The protagonist is obviously strong but very cautious

Chapter 979 Boss Duan oppressed for 9 days, Zheng Tuo revealed that he failed

Chapter 979 Boss Duan's coercion for nine days, Zheng Tuo revealed that he failed

"No face, let me see what you have done."

Boss Duan has an inexplicable force surging in his palm, trying to draw Zheng Tuo into his palm to suppress Souhun.

The terrifying power of the Heavenly King-level powerhouse blocked the space around Zheng Tuo, preventing him from moving at all, and he could only fly towards Boss Duan like a prisoner.

This situation is very rare.

At least for Zheng Tuo, it is very rare.

This is the first time he has encountered the feeling that his fate is in the hands of others.

Even when he encountered a semi-immortal-level existence of Wan Ling's self-reliance, he didn't feel so helpless.

Boss Duan's methods are too strong, coupled with the full anger value, such a move is also expected.

"The world in ten directions is determined in ten directions!"

With a thought in Zheng Tuo's mind, he moved the world in all directions.

The world of ten directions descended, wrapping himself and Boss Duan in it.

The surrounding black void scenery has changed, and it has turned into a snow-capped snow-capped mountain top.

The snow-capped mountains are white and cold.

Everyone in Xuanling City could feel the biting chill coming, which shows how mysterious and extraordinary Zheng Tuo's methods are.

"Senior Duan, I hope you will be calm and calm. If you have something to say, you will search your soul. Don't you be afraid of the revenge from the power behind me?"

Zheng Tuo took the world of ten directions as his memory and stabilized his figure.

The world of ten directions is a small world. If you want to move him, you must have the power to shake the small world.

Boss Duan's all-out attack will definitely shake the world in all directions.

But at this moment, his random shot cannot make Zheng Tuo continue to move.

Zheng Tuo is not a vegetarian.

"Faceless boy, you don't need to explain. I already know everything. To you, I just confirmed it."

Boss Duan promoted the method.


There are signs of collapse in the world of ten directions.

The void shattered, and cracks appeared like glass.

The world is collapsing, and the world of the ten directions has no possibility of being strengthened under the means of Boss Duan, and it begins to collapse in an all-round way.


Zheng Tuo immediately cursed in his heart.

Boss Duan's level of killing is quite decisive, and he does not procrastinate in his actions.

If you say you can do it to yourself, you can do it to yourself, if you say you can do it yourself, you can do it to yourself, it doesn't make sense at all.

A ruthless character, really a ruthless character!
Zheng Tuo knew that he must not search for the soul of Boss Duan.

If I search my soul, not only will I know that I have killed the three members of the Duan family, but I will also know many secrets about myself.

among them.

The fact that he is a time traveler will definitely be known.

Damn it, damn it.

Zheng Tuo kept cursing in his heart.

When his own strength is low, he can often protect himself well, and has never encountered such a thing as being searched for his soul.

It happened that after his own strength became stronger, he encountered such an irresistible suppression.

The strength is powerful, but it may also bring corresponding disadvantages.

Thinking in his heart, he immediately sat cross-legged in the void.

Driven by Immortality Not Divine Art, cooperate with the world of ten directions, firmly fix oneself in place, not to be dragged by Duan Boss.


Zheng Tuo relied on his own strength to block Boss Duan's methods.

Boss Duan obviously didn't try his best.

In his eyes, Zheng Tuo is the stronger Xiaowangjing.

But if you are strong, you are only at the Little King Realm after all, just at the Little King Realm, how strong can you be.


His budget went awry.

Zheng Tuo, this little King Realm, is so strong that it is simply outrageous.

"Create your own spirit patterns?"

There was a hint of surprise in Boss Duan's words.

Because he felt the existence of the mark of heaven.

He didn't know the mystery and power of the mark of the way of heaven, but he could feel that Zheng Tuo's mark of the way of heaven belonged to the category of self-created spirit patterns.

"It's no wonder that it is possible to reach such a level at such an age and have a self-created spirit pattern."

Boss Duan has a resolute character and respects the strong.

Zheng Tuo's ability to create his own spirit pattern shows that he has a very high spirit and wants to go out of his own way.

And through the self-created spirit pattern to improve his strength, he reached the king level.

This kind of existence deserves his respect.

The strength in the hand increased, and he sucked suddenly.


The world of ten directions exploded into countless fragments in his hands.

