The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 906 Heroes and Dragons, Legends and Legends

Chapter 906 Heroes and Dragons, Legends and Legends

"You feel, you feel that everyone should hand over spiritual objects to you, you feel that the whole world should crawl under your feet, but that's just your feeling."

Heisha's self-confidence is bursting, he feels that he has taken control of the situation.

And as he said.

It's just what he feels.


Zheng Tuo nodded.

"It seems that I feel right."


A sudden chill came out of the palm of his hand that was holding the chains that bound Patriarch Xiao Kunpeng.

The cold air followed the chain and rushed towards Heisha in an instant.

Facing such an offensive, Heisha would not dodge it, nor would he not dodge it.

If he avoided it, he would have missed the best chance to save his elder brother.

If he doesn't dodge, he will face the faceless ice attack.

He could feel that the ice aura was so strong that if he touched it, he would be frozen instantly.

While hesitating, he did not let go of his elder brother after all, and left alone.


He spurred his own defense.

A black mist appeared to protect him, trying to resist Zheng Tuohanbing's magic power.

But his resistance was obviously in vain.


He was frozen in ice.

"Ice Meteor Hammer, not bad."

With a move of Zheng Tuo's arm, he waved the meteor hammer.

The icy meteor hammer was so fierce that no one dared to get close to it.

Zheng Tuo adjusted the angle of his arm slightly, and the ice meteor hammer turned sharply and hit the ground hard with a bang.


The tyrannical shock wave spreads out in all directions.

All the people were dispersed on the spot.

The wounded were hurt, the howling howled, the ugly looking ugly.

All kinds of people, all kinds of costumes, on this one-sided battlefield, one after another staged the joys and sorrows.

"Brother Heisha..."

"Old black..."

Mr. Yu and Yue'er rushed to Heisha's location to check on Heisha's injuries.

Heisha, who was originally frozen, looked in extremely poor condition.

The octopus tentacles behind it were all shattered into pieces due to the powerful impact after freezing.

Blood spurted from the wound, like a river, flowing to the outside world one by one.

And Heisha almost passed out because of the impact just now.


Yue'er blew out a gust of cold air to help Heisha, sealing the spewing blood to death.

"I can't die!"

Heisha's voice sounded so serious.

It struggled to get up slowly.

The broken tentacles on the back grew wildly, quickly wrapping up the eldest brother, Patriarch Kunpeng, so that Zheng Tuo would not take it.

"Faceless, I said it's not over, but it's not over."

Heisha's will is beyond imagination.

Zheng Tuo was able to see in his eyes something more important than cultivating immortality itself.

That thing is very flammable, and it can awaken people, transcending into another realm.

of course.

Zheng Tuo would not show mercy to Heisha's provocation.

To show mercy to Heisha is to be cruel to oneself.

If I let you go, who will let me go.

With a move of the arm.

The chains binding Little Kunpeng Patriarch twitched, and Zheng Tuo dragged him back with Heisha.

The Black Fiend Meteor Hammer continued to be waved by Zheng Tuo like an airplane propeller.

woohoo hoo...

The endless wind blows past Heisha's ears, feeling his physical body being played with like a doll.

Feeling the constant bumps, bumps, bumps, the whole person is out of control.

Feeling that his physical body was being severely injured again and again, his consciousness was being destroyed, his physical body was being destroyed, and his whole being was being destroyed.

But in the process of being destroyed, he didn't want to give up.

Ever since he made the decision, he never thought of giving up on saving his eldest brother.

"Xiaosha, let go!"

The voice of the protected Patriarch Xiao Kunpeng came.

He can feel that Heisha is constantly being impacted, and he can feel that Heisha is being destroyed.


All these things should be borne by him.

But at this moment, all of them were eaten by Xiao Sha.

In order to protect herself, Xiao Sha ate all the suffering she deserved.

Even if his physical body is destroyed, he will not hesitate.

"Do not……"

Heisha's answer was only one word, but it made Patriarch Kunpeng burst into tears instantly.

He didn't know how long he hadn't felt the infection of tears.

In his long reincarnation, he has experienced too much.

Because he has experienced too much, he seems to have forgotten that in this world, there are still a group of brothers and sisters who are like family.


Patriarch Kunpeng shook his head.

I can't let my state go on like this.

If it continues like this, Xiaosha will be beheaded, Xiaoyu will be beheaded, and Yue'er will be beheaded as well.

