The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 968 Old Man, I Advise You to Rat Tail Juice

Chapter 968 Old Man, I Advise You to Rat Tail Juice
The void vibrates, and everything is still.

Zheng Tuo raised his hand and hit his strongest finger of heaven.

That finger is the way of heaven, the only one in this world.

The evil god was defeated with a big hand, and was pierced by Tiandao's finger on the spot, and blood spattered on the spot.

The black blood flowed down like a waterfall, hitting the seventh-order formation.

The seventh-order formation is mysterious, and I don't know who is urging it to try to resist the impact of the black blood.

Zi la la...

The seventh-order formation screamed in pain, wanting to be melted into a hole by the black blood.


Seeing this, the old monster in the distance immediately laughed.

Holding a cup of treasure bottle in his hand, he pushed it with all his strength.

An inexplicable halo emanated from the mouth of the treasure bottle, sucking the black blood into it.

The blood of the evil god is a great tonic for him.

Just because he can summon the evil god doesn't mean he can completely control the evil god.

On the contrary, he felt that the evil god was using him to descend into this world.

At this moment.

The evil god was injured, so he decided to collect its blood essence for research, and even use it to refine puppets and bless himself.

Seeing this, Zheng Tuo raised his hand and threw out a jade bottle.

The jade bottle was pure white, emitting auspicious light, and immediately cut off the beard, preventing the old monster from absorbing the blood of the evil spirit.

"Faceless boy, if you dare to stop me, you will die..."

Seeing this, the old monster was furious.

Furious, he raised his hand and shot a black light.

Wu Guang is mysterious, passing through the constraints of space, and killed Zheng Tuo in the blink of an eye.

"One Finger of Heaven!"

Zheng Tuo shot mercilessly, sticking out two fingers.

One finger of the way of heaven is very mysterious, and it is a peerless supernatural power.

The gray light was immediately dispersed.


Tiandao's finger didn't stop, and the speed was so fast that it killed the old monster.

Seeing this, the old monster immediately changed hands.

He urged his own defense, trying to resist Tiandao's attack.


The power of Tiandao Yizhi was beyond imagination, piercing through the old monster's defense on the spot, passing through its shoulder.


A big hole was pierced through the old monster's shoulder, and his breath immediately became disordered and fell suddenly.

"Little bastard, you dare to hurt me!"

The old monster urged the method to force out the light attribute aura in the injured shoulder.

He is evil by nature, and he is quite afraid of light attribute aura.

At this moment, it is much easier to force out the light attribute aura.

"I dare to hurt you?"

Zheng Tuo whispered, "Not only do I dare to hurt you, I will kill you today."

This word is exported.

Zheng Tuo hit the Heavenly Dao finger one after another.


Several streaks of white light flew out from between the fingers, turning into waves, roaring and killing the old monster.

The white light is not bright, but it has the power to make people palpitate.

Seeing this, the old monster immediately didn't dare to accept it.

He had been hard-wired just now, and he had suffered heavy injuries. If he was hard-wired at this moment, he might be killed in minutes.

With a movement of his body, he dodged the attack.

But Zheng Tuo would not give him any chance to escape.

The world of ten directions is fully opened.

The world of ten directions descended, covering the old monster.

The old monster immediately felt that his feet were stuck in the mud, and his speed suddenly dropped.


Sensing the danger coming from behind, the old monster immediately cursed.

next second.




The place where the old monster was located was flooded with white light.



"Faceless boy, you should die, you should die, you should die..."

The painful howling and cursing of the old monster came, echoing in the void.

Anyone can feel the despair of the old monster at this moment.

He was originally an evil person, but at this moment he was killed by the light-attribute aura. It's hard for you to imagine what kind of crying the old monster was enduring.

"It's still yelling, it seems that I'm still taking it lightly."

Zheng Tuo whispered, his fingers emitting crystal white light.

"One Finger of Heaven!"

There are no fancy moves, very unpretentious attacks.

The Finger of Heaven is constantly being hit by Zheng Tuo, the black void is no longer dark, it is wrapped in the auspiciousness of the Finger of Heaven.

The peaceful power is as gentle as the winter sun, shining on the old monster.




The old monster let out a painful howl like killing a pig.

This howl is heard in the ears, making people's scalp numb, the soles of their feet feel cold, and even the weak are so frightened that their hearts have collapsed and it is difficult to hold on.

"The evil god is coming!"

Amidst the screams, the old monster erupted, activated the secret technique, and summoned the evil god to descend.

Above the void, the evil god's hand that was injured by Zheng Tuo became active.