Fragments are like starlight, bit by bit, disappearing into the black void.

next second.

When Zheng Tuo couldn't control himself at all, Boss Duan choked his throat instantly.

"Let me see what you have done."

Boss Duan made a decisive move, hit Zheng Tuo with a soul-searching blow, and searched for Zheng Tuo's soul.

But in the next second, a stone tripod appeared between Zheng Tuo's eyebrows.

Shi Ding rotated, exuding inexplicable power, and collided fiercely with Boss Duan's soul blow.


The muffled sound was almost inaudible.

The attack between the soul and the soul does not have much explosive noise and destructive power, but the risk factor is extremely high.

One carelessness is to destroy both body and spirit.

Even if your physical body is comparable to an innate spiritual treasure, and you possess peerless supernatural powers, you can kill real immortals.

But as long as the soul is beheaded, everything will be in vain.

The soul is the most important thing for a cultivator, not even one of them.

In the collision of spirit and soul attacks, Boss Duan did not have any advantage.

"Stone tools!"

Boss Duan whispered, raised his hand to let go of Zheng Tuo, and let Zheng Tuo distance himself from him.

Stone tools are something special.

It is as strong as a congenital spirit treasure, but it is too heavy to smash walnuts.

Just now that Shi Ding was able to block the blow of his soul, it must not be a mortal thing.

The power of this terrifying stone cauldron is comparable to the innate spirit treasure.

"It's no wonder that Faceless can kill the old monster's spirit attack. It turns out that there are stone tools to protect the spirit!"

There was a king-level powerhouse who whispered, and when he said this, he suddenly understood.

At first they couldn't believe it.

Faceless in the Little King Realm actually beheaded the old monster in the Heaven King Realm
Even if the old monster came from the Dao body, it would not be possible to be beheaded so easily.

Watch now.

This faceless spirit body is protected by stone tools.

Moreover, this stone tool was able to block Boss Duan's soul attack, so it was naturally powerful enough.

It is not impossible for such a powerful stone tool to kill the old monster puppet body.

The unraveling of such a mystery makes people even more curious about Zheng Tuo.

There seems to be a cloud of fog on this guy, and there may be many secrets hidden in the fog.

have to say.

This kind of mist is very charming and very desirable.

"Great faceless god, I would like to be your faithful believer..."

Some people were full of piety in their words, and even knelt down to worship Zheng Tuo in public, regarded Zheng Tuo as a god, and wanted to follow him, called Dharma protector.

"I am willing to follow the faceless god..."

Not only one person, but many people bowed down to Zheng Tuo and regarded Zheng Tuo as a god.

Such things as believers are not uncommon in the world of cultivating immortals.

Among them, women have the most believers.

Believers of various goddesses can circle the world of cultivating immortals hand in hand.

But a man who has been enveloped like Zheng Tuo is somewhat rare.

King-level powerhouses are all focused on their own cultivation, and rarely show their power in the world of cultivating immortals.

And even if the king class haunts, it is still bullying others.

There are very few people like Zheng Tuo who are bullied and can resist.


It's really surprising that you have followers.

"No face, do you think you can stop me with stone tools!"

Boss Duan whispered, looked at Zheng Tuo, and did not make a move for the time being.

"No, no, I don't think so, it's just you. I never thought I could beat Senior Duan."

Zheng Tuo is very low-key.

It's not okay to be low-key.

He is a strong man in the Heavenly King Realm, and his strength is there. If he can't beat him, he really can't beat him.

"No need to say much, let me see how strong your method is!"

Boss Duan continued to attack, hitting Zheng Tuo with a blow of soul.

Zheng Tuo had no choice but to urge Shi Ding to fight against Boss Duan.

clang clang...

The soul's blow hit the stone tripod with a resounding sound.

The stone tripod was dilapidated, and the stone chips fell from the beating by Boss Duan, which seemed quite distressing.

There is no way to feel distressed.

Boss Duan's attack was too terrifying.

If Shi Ding hadn't resisted that divine attack, Zheng Tuo might have been killed in minutes.

too strong.

The method of end prison is too powerful.

Zheng Tuo had no choice but to activate the crying and laughing mask immediately.

The crying mask exudes a strange and unpredictable power.

This power is very special, when it came here, it actually helped Shi Ding, and easily blocked Boss Duan's soul attack.

Zheng Tuo was not injured.

And not only was he not injured, he even discovered something very interesting.

