Chapter 233 Villaritz
"Meow meow~~" "Meow meow~~" "Meow~~~" Murray imitated the meowing of a black Ankara cat, shaking her head. Afraid that her imitation would not be right, she painted a beard on her face with soot , with both hands clenched into fists, shaking like a real cat raising its front paws.

Her behavior did play a role. Ankara Cat's eyes were completely attracted by the cat meowing girl in front of her, and she nodded left and right as Murray swung her head, but the cat never replied to her "cat language" and looked at Murray. His eyes were like looking at a fool.

Just as Murray was showing her language talent to the fullest, a quarrel was taking place in the tent separated by a cloth.

Wen Li and her sisters looked at the envoy sitting on the cloth with her eyes closed. She was a vengeful witch and a member of the group of witches who convened this witch gathering.The Vengeful Witches, as the name suggests, are a group of paranoid Avengers focused on punishing humans who persecuted witches.They will reproduce the ritual of judging witches on those sinners, and use the blood of the enemy to appease their anger.The Witch of Death, where Wen Li works, was not very interested in these impulsive sisters before she was alive, because they once made a mistake with their own hands, a mistake that caused the witch to fall apart and become several small groups of displaced people.Revenge and harm are not the only purpose of survival for witches. This idea made Wen Li's witch group decide to establish a country belonging to witches. They chose to live in peace. under fire.

The envoy was wearing a white silk robe, and her smooth skin had a haze of witchcraft. Her facial features were beautiful, and her eyes were smiling. Especially when she saw the corpse-like wounds of Wen Li and the others, her smile became even stronger.

"Nassia, what do you mean we can't enter?" Wen Li floated in front of Nacia, with suppressed anger in her pupils.

"As the organizer of the gathering, we Vengeful Witches need to maintain the safety and stability of the meeting, as well as the purity of the witch itself. Witch Mother Wenli, your group seems not suitable for entering the meeting." Nacia stood up, folded her hands, Walking around Wen Li leisurely, as if looking at the whole picture of an object, "Are you dead people or witches now? I heard that a group of my unworthy sisters seems to have joined Andrei. That's not a A pure group of liches? A group of deformed worlds controlled by men. How can I be sure, Witch Mother Wenli, are you witches seeking help, or dogs looking for the Lord's way?"

"We are not Andrei's servants, you can feel it..." Wen Li's floating body approached Nacia, invisible witchcraft energy gushed out from the cracks in her body, that force grabbed Nacia's throat, She hoisted up and was about to hoist a fish out of the water, "According to the tradition of witches, dear Nacia, you should show due respect to a witch mother, isn't my sister Cesera too indulge you?" gone?"

Nacia struggled and twitched in the air, her face was turned purple, and her two bulging eyes stared at Wen Li, "If you have the guts, kill me, dead man, you know the rules of witches' harm, tradition."

Nacia was thrown to the ground, gasping for breath.Wen Li took a deep breath, "To threaten a vengeful lunatic, I must have been too depressed recently. You won, Nacia, but please tell Sessela that she is still as stupid as before."

Nacia struggled to stand up.

"My mistress is much smarter than you. When you damn sluts hid in a corner behind the city wall, we led the lost sisters to survive in the wilderness! Your group is a group of selfish villains!"

"Are we selfish? We gave the witches a home, a place where they can settle down and survive, another choice, a reason to refuse to be a tool of revenge for your clan!"

"Home? A hope destroyed again! You have made witches cowardly and reserved. You sinners! You are domesticating our sisters like livestock in the place of men! You deserve it! I am in the camp What did you see? A group of idiots who don’t even have clothes but don’t know how to plunder! Sharing? Ridiculous! You are a group of complete losers!”

Anger distorted Nacia's face, and her red skin seemed to be steamed.But then, Nacia actually let out a strange laugh. "Soon, the age of witches will come under our leadership. A new mistress, the eldest sister of all witches, will appear again, combining the scattered powers of the sisters, and witches will issue their own voices in the new era. sound."

"Mistress? Cersei has been promoted to the level of mistress?"

"No, we have shortcuts and new powers."

"Are you crazy! The failure 50 years ago is not enough for you to learn a lesson! Apart from natural promotion, there is no shortcut to the appearance of the mistress! You were there at that time! Nacia, why didn't you stop her! Stop the final Witch Project!"

"That's enough! Wen Li! You, who chose to turn your back on us after your failure, are no longer qualified to question us! We failed last time because the mistress we selected was still weak. Rejected us, but returned to her damned family. This time the final witch, we will adopt a new way, we choose to cooperate with a more powerful race, she will accept us, and become a collective with us, our mistress .Our revenge will eventually come true."

Nacia opened the curtain of the tent and walked out.

The pure black Ankara cat was finally bored with the unbelieving Murray. She moved her eyes and saw Nacia coming out of the tent in anger.

Her voice was soft and heroic, and her voice was as clean as moonlight.

"Narcia, come here."

The sudden appearance of a female voice stunned the three girls sitting around.They looked at each other.

Laura, "Is that sister hiding in the corner talking?"

Nacia quickly squeezed into the haystack. She ignored the three little witches and knelt down on one knee towards the black Ankara cat.

"Master Willa Liz, why are you here? It's not safe here."

The black cat's eyes were slightly squinted, as if staring at Nacia's hidden soul through the flesh.

"No, it's safe here, Nacia, these are good children, but the haze in your mind is very dangerous. All witches should join our assembly, which is conducive to the unity of the whole, understand? One—— A—no—few.”

Nacia pressed her lips together and finally let out a breath.

"The Vengeful Witch obeys your will."

"Good boy." The cat paced, and climbed onto Nacia's shoulders along Nacia's hanging arms.

Before leaving, Willa Liz turned her body and raised her front paws towards Murray.

"We understand meow."

"Meow meow meow~~Silly girl."

(End of this chapter)

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