Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 24 Curious Baby Arianna

Chapter 24 Curious Baby Arianna
With the end of the spell, Lyle felt a burst of mental weakness, a feeling of mental rigidity, but fortunately he recovered slowly.

Mr. Dragon is carefully holding up Alphonse's corpse, facing the doubts of the students, "Mr. Alphonse is a puppy with a legendary story, it deserves a permanent recovery ceremony, and in the future, it will no longer be us I also hope that you can maintain respect for the corpse in front of you, no matter how dilapidated it is at the moment, it contains a past that you have never experienced."

This may be the reason why seances is regarded as orthodox by Andre, and Mr. Dragon's three views are very correct.

"Mr. Epidemic Doctor, do you feel anything unusual?" Mr. Dragon looked at Lyle as if to check his discomfort through disguise.

Returning the cane to Mr. Dragon, the feeling of abundance was gone, but Lyle could still feel the magic around him, even if it was negligible.The human body itself is a treasure house, it just lacks the key to open it.

"Just a little out of breath."

Mr. Dragon breathed a sigh of relief, "This is normal. When Mr. Alphonse was speaking, I was worried about your magic power reserve. Fortunately, it lasted until the end of the story."

"Mr. Epidemic Doctor, you have completed my course excellently and compressed this two-hour course into four 10 minutes."

"Now you need a good rest. I think your mental state is no longer suitable for continuing to listen to the class."

Mr. Dragon took out a book from the leather bag, "This is the list of spells we will be required to learn in the future. You can ask the seniors of the society for the pronunciation and explanation of the Aimo script."

A brand new parchment book, Andrea has already started the bookbinding work, you know, parchment scrolls are still popular outside.

"A Guide to Anatomy?" is the catchy title of the book.

"Necessary camouflage, mysterious knowledge is forbidden in the outside world. In case Mr. Epidemic Doctor is discovered, it should be dismissed as a medical book. Isn't it normal for a doctor to hold a medical book? As for the incomprehensible Emo writing, can be summed up as their shallow knowledge."

Unfortunately, medicine was also considered taboo a few days ago, and this kind of dumping to other industries will not work.

Lyle didn't say it, and he didn't plan to show the book to others.

After Lyle took over the book, Mr. Giant Dragon issued an expulsion order, urging Lyle to go back to rest, while he stayed to tutor other students.

This is the end of my first class.

Apart from Alphonse's amazing performance, there were not many accidents, everything happened and ended naturally.

His adaptability to Andrei is not generally strong, and the illusion that he is not a newcomer and knows this castle well has sprung from his heart.

This illusion was quickly defeated.

A suit of armor appeared in Lyle's field of vision, just like the castle would be decorated with knights' armor on both sides of the aisle, which is not unusual in itself.

However, Andrey abnormally did not have this habit, not even a carpet or a portrait, it was extremely simple. At this time, a set of armor appeared in such an empty aisle.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Although Andre is an academy involving the mysterious side, and perhaps living armor is commonplace, Lyle doesn't want to experience anomalies.

He started to turn around.

The armor moved and walked straight towards him.

No extreme movements, an instinct to face wild animals, don't alarm it.

Lyle began to step back in small steps, charging his legs, ready to fight back with this armor at any time.

"The epidemic doctor, it's me." The armor made a voice, it was Ariane.

A familiar tuk-tuk sound appeared in Lyle's mind. She finally found out that the Iron Maiden was inconvenient?
It looks like it's waiting for me on purpose.

"Why didn't you join Mr. Raymond's sect?" Elianne's tone seemed to be questioning with hatred.

"You joined?" Lyle recalled how Arianne had introduced herself to Raymond.

"Of course! That's Mr. Raymond!" Elianne took it for granted.

"That's Mr. Raymond. So I didn't accept it." Lyle also took it for granted.

The two played riddles to each other, eye to eye in the silent air.

"The Epidemic Doctor, the Holy Light Religion is definitely your most suitable choice."

Is it that slogan again? Lyle didn't catch a cold, "Thank you, I think the extravagant cup is more suitable for me."

Just when Lyle thought things were going to be partisan.

"I won't change my opinion, but I won't refuse my responsibilities. As a nun and an epidemic doctor, I'm always ready to listen to your troubles." Elianne suddenly dropped her target.

"Thank you."

"This duty is only valid for you."

The armor turned around and left with a murmur.

Leave Lyle dumbfounded, what does the last sentence mean?
Confused by Elianne, Lyle felt that his weak cranial nerves were being burdened again.

Ryle, thinking rigid, returned to the cup of extravagance.

Push open the door of the familiar pink wine glass.

Without the Baoxue area at the entrance, the interior is unobstructed.

Arianna is back.

Sitting there quietly, stirring her Earl Grey.

Lyle didn't know how to face her. Since he suddenly left the concert last night, he didn't know how to explain it to her. Did Mr. Gentleman tell her, did she believe it?

Or tell her honestly that you sing to kill people?
Arianna knocked on the table, and Lyle consciously sat across the table.

Arianna pushes black tea to Lyle.

"Thank you."

There was no mention of last night's concert, and Arianna acted like nothing happened.

"How's the course going?"

"Very good, Mr. Dragon taught very well, I learned the first spell, and I left the get out of class early."

Arianna nodded, and there seemed to be a comfortable hum from her nose.

"It's very good. If you have any doubts about the course, you can ask me at any time."


"Mr. Dragon is generally a kind person, as long as certain aspects are not touched."

Lyle has a deep understanding of this sentence, as long as it does not touch the animal aspect.

"Well, I'm a little curious, what is Miss Arianna's desire, is it musical? Something like fame or something."

"No, I like being complimented. That's Beatrice's idea, my desire. It's okay to tell you."


"I'm curious."


"It's just curiosity. I like new things very much. Of course, it's not that I hate old things. It's just that I like new things a little bit less."

"I like to experience different and novel experiences. If the epidemic doctor can drink this cup of tea, maybe he can feel it. Compared with yesterday, I added a little condensed milk to it. Maybe it tastes better."

"I like to use different combinations, I like the novelty, and I enjoy it."

Arianna stood up.

Just under the crystal lamp in the center of the main hall, a circle was turned.

In a bright yellow dress with a sparkling diamond necklace, she looks like a blooming primrose.

Very beautiful, very beautiful.

It seemed that interest had faded.

Arianna returned to Lyle, and she looked at the marble floor under the crystal lamp, as if one of herself was still dancing there.

"I like novelty, surprises, and surprises."

"I like you, newcomer."

(End of this chapter)

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