The interesting thing is that he discovered that when the crying mask was attacked by Boss Duan, it actually absorbed part of Boss Duan's power.

Come carefully.

The latter amount is only [-]%.

But this is the three soul attacks of the king-level powerhouse.

The level of power can be called terrifying.

He never imagined that the crying and laughing mask, which is the acquired spiritual treasure, can absorb this kind of power to bless his body and provide for his practice.

Could it be that the crying mask can be cultivated in this way?

Zheng Tuo thought in his heart, and immediately guided Boss Duan's attack, making the crying and laughing mask gradually become the main defensive magic weapon.

After several tests by him, the laughing and crying mask was able to withstand [-]% of the attacking power of Boss Duan's soul.

And this power is absorbed by the crying mask.

It can be clearly seen that there is an inexplicable force surging above the wry smile mask.

It looks like it is shining with metallic luster, which is so mysterious that people exclaim that this is definitely a top-level magic weapon.

Zheng Tuo was surprised.


Although the crying mask is his magic weapon, he doesn't know much about it.

Because this thing has just been refined, he has no idea what power it has or how mysterious it is.

He also needs to use it a lot, and then conduct experiments to know the power and mystery of the crying and laughing mask.

of course.

The crying mask can absorb the attack and kill of the soul, but he will not show it.

Because that's too ostentatious, it will attract Boss Duan to attack with all his strength.

Boss Duan who shot with all his strength, even if he had Shi Ding, even if he had a wry smile, he would be killed in seconds.

He believed it completely.

Boss Duan didn't go all out to attack at this moment, he just wanted to suppress himself and search for his soul.


Zheng Tuo screamed in pain, put his head in his hands, and retreated quickly.

Judging from his appearance, he was obviously injured by Boss Duan's attack.

But the truth is...he wasn't hurt at all.

Boss Duan's soul strike was completely blocked by Shi Ding and the crying mask.

Moreover, the crying and laughing mask was full under this kind of attack, and continued to practice, and continued to move towards the innate spiritual treasure.

Boss Duan didn't say anything, and continued to attack Zheng Tuo.

And the means are gradually strengthened, trying to suppress Zheng Tuo in one go.

"This Wumian is so powerful that he can actually fight Boss Duan. He is a Heavenly King Realm powerhouse!"

The people who eat melons don't care whether you, Boss Duan, keep your hands or want to suppress Zheng Tuo.

They only believe what they see.

What they saw now was Boss Duan attacking and killing Zheng Tuo, and although Zheng Tuo seemed to be in pain, there were not many signs of defeat.

"What more!"

Someone looked at Zheng Tuo with longing in their eyes.

"This Faceless is just a dao body, not the main body. If the main body comes, maybe he can fight Boss Duan."

Immortal cultivators who do not have a clear understanding of strength speak like this, feeling that they see through everything, but actually know nothing about king-level powerhouses.

"Really, if Faceless came here in person, maybe he could fight Boss Duan, Xiaowangjing fights Heavenly King, could it be that there are followers of Faceless appearing, the name of legend is well-deserved!"

Another guy who has no knowledge of king-level strength said so.

In the eyes of ordinary cultivators.

The king-level realm is the same as other realms, using methods, supernatural powers, and magic weapons can reach the point of leapfrogging challenges.

But in practice, this situation is minimal.

Little King Realm, Great King Realm, and Heavenly King Realm, the three realms seem to be small realms, but they are actually three insurmountable big realms.

Don't say anything else.

When the body of the bear king Tanlang fights with the body of Zheng Tuo, Zheng Tuo will feel very dangerous, and even the chance of losing will be very high.

The gap between king-level powerhouses, even the most monstrous evildoers, can only be defeated under certain circumstances.

And if you want to kill the opponent, unless you calculate everything like Zheng Tuo, it is impossible.




Where the black void is, there are constant muffled noises.

At the same time, Zheng Tuo screamed in pain.





"It hurts..."

Zheng Tuo screamed in various ways.

At first, it felt like this was going to fail soon.

But as time went by, everyone was shocked to find out.

Apart from screaming constantly, the faceless guy seemed to be calm, and he didn't show any signs of defeat.

Such a scene is puzzling.

There is no sign of defeat after being beaten like this, it is completely unreasonable!


Boss Duan obviously discovered the problem.

His own attack has already been able to kill the strong in the Little King Realm.

But it didn't work for Faceless.