Faceless is by no means a simple character, with a level of ruthlessness that will definitely kill everyone.

Facing such a ruthless character, I absolutely can't sit still.

He is protected by Heisha at this moment, so he can calm down, look for an opportunity, and get rid of the trapped situation.

woohoo hoo...

The wind beside Heisha's ear was still whistling.

In addition to physical pain, spiritual torment.

He also felt a warm force.

Patriarch Kunpeng, the eldest brother, is breaking the chains that bind him.

He knew that his eldest brother hadn't given up, and that his eldest brother was also struggling to break free.

I will not worry, I will not give up.

A force of determination emerged from Heisha out of nowhere.

Relying on this perseverance, he forcibly resisted the impact of one after another magical powers and magic weapons.

bang bang bang...

The muffled sound came, and it was staggering to hear.

Not only that.

With the sound of muffled noise, blood splashed and splashed in all directions, making people's scalp numb and they didn't want to get close.

Heisha used his physical body to resist all the supernatural powers and magic weapons that were attacking Zheng Tuo.

The existence of the human-shaped meteor hammer should not be too cruel.

"Mr. Yu, let me go, and this tragedy will end. If not, Heisha's life and death will depend on his fate!"

No one wants to be so cruel, and it is not forced by life.

I am not cruel to you, then you will be cruel to me.

That being the case, I approve of choosing the side that is cruel to others.

When Mr. Yu was called out, his expression was extremely serious.

There was light in his eyes, reflecting Heisha's unrelenting body.

As Heisha's best friend, he knows Heisha too well.

On weekdays, he is a fool, a guy who refuses to accept anyone.

And every time it comes to the most dangerous and critical time.

In addition, you are [-]% able to hand over your back to the brother who is guarding you.

He knew why Heisha was so persistent, and he knew why Heisha was so persistent better than anyone else.

And as Heisha's friend, best friend, life and death brother.

His answer is obvious.

"No face, I am not qualified to make decisions for Old Hei. You are very strong, but there are some things that are more precious than great strength. Perhaps, you should know."

Mr. Yu has a serious expression, respecting Heisha's decision at the moment.

If Heisha wants to give up, he just needs to let go, and he will be free.

But in the face of such a situation, Heisha still hugged his elder brother tightly and did not let go.

This has already expressed his attitude. As a best friend, brother, if he doesn't have this kind of tacit understanding, I'm afraid that the years of getting along with each other will be wasted in vain.

"Know, know, fully know."

Zheng Tuo nodded.

"It's because I know that I need to ask, because the next scene may be very inappropriate."

Zheng Tuo's palm holding the chain suddenly accelerated.


The speed of the meteor hammer was more than twice as fast as before.

bang bang bang...

After using the meteor hammer to knock several magic weapons and supernatural powers into the air, he slammed the meteor hammer on the ground.

The entire deep-sea continent was followed by vibrations.

Even outside the Deep Sea Continent, the countless immortal cultivators guarding here felt the vibrations from within the Deep Sea Continent.

Zheng Tuo shot, the effect is extraordinary.

Where Heisha is, a large pit appeared.

At the bottom of the big pit, Heisha is almost invisible.

Because of the impact just now, the whole body was almost completely shattered, and the octopus tentacles on the back were broken and broken, and it seemed that it could no longer be used.

His breath was weak, almost imperceptible, and his whole body showed a state of poverty and death.

"Persistence is a good thing."

Zheng Tuo stepped into the void, looking down at the almost dead Heisha.

"In a person's life, if he can die for one thing persistently, that thing is a very cool thing."

As Zheng Tuo said, he grabbed the chain connecting Heisha.

"In order to show respect to you, I will not hold back."

Zheng Tuo respects Heisha from the bottom of his heart.

In order to protect his eldest brother, Heisha is persistently willing to sacrifice his life, which in itself is a cool thing.

want to come.

In the eyes of Heisha, Patriarch Kunpeng exists like a real brother.

A man who desperately protects his family deserves his utmost respect.

Pull the chain hard with your arm.

clap la la...

The sound of the chains colliding is like the god of death singing in a low voice beside you and me.


The howling wind is the most beautiful note leading to reincarnation.


Loud roar!

On the battlefield of Nuo Da, everyone stopped.

They stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of them.

It was the first time they met this guy Heisha, but from now on, the whole Linghai will remember his name.