The huge hand of the void turned into a killing fist, filled with the breath of evil gods, trying to attack Zheng Tuo at high speed.

"Since you don't want to leave, stay here."

Zheng Tuo whispered, raised his hand and struck out a chain.

clap la la...

The chain bound the evil god's hand in an instant, and then Zheng Tuo swung his arms with great force.

He acted like a god of strength, intending to grab the evil god out of the void.


In the void, whispers came from the mouth of the evil god.

It was originally stuck in the middle of the void, and it was difficult to fully descend.

Being pulled by Zheng Tuo at this moment, he immediately felt the pain and howled.

The next second, the evil god was scared.

He frantically tried to withdraw his fist and return to his own territory.

He didn't want to fight Zheng Tuo because he felt the threat of his name.

"Come as soon as you say, leave as soon as you say, what kind of place do you think this is, dare to provoke me, today I will let you know what pain is."

Zheng Tuo didn't care about that, he tried his best to activate the Immortal Art of Immortality.

The supernatural power of immortality is so powerful that it once caused battles in the entire world of cultivating immortals. It is a truly peerless skill.

At this moment, Zheng Tuo was urging with all his strength, and the golden light overflowed all over his body, turning into a huge golden light Dharma statue.

The Dharma looks at the heaven and the earth, like a god descending.

He grabbed the chain with both hands, intending to pull the evil god out of the void and kill him on the spot.


There was actually a touch of fear in the painful cry of the evil god.

Hearing this in everyone's ears, all faces changed color, and they were shocked again and again.

The strength of this guy without face is so terrifying.

The evil god's strength is extremely strong, coupled with its special means, it can be called a formidable opponent in the Little King Realm.

But at this moment.

He was so frightened by Wumian that he didn't dare to descend, and wanted to escape from this place.

This scene is too mysterious and unbelievable.

People widened their eyes, for fear of missing a detail.

They know that they are witnessing a legend.

Regardless of the outcome of the battle, the name of Faceless will surely spread throughout the Southern Territory, including the entire Immortal Cultivation World.

The name of legend will become a shining sun of this era.

That is the existence that everyone should look up to.

And that existence is right in front of him.

Like this, how could they be willing to blink, how could they be willing to let go of the slightest detail.


The evil god wailed, and frantically broke free from the chain, wanting to escape.

But the chain is the illusion of the mark of heaven, and there is light attribute aura on it, making it really difficult for the evil god to break free.

Moreover, Zheng Tuo's own power is extremely terrifying because of his practice of immortality, which can be called abnormal power.

The evil god was being dragged, and he was about to be dragged to death.



There was a crisp sound.

The evil god broke his own arm and escaped in such a humiliating way.


The evil god wailed, as if threatening Zheng Tuo.

After letting go of the cruel words, the evil god obediently retreated into the void and disappeared.

The evil god was frightened away, and even broke his own arm to run away, which deeply shocked everyone.

No one underestimated Zheng Tuo, but Zheng Tuo still told everyone that you misunderstood me.

There was no sound, only awe.

At this moment, people began to face up to the name of legend.

Such an age, such strength, is rare in ancient and modern times.

"What a poor guy."

Because of the evil god, the old monster got a moment of respite.

The evil god escaped in such a way, which shamed him and made him even more unhappy.

You evil god broke your arm and left, leaving me here to suffer everyone's eyes like a clown.

"Faceless boy, you think this is over, next, I will let you..."

Before the old monster could speak, Zheng Tuo had already made a move.

Tiandao killed with one finger, Zheng Tuo shot with all his strength, without the slightest intention to hold back.

After all, the old monster is a king-level existence. Even if it is a puppet at this moment, it still needs to use all its strength to kill the opponent.

"No face, I have remembered you, believe me, I will not find you, I will definitely find you..."

The old monster said such words while dodging Zheng Tuo's attack.


He is ready to retreat.

He knows that the current self is by no means invincible.

If he continues to fight, he will only be humiliated.

Instead of being humiliated, it is better to stop the bleeding in time, turn around and use the body to suppress the faceless forcefully.

As the old monster said, he moved and came to the edge of the seventh-order formation that sealed this place.

"Open the formation!"

The old monster's voice was cold, and in an orderly tone, he ordered the person who arranged the seventh-order sealing formation to open the formation.


After a while, no one responded to him.

"No matter who you are, I tell you to open the formation, immediately, immediately..."

The old monster dodged Zheng Tuo's attack in embarrassment, and shouted anxiously, expressing his long-cherished wish.


After a while, still no one responded to him.