Faceless looked like he was hurt, but in fact, he knew from his senses that Faceless wasn't hurt at all.

Not only was this guy not injured, but the strange mask on his face seemed to have the means to absorb the attack of the soul.

The method I just used was completely absorbed by it, and it blessed that strange mask.

Boss Duan couldn't tolerate Zheng Tuo's attitude towards him at this moment.

He shot, and immediately fixed the void where Zheng Tuo was.

Zheng Tuo suddenly felt his whole body tense, and secretly said that he had suffered.

Boss Duan exerted his strength, and he might suffer disaster.

That being the case.

"Senior Duan, don't blame me for not reminding you. There is a powerful force behind me, named the Eighth Jedi. If you dare to search for my soul, the Eighth Jedi will not let your Duan family go."

Zheng Tuo did not compromise when he was trapped, but was very strong.

"Senior Duan, your strength is indeed very strong. You can be called an invincible existence in this Southern Territory. Even the legendary strong will not dare to provoke you, but after all, there is more than one person, and there are tens of thousands of members of the Duan family. If you search for my soul, the tens of thousands of members of the Duan family will surely become tens of thousands of corpses, and I have no face here to promise my seniors."

Cruel, domineering, and fearless.

This is what people say about faceless at this moment.

Boss Duan came here in real life, a genuine king-level powerhouse.

Facing such a character, Zheng Tuo dared to threaten him.

Some people think that this is a kind of boldness, which is a necessary quality for a strong man.

Some people think that Zheng Tuo is looking for death, this is looking for death.

That's Boss Duan, a king-level existence, an existence that truly stands at the pinnacle of the Southern Territory.

In the Southern Region, who would dare to threaten Boss Duan.

"Eighth Jedi!"

Boss Duan whispered.

He knew that there were seven Jedi in the Eastern Territory.

The seven great Jedi are all dangerous places, places that even king-level powerhouses dare not set foot on at will.

But he had never heard of the Eighth Jedi.

He has practiced for some years, knows many secrets, and understands many important things.

But I've never heard of the Eighth Jedi.

Not to mention Boss Duan, none of the thousands of creatures in Xuanling City have ever heard of the Eighth Jedi.

"Where is the eighth Jedi?"

Jiang Yan repeated these words, but he also didn't know much about the Eighth Jedi.

"I've never heard of it, but it's just a place where the faceless kid said it on purpose to fool people."

Old man Hu believed that Faceless could definitely do such a thing.

"No, the Eighth Jedi should indeed exist."

At this moment, Du Chunxiang actually said such words.

"Faceless is from the Eighth Great Jedi. In the Eastern Territory, there are traces to follow. Not only Faceless, but Black Phoenix is ​​also from the Eighth Great Jedi."

When Du Chunxiang mentioned Heifeng, the atmosphere at the banquet suddenly changed.

"You mean that miscellaneous bird, Heifeng!"

Jiang Yan, who has the best temper, jumped immediately when he heard the word Heifeng.

Heifeng left the Eastern Region earlier than Zheng Tuo to venture into the Southern Region, and really left a legend all the way in the Southern Region.


Heifeng, taking advantage of the fact that everyone in the Southern Region was not familiar with him, stole the treasure houses of ten great clans in one go.


Among them is the treasure house of the Jiang family.

Fortunately, the protection measures for the Jiang family's treasure house were not bad, and Heifeng didn't steal too many treasures.

But it's extremely insulting.

It is really embarrassing to hear that the Jiang family, one of the three great families in the Southern Region, had their treasury stolen.

During those days, the Jiang family spent a lot of money on the list of original sins just to catch Heifeng.


Heifeng disappeared after doing a big job.

Don't look at Heifeng who only voted for one vote, but this vote completely made him famous in the Southern Region.

Basically, it is the point where everyone gets it and punishes it.

Now that Heifeng and Faceless are both from the Eighth Jedi, the atmosphere is different.

Looking at Faceless, there is more or less hostility.

"You are threatening me!"

Boss Duan was calm, looking at Zheng Tuo.

According to what Du Chunxiang said, the Eighth Jedi really exists.

Since it is a Jedi, naturally it cannot be evaluated by general forces.

Even he wouldn't dare to set foot in a place like the Jedi's.


According to the rumors, even a half-immortal would not dare to set foot on the Jedi easily.

There is great fear among the Jedi, and that kind of great fear kills a half-immortal as easily as mowing grass.

