Chapter 119 Evil Wolf
Old Brut realized that he had stepped on shit luck, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, his expression became furtive, his right hand covered his mouth, and his eyes were still floating around.

"Have you brought any money?"

"Bring it." The man shook the purse behind his clothes, and Brutt's favorite voice came, which was Yule's voice.

"Very well, hurry up and exchange."

"Wait, let me see the medicine first."

"Of course, of course." Old Brutt opened his musty robe, and there was a hemp rope belt on his bony side waist.On the belt is a crystal clear glass bottle.The bright red liquid is in it.It comes from the excellent craftsmanship of old Brut, the cow's blood and the juice squeezed from a little rotten fruit are not mixed evenly.If you look carefully, you will find that the surface of the liquid is mixed with the peel powder.But in such a dark night, who can see what is inside.As for the medicinal effect of this thing, it can probably cause diarrhea, but how could Brutt disappoint his good friend.Since he wanted medicine, the bottle contained medicine.

"what is this?"

"Special medicine, a special medicine that can cure all diseases."

The man obviously still has a brain, "You think I will believe your nonsense and let my mother drink this unclear thing in your hand."

His mother was sick and fine.

Old Brut quickly hugged his robe, with a trace of struggle in his eyes.

"You are right, this is not a medicine. In the eyes of medical practitioners, this liquid has no effect..."

The anger of being played with filled the man's brain, and he wished he could beat this bitch to death.

"It contains the holy blood of the church."

"Holy Blood, what is that?"

"God's blood, child, I can see your surprise. Let me tell you a story. I once had a sick child, she was about your age, but she was sick, and medicine could not save her. In desperation , I prayed for the Holy Light, the merciful Holy Light also sympathized with my little angel, he gave me this bottle of holy blood, but he didn't allow me to say it, because this gift means injustice, a poor old man like me , will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of those nobles."

"But the holy light came one step too late. My little angel didn't wait for this bottle of holy blood. I brought the Lord's gift in exchange for my little angel's burial fee and the ticket to heaven." At the end, Old Brutt was in tears.

A similar experience touched the man, and when he thought of his critically ill mother, a pang of sorrow welled up his nostrils.

"I am willing to exchange all my wealth with you for this bottle of holy blood. Thank you, old man. May your child rest in peace."

"Thank you, kind person, your mother will definitely be proud of you." Old Brut looked at the money bag that kept approaching his palm, with a smile on his mouth.

A chill was felt on the old liar's back, a sense of peeping from a beast made him shiver.

He also missed the bag of treasures.

A tall figure, like the dark curtain of night, with straight clothes, pale complexion, and the emblem on the chest.

a sheriff.

He lifted the man with one hand, and the man struggled in the air, the money bag he held tightly was like a life tightly held.

The cold tone was like an open gate to Hades.

"What are you doing here?"

Black market transactions are ostensibly prohibited, and this has long been written into Cassandelle's laws.

I am finished, and my mother is too late.Desperation welled up in his heart, and the man fell to his knees on the ground.

"Please, sir, have mercy, I need that bottle of medicine to heal my mother, I really need it, very much."

After pleading one after another, those indifferent eyes were like ice, throwing the man's heart into the ice cellar of despair.

"Professor Manselstein, Professor of Respiratory System, No. 26, Gaoqiao Street. Professor Carpenter, Professor of Cardiopulmonary Research, No. 14, Anhua Street. Professor Broweger, Professor of Digestive System, No. [-], Xinjie..."

Listening to the figure of the sheriff, speaking these information like registering an address book.The man froze for a while.

"Since you have the courage to kneel down in front of me, I think you also have the courage to endure the anger of these Cassandell's best medical doctors being interrupted in the middle of the night, and do to them what I did to them. They are much easier to talk to than me. .”

"Thank you, sir." The man took his purse and ran to the real road to redemption.

The sheriff's indifferent gaze shifted to the stooped Brutt.