As Heisha wished, the entire spiritual sea will remember his name.

Second shock.

At the bottom of the big pit, Heisha still didn't die.

His aura was extremely weak, and he would die if he missed it by just a tiny bit.

But he didn't know where he borrowed the power from, and he still persisted, using his remnant body to protect Patriarch Kunpeng who was emitting golden light.

"What a pity, what a pity!"

Seeing this scene, Zheng Tuo yelled that it was a pity.

"Mr. Yu, if you let me go, you can save him. I will give you three breaths to think about it."

Zheng Tuo didn't want to kill Heisha.

With a guy like Heisha around, this world of cultivating immortals will be interesting.

But if he didn't kill Heisha, he would die himself.

In the face of the choice between Heisha and himself, he will definitely choose himself.

Mr. Yu was silent.

He was very troubled.

To save or not to save.

If you don't save him, Heisha will definitely die.

But if he saved him, he would break Heisha's will with his own hands.

The dilemma ends after three breaths.

He didn't answer, in Zheng Tuo's view, he just chose not to save him.

"Go on, I want to see how long you can last."

Zheng Tuo made a move.

He took the meteor hammer in his hand as a sledgehammer, and hammered the ground frantically.

Boom boom boom...

There was a loud bang!

The shock wave alone caused the immortal cultivators who had been besieged here to suffer severe injuries, making them powerless to fight.

Can be imagined.

What kind of miserable appearance will Heisha, who is being cared for intensively, look like.

Zheng Tuo never felt that he was a bad person.

of course.

He's not a nice guy either.

He's just a guy trying to stay alive.

If he didn't take such a cruel shot against Heisha, he would become another Heisha who was brutally shot.

The rules of cultivating immortals have always been like this.

Don't be cruel to others, don't be cruel to others.
Choosing one of the two, Zheng Tuo would naturally choose the former.

Boom boom boom...

Under the loud noise and the stunned people around.

Heisha was ravaged by Zheng Tuo as a doll on the spot.


Heisha's body hit the ground hard.

On the hard ground of the deep sea continent, ordinary sixth-order magic weapons are difficult to break easily.


Under the impact of Heisha's body, he was smashed out of a big hole.

With Zheng Tuo's attack, the big pit became bigger and deeper.

And the breath of Heisha.

Under this terrifying impact, it became weaker and weaker.

It's just as thin as a gossamer

At this moment, its breath was intermittent.

Sometimes, sometimes not.

And with the continuous impact, the gap between being and nothing is getting bigger and bigger.

Even at the end, many immortal cultivators present were all concerned about how long Heisha could last.

"Can the will of a cultivator really transcend the cultivator itself and become a power beyond matter?"

An old man asked in a low voice.

He seemed to want to give himself an answer, and he also wanted to give Heisha an answer.

But no one knows if an answer actually exists.

"I don't know if there is or not, but I know that if Heisha does not die, he will become a great weapon in the future. Because of his existence, Nuo Da Linghai will shine brightly, attract the attention of the entire immortal world, and be believed by countless people."

Someone speaks with passion.

There is nothing more exciting than keeping one's heart in the face of desperation.

At this moment, Heisha is accomplishing a feat that many people have dreamed of for a long time.

No matter whether Heisha died today or not, his name will definitely be sung by his successors.

"Heisha perseveres, absolutely must not bow to the evil forces!"

In the crowd, an unknown middle-schooler man suddenly yelled such a second-year-old line.


This kind of secondary school is like a virus, instantly infecting the entire battlefield.

"Heisha hold on, never bow your head, hold on..."

"Brother Heisha, you are the best of you, all of us believe that you can persevere..."

"Faceless, you devil, stop, stop quickly..."

All kinds of cheering and cheering sounds, one after another, echoed on the battlefield.

Heisha has become a hero, a hero who carries everyone's will and keeps his heart.

And Zheng Tuo naturally became a dragon.

And the reason why he became a dragon is very simple, because he is too powerful.


When you have the power to crush everything, it's hard not to be treated like a dragon.

Although Zheng Tuo was wronged by this.

He is clearly a victim.

Heisha trapped himself in this deep sea continent and refused to let him leave.

Then he summoned a group of immortal cultivators to do it to him.

Let's look at the means of this group of cultivators, it is obvious that they are rushing to kill themselves.

Look back.

This group of cultivators found that they couldn't beat themselves.