Although it is a rumor, but there are no waves without wind, and for the Jedi, the king-level powerhouse is more likely to avoid it.

Because they know that on the road of cultivating immortals, the king level is the starting point, and they are all apprentices.

As an apprentice, you must have a heart of awe.

Boss Duan is not a hot-headed generation like Xiong Wang.

"Don't worry, you won't die."

Boss Duan whispered, urged the method, and locked Zheng Tuo in place.

He took a step and approached Zheng Tuo step by step.

Damn it!
Zheng Tuo also knew that his intimidation might work against ordinary kings.

For a king like Boss Duan, it has no effect at all.

Boss Duan's existence is not only powerful, but also has a lot of experience.

It will not compromise because of this threat.

"Senior Duan, I admit that I can't beat you today, but don't bully the young man, I will come back eventually."

After Zheng Tuo yelled the classic lines, he immediately activated the imprint of heaven in his body and chose to blew himself up.

Can't beat, can't beat, the current self can't beat Boss Duan at all.

Rather than being tortured and beaten by Boss Duan, it would be better to blow yourself up.

"Hmph, you want to blow yourself up in front of me!"

Seeing this, Boss Duan immediately mobilized his own strength, trying to prevent Zheng Tuo from exploding himself.

But his strength was unable to interfere with Zheng Tuo's mark of heaven.

At last.

He could only watch helplessly as Zheng Tuo made a loud bang, turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared in place.

Zheng Tuo was quite decisive and chose to blew himself up.

The tyrannical power raged against the black void.

Zheng Tuo, who had just killed the old monster and suppressed the Nine Kings, turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared on the spot.

Such a scene.

Can't help but let people sigh.

In the face of absolute strength, he was as strong as the legendary faceless, but he was also forced to self-destruct.

But the next second.

"Faceless boy, I want to leave!"

Boss Duan made a decisive move and grabbed a short hill outside Xuanling City.


The short mountain suddenly split from the middle.

It can be seen that in the split short mountain, Zheng Tuo's soul body, Zheng Tuo, is about to drive a teleportation array to run.

At this moment, due to the vibration, the teleportation array was destroyed, and it had no way to escape.

"Senior Duan, why is this so!"

Zheng Tuo was speechless, his body moved, and he hid in the stone cauldron.

Shi Ding exudes inexplicable power, protecting his spirit and body from outside intrusion.

Boss Duan didn't care about anything else, and directly attacked Shi Ding.




The dazzling halo seemed to open up the world and hit Shi Ding.

The stone cauldron is simple and unsophisticated, exuding Dao luck, without any signs of counterattack.

Quietly, he resisted all Boss Duan's attacks.

Stone chips were flying, and the cracks on the stone tripod seemed to be getting bigger.

But Shi Ding is very strong, no matter how Boss Duan attacks and kills, he can't cause damage to Shi Ding.

At last.

Boss Duan even showed signs of attacking with all his strength, trying to destroy Shi Ding.

No matter what.

Shi Ding is still strong.

Even if the cracks on it were getting bigger and bigger, Shi Ding still protected Zheng Tuo well.

In the stone cauldron, Zheng Tuo soaked himself in the spirit liquid.

He endured Boss Duan's attack, even if Shi Ding resisted most of it, he still couldn't bear it.

Fortunately, the divine soul fluid was sufficient, and after he suffered a serious injury, the divine soul would immediately recover.

good chance.

Zheng Tuo immediately sat cross-legged in the stone cauldron, activated the Immortal Art of Immortality, and began to practice the Soul Body.

Immortality and Immortality are not only practiced in the physical body, but also in the soul body.

The fastest way to practice the Immortal Art of Immortality and Immortality is to break oneself into pieces and then reassemble.

Break it up, break it up, break it up, break it up, break it up, break it up...

Repeating this process in this way is the process of practicing the Immortal Art of Immortality.

At this moment.

Boss Duan attacked and killed him, causing his soul and body to be continuously injured, that is to say, constantly shattered.

This is simply the best opportunity to practice.

Activate the Immortal Art of Immortality, and begin to practice the Soul Body.

The soul body immediately emits a faint golden light, and the golden light is uncertain.

Every time it flickers, he has to experience a fragmentation and reorganization.

This is a very simple and painful process.

The soul body is the most important thing for a cultivator. When it is broken, the pain it bears is hundreds or even thousands of times that of the physical body.

