Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 137 "The Flesh of Fraud"

Chapter 137 "The Flesh of Fraud"

Mister Miracle, almost a second after the scholar finished speaking, he came out of his mirror.One has to wonder if he was eavesdropping just now, and Mr. Inspiration came out with him.

"Teacher!!!!" Miracle shouted loudly, and ran towards this side, jumping and jumping, and fell down several times due to unbalanced movements.There is a reason for this, because Miracle is actually walking on his head.Two palms supported the surface of the water, and two thighs danced in the air like dehydrated green onions.Mister Miracle miraculously maintained this miraculous posture to 'run' the entire distance.

He hung his whole body on the scholar's chain, scratching the top of the chain trying to get away from him, rubbing against his face.

"Teacher!!! I miss you so much!!!"

The scholar finally scraped him from his chains.

"Long time no see, miracle. Why are you like this."

After breaking away, Miracle was still standing on his head, because he often fell down because of the problem of the center of gravity, but he stood on his head again in the next second.

Miracle was crying, if it wasn't for the fact that there was no trace of water on his face, perhaps Lyle would have sympathized with him a little more.

"The law bullies me! Teacher! He made me like this."

The scholar did not question the law, but shook his head, with helplessness in his words, "Have you committed another crime?"

"No! I'm just an innocent victim! Teacher! You have to make the decision for me! Everyone else has been deceived by lard, and I can only rely on you!"

"Word Commandment: Liars, double the gravity!"

Miracle hadn't reacted yet, because of the sudden heavy pressure, he plunged into the water.

With trembling arms, Miracle pulled his head out of the water. "Law, you wait for me! One day, I will #%#@¥......¥"

Only then did the palm of the law be lowered, "Gravity super doubled."

"What happened to the law and the miracle?"

"The violation ceremony, teacher, is his punishment, and it lasted for about a month or so."

"One month's punishment is enough, the law, anyway, he doesn't plan to change it, so you should calm down."

"is teacher."

Miracle's proud legs finally came down.

"It's not fair! Obviously inspiration and I performed the ceremony together, why is it only me who suffers!"

Inspiration gave an answer to his bad friend, "Because I just stewed a pot of soup, which cannot violate the prohibition of the law." He looked at Nia behind Lyle, "Long time no see, epidemic doctor It is a relief, sir, that your ceremony appears to have been very successful."

"Long time no see, Mr. Inspiration, it was thanks to you and the miracle that Nia was born." Lyle bowed to the two.

The scholar looked at Lyle with a hint of surprise, "Your wrong ritual is dominated by miracles?"

"Yes, teacher."

"Fortunately, there was a good result by accident. Don't be so impulsive next time, Epidemic Doctor. Experimenting with miracles, it is almost impossible not to think of accidents," the scholar introduced Lyle to everyone, "This is Epidemic Doctor, my new student, law and mirror, remember to take care of your fellow students in the future. Miracle and inspiration, stay away from him in the future."

"Okay, teacher."

Jing came over carelessly, patted Lyle on the back, and acted like a senior, "The magic research society will protect you from now on, epidemic doctor."

The scholar snorted, "You'd better be yourself. When you beat the apocalypse, you will probably be able to compete with Mr. Raymond for the protection of the epidemic doctor."

"Raymond! The epidemic doctor is the pure one in the rumors!" Law squeezed his chin, "That is to say, if you hold the epidemic doctor hostage, can you force that Raymond to accept the punishment ceremony of the law enforcer? Teacher, you Don't stop me! The chaos Raymond created in Andrea is enough for me to wash his soul into an idiot. The law must be fair and just to guarantee value."

The scholar soothed the restless heart of the law. "Although I understand your determination to abide by the rules, the law. But there are some things that need to be considered in the long run. If Raymond really follows you to the Punishment Division, whoever will wash it will not know. Mr. Judge is an upright Man, don't hook him up too."

"Offending Raymond may be worse than offending Advanced Demon Research."

Mr. Scholar got to the point.

"Miracle, what happened to your research results. About that, the ritual of stealing divine power with the body."

Mister Miracle showed 120 points of enthusiasm, and he took out a small group of paper packets from his pocket, which contained an unknown piece of meat with black juice on the edge.

"This is the result of my research. I synthesized artificial meat from the remains of sea monsters. I call it deceitful meat, teacher. It can be used as the main material of some mysterious rituals. It can deceive those ancient gods."

"It's very effective, teacher. In the talent awakening ceremony of the epidemic doctor, I used this piece of meat as a medium, and it really succeeded."

The scholar's eyes fixed on the piece of meat in Miracle's hands, and then at Miracle's confident face.

"You said it was artificially synthesized by you, what is your raw material?"

"Sea monster."

"What kind of sea monster, and what are its physical characteristics?"

"A very huge arm of an octopus. As for what kind of sea monster it is, it's an unknown sea monster."

" did you get the material for this sea monster?"

"I picked it up."

"...Where did you 'pick' it up?"

"Andrei's huge underground reservoir was picked up by an old man who only yelled about bedbugs."

The scholar rubbed his head, as if he had thought of something.

"Miracle, do you remember, I taught you not to rashly add a certain substance to the experiment before knowing the identity of it."

"I remember, teacher, but magic is to innovate. If you don't even dare to touch the unknown, how can you innovate."

The scholar's magic chains began to slide due to the restlessness of the magic, like a water snake staring at its prey.

"The flesh and blood of the evil god is the poison of this world. Its blood will drive people crazy, and lead all endings to deformity and distortion. It is pure pollution, not just the dark power blended in the sacrificial circle. Simple."

"Teacher, I understand, but does this have anything to do with what we talked about earlier?"

The scholar's chains slide in the surrounding air like a chainsaw, and the blue magic roars under the cutting. The scholar is like the center of a whirlpool, and the waters of Mirror Lake are all restless under the influence of its power.

He looked at Miracle's face, this brat still looked puzzled at this time, with a kind of innocence that was about to be physically punished by a violent teacher.

"Law, deal with him!"

"Speech Commandments: Violators, top-heavy, double-gravity, silent."

Mister Miracle immediately returned to the state where they first met.

The scholar put away the cloth bag of the deceitful meat, and gave the final instructions to the law before leaving.

"Law, I do not wish to see the miracle's punishment end until I make new demands."

"As you wish, teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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