And then it just happened.

The weak will choose to hug each other for warmth because of their own weakness.

Understand, understand, understand.

Zheng Tuo can fully understand, because he was once weak.

But understanding is understanding. Compared with my life, the things in front of me are not so important.


Heisha was thrown to the ground hard.

The sound of shaking still resounded in all directions.

Anyone who feels the terrible impact will be speechless for a while, exclaiming that he may not be able to withstand such a terrifying impact.

On the other hand, Heisha.

His breathing was intermittent.

At this moment, he was lying at the bottom of the pit, as if dead without any sound.

His breath disappeared, as if he had died.

But everyone did not give up.

Because Heisha's performance just now has conquered them, they believe that Heisha is not dead, Heisha can still be alive.

But after a long time, the breath of Heisha still did not appear.

"do you died?"

Some people's words are full of pity.

Heisha is such a character, if he does not die, the future will be limitless.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity that I lost a top in Linghai."

Someone yelled that it was a pity, and there was an indescribable sadness in his heart.

"Brother Heisha!"

Yue'er's eyes were filled with tears immediately.

Although she treats Heisha badly on weekdays, she often runs on words.

But she knew that Heisha was her elder brother and held a deep place in her heart.

If Heisha died, it would be a huge blow to her.

"Brother Heisha!"

Yue'er yelled crisply, wanting to go to Heisha's place to check.

But Mr. Yu's big hand appeared and grabbed her.

"Brother Fish!"

Yue'er burst into tears, looking very sad.

Mr. Yu had no expression on his face, looking at Heisha who had no breath, he wanted to release the tyrannical breath.

"Wait, wait!"

Mr. Yu stared at Heisha's place, hoping for a miracle to happen.


Miracles don't happen.

"You made the wrong choice and let your brother lose his life. Mr. Yu, tell me, am I right?"

Zheng Tuo's voice sounded full of magic.

Mr. Yu turned his head and looked at Zheng Tuo.

He who has always been calm, now showed a murderous intent.

In a trance.

Behind him appeared a huge basalt statue.

The basalt martial art is connected to heaven and earth, and it brings down a terrifying pressure, making everyone feel like a mountain is pressing down on them.

Xuanwu is uncommon, and enraged Xuanwu is even more uncommon.

Looking at Xuanwu who was furious and full of murderous intent, everyone knew that a big battle was about to take place.

But one second before this big battle was staged.

An inexplicable aura came from Heisha's place.

"Not dead! Heisha is not dead!"

Someone screamed, and the words were full of surprises.

"Alive, alive, Brother Heisha is still alive!"

Yue'er wiped away her tears and looked at where Heisha was.

People were surprised that Heisha was still alive after suffering such a shock.

But in the next second, their surprise turned into frustration.

Because Heisha didn't resurrect at all.

The aura permeating Heisha's place was not Heisha at all, but Patriarch Kunpeng.

Patriarch Kunpeng exudes his own power.

Immediately afterwards, Heisha was wrapped in golden light.


The chains that bound Patriarch Kunpeng were broken, and Patriarch Kunpeng escaped.

After the golden light completely dissipated and people saw Patriarch Kunpeng's appearance clearly, their expressions were inexplicable.

Patriarch Kunpeng grew up under the golden light just now and turned into a young man.

Judging by age, he is similar to Heisha Faceless.

Patriarch Kunpeng has gone through his most difficult reincarnation.

He who passed through reincarnation.

He began to show his extreme talent to the world of cultivating immortals.

"Brother Kunpeng!"

The tears in Yue'er's eyes were still flowing.

Brother Kunpeng returns, but brother Heisha is already dead.

She wanted to be happy, but she couldn't be happy, she was so sad, so sad.

Patriarch Kunpeng took a step and appeared in front of Yue'er in an instant.

Like a gentle big brother, he gently raised his hand to wipe away the tears on Yue'er's face.

Then he stretched out his big gentle hand, rubbing Yue'er's little head as if comforting.

"Yue'er doesn't cry, with brother Kunpeng here, even if the sky falls this day, it won't hurt you one bit."


The return of Patriarch Kunpeng, the self-confidence and domineering in the words, anyone can really feel it.

Even Zheng Tuo felt a pressure, a wordless pressure rushing towards him.

At this moment, four words popped up in his heart, the world has enemies.

There are enemies in the world.