Cold eyes, but a warm heart, at least for now, with rich experience, acting will be seen through.

For the first time, Brutt encountered such a tricky sheriff.

However, it is not without reason that Brut became a master of deceit. He is more courageous than ordinary people and observes more.

Handsome, with a naturally melancholy face, and smoother skin than those young ladies, this sheriff is very concerned about his appearance, yes, it is human nature to love beauty.Brut likes people with instincts.

"What's in your hands?"

"It is the most expensive gift, sir. This is the essence of vampires, which I concocted."

"Oh~ Essence of a vampire, you are still a legendary alchemist."

"Yes, sir, your cassandelle alchemist, Ba Jin, may be unfamiliar to a sheriff like you, but, on our side, he is a character. He is my best apprentice. We were still there last night. Let's drink together, for my hand, this one, our great invention together." Brut is full of enthusiasm, and he knows how to play a proud madman.

There was playfulness in the magistrate's eyes, "Oh, the great invention of the great alchemist, isn't it Mr. Ba Jin? I will definitely find a chance to visit him some other day."

Old Brut put on a smile, old Ba Jin, don't blame me for this, who wants you to be so easy to use.

"What is the use of this bottle of essence?"

"It will protect your face, sir. As we all know, vampires are beautiful and dangerous creatures. They are immortal, and their faces remain forever. This bottle of essence is their source blood. Of course, it was processed by me. Only There are advantages, there are no disadvantages. The blood of vampires cannot be directly drunk by humans."

The magistrate fiddled with his slender fingers. He was obviously very interested in this weird knowledge. Brut knew that these boring government officials liked gossip.

Brutt also decided to reveal some of the truths he had heard.

"The blood of vampires is not easy to deal with. Even if it is the ceremony of first embrace, it is just an exchange of a little blood. But in the past, there were also demon hunters who killed vampires. Among them, there were stupid superstitions. They used human bodies to kill vampires. The blood of the blood was injected into the body, and they all turned into a kind of monster."

"What monster."

Brut lowered his voice, trying to remain as mysterious as possible, and he approached the sheriff, trying to see his stunned expression.

"Werewolves, sir, beasts that howl in the night."

"They are wolf-headed, with fur all over their bodies. They are strong and powerful. They have a keen sense of smell and can smell the smell of vampires within kilometers. Yes, they and vampires are mortal enemies."

"What's Werewolf's Weakness, Silverware, Full Moon?"

Brutal laughed at the sheriff's ignorance.

"Werewolves are not weak monsters in stories. They have no weaknesses. They can pretend to be humans and are much more comfortable than vampires. The only thing that makes them go crazy is the extreme anger and the smell of vampires. They are hunters. They are vampire killers not approved by God, they don't have eternal life, but they are not much worse."

The sheriff clicked on his top hat.

"Very useful knowledge, how do you sell this bottle of vampire essence?"

Brut smiled, waiting for this sentence, and finally he could ruthlessly slaughter this arrogant pig.

"A hundred yures, sir, and it's well worth it."

The sheriff smiled, his slightly narrowed eyes were very friendly, "You are right, it is indeed worth the money."

A small bag of money finally came into the hands of old Brutt.

The old crook smiled and handed the vial to the sheriff.

When he was about to leave, he was caught by the pair of iron-like hands.

The old liar felt a twitch in his heart, and turned his head with a smile on his face.

"Is there anything else? Your good sir."

"You were arrested for selling counterfeit medicines, and now you've got all the stolen goods. Come with me, old liar."

"You have no evidence to prove that this is fake, sir, you arrested me without any basis, and I can sue you." The old liar growled viciously.

The sheriff smiled, with an odd sound, like a bellows jerked violently, like a monster.

With the help of the blood-red moonlight, Old Brute finally saw his face and the pair of blood-colored vertical eyes with golden pupils in his eye sockets.His shadow was stretched by the moonlight, like a wolf hunting.

His voice was like the call of death.

"You and I both know it's not vampire blood, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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