Zheng Tuo is enduring this unspeakable pain at the moment, and is in the midst of difficult practice.

The pain lasts forever, but Zheng Tuo finds it very interesting.

Along the way, the pain he endured was far less than that of ordinary people.

His talent is destined to allow him to reach such a high level without enduring this kind of pain.

But Zheng Tuo is not.

He knows what is good for him, and that is pain.

Pain is a good thing for him, not a bad thing.

In this world, pain can make people grow from a boy to a man, from an ordinary cultivator to a real king.

He knew, always knew.

He had to not only bear the pain, he had to embrace the pain.

He wants to make his consciousness as hard as steel, he wants to make himself stronger, stronger, stronger.

Zheng Tuo maintained his true heart, his whole body was overflowing with golden light, he felt pain, tasted the pain, and practiced the soul body with difficulty.




Boss Duan's attacks continued continuously, and each attack was stronger than the previous one.

The stone cauldron buzzed from being beaten, and the stone chips kept falling, and it seemed that it might collapse at any time.

But it's weird.

Shi Ding was beaten so violently, but he couldn't break it.

The level of tenacity is simply beyond imagination.

No matter how Boss Duan attacks and kills, Shi Ding is as stable as a mountain, and I don't have the slightest intention to waver.

"What an extraordinary stone tripod!"

Old man Hu looked at Shi Ding very enviously.

"The stone cauldron that can withstand the attack of the soul of the strong in the Heavenly King Realm is indeed a good thing."

Jiang Yan is also very envious of Shi Ding.

A king-level powerhouse has something like a stone tripod, which is equivalent to having an extra life.

Who doesn't want to have more treasures, the stronger they are, the more they know how rare a good treasure is.

Not only Jiang Yan, the old man Hu, but also the king-level powerhouses who existed and wanted to be around, were all quite envious of Zheng Tuo's Shi Ding.

He is very clear about Boss Duan's strength. At this moment, Boss Duan can't hurt Zheng Tuo when he makes a move.

The key to this is obviously related to Shi Ding.

Good stuff, good stuff, good stuff...

People's reliance on Shi Ding is extremely high, and Boss Duan's evaluation of Shi Ding is also extremely high.

His own attack is already very strong, but still can't really cause damage to Shi Ding.

Things like stone tools are really mysterious.

Boss Duan saw that his attack was ineffective, so he stopped and stopped attacking.

In his capacity, it is impossible to attack Wumian with all his strength.

If you try your best, you will be the one who loses.


He vaguely felt that Duan's family members were beheaded, and there might be something else hidden in it.

So he didn't make a full shot, and even stopped at this moment.

After stopping, he used big means to imprison Zheng Tuo in the void, preventing him from leaving.


He turned his head and looked at Mo Xiaoqi where Hei Void was.

At this moment, Mo Xiaoqi has two rays of light condensing all over his body.

The black light and the white light, the two kinds of light merged with each other, turned into thousands of colors.

This is extraordinary and clearly counterintuitive.

The fusion of black and white can turn into thousands of colors.

And these tens of thousands of colors turned into rays of light, draped on Mo Xiaoqi's shoulders, and dressed him in a set of rays of light.

Looking closely, it turns out that Mo Xiaoqi's body is far from having a set of clothes.

This dress is called Renwang's wedding dress, and it was the magic weapon of the Renwang back then.

At this moment, the king's wedding dress was worn by Mo Xiaoqi, transforming into thousands of creatures.

Thousands of living creatures are lively and active, all revolving around Mo Xiaoqi.

They are cute and beautiful, and under their cute appearance, they all have pure hearts.

from a distance.

The black void is not in darkness, it is full of vitality, like another world, presented in front of everyone.

"This Mo Xiaoqi's epiphany, I'm afraid he has entered a deep realm, otherwise, such a vision would never have appeared..."

"The human king and the demon emperor's son, this Mo Xiaoqi is born extraordinary, and I am not surprised to see such a vision at this moment."

"So what can I do if I show such a vision, my uncle will be beheaded on the spot, and if I dare to touch my Duan family, I will die..."

Duan Yanyan's killing intent surged, and she looked at Mo Xiaoqi full of hostility.

According to the rumors, Mo Xiaoqi also participated in the beheading of their Duan family king.

At this moment when the uncle makes a move, Mo Xiaoqi and Faceless can't run away.

