Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 203 Mr. Big Brother Flexibility

Chapter 203 Mr. Big Brother Flexibility

"Nice job, manipulator!" Chang Tong praised his brother in the rest room.

Lyall was pleased with how the manipulation was performed, but still had one question.

"Manipulation, when you collided on the ground before, wouldn't it be enough to just throw spider silk to entangle your opponent? Why did you stand deadlocked for so long?"


"Great show! More to come!"

"The next one is also from Necromancer Figurine Club! He is a sculptor of art and a collector of miracles of life! Colorful! Gorgeous! Elegant and charming! Mr. Shiny!"

Mr. Manipulation resents Shiny's more exaggerated rhetoric.

"Thanks to the way he dared to say it, he is indeed a guy with scales on his face."

Shining accompanied his Spine Wheel, pacing out amid the cheers of the audience.His scales are changing color like a colorful revolving lantern, which is quite beautiful.

His opponent brought a plant monster, a rather large vine, which has now occupied half of the land through soil multiplication, and those vines crawling on the ground bent towards Shining like poisonous snakes, if the referee hadn't ordered it, I am afraid an attack has already been launched.

Shiny looked at his opponent.

"I'm not manipulating, giving you time to struggle for good looks and visual effects. And... aren't you a Warcraft breeding society? Why don't you raise things with scales? Are you prejudiced against reptiles? Damn discriminators, you Another damn reason. Get over the fight, I've got money to buy more shiny stuff."

Game start!
Before the vines began to move, the shiny spine wheel lay down on its side, slapping towards the shiny head like a toppled door panel.The mass of flesh and blood in the center of the spine wheel tore a gap, enveloping Mr. Shiny.

The spine wheel lay flat on the ground, forming a hard protective wall.

Of course, that's not all.

Shiny listened to the sound of the vines beating against his spine, like a drum being played against his own soul.

Take one last look at the opponent through the gap in the spine wheel.

"Spin it, the wheel of strangulation."

Crystal clear glass-like scales ejected from the flanks of the Spine Wheel, and the flesh and blood moved the bones, and began to revolve around Mr. Shiny.It was a gigantic meat grinder, more appropriately called a lawnmower these days.

A noisy storm of blades cut through the surrounding vegetation.In the storm, as long as the eye of the storm is shining, it will not fall down.

The storm, began to move.

Follow Shiny's moving steps towards its opponent.

Very slowly, but the deterrence is much stronger.

The spine wheel is spraying those fine scales towards the surroundings. Driven by the storm, they form another layer of blade storm. The storm is expanding, and no one can be spared.

"Mr. Shiny showed us invincibility as soon as he appeared! Think, friends, how you will deal with this storm!"

"But don't forget, this kind of power requires more consumption, I'm afraid Mr. Shining won't last long!"

The plant manipulator is dodging those flying scales, the hardened vine bark resists the powerful tearing force, and the small but tough rhizomes drill into the ground at the same time.

Now that the storm is raging on the surface, attack from below!

Hard work pays off.The limited rhizome passed through the blockade of the spine wheel and poked its head out from the shining vicinity.The head of the rhizome rotates into a sharp cone, stabbing towards the shining light.

But it was weak after approaching the shining half meter.

"The Bafrai monitor lizard likes to prey on a small snake called the leaf flash snake. The leaf flash snake can drill into the roots of plants and escape quickly along the transport tissue of the leaf veins. In order not to be hungry, the Bafrai monitor lizard evolved There is a kind of scale, a kind of scale that makes plants wither and shrivel up. Scale is a symbol of life."

"Well, I really can't cover the entire arena within my range, so I also need to find the enemy."

"Thanks to my love for scales, because the scales on my body would fall off from time to time, and I felt that my wealth was lost, so I had to develop a new spell."

Explore the scales and find the bones.

"My scales will automatically stick to the nearest bone, presumably you should be about the same as me by now."

"Fortunately, your Warcraft is a damned plant, so in this arena, the only ones with real bones are you and me and the wheel of the spine."

"I, found you."

The shining palm was raised high, and the flesh and blood straps connected to it to transmit magic power were snapped one by one.

The storm began to slant, and Shiny's raised palm also began to be cut by the storm, the rags splashed, and the bones were visible deep.

"Tear him apart! Typhoon!"

The wheel of the spine was thrown out by Shining like a collar with all its strength, and together with the terrifying storm, it smashed the opponent into pieces.


In the lounge, Lyle was fixing the broken hand that had fallen off. His right arm finally fell off because of controlling the storm, and the magic power of the connection was destroyed by the manic force.

"Your hand will take at least two days to recover, waiting for the magic circuits in your bones to heal."

"It's okay, Boss, I still have scales." Shan Liang put together a prosthetic limb with complex scales, and it was actually quite good to use.

The operator looked at him and snorted.

"For the sake of your misery, I won't pursue the stinking behavior of your introduction."

Shining waved his hand seriously.

"Yeah, I'm a wounded person now and I need to recuperate. I will try to do less activity in the future."


"Next, is the third gladiator from our necromancer figure agency. A law-abiding man who doesn't follow the rules! A genius beyond expectations! Andrea's rising star! Also the first two necromancer figure agency The elder brother of the gladiators is their amiable big brother! Besides Mr. Plague Doctor, the second largest in the Necromancer Figure Society! Mr. Flexible!"

Listening to the cheers outside, Lyle desperately grabbed his excited companions, and Nia also reached out to help.

"Don't get excited! Shining, you are a wounded person and need to rest!"

"Go to the wounded of Uncle Biantong, I will let Biaotong be the wounded now!"

"Manipulate, don't get excited, win, win or lose is the most important thing!"

"No! Changtong is a younger brother. I don't want this victory, I want to fuck him! I will fight the opponent in the back! I want to hear my big brother's screams. If the screams are not loud enough, I will start again!"

After all, Lyle still didn't let them out. After all, he was not the one who suffered.

Mr. Flexible's opponent was a tall, silent figure who didn't speak at first.

But looking at the trembling shoulders of Mr. Flexible, he couldn't help but speak.

"Are you afraid?" The opponent's voice was cold.

"No, I'm just happy. After all, people need to have some fun when they die."

The opponent didn't understand Mr. Flexible.

The corner of Mr. Flexible's lips curled up suddenly, and he said in an aggressive voice.

"You will be my joy."

(End of this chapter)

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