Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 214 Introduction to Soulology

Chapter 214 Introduction to Soulology
The itinerary of the Wandering City can always bring surprises, at least Lyle thinks so, because every time he comes to this city, he will gain something.The four members of the Necromancer Figure Club have just reached an excellent deal with the Mozu.Twenty Spine Wheels were exchanged for Demon Horn measured in tons.

Before the transaction started, all four were satisfied.

The three were very satisfied when the 20 Oriu's reward was converted into what they called a more precious material, demon horn, in the form of a democratic vote.Mr. Lyle is fighting the urge to dismantle his companions into lichdust.

However, the etiquette education he received still made Lyle hold back his anger, and carefully explained to his customers how to use the wheel of the spine.

"Very considerate service, Mr. Epidemic Doctor. Especially when you deliberately performed the sound of the Balrog's breathing, I felt your sincerity and respect. Your service attitude is as perfect as your products." A male demon in a bold dress Tightening his overalls, he came to the twenty spine wheels that were displayed.He stretched out his hand to grab the speed-limiting ossicle in the inner ring of the spine wheel, which Lyle described in detail, after all, safety comes first.


The Mozu pulled out the speed-limiting ossicles, and the blood along with it drew an arc in the air, just like the champagne that was knocked on the outside of a newly launched freighter, crystal clear in the air.

"Goodbye, my friends, I will bless you when I am galloping through hell. Hahaha, sorry, I mean curse, you know, it means the same thing." One by one, the demons looked at each other like their leaders. Do, and twenty Spine Wheels with speed limits lifted stormed into the Demon Portal.

He turned to look at his brother.

"Is there any introduction on the speed limit order, is it illegal to not stop the damage to the speed limit device?"

"The Wandering City cannot be governed by Andre's laws."

"I know, but I also know that Mr. Law has a close relationship with the law enforcement department here. Maybe the speed limit here is just copied."

"It's not a big deal, they're back in hell and we have plenty of time to eliminate the proof of presence."

Shining looked at the portal that folded into a slit in the air and finally disappeared, and looked at Lyle.

"Boss, you canceled the overspeed protection mechanism of the spine wheel, the one with blood and flesh necrosis?"

"Yes, Mr. Law informed me that the speed limit law has been generated in Anderi. Now speeding in Anderi, you and your vehicle will hit the air wall. Mr. Laser is the best example. So protect The mechanism is no longer needed, and you will die if you will be very bad." Lyle looked at the speed-limiting ossicles that were discarded on the ground, and picked them up with Nia, "I also added a gyroscope The inner ring, so that the fast-moving spine wheel can make the interior relatively static, reducing dizziness, and the flesh and blood slides of the inner and outer rings are connected by magic. Our creations can be open to life, if they don’t dislike the spine The appearance of the wheel."

"Boss, what are you doing with these bones?"

"Save, they can also be used as a speed limiter for the next batch of spine wheels. 20 Oriu have flown out of my pocket, I have to do something to divert my attention and prevent my brain from twitching, Turn the three of you into bone sculptures."

"Hey boss, I know you love money, but it's all about the Gundam. As you said, assembling giant humanoid creations is the romance of the Warlock."

"Yes, as long as the ultimate romance doesn't interfere with my little romance. I've never gotten so much money, I could have meditated in gold coins today."

Shining looked at the complaining Lyle and expressed his confusion.

"Now you can hold a lot of demon horns to meditate together. They are as annoying as gold coins, and they can hang on your ribs to prevent them from falling."

The bull's head was wrong, and Lyle greeted the manipulative and flexible manipulator who was still fiddling with the broken horn that the Demon Race had shed, and began to go to the portal of the dark second area.

"Let's go, gentlemen, there is still class in the afternoon, um... what class is it?"

"The first lesson in soul science."

The classrooms of the soul faction are not outside Andry College, perhaps because the physical damage caused by soul science will not be too great.

Until I stood in front of the broken bridge of the tallest spire of Andry Castle, I kept this idea.

It seemed to be a road to the tower, but it was broken by the washing of long years, and its destination, the tower, was gone.There was a strong wind blowing at a height of tens of meters, making the students' robes rattle.

The 450 two newly-promoted spirit masters who chose to intensively study soul science were blowing cold wind in the early autumn, looking at the transparent phantom floating in the front. It was the professor of soul science, Mr. Ghost Surprise.

He flipped his body, either rotating, or the transparent body broke through the three-dimensional level, and the back of his head became a frontal face.Looking at the new student with a dead face, he squeezed out an ugly smile.

"Don't worry, newcomers, I have also heard about your encounters from the flesh and blood faction and the bone faction, and I sympathize with you. The mentors of the two factions have been at odds since the chief, but our soul faction is very harmonious. We maintain True to our tradition, secretive and understated, we are very kind to all newcomers."

Mister Surprise stretched out his hand, showing the broken bridge, "Welcome to the Tower of Soul, my students."

The stones blown off the broken wall by the cold wind knocked on the tiles of Andry Castle.Everyone stared at the nothingness indicated by Mr. Astonishment, only air.

"Teacher? Where's the tower you're talking about?"

"Go up, students, and you will know."

Lyle bravely looked at the edge of the broken bridge, and he saw Andrea Garden, which was only the size of a palm on the ground.

"Teacher, do we need to commit suicide by jumping off a building to enter the Soul Tower? But we are liches, jumping off a building can't kill us."

Looking at his superficial student in astonishment, he explained patiently. "The soul tower is in the gap between the material world and the spiritual world. You can't see it, but it does exist. You only need to take that step bravely to enter the tower."

It turns out that it is just an invisible building, just be bold.Lyle breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but opened his eyes to look at the small things below, and his legs still couldn't help shaking. This is not ordinary courage, I'd better wait and see first.

Soon, a brave young man stood up, stepped on the Broken Bridge under the encouragement of Mr. Surprised eyes, and took that step towards the void.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" He fell faster than Lyle imagined, which may be the reason why reality is crueler than imagination.There was a pop when it landed, and the first warrior became a broken bone.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Mr. Surprise, and he seemed to have expected it, and spoke with a blank expression.


"Teacher! What's going on here! Didn't you say that the tower is just invisible? Isn't this still a jump?"

"It does exist, but the student was determined to have no talent by the Soul Tower, so it didn't show up. Soul science requires talent, and students and mentors are a two-way choice. You chose us, and now it's our turn to choose you."

"Don't worry, children, this is just a simple selection, an initiation ceremony."

(End of this chapter)

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