He thought that his talent was unparalleled in the world, and no one could match him.


After seeing Patriarch Kunpeng, he knew that Patriarch Kunpeng's talent did not weaken him in the slightest.

It is worthy of being buried in the long river of time to accept the existence of reincarnation.

Reincarnation again and again, death again and again, rebirth again and again.

Let the talent of Kunpeng Patriarch reach an unprecedented height.

That height is enough to rival his own top grade spiritual root.

It seems.

I still underestimated this supreme evildoer in the world of cultivating immortals.

Zheng Tuo did not speak, quietly waiting for Master Kunpeng, preparing for a big battle.

On the other side, Patriarch Kunpeng waved his hand and captured the dead Heisha.

Looking at Heisha's incomplete body.

Even though Mr. Yu's mind is calm, there is unnatural mist in his eyes.

It's just that the brother who had been with him for many years died in front of him like this.


I should have agreed to Faceless and let him go.

Mr. Yu blamed himself, feeling that he was all to blame for letting Heisha die on the spot.

"Little fish, I don't blame you."

Patriarch Kunpeng patted Mr. Yu on the shoulder.

"Xiaosha chose to walk on his own fairy road, and he never gave up until his death. You should be proud of him."

Master Kunpeng's persuasion did not make Mr. Yu feel better.

He still felt that he was to blame for this matter, that he should agree to Faceless, he should agree to Faceless.

"Okay, you're dead, come back."

As Patriarch Kunpeng said, an extra Dao Harmony Fruit appeared in his hand.

With the fruit of harmony in hand, Patriarch Kunpeng gave Heisha the fruit of harmony without hesitation.

"Big brother!"

Mr. Yu was shocked.

"Brother, the Harmonious Dao Fruit is the spiritual thing you are using to break through. Could it... bring people back from the dead?"

Mr. Yu never knew that the Harmonious Dao Fruit could have such a magical effect.


Mr. Yu was taken aback by Master Kunpeng's answer.

"However, this is my place."


Patriarch Kunpeng grabbed it in the void.


In the void, there was a wisp of resentful spirit caught in his hand.

This vengeful spirit is Heisha's vengeful spirit.

Patriarch Kunpeng shot the resentful spirit into Heisha's body, and then awakened the resentful spirit with great means.

Originally, Heisha's resentful spirit and physical body could not be merged.

But there is the fruit of harmony.

With the existence of the fruit of harmony, Heisha's recalled body can be perfectly combined with the physical body.

Green light enveloped Heisha.

It will take some time for the effect of Harmony Fruit to take effect.

But you can see it.

Heisha's physical body was completely restored under the effect of Hedao Fruit.

Also feel it.

Heisha's aura is constantly being strengthened.

I believe it won't take long for Heisha to return with full blood.

"Brother Heisha, if you can wake up, I won't bully you anymore."

Yue'er decided to guard Brother Heisha until he woke up.

"Protect Xiaosha well, and leave the faceless to me."

Master Kunpeng said to Mr. Yu.


Mr. Yu nodded in agreement.

"I didn't protect you well just now, this time, no one can hurt you."

Mr. Yu immediately turned into Xuanwu himself.

The huge Xuanwu appeared on the scene, frightening everyone.

Xuanwu, like Patriarch Kunpeng, is a legendary creature.

Unexpectedly, they not only saw the legendary Patriarch Kunpeng today, but also the legendary Xuanwu.

Xuanwu's defensive ability is invincible on the battlefield at this moment.

If it protects Heisha from being harmed, it must be foolproof.

Changes on the scene, when this is changing rapidly.

Patriarch Kunpeng and Heisha, who had been beaten just now and had no strength to fight back, revived with full blood in a blink of an eye.

People are looking forward to the arrival of a big battle.

But before that.

Reluctantly, and unwillingly, they admit that they are being robbed.

Because Heisha died.

The nine black guards it controlled all left the battlefield.

in this way.

The twelve god generals who had nothing to offer joined the robbery army.

Facing the twelve god generals who settled in so powerfully, they were really unbearable, and they were all robbed one by one.

All the treasures on her body were robbed and taken away.

The looting on the ground is still going on.

Even a strong man like Xie Tian couldn't escape the fate of being beaten by a group and then robbed.


Patriarch Kunpeng raised his eyes and looked at Zheng Tuo.

"Faceless fellow Taoist has been waiting for a long time."