What Duan Yanyan said was not without reason.

Boss Duan will not let Mo Xiaoqi go.

Even if Mo Xiaoqi's epiphany has reached a critical moment, Boss Duan will not show mercy and kill Mo Xiaoqi.

But, the truth is...

"Boss Duan, you have thought about whether you want to disturb my master's epiphany."

The voice of the God and Demon Scythe sounded like an old man, very serious.

Boss Duan didn't reply.

With a movement of his body, he came not far from Mo Xiaoqi.

The sickle of gods and demons automatically protects Mo Xiaoqi, and prepares for a fierce battle with Boss Duan.

But what was unexpected was that Boss Duan didn't make a move.

He just stood not far from Mo Xiaoqi, watching Mo Xiaoqi's epiphany quietly, without any intention of making a move.

Such a scene is strange.

At the same time, inexplicable words were also indispensable.

"Why doesn't Mr. Duan call out search, what is he waiting for?"

"Could it be that Boss Duan is afraid of the demons and dare not make a move?"

"Are you kidding me? Boss Duan's strength is an invincible existence in the Southern Territory. Even if the demons are special and there are strong people entrenched, Boss Duan will never be afraid."

The changes in the field are puzzling.

"Fellow Daoist Duan is worthy of being a Heavenly King Realm powerhouse!"

Jiang Yan understood the reason and said so.

"After all, he is a junior, so it is normal to take care of him."

Hu old man said so.


In Boss Duan's consciousness, Mo Xiaoqi was very strong, but not enough to kill the three members of the Duan family.

This Mo Xiaoqi is at best a helper, and the mastermind is absolutely faceless.

He was looking for Mo Xiaoqi, the purpose of which was to confirm before and after the three members of the Duan family were beheaded, to see if there were any secrets that he did not know.

At such a critical moment, the three members of the Duan family were beheaded. Obviously, things were not that simple.

Revenge is very simple, kill Faceless and Mo Xiaoqi.

But if they just kill them like this instead of investigating clearly, if there is an enemy secretly spying on their Duan family, wouldn't it make the people in the dark continue to lie dormant.

Uncertain when, the man in the dark will attack them and target the Duan family.

Boss Duan is very smart and will not be blinded by hatred.

He knew what he was going to do, very clearly, not to be blinded.

Only why not interrupt Mo Xiaoqi's breakthrough at this moment, he naturally wants to give the Mo Emperor a face.

The young cultivator doesn't know who the Demon Emperor is. As a Heavenly King, he naturally knows who the Demon Emperor is.

It was a man who was beyond the imagination of ordinary immortal cultivators.

In front of him, he looked like a boy.

Even at a certain stage of his practice, he used the Demon Emperor as an example and worked hard to move forward.


The way of heaven is lacking, so it is impossible to sing his real name.

The world is lacking, and it is difficult to make up for this memory.

The name of the Demon Emperor was eventually sealed at a certain stage in history.

Boss Duan looked at Mo Xiaoqi, and seemed to see a shadow of the Demon Emperor from him.

Out of respect for the Demon Emperor, he will not attack Mo Xiaoqi at this moment.

This kind of epiphany of Mo Xiaoqi can be encountered but not sought after. For a cultivator, it is lucky to have such an epiphany once in a lifetime.

What's more, Mo Xiaoqi's realm is now at the most critical moment.

If I wake up Mo Xiaoqi at this moment, it will be a pity for Mo Xiaoqi.

At the same time, for Mo Xiaoqi, it is likely that he will never be able to reach the king level forever.

They don't have such a perverted hobby to personally destroy the fairy road of an extremely monstrous evildoer.

and so.

Due to various considerations, he didn't do anything, and quietly guarded this place, waiting for Mo Xiaoqi's epiphany to be completed.


Nuo Da Xuan Ling City was silent.

In such a scene, no one dared to step forward to say anything, and could only wait and see from a distance.

Even Duan Yanyan didn't dare to say anything, and could only watch from afar.

For a moment, such a strange scene appeared in Xuanling City.

People were discussing and expressing their views on the matter.


Some people also pay attention to where Zheng Tuo is.

Zheng Tuo still hid in the stone cauldron and refused to come out, or in other words, he didn't dare to come out.

Boss Duan surrounded him, and if he dared to come out, he would kill him instantly.

Trapped here without being attacked, Zheng Tuo woke up from his practice.

