Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 140 2 Locks, Sculptor

Chapter 140 Second Lock, Sculptor
"Flesh, cut, smashed, squeezed, crushed, piled up, bubbled, festered, swollen..."

Nia wiggled her tentacles like a child sitting on the sand, humming weird nursery rhymes and building her own sandcastle.Her tentacles became hard and sharp, cutting the flesh and tearing it into minced meat.Nia has the mentality of playing a house game, but in fact, what she and Lyle are working on is a transformation project that is sufficiently subtle in spirituality.

Lyle's consciousness was not disturbed by the dark ballad in Nia's mouth, and his concentration was already immersed in the magic net model.In the world of magic, Nia who was active beside her was vague.Lyle drew on Nia's body with the magic line taught by the scholar, and then used the formed picture as a template, and stretched it around from the deceitful flesh that was undergoing great torture.

Nia looked at the magic net model that appeared in front of her. According to the flesh and blood attachment taught by the giant dragon, she used magic lines as the skeleton, and put the flesh and blood together piece by piece like a jigsaw puzzle.Nia does have enough talent in shaping flesh and blood, and she is skilled in shaping flesh and blood.In the eyes of onlookers, those flesh and blood are like the fungus group of the ghost umbrella, elongating and growing at an incredible speed.Strips of black tentacles took shape quickly, swinging slightly in the air, like living creatures. This term may not be appropriate, because the living state of these flesh and blood has not been determined from the very beginning.If you are not sure about life, you don't care about death.

The giant dragon looked at Lyle's advanced transformation and nodded, "Plague doctor is indeed a genius of spiritualism, look at the veins he weaves, those muscle textures. Although my aesthetics of flesh and blood may not be as good as Anoin's, but I do feel the beauty of Flesh Transformation, too. He's almost there, I'm sure."

The scholar listened to the dragon's affirmation, but his eyes were still fixed on the deformed body that was taking shape. "Dragon, our request is to create a copy of Nia, right?"

"Why...that deformity..."

"It's completely different from Nia."

Black, equal-length tentacles grow in clumps from one side of the mass, forming a hairball, while the other side begins to harden, like a fruit in the process of forming.In the tentacles, thin limbs grew out, with swollen nodules, like dead branches that grew by mistake.Cracks appeared on the bare round side, and the fruit with many tentacles and roots burst, and the outer lobes hung down like blooming flowers.The center of the flower, where the head of the aberration is located.From the filthy, fetid flesh grew a white bony mask, with two spiral horns growing on both sides of the mask.Black hollows take up most of the bony mask.Coincidentally, the hole in the mask was facing the scholar's cold face.

"Did you see it? Old friend, the plague doctor is really great! Don't worry too much, talented students have their own whimsy. Although the epidemic doctor temporarily changed the structure of the deformed body, my dragon, he Exceeded my expectations. Have you seen the head of the deformed body? It is actually bone. The epidemic doctor used flesh and blood to transform into bones. Blood and bone transformation is advanced knowledge. And those limbs like branches, I am sure That must be something beyond flesh and blood or bones, did he turn animal corpses into plants? I really taught a perfect student!"

Mr. Scholar's actions are much more straightforward.The silver chain climbed up the table along the legs of the experimental table, and from four angles, the tip of the congealed magic cone aimed at the face of the aberrant.His voice was hollow and eerie.

"Yes, it has indeed changed beyond my estimation, but is such an excellent work really made by my students?"

Scholars remember the appearance of this creation, and they can even be said to be familiar with it. When Nia was individuated, the difference between Lyle and this creation lying on the experimental table is only a bone mask.

Facing the approaching sharp spikes, the deformed body tilted its head, and the pair of corners changed by a small margin.

On Lyle's body, the magic power rioted.Just like the boiling water overflowing from a kettle, with scalding heat, along Lyle's left arm, the magic power splashed in the surrounding air.

The scalding magic power tore the surrounding wind, and the temperature inside the Tower of the Spirituality increased a lot.

"This is??" The dragon summoned a bone shield to help the juvenile deformity block the impact.

"The epidemic doctor has been promoted." The scholar withdrew the offensive of the chains, and the four chains circled around Lyle, wrapping the dissipated magic power within their own range, like a mother dragon protecting her nest protecting her eggs.Under the oppression of the scholar, the light blue boiling magic power gradually cooled down, and gradually condensed into a mist, a water ball.Eventually, the magic wrapped itself around Lyle's left arm, turning into a chain.

Nia's body also swelled a bit at this moment, and suction cups grew out of the black tentacles, and small claws were hidden in the suction cups.The black mucus on Nia's surface became dim, and the red fleshy layer underneath could be vaguely seen.Her tentacles became longer, but the main eyeball shrunk a little. At this moment, it looked more like a combination of an octopus and a spider.

The mind gets new knowledge from the depths.

Second lock, sculptor.

Ability, Flesh Riot.

Plaguebringer's disease duration has been shortened, and the decay trait of the outbreak can be specified.While a dormant viral outbreak is taking place, there is an option to use the Flesh Riot ability.The surface skin of the victim will form pustules, which can secrete dissolving enzymes, digest part of the flesh inside, or use the transformation knowledge to turn into fragile fleshy tentacles, hinder the host's actions, and even kill the host.

Derivative ability, corrosion camouflage.

Nia can separate her own flesh and blood, pretending to be the flesh tissue of a humanoid creature, possessing normal physiological organization ability, but also has uncontrollable assimilation ability.In simple terms, Nia can repair the lost flesh and blood, pretend to be an organ, a piece of lung, a piece of intestine, or even a heart, or save a disfigured face. As a price, Nia will unconsciously devour their normal flesh.The longer you pretend, the more flesh and blood you lose.Until all the flesh and blood in the body became part of Nia's body.After Nia leaves, the pretended person will only be left with a skeleton, or will be integrated with Nia forever.

Feeling a stronger self, Lyle opened his eyes.Looking through the scholar, he saw the familiar aberration that he made.The hollow of the bone mask was facing him, expressionless, but Lyall could feel that he was laughing.

A playful, sinister smile.

(End of this chapter)

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