Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 171 The Real Collection

Chapter 171 The Real Collection

Hines was groping among the lush grass leaves, the raised lantern lit up with white flames, and all the plants close to the bright range fell down.He poked at the roots of the plants until he finally found a patch of dark black soil.

A magic circle, a spell, and a falling white spark.The surrounding plants were all withering, and the black dust fell to the ground and merged into the dry and cracked soil, turning into dark brown moist soil.

Fanila scanned the surroundings for possible threats, while William stood silently at the farthest position from the elf girl.

Kevin turned sideways and whispered to Lyle next to him, "Plague doctor, this elf's weeding skills are really good. Tell me, can I also take him to my manor to weed and weed, and by the way, my father's favorite His violet field was ruined. I picked a few violets when I was a child, but he cleaned them up severely."

Hines stood up just now, his elf ears were shaking, and he obviously heard the conversation just now.

"I will fix it only if the plant has a disease. Every normal creature in nature has the right to struggle to survive. Human beings, even if you are the winners of the times, you should respect other creatures."

"Mr. Hynes, what are you doing?"

"This land is polluted, and I'm purifying it."

"How's the effect?"

"Temporary, the root cause of the pollution has not been resolved, everything is working, and the indicators are not a cure." Hynes raised his head and looked at the dark castle on the mountainside in the distance.

"It's getting late, we'd better go to rest."


The hotel is dilapidated, the number plate hanging at the door is only suspended by a rope, shaking in the air, most of the stone buildings, but the floor is a few rough crossbars, which will creak when stepped on the floor sound.

Of the two heavy doors, one side was completely crucified from the inside, and the other side was also concealed.All the windows were nailed down like other buildings, and the only thing that could be heard from inside was the whine of the wind outside the door.

The old counter looked empty, with no wine or cheese decorations, and the countertop seemed to have been scrubbed frequently, very clean, but unfortunately, no one was standing behind the counter.

Five solitary keys are neatly arranged on the counter, as if prepared in advance.Beneath a key was a bark-like note, written in scrawled handwriting.

"Fifty ul a night, bring your own food and water, put the money on the counter. If not, I will go to your room to find you at night."

Well, it seems that no one wants to risk their lives.Honestly put the coins on the table and piled up a hill, Lyle and the others took the key and walked into the room.

The three of Lyle walked into a room, and the two elves also walked into a room, watching the joke, who would choose to be alone in this ghost place.

Nia climbed up to the ceiling, and tentacles formed a large net in the air, stuffing those small things made of robber parts into various places in the room. It was a flesh and blood device with both alarm and blocking functions.

William carved the magic circle on the wall. When the large blue patterned magic circle was burned, with the injection of magic power, Lyle and others heard a slight sound.

"A circle of perception. He can amplify the voices of creatures."

Lyall heard the voices of elves talking.

"Fanilla, in the following actions, never be alone, you must stay by my side."

"Is there any danger, Uncle Hynes?"

"It's more dangerous than you think, this place..."

The abrupt footsteps interrupted the conversation of the elves, and they remained silent, listening to the voice from the counter.

Lyle looked at his friend.

"Another person has arrived."

"Probably the innkeeper. He has a lot of coins on his desk."

"Are we going to have a look?"

"Of course, you can't do anything by staying in the room. But be careful, we open the door quietly..."

The three of Lyle tiptoed open the door, and with the help of Nia, they didn't make a sound.They squatted halfway, looking through the fence on the second floor, looking at the position of the counter.

The hill of coins had disappeared, and there were four keys on the counter, as they had just been, corresponding to the four people in the hotel lobby.

Petite nuns, men in silver armor, beauties in black and elegant veiled ladies in white.

"Plague doctor, that seems to be the paladin from your colleague the sheriff."

"Yes." Lyle swallowed, he knew all four figures, "William, Kevin, remember, I am the plague doctor, not Lyle."


"Then shall we meet them?" Kevin asked.

Lyle was still struggling, his eyes fixed on the seemingly ethereal lady in white, and he couldn't help calling her name.


With an almost faint voice, even this name, which even Kevin who was close to him could not hear clearly, elicited an incredible response.

She raised her head, the veil was swinging like a jellyfish dancing in the ocean, she looked in that direction.The soft and ethereal voice pronounced the name.

"The Epidemic Doctor."

"Plague doctor?" Beatrice was the first to react. She found the three Lyle who were hiding on the second floor and peeping. There was a trace of disgust in her eyes, and then it turned into a joke.

"I didn't expect you to be here too, brother-in-law~"

With a call, three points are delicate and artificial, seven points are soul-crushing.Coupled with Beatrice's naturally charming face, William and Kevin fell into a trance for a while.

It was Kevin who woke up first.

"Brother-in-law?" He looked at his best friend. The two had known each other for nearly five years. This was the first time that he couldn't see through Lyle.

"It's just a friend's joke." Lyle's response was cold. On the bird's beak mask of the epidemic doctor, the transparent lenses seemed to be covered with a layer of haze, and the expression in it could not be seen.

"Ah, it's the son of Baron Borui of Cassandal!" Karen seemed to recognize Kevin at a glance.A woman he had never met before knew him, which made Kevin a little happy.Just when he was going to respond to the etiquette and show the elegance of the nobility.

"My colleague the sheriff, is the Master Pure One with you? Aren't you good friends?"

Kevin felt that he didn't need to care too much about the elegance of the aristocracy, which didn't quite match him.

He glanced at Lyall, who was silent beside him.

"No, I have something important to do today, and I am accompanied by two other friends."

Karen was a bit frustrated, "It's a pity, if His Excellency the Pure One is here, he will surely be able to preach the justice of the Holy Light!" As she spoke, Karen secretly gave the smiling Beatrice a look.

Lyle covered her face, Karen really knows how to find excitement.

Now, in this hotel, there are necromancers, magicians, elves, vampires and other enemies of the Holy Light.Karen, you are about to be attacked by a group, and you are still provoking.

Really, is the ignorant fearless?

(End of this chapter)

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