Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 143 Nervous Candidates

Chapter 143 Nervous Candidates
Grape, Medusa, and the older Nia sat side by side on the dilapidated wooden table, their heads swaying from side to side in sync with the figures walking under the light.

"Miss Medusa, what is Lord Lyle doing?" Light Bat Grape scratched his nose with his little paw, and now he needs to move around to relieve the physical fatigue just now.

"Review before the exam, you can be the prey's struggle before death." Medusa's tail was raised on the edge of her hovering body, swinging in a small scale like a rattlesnake.There is no similar rustling sound, this is a decompression action, just like a human leg shaking.

"One circle, two circles, three circles...130 two circles, 130 three circles..." Nia supported her eyeballs with two tentacles, and one tentacle moved with Lyle's walking, as if sticking to his body.Until the eyes of the big eyeballs were attracted by Medusa's small tail, Nia stretched out her tentacles to fiddle with the small piece of light pink wooden tail.

This action was quickly stopped by Medusa.


"Nia wants to play with Medusa's tail." Nia put her body completely against the edge of the table, her tentacles lay neatly on the edge of the table, and the lower part of her big eyeballs was hidden under the table, like a shy child Looking up at Medusa.


"Hmm." A tentacle scratched to the corner of the table and drew circles on it with mucus. Watching Medusa's big eyes become watery, it seemed that water would be squeezed out as long as she exerted force.

"...I don't know where you learned the bad habit of being coquettish," she sighed, sliding her petite body on the wooden table, her little head resting on Nia's jelly-like black tentacles, "This is the last time Oh."

Whether Nia listened, no one knew, only Medusa's tail was swaying left and right following the weathervane on the roof in the distance.

Lyle was chanting fine spells, and the pages in his hands were the notes he left when he was learning the curse.

His words were filled with a vicious aura that had no place to vent, and finally dissipated in the air, raising the gloomyness of the room to several levels.

As if he was possessed by a demon, Medusa, who thought she was a big sister worth relying on, decided to see if her stupid brother needed to register in a psychiatric department.

Along the trouser legs where the boots were leaking, Medusa got on her upper body, and slipped out of his collar in a gesture that Lyle would never ignore. By the way, she wiped the cold mucus that Nia left on the scales on his neck.

She hung herself on Lyle's ear, and the little dragon's claw landed on the pinna.

"You are like this, it won't help, Lyle, even if you recite these spells a thousand times, your magic power will not change in any way," Medusa gave him the biggest blow, and tried to make this man who had been open all day and night boy stop down.Ever since he sent the mermaid girl away, he hasn't let himself rest for a moment, "But you are indeed fluent in Amo language, if you want to improve your spoken English or learn a noble accent, my sister can teach you one-on-one. "

"What you said is right, Medusa." Lyle's answer made her feel relieved for a second, and Lyle turned to look outside the house. In the sunlight, he showed his haggard face with a sickly flush, "My Cursing is impossible to improve, if I continue to chant alone. I need some targets."

"You want to cast a curse on others?" This was the first time she heard that Lyle planned to curse others, Medusa felt a little absurd in her heart, and the next exam seemed to scare him, "Then who are you going to curse? Innocent bystanders?"

"How about Dalinxi? When I was buying potatoes from him a week ago, he missed half of my Jules, or the neighbor Dafen. He still didn't give up the idea of ​​raising pigs in his garden. The stench made me I endured it for more than two months..."

"Curse is not the whole of spiritualism, you can't pass the exam by strengthening the curse." Medusa tried to make Lyle give up.

"You're right, Medusa." Lyle's answer reassured her for another second, and he stuffed the crumpled piece of paper with the damn spell on it into his pocket, turned around and took it out On the cover, it says "One Hundred Experiences of Breeding Turkeys". "The resurrection of the dead, the transformation of the dead is the mainstream of spiritualism. I should find some corpses to transform, but where should I get the corpses?"

Medusa restrained the urge to slap his tail. She understood that it would be better not to block, and persuaded Lyall to follow him at this time, "How about the Bone Grove, isn't there a lot of bones for you to use?" , with your luck, you can just use distortion materials to familiarize yourself with advanced transformations."

"The Grove of Bones is closed. As the next test site, no spiritualist students are allowed to approach." Lyle subconsciously bit his index finger with his teeth, and before the tooth marks stayed on the index finger, he came up with an idea that he thought was good. Good idea, "How about Cassandelle Cemetery, I know that place well."

Medusa's tail slammed into his face, nearly pulling Lyall's soul out.Lyle touched his hot face and listened to her evaluation.

"It's not good. The law and order in Cassandelle has improved a lot recently, and it's indeed quieter at night. This doesn't mean that the cemetery is unguarded. I don't think the cemetery guards will be in the mood to fall asleep in the cemetery." .”

"Obviously I didn't get caught when I sneaked into Anderui's mausoleum..."

"Besides, for those who can be buried in the cemetery, there must be family members who invite the priest to perform the rest ceremony before the burial. If your resuscitation spell alarms the clergy. Lyle, the barbecue on the stake, you want it to be cooked ?”

"And Mr. Ralph!" Putao also joined the topic, "When I was wandering in Cassandelle, I would often meet Mr. Ralph on patrol at night."

"Uncle Ralph? Are you sure, Putao."

"A tall man with black gloves, pale skin and dead face, meticulous security clothes, frowning eyebrows that can pinch eggs, and a creepy breath, dragging half-dead humans into the alley." Putao was like reciting a poem, with Rhythm.

Lyle wasn't sure if the grape's words had been artistically processed, but Lyle knew that if he was caught by Ralph in the cemetery, he would definitely die.Dragged into the alley by Ralph like a dead fish, to receive an education of love.Lyle only felt a lot more awake in an instant.

"It seems that the exam is not so urgent."

"You are right. You should take a good rest now, and then find some time to go to Wandering City to relax. A good attitude will always get twice the result with half the effort in the exam."

"You're right, Medusa." Lyle struggled, and he was uncertain about asking the teacher. "Can I cast a curse before going to bed to make that idiot Dafen fall into his pig cesspit, just for a moment."

 PS: The novel has been processed artistically, and the principles in it cannot be used in real life, so please review carefully for the exam.

(End of this chapter)

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