Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 187 The Washing of the Holy Light

Chapter 187 The Washing of the Holy Light

It was three days after returning to Cassandelle, and they set foot on the city dotted with dark clouds and black buildings again. Smelling the cold and humid air, the three of them relaxed a lot.

"Lyle, William and I will go back to the manor first. Don't forget to attend the banquet. An invitation letter should be sent to your house tomorrow. Don't worry about the dress. I will arrange everything."

Lyle smiled and looked at Kevin with a tired face. This trip has experienced a lot.Especially Kevin, an ordinary and lucky son of aristocrat, who understands the mystery, can be regarded as half a foot into the mysterious side.It's just that the threshold is much higher than others.With the body of a mortal, he entraps the gods.

Saying goodbye to them, Lyle came to the Sheriff's Office and reported the results of the entrustment to Mr. Garrett.

"Thank you, little Buhler." Mr. Garrett seemed to be in a good mood. He even stopped what he was doing and talked with Lyle while holding a teacup.

"By the way, this is for you." Garrett took out a simple nanmu cross from his drawer, with strange light spots on it.

"Miss Karen Pember resigned from her job as a sheriff. There will be some big events in the church recently. This is what she entrusted me to give to you."

The small cross was placed in Lyle's palm.There is a warm and stable force.

"Miss Pombay means that this cross seems to be an invitation letter for some grand ceremony, but she was too hasty when she left and didn't understand what she said. It probably has something to do with your status as a pure person."

After thanking Mr. Garrett and putting away the cross, Lyle returned to his hut after making sure there were no other arrangements.


Lyall was the first person to appear in the Cup of Extravagance. Before the sun set, he sat alone on the velvet chair in the main hall, across the table from the seat Arianna often chose.

The cup of luxury during the day is quiet, the sunlight is blocked by the window curtains, leaving only a small patch of light on the beautiful marble floor.It was Lyle who noticed this. Although the night of the Luxurious Cup was occupied by the brilliance of the crystal glass, it did not receive much light from the sun itself, and the sun was disgusted.

Arianna was a lich, and so must Mister Gentleman and Mister Dragon, and this ornate chamber, adorned with the riches of the dead, was all of Andry.There was a brief chill in my heart, which was dispelled by Lyle himself.

Everyone in the Cup of Extravagance and even Andrei Academy expressed their kindness to themselves, even if their expressions were clumsy, with the unique humor of the dead, recalling the conversations with the members of Andrei, only then did they understand them. implied meaning.A kind of belatedly funny echoed in his heart, and the corners of his mouth under the mask turned up unconsciously.

Lyle naturally leaned on the soft back of the chair. Andrea's magic and everyone's kindness made his fear and discomfort of death seem negligible. He had long been a part of Andrea, as a living person. .

What's more, there is Arianna here.Seeing her appearance under the moonlight for the first time, hearing her singing is unforgettable, and the scenes of being in the cup of extravagance are all lingering in my mind. In the end, I was the only one who saw the faint blue fire in the dark.

As night fell, Mr. Dragon and Mr. Gentleman came to the department room one after another. They were a little surprised when they saw Lyle who had arrived earlier.Mr. Julong is a busy man, and after a few conversations, he went home alone.Mr. Gentleman sat on the balcony, picked up the flute that he used as a magic wand, and played melodious and sad notes.

"Mr. Gentleman seems to be in good spirits today."

Hearing Lyle's voice, Mr. Gentleman looked into the invisible distance, "This is the song of my hometown."

"Mr. Gentleman's hometown is..."

"It's gone, now it's just a different city with the same name..."


After waiting all night, at twelve o'clock, there was still no sign of Arianna in the Cup of Extravagance.I was indeed too anxious, she should still be recuperating now, I don't know if it is serious or not, the damage to the soul sounds pretty bad.

Lyle, who was helpless, even had the idea of ​​praying to the gods, and was finally amused by his own strange thoughts.But when it comes to gods, you have to mention Holy Light.

It seems that he still has a chance to pray to Sister Elian. Although the depression in his heart has been almost wiped away, Lyle still walked out of the cup of extravagance. He didn't want to let himself be defeated by the secret hidden in his heart.I am a human being, and the Andrians are liches.

Even if it was the whining sound of the evening wind blowing in the corridor, even if he knew that Andry Castle was actually worse than a dead city, Lyle still maintained a peaceful mind.

Standing in front of the familiar white gate, this gate seems to be newly replaced, and even the wooden gate carries a warm force.Mr. Raymond has opened the door?

Lyle gently pushed the door, and soon found the figure praying on the pew in the empty chapel, and Mr. Raymond who was making flash bombs on the podium.

"Plague doctor!" Mr. Raymond was excited when he saw the visitor. The golden sphere in his hand burst open, and a ripple of holy light visible to the naked eye began to spread around, turning everything it touched into golden yellow.

Watching this scene, Lyle politely closed the door again.

"Come in and sit down when you come." A thick golden arm grabbed Lyle who was turning around, and "enthusiastically" invited him in.

Lyle looked at the pure and kind senior in front of him, and greeted him politely.

"An Le, Mr. Raymond."

"Okay, okay, epidemic doctor, have you finally decided to abandon the dark and turn to the bright? Come, come, sign this, and you are mine. From now on, you can hit whoever you want at Andry Academy, as I said , If the shout is not loud enough, start again!"

Lyle avoided the club application form that was almost stuck on his face, "Actually, I am here this time to find Ms. Ariane. I have some troubles, and I hope to talk to Ariane."

Raymond looked at Arian, who was sitting upright at this time, who was the Golden Knight.

"If it's an affliction, the nun is indeed better at soothing the soul than me," Mr. Raymond asked again, "Is it really an affliction that cannot be solved by force? Epidemic doctor, you must know that force can solve many things, and My force can solve many, many sources of trouble."

"Don't bother Mr. Raymond." The source of my troubles is myself.

Raymond took a step back, expressing his non-participation.

Ariane finished praying, patted the seat beside him, and told Lyle to sit down.The blessings of the Holy Light began to show on Lyle, regardless of its power, the effect of washing the soul is quite suitable for psychological healing.

Lyle felt the warmth of the holy light, a mixed feeling of genial sunshine and gentle breeze.

"My troubles come from my identity, you know, Ms. Ariane."

(End of this chapter)

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