zheng Tuo feels himself expanding, expanding, expanding...

After absorbing a hundred water droplets, he had swelled to the size of a fist.

After absorbing a thousand water droplets, he had already swelled to the size of a human head.

After absorbing [-] water droplets, he suddenly discovered that he seemed to have turned into a small wave.

That's right, a tiny wave that's stronger than a drop of water.

He turned into a wave, slapping the ocean.

at the same time!

He also saw monstrous waves hundreds and thousands of times bigger than him.

Facing the monstrous waves, Zheng Tuo, a small wave, was swallowed up in an instant.

It took a lot of thought and caution to turn myself into a small wave.

Before Zheng Tuo had time to feel the mystery of the small waves, he was instantly swallowed by the huge waves and turned into a small water drop again.

Do big fish eat small fish?

Zheng Tuo suddenly thought of a very interesting game.

The big fish eat the small fish, and the big fish that eat the small fish keep getting bigger and growing.

The core of the game is almost exactly the same as the situation he is in now.

He ate the water droplets around him and turned into small waves, and then he was eaten by the monstrous waves as soon as he reached his head, and he turned back into small water droplets again.

Fun, really fun.

Zheng Tuo didn't expect that the core of the Human King's Barrier is so interesting. Could it be that the Human King also knows that the game of big fish eating small fish will not work.

If you have a guess in your heart, you have the right to take it as a joke.

Now that you know the rules of the game, you can get twice the result with half the effort when you play.

Zheng Tuo maintained his perseverance and continued to absorb the surrounding small water droplets to strengthen himself in the form of water droplets.


While absorbing the surrounding water droplets, he deliberately observed the surroundings to see when waves would appear.

The method is clever.

If he can know the regularity or specific time when the waves appear, he can effectively avoid the big waves from swallowing him.

But the effect is not satisfactory.

At this moment, he is just a small drop of water, a small drop of water buried in the deepest part of the ocean.

From his position, he couldn't see the existence of those tumbling waves above the sea.

The only thing he can see is the small water droplets that are exactly like him.

But Zheng Tuo was not discouraged.

While constantly absorbing the small water droplets around him, this small water droplet of his kept expanding, expanding, expanding...

When he absorbed [-] small water droplets around him, he stopped absorbing immediately.

Because after absorbing nine thousand small water droplets, he can already see the continuously rolling waves on the sea surface.

The waves come and go, high and low, in different shapes.

Zheng Tuo was not in a hurry to turn into small waves. He hid under the water and watched carefully, trying to see some patterns or clues.

I hope that when I turn into a small wave, I can get the guarantee of life, at least not to be swallowed by the surrounding waves in an instant.

But the result is not ideal.

The waves on the sea rise and fall one after another, seemingly never stopping, and there is no law at all.

Such an irregular situation made it really difficult for Zheng Tuo to handle.

Because through his observation, the waves on the sea are very fierce and spiritual.

It will actively catch and devour weaker waves to make itself stronger.

Because if the big waves do not swallow the waves weaker than themselves to bless themselves, they will wear away as they continue to rush.

In other words.

You have to eat, otherwise you will die.

A spiritual Langhua will take the initiative to attack, so for a small Langhua like Zheng Tuo, it is really difficult to rise up.

No no no!

Zheng Tuo shook his head, feeling that something was neglected by him.

The core of the King's Barrier should be Tai Chi.

Tai Chi pays attention to the combination of yin and yang, and it is endless.

Look at it this way.

The big fish in the waves eats the small fish, and the big fish will always take the initiative, which is totally inconsistent with the core concept of the barrier of the king.

He is not a rookie himself.

in contrast.

He is quite accomplished in the method of facing the Tao, and he has studied and studied the unique skill carefully.

It is inevitable that the methods of formation cannot be all gates of death, and there must be gates of life.

If the methods of formation are all death-gates, then such formations will not be established at all, or this formation is a kind of evil formation that is harmful to nature and reason.

The Human King Barrier is obviously not a formation that will harm the sky.

In other words.

In this case, there must be a solution.

Zheng Tuo remained patient and continued to observe the direction of the waves above his head.

He didn't know how long he had been observing, but he seemed to see something just by looking at it.

What he saw was very simple, so simple that he wondered whether it was true or not.

Because he is now in the tenth order formation.

The tenth-order formation is not one of the strongest formations in the world of cultivating immortals.

In his impression, such a formation must be extraordinary and difficult to understand, full of incomprehensible mysteries.

But what he observed now was so simple that he couldn't believe it.

Could it be... this is the way to simplicity!

After careful observation, Zheng Tuo discovered that all the waves are rushing in the same direction.

That is to say, the rules that all the waves break are actually one-way lanes.

Not a single wave is going against the current, they are all rushing in the same direction.

If so, Zheng Tuo suddenly had a plan.

(End of this chapter)

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