"Old monster, it seems that in this southern region, I am not the only one who wants to target you, and there are probably not a few people who want to target you!"

Zheng Tuo went all out to attack and kill the old monster.


After repeated battles and activation of secret techniques, the old monster was at the end of its strength.

At this moment, one of them couldn't dodge in time, and was hit by Zheng Tuo, and half of his body was blown away immediately.

Bloody and bloody, extremely miserable.

The majestic old monster in the southern region, his face changes when he hears it, and he is a ruthless character that everyone fears.

To be forced into such an embarrassing situation at this moment.


The old monster was panting heavily, looking sluggish, and was infinitely close to death.

"Faceless boy, you are playing with fire."

The old monster held on not to fall, still sternly speaking, trying to frighten Zheng Tuo.

"Old monster, at this moment, in this situation, do you think I'm still afraid of you!"

Zheng Tuo stepped into the void with his hands behind his back.

"You and I are both kings, and we should understand the principle that the strong are respected. I didn't want to provoke you, but you took the initiative to provoke me and sent it to my door. Let me ask, if you are a group of powerful kings, if someone knocks you , shouting with insulting words, how will I fight back, how will I make a move..."

Zheng Tuo's eyes were cold, like thunder and lightning, and he scanned the audience.

The hearts of all the kings moved, and they all felt the deep hostility from Zheng Tuo.

The old monster was silent.

What Zheng Tuo said is completely true.

A king-level powerhouse stands at the top of the world of cultivating immortals.

Even if there are legends about the existence of a half-immortal, this kind of existence does not appear holy, does not show its body, and is suppressed by the heavenly way of the world of cultivating immortals.

Why is the king class called the king class, because they are the kings of this world of cultivating immortals.

"What a legend without a face. Today, I, an old monster, admit to failure, but I hope to meet you in the future, and you can still have such a magnanimity and such a heart."

As the old monster said, an inexplicable force was bred all over his body, and he wanted to explode himself to escape.


Zheng Tuo immediately snorted coldly.

He is most familiar with this method of self-destruction.

Because this is a method he often uses.

It is powerful and effective, and there is no need to deal with the aftermath. It is definitely an excellent means for traveling at home and killing people.


Zheng Tuo made a finger snap.

The world of the ten directions appeared and descended immediately, sealing the space where the old monster was.


The old monster turned pale with fright!

At this moment, he felt a force suddenly appeared in his body, preventing him from exploding himself.

"What strength did you leave in my body when I was just injured?"

The old monster was frightened again and again.

After all, he is a strong Heavenly King and a puppet master.

At this moment, someone left special power in his puppet clone, but he didn't even notice it.

Where did this faceless come from? There is such an unimaginable power to avoid his own detection.

"You don't need to know too much, you just need to know, don't mess with me in the future, at this age, you should know what kind of people you can mess with and what kind of people you can't mess with, I'm here, old man, I advise you to be a mouse tail juice."

As Zheng Tuo said, he stretched out five fingers, and slowly clenched his five fingers into a fist.


The old monster felt an inexplicable force in his body being aroused.

That power was like a volcanic eruption, destroying his body and destroying him.

After all, he is a puppet dao body, and the physical body is very important. If many of its powerful parts are destroyed, the whole dao body will be completely abolished.

At this moment, this is the state.

The puppet dao body was destroyed, causing his combat power to drop sharply, and he has completely lost its effect.


"Faceless, you are very strong, very strong. In this Little King Realm, you are definitely the strongest existence, but you are only in the Little King Realm after all."

The old monster was very tricky, and immediately abandoned the puppet body.

He stood in the air with his soul body, looking at Zheng Tuo.

"Faceless, let me see if you can take my last blow..."

The old monster's soul turned into an inexplicable gray light, and rushed towards Zheng Tuo in an instant.

all of a sudden.

The black void is silent, and everything disappears.

Only that touch of delicate ash seemed to pass through the shackles of space, killing Zheng Tuo.

The old monster is a strong man at the level of a king, so if he makes a move at this moment, it is a move at the level of a king.

It wasn't a full-strength blow, but it contained the incomparable power of a heavenly king, standing on the top of the world of cultivating immortals.

Facing such power, Zheng Tuo didn't even have a chance to react.


That delicate touch of ash instantly pierced Zheng Tuo's eyebrows and disappeared.

The whole place was silent.

All eyes are on the faceless face with his eyes closed, his feet stepping on the void, motionless.

At this moment, Zheng Tuo had no breath, standing quietly in the black void as if dead.

(End of this chapter)

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