Chapter 133 Dragon?

"You dare to publish such nonsense in the newspaper, are you still human?"

The reporter waved his hand and received the manuscript inside his royal curtain. "Relax, I will mark the fabricated part. And this kind of news is more interesting."

"But it's not real."

"What they need is not truth. It's conflict, conflict and contradiction that can make waves in their peaceful life, and the joy of seeing other people live worse than themselves. That's what people want."

"Is everyone like this?"

"Believe in the majority without thinking. There are always smart people in this world who are good at discovering the truth, such as me."

Lyle looked at the shameless guy in front of him.

Mr. Reporter wore a mysterious smile, his tablecloth ruffled like waves in the breeze, and a playful voice that stagnated all enthusiasm.

"Secrets are only valuable if they are true."

Lyall heard the sound of chains sliding, and the scene around him was like a blur caused by the distortion of an old-fashioned TV.The only clear ones are myself and Mr. Reporter.

"I smell a secret, plague doctor."

Mr. Reporter's secret talent began to show.

"There are secrets hidden in your heart, Epidemic Doctor, I don't know if I have the honor of doing business with you."

Mr. Reporter looks more like he wants to buy and sell by force. Is this the keen sense of a good businessman?

Lyle didn't feel offended, rather, Mr. Reporter just reminded himself.

"Mr. Reporter, you always keep your customers happy, don't you?"

It was that mysterious laugh again.

"We can start trading, Epidemic Doctor."

"The secret I want to exchange is that mermaids can communicate with living creatures."

From the back of Lyle's head, there was the sound of metal friction and sliding.

There was a crisp clang.

He saw the blurry shadow behind Mr. Reporter suddenly become clear, and on a huge brass clock, the sharp minute hand moved a fraction.There is a sense of loss in the body.

"It's real, it's secret."

Suddenly a turbulent aura surged from the reporter, his expression changed drastically, and his voice became strange and old.

Lyall was startled, for a sudden gust of wind lifted the reporter's royal tablecloth, allowing Lyle to see the baggy plaid skirt over his white trousers.

But soon, Lyle's attention was attracted by his words.

"The Wandering City, the tequila area of ​​the central garden, in the starless night three days later, the red dragon teeth will tear open the hidden door, behind the door exists, the residue of the last era, what you think in your heart, will be answered. "

The surrounding sounds became clear, and Mr. Reporter began to twist again, just like the first time he saw it.

Can you find a way to save Weiner when you go there?

"Mr. Reporter, is it really reliable?"

"That is the secret that others traded with me. It is the truth recognized by my talent. It will not let you down."

"Thank you, Mr. Reporter."

. . . . . . . .

Lyle returned to his cabin, transcribing the knowledge in his mind under the light of the grapes.


This is the text written on the first page.

The light bat grape hovered in the air, ensuring that the light was not blocked by Lyle's arm.

"Master Lyle, do you want to study mermaids?" The curious grape came up, and as a member of the polymath light bat, she easily recognized the words on it.

"No, I've already met a mermaid, maybe I'm one of the people who know them better." The light and shadow of Weiner in the deep water lingered in his mind.

"Is it an encounter like the daughter of the sea? Lady Lyle."

"The daughter of the sea?"

"A fantasy poem written by the poet Brans, telling the story of a mermaid and a human prince meeting and falling in love."

"What's the ending of the story?"

"The prince and the princess walked together, and the daughter of the sea became the foam of the waves."

. . . . . . . .

Day three.

The night of the wandering city is brightly lit.

Lyle tapped the top of the cane with his index finger, and glanced at the secret eye of the central tower from time to time. The purple time showed that it was just the night here.

No wonder it was a starless night, Lyle tugged on his collar.

In the sky above the wandering city, the fiery sun is shining its own light, and this moving city has moved to different time zones.

He stood on the periphery of the central garden, even though the sunlight was reduced by the purple light shield above his head, he was still enduring the heat of midsummer.

Those delicate flowers are blooming to their heart's content, and even the fragrance of the flowers smells like sunshine.

Lyle checked the time again, and it was still 3 minutes away.

As a neutral zone, the central garden will be open to different camps at different times.

Unfortunately, Andrea falls into the chaotic camp.

Lyle originally planned to sneak in, but Nia showed her figure under the magic scan and caused a lot of trouble.

So much so that the mystics standing guard all around would focus their eyes on Lyle, fearing that the monster attached to this emaciated body would cause any greater danger, so Lyle could only stay in his own place.

"It's time, you can go in, Andrian."

Lyle walked into the garden, looking for a shady place more now than looking for the tequila area.

It turned out that the tequila area was found first.

Only then did Lyle know that the agave in this world is the real "agave", a light green plant with sharp leaves like a thorny tongue, constantly flapping the leaves of the surrounding plants.

Tequila District and no one else.

Because these crazy plants are spewing flames into the air from the center where their leaves converge, like a big mouth.It's like a fanatical fan at a concert, shining for his idol.When one of them sprays flames, the surrounding ones seem to be infected by it, and they all follow suit.

It is said that in order to balance the body temperature and protect itself, this agave will spit flames when the leaves are pressed or high temperature.

This makes the temperature in this area much higher.

I really don't know what the people in the secret council thought, but they classified this plant as an ornamental plant. Is it out of their minds?

Lyall complained while dodging the flames beside him.

Nia spread out behind him, and whenever the unruly agaves moved their mouths that way, the black tentacles filled them first.Nia is not afraid of fire, although the heat will turn her body into burnt oil.

Lyall eventually found a mutated red agave plant among the agaves, hiding among its burly relatives, unflaming, slumped, crystalline.

Lyle stretched out his hand towards it, and his body felt being pulled, just like the teleportation feeling brought by Andry's emblem.

Lyle's body writhed like a noodle and got into Red Agave's mouth.

When stepping on the floor again, Lyle almost spat out from the jolt of the teleportation.

He arrived at an empty and dark place, with a large flat stone slab under his feet. Runes written in blue paint shone on the slate. The runes were like a shining road, extending into the invisible darkness.

Before Lyle could carefully observe the surrounding environment, there was movement in the darkness.

With a heavy breathing sound, all of Lyle's skin felt goosebumps, his heartbeat accelerated, and he slowly knelt down on the ground, silently enduring the pressure on his blood.

It was like the sound of the soles of the feet on the slate, followed by the breeze produced by the squeezed air.

Lyle knew that the comer must be very big.

Trembling uncontrollably, Lyall raised his head.

The two golden pupils are like headlights, and the rough black skin is like a rock. From the darkness, the giant beast sticks out his head.The black horns grow on the back of the head, and the wind generated by breathing blows on Lyle through the sharp teeth.

A dragon?
(End of this chapter)

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