Patriarch Kunpeng looks like a young man with an extraordinary bearing.

Just standing there gives people an urge to worship.

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Zheng Tuo responded.

At the same time, he said that this is right for Patriarch Kunpeng to look like this.

With such a name, Patriarch Kunpeng should have such a temperament.

"Faceless fellow Taoist, if you win, I will let you leave. If you lose, you can leave after leaving everything behind."

Patriarch Kunpeng is completely different from just now.

If it was replaced by the little Kunpeng Patriarch just now, he would probably fight himself desperately on the spot.

did not expect.

At this moment, Patriarch Kunpeng has the demeanor of a strong man.

"Do I have a choice?"

Zheng Tuo took out a mask from his arms.

The mask is special, with half a crying face and half a smiling face. After being worn by Zheng Tuo on the face, it gives people a weird split personality.

Zheng Tuo, who was wearing a mask, seemed to be moved by a different person.

It lifts off slowly.

Enter another more open area.

And Patriarch Kunpeng also lifted off slowly, although Zheng Tuo walked behind him.

After a few breaths, there was a void above everyone's heads, and bursts of terrifying coercion came.

The coercion was extremely terrifying, as if two ancient beasts were fighting in the void above their heads.

"What are you looking at, hand over all the treasures on your body, or you will look good."

Fat Tiger's voice rolled, shaking all directions.

"Everyone, please remember that we are not robbing. You just watched a grand performance by my master. Don't blame me for paying the entrance fee?"

The thin monkey said, looking at a cultivator.

"Say, should it be."

The immortal cultivator had a bruised nose and a swollen face, apparently just because of his resistance, he was beaten up by Fatty.

He didn't want to say it, but he had to.

In the end, he could only nod his head submissively, which was regarded as talking.

"See if you know the current affairs, you are a hero, so you don't have to worry about firewood if you stay in the green hills. Think about whether life is more important or treasures are more important. You don't have a good elder brother like Patriarch Kunpeng, and you don't have one of the nine spiritual fruits." One's Dao Composite Fruit will continue to live, so, be obedient, don't resist, and hand over all the treasures."

Fat Tiger's words were sonorous, and he reprimanded all the cultivators present.

The famous and fortunate immortal cultivators in this group of spiritual seas can only be submissive at this moment, and dare not take a breath.

There is no way, who told others to have big fists.

The fat tiger and the thin monkey dominate below, and the activity of collecting tickets continues.

And above, the battle between Zheng Tuo and the Kunpeng organization has entered a fierce stage.


The loud roar is not enough to describe the intensity of the battle between the two.

Master Kunpeng is holding a Kunpeng halberd, and his whole body emits golden light.

Like a golden god of war, he raised his hand and struck out the Kunpeng halberd.

The Kunpeng Euphorbia is an innate spiritual treasure, a magic weapon that belongs exclusively to the Kunpeng God Clan.

At this moment, it was cast by the Kunpeng ancestor, and its power was extremely powerful, blocking the void on the spot, and killing Zheng Tuo.

Seeing this, Zheng Tuo didn't dare to be careless.

Patriarch Kunpeng is an existence in the legend of Linghai.

The shadow of a person's famous tree is like his legendary title.

If there is no legendary experience, how can we get the title of legend.

"Precious mirror!"

Zheng Tuo immediately urged the bronze mirror to appear in front of him.

A bronze mirror appeared in front of him like a shield.

Facing the golden light of the Kunpeng Euphorbia, he chose to face it head-on.

The two contacted instantly.

But at the moment of contact, the golden light was reflected twice on the spot, killing Patriarch Kunpeng.

Zheng Tuo rarely used the bronze mirror in battle.

Because the bronze mirror was too important to him to be exposed easily.

But facing Patriarch Kunpeng at this moment, he had to use the bronze mirror.

Patriarch Kunpeng's talent and strength are comparable to his own.

Regardless of the state of being a puppet, in fact, the state of Patriarch Kunpeng has not yet reached its peak.

In this regard, the strength of the two is evenly matched.

Zheng Tuo has never met an opponent of comparable strength since he started practicing.

Either the other party's talent is not as high as my own, or the other party's magic weapon is not as good as my own, or the other party's stupid strokes are being manipulated by myself.

But the Kunpeng Patriarch he was facing at this moment was different from all the opponents he had encountered before.

The talent, strength, and experience of Kunpeng Patriarch are all on par with him.

and so.