Just started to enjoy the pain, just started to savor the pain, just turned the pain into strength to help oneself practice.

It was over in a blink of an eye.

This is too fast.

Zheng Tuo couldn't help but complain.

But he had no choice but to stay in the stone cauldron, quietly waiting for the next step of Boss Duan in the distance.

after all.

Now the dominance of the field is in the hands of Boss Duan, he is just a villain.

But he is also strange.

Why didn't Boss Duan take action against Mo Xiaoqi?

It stands to reason that Mo Xiaoqi also participated in the killing of the three kings of the Duan family, so Boss Duan has no reason not to take action against Mo Xiaoqi.

The truth is, Boss Duan has no intention of doing anything.

He stood there quietly, waiting for Mo Xiaoqi to break through.


Zheng Tuo thought to himself.

It's good that Mo Xiaoqi's breakthrough is not disturbed.

Originally, his plan was to lure Boss Duan away, and then use the puppet lurking in the dark to trap Mo Xiaoqi into the Immortal Cauldron and escape.

Xianding is special and will not disturb Mo Xiaoqi's epiphany.

But he didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Now only soldiers can come to block it, and water comes to cover it.

Waiting quietly.


There are continuous sounds of breaking through the air.


There are still strong men on the way.

They received news that Faceless and Mo Xiaoqi had appeared in Xuanling City, and they both had innate spirit treasures and original sin bounties.

These two things alone are enough to make king-level powerhouses swarm over to attack and snatch them.

after all.

Zheng Tuo and Mo Xiaoqi are not from the Southern Territory, so they won't offend the forces in the Southern Territory if they rob them.

The king-level powerhouses flocked to them.

But after seeing Boss Duan, everyone was cautious and did not dare to make mistakes.

They are well aware of the shadow of the famous tree, Boss Duan's means and status.

People were waiting quietly, and at the same time they were witnessing the magic of Mo Xiaoqi.

Mo Xiaoqi's epiphany has reached its peak.

All kinds of living beings surged around him, sealing him as a saint, and playing around him.

The creatures are small and intelligent, and they are lively and active. It is very interesting to revolve around Mo Xiaoqi.

From a distance, the black void is not dark at all, it will be like a newborn small world, floating there quietly.

Seeing this scene, people only have yearning in their hearts.

How much I hope that at this moment, I am the center of this small world, and I am the master of this small world.

But it's a pity that they can watch from afar and envy.

As the master of this small world, Mo Xiaoqi looks extremely beautiful.

Mo Xiaoqi, who was already a country and city, became even more beautiful and charming under the backdrop of the beauty of such a small world.

And the special spiritual energy on his body, even if he doesn't speak or open his eyes, just sitting there lightly, it makes people feel very real.

as if.

Mo Xiaoqi at this moment is the spirit of this world.

"Beautiful, really beautiful!"

There is a man with the expression of brother pig, looking at Mo Xiaoqi at this moment, his eyes are straight.

"With such temperament and beauty, I am afraid that there is no one in the entire southern region, but in the entire world of cultivating immortals, who can match her. I would like to call Mo Xiaoqi the number one goddess in the world of cultivating immortals."

Some men's words are full of affirmation of Mo Xiaoqi, and even give people the feeling that as long as Mo Xiaoqi says a word, this man is willing to die.

Not only men, but also many women, after seeing and feeling the message Mo Xiaoqi sent to themselves, they all showed yearning and admiration for him.

They hope to become a woman like Mo Xiaoqi, a supreme goddess who is independent of the heaven and the earth.

Being admired is naturally a good thing.

But Mo Xiaoqi can't feel anything now.

The only feeling she feels now is that she is free.

Freedom, what a wonderful yearning it sounds.

But she felt the danger in this freedom.

Dangers are everywhere. It seems that if she takes a wrong step, she will fall into the abyss forever. From then on, she will fall down the fairy road, unable to climb the peak again.


There was an inexplicable force, like a fishing line, that tied her tightly, otherwise she would fall into the abyss.

She was familiar with this force, very familiar, but she just couldn't remember where she had seen it.

It is also because of the help of this force that she can stabilize her Dao heart and walk out of her own path in that free world.

I don't know how long it took.

Mo Xiaoqi felt that the road under his feet was getting stronger and stronger.

Inexplicable room.

That sense of freedom is gone.

The meditation has ended, and she is only a thin line away from stepping into the king level at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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