He used the bronze mirror from the beginning.

The existence of such and such opponents.

Let him feel how difficult it is to cultivate an immortal.

The battle continues.

The bronze mirror rebounds all magical means.

See here.

The Kunpeng halberd trembled in the hands of Kunpeng Patriarch, and all the power disappeared in the field.


Patriarch Kunpeng's figure moved, holding the Kunpeng halberd, and rushed to Zheng Tuo.

Zheng Tuo saw this.

Don't dare to use the bronze mirror to be tough.

He believes in the defensive power of the bronze mirror, but it is not necessary.

He took out the fairy sword and confronted the Kunpeng halberd head-on.


Two peerless divine weapons collided, and neither could do anything to the other.

But obviously, Patriarch Kunpeng is even better.

Because Patriarch Kunpeng's physical body is an indestructible golden body, invincible, under such a close-up impact, he can be called an invincible existence.

And Zheng Tuo is the body of a puppet.

Although the fairy sword in his hand is not afraid of the Kunpeng halberd.

But his puppet body couldn't bear such a terrible impact at all.

The two arms of the puppet body exploded on the spot.

"Faceless fellow Taoist, please come back with your real body, you can't compete with me with your puppet body alone."

Patriarch Kunpeng withdrew his hand for the time being, showing his demeanor as a strong man.

And Zheng Tuo looked at his broken hands, and could only take out a Taoist body with a thought.

The body is not here.

His body seems to be warmed up in the mirror world, but in fact it is all an illusion.

His body was hidden by him in a very, very safe place.


A place that he doesn't even know at the moment.


If he returns to the Eastern Region, he will need to use special means to get in touch with the main body.

This method is to prevent being caught by a big shot to search for the soul.

and so.

He can't summon the main body at all now.

"Fellow Taoist Kunpeng, your current state is not at its peak. If I fight you with my body, I won't be able to win by force. The Dao body is here, let you and me have a good fight."

Zheng Tuo, who was wearing a crying and laughing mask, seemed to be moved by a different person.

At this moment, he is a legend.


Patriarch Kunpeng laughed loudly, his voice moved the heavens.

"Good, good, good, what a legend."

Patriarch Kunpeng felt that he was respected.

Holding the Kunpeng halberd in his hand, it turned into a golden light and charged towards Zheng Tuo.

Even though Zheng Tuo is a Dao body, he already has [-]% of the strength of his body.

Holding the fairy sword in his hand, he rushed towards Patriarch Kunpeng without saying a word.

The two collided instantly.

Immortal sword and euphorbia clang duel.

The tyrannical impact shook the void of the deep sea continent.

This time.

Zheng Tuo's body was not damaged.

The hardness of the Dao body is definitely comparable to the existence of the acquired spirit treasure.


The two immediately started a battle.

ding ding ding ding...

The two innate spirit treasures fought head-on, and neither could do anything to the other.

In this kind of duel, Xianjian was activated with three spirit patterns on the spot.

Not only that.

The fourth spirit pattern is flickering, and it may be taken by chance at any time.

Immortal Sword instinctively sensed the threat from the Kunpeng Euphorbia, and erupted with unimaginable power.

"What a fine sword!"

Patriarch Kunpeng could not help admiring immediately when he felt the immortal sword becoming more and more courageous as he fought.

His Kunpeng Euphorbia was passed down from generation to generation by the Kunpeng God Clan.

It has been nourished by generations of Kunpeng protoss to have such tyrannical power as it is now.

And the fairy sword in Wumian's hand was able to fight Kunpeng's big halberd head-on without losing any damage.

It even made Kunpeng Euphorbia feel the breath of danger.

It seems.

This fairy sword must also be absolutely extraordinary.

That being the case.

Kunpeng Patriarch suddenly shook the Kunpeng halberd.

The Kunpeng Euphorbia, the innate spirit treasure, is not simply tough enough.


The Kunpeng Patriarch stimulated the power of the Kunpeng Euphorbia.

On the Kunpeng halberd, countless Kunpeng spirit patterns emerged.

The Kunpeng halberd that emerged from the Kunpeng spirit pattern was even more powerful.

Faced with such an impact.

The fourth spirit pattern of the fairy sword is activated.

But even so, Zheng Tuo was crushed and beaten by the Kunpeng halberd.

The fairy sword has no spirit, even if it can activate the spirit pattern by instinct, even if it is extremely sharp, it can kill the innate spirit treasure.

But under this top level duel, after all, it was a little bit worse.

Don't look at just a little bit, perhaps because of this little bit, Zheng Tuo will lose.

"Precious mirror!"

Zheng Tuo shouted loudly and called out the bronze mirror.

The mirror appeared.

Immediately shot a bronze fairy light.

The halo seemed to travel through time and space, with a breath of time, and killed the Kunpeng Patriarch.

Faced with such a method, Patriarch Kunpeng had to retreat quickly to dodge the attack of Bronze Immortal Light.

The Bronze Immortal Light silently hit the position of Patriarch Kunpeng just now.


The void distorted, became unstable, and finally broke through a hole the size of a human head.

And behind the hole is the black void.

The space of the Deep Sea Continent, which is imprisoned by special forces, is difficult to break even a king-level powerhouse.


It was actually punched out by the bronze fairy light of the bronze mirror.

"Amazing mirror!"

Patriarch Kunpeng was surprised!

Others don't know how powerful the restriction of this deep sea continent is.

As the master of this land, how can he not know how strong the restriction of this deep sea continent is.


This is the ancestral land of his Kunpeng God Clan.

How could he not be surprised that the restriction that imprisoned the void in the ancestral land of the Kunpeng God Clan was punched out.


Zheng Tuo secretly thought it was a pity, and at the same time, continued to urge the bronze mirror to attack and kill Patriarch Kunpeng.

Bronze Immortal Light is Bao Jing's ultimate move.

Zheng Tuo didn't hold back, and urged the bronze mirror with all his strength to attack and kill Patriarch Kunpeng.

This move is not for other reasons, but because Patriarch Kunpeng is worthy of this level of supernatural power.

Patriarch Kunpeng saw this.

clap la la...

A pair of golden Kunpeng wings appeared behind it.

The Golden Canopy Wing is very similar to the Kunpeng Wing.

It's just that the Kunpeng Wing is a magic weapon, and it is a magic weapon refined from countless Kunpeng feathers.

And the Kunpeng Wing of the Kunpeng Patriarch.It is his innate supernatural powers.


Patriarch Kunpeng disappeared in place, and reappeared, already in front of Zheng Tuo.

Without saying a word, the Kunpeng halberd fell hard and hit the top of Zheng Tuo's head.

Zheng Tuo confronted head-on with a fairy sword in his hand.


Zheng Tuo was blown away.

Firstly, Kunpeng Euphorbia is indeed tyrannical, and secondly, he wants to distance himself from Kunpeng Patriarch.

The bronze treasure mirror shone with bronze luster, and the bronze fairy light shot out, killing Patriarch Kunpeng.

"Good trick!"

Grandmaster Kunpeng spread his wings, and his speed was extremely fast.

Zheng Tuo's Bronze Mirror's attack was unparalleled, enough to cause damage to Patriarch Kunpeng.

But at the speed of the Kunpeng Patriarch, he couldn't hit it at all.

Kunpeng Patriarch took advantage of his speed to get in front of Zheng Tuo, and continued to attack Zheng Tuo with a strong attack.

The Kunpeng Euphorbia vibrated, its power increased to a higher level.


Zheng Tuo was knocked into the air and stabilized his figure in the distance.

The problem is serious.

Zheng Tuo thought quickly.

He owns the Kunpeng Wing himself, and it stands to reason that he also has the world's haste.

But the other party is the Kunpeng Patriarch, a living fossil-like existence of the Kunpeng Protoss.

Using Kunpengyi in front of him, I'm afraid I'm playing with fire.

Kunpengyi couldn't be used, so he immediately mobilized the world of ten directions to cover the world.

Since you can't keep up with the opponent's speed, then weaken the opponent's speed.

The world of ten directions covers the four directions, including Patriarch Kunpeng.

"Boundary domain, a rare domain."

Patriarch Kunpeng felt his speed drop suddenly.

He is so fast.

It is impossible to dodge the bronze fairy light of the bronze mirror.

That being the case.

"Come on!"

Patriarch Kunpeng immediately.


The entire deep sea continent shook.

next second.

The bedroom of Patriarch Kunpeng rose from the ground and flew into the hands of Patriarch Kunpeng in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Tuo's pupils shrank rapidly.

"The second innate spirit treasure?"

(End of this chapter)

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