Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 240 Shadow of Vengeance

Chapter 240 Shadow of Vengeance
The assembly drew to a close after a few days, and there was one last program left, a program that had been conveyed to the various witch groups by the witch mothers earlier.Affirmation of oneself and prospect of the future.

On a night when the moonlight was obscured by thick fog.

Wen Li and the Witch of Death had already packed their tents. Apart from the agreements reached with other ethnic groups at the witch mother meeting, the Witch of Death had hardly received a single newcomer. Fortunately, they planned to stay out of it.Just like what Wen Li said, what the Witch of Death has to do now is to enjoy a funny show and empty talk about dreams brought by the vengeful witches' witches, Sesela. After they applaud to show their participation attitude, they will You can go back to Andrey and continue playing with the Lich.

Maury, Lola and Figury are sharing their travel experiences.A few days ago, under the introduction of the magical cat Vera Liz, they met their new witch companion Krona, a vengeful witch. The four of them got along very well and played together very quickly.

"Kulona said that there will be a big surprise for us today, and I really want to know what it is."

"It's good to wait, we are on the way to witness."

The Witches of Death marched on the hillside, just like other groups of witches, forming a mighty team, and the black lines made up of silhouettes became the new coat of the mountains.Looking up, the cold wind blows those worn dresses, they are like devout pilgrims enduring the bitter cold.

Through the cloud and mist that blocked the eyes, what attracted the sight was naturally the black stone pillar standing abruptly in the middle of the altar. Neither the bright moonlight above the cloud nor the light at the end of the line of sight interfered with the darkness of the stone pillar. Like a landmark in a sad place, it has fixed the atmosphere here.Gloom and weirdness are commonplace for the dead Wen Li, but it is the unnatural light in the distance that makes her suspicious. It is like a star that has fallen on the earth and will never die in the darkness.

Cersei's approach interfered with Wen Li's search for the light in the distance. She looked at the woman in front of her, and found that her full lips were actually raised, with a gentle smile on her face.

"What are you doing here?"

"Appreciating the depression of the loser makes my pleasure sweeter."

On the altar, Krona wearing a black gauze was kneeling in front of the stone pillar, bathed in the afterglow, all the clothes on her body had been taken off, her delicate skin was as white as moonlight, and the thin girl was kneeling with a strange expression. In the glowing ancient runes of witchcraft.

Like an offering to evil.

In Wen Li's ears, Sessela's voice was like the evening wind.

"I've done it again, ancient ritual."

"Yes, Cesera, just as perfect as you did last time...but you will fail in the end."

"Villa Liz is not that little girl with amazing potential. Although that girl's charm fascinates witches, beauty is not power."

"Really? But what about after the ceremony? You didn't tell that black cat, did you? Every awakened mistress is not free. She is a puppet kidnapped by us with the temptation of power, a puppet destined to be our master The mistress will become our master and be dragged down by us, otherwise, the witchcraft power in her body will tear her and everything around her."

"Nothing is free. The so-called freedom is just that we can't feel the cage of limitations." Sessela narrowed her eyes, and the cold light in her eyes became sharp, "Besides, who said that I will definitely deceive And concealment? The lesson from last time taught me that there is always a price to be paid for deception."

"what do you mean……"

"Villa Liz, my future mistress, has already known everything about the awakening ceremony. I am not the one who plays everything and finally fails. We just take what we need and use each other. As long as I can achieve the future I expect , I myself can be consumed. Willa Liz, knowing everything, still chose to exchange power with freedom to become our mistress."

Seeing Wen Li's astonishment, Cersei smiled strangely.

"Villa Liz is an avenger like me, no, her hatred is ten thousand times stronger than mine."

It's getting darker.

Moonlight was kidnapped by the black shadow, and made a helpless cry in the sky.A wave-like shadow rolled in the sky, hanging over the witch's head, like an ocean wave ready to capsize at any time.

In the shadow tide connected to the top of the black stone pillar, two blazing rays of light appeared, like icy flames, like cold light on the ice.The eyes of the black cat stared at everyone, and the light seemed to be able to freeze the soul.

Vera Liz jumped down from the top of the stone pillar, and with that surging shadow current, like ink dripping into clear water and spreading, swallowed Krona in the center of the altar.

In the squirming darkness, Krona let out a terrible scream, as if she was being tortured by terror. The little witches standing aside tried to dodge, but this scene had become their nightmare.

The scream has been distorted to the point of deformation, and if you really listen carefully, you will find a clear difference between the final sound and the previous one.There was a last slight sigh, no longer childish, but with a different temperament.

The darkness blocked in front of his eyes changed, it became light and thin, and turned into a silky cloth, dancing in the air with the wind.Out of the shadows, a woman she had never seen before stepped out.Her body is far taller than that of this era, and she looks about 20 years old in appearance. Her body has grown to the limit of a beautiful work of art, with plump curves, and her slender and plump thighs are wrapped in a layer of black gelatin. The graceful limbs spread to form her coat.Her hair is slender and scattered, like a lion's mane, together with her aggressive eyes, it adds a bit of wildness to this woman. The amber vertical eyes hide cunning and wisdom.

The moment she appeared, a sense of oppression appeared on the witch. The vengeful witches had already bowed down to their mistress.

Sesera walked up humbly.

"My mistress. Mistress Willa Liz."

The woman has an expression on her face, but the eyes looking at Sercela seem to be smiling, her voice is sweet, as if kissing your heart, a trend of depravity and intoxication will make you open your heart and give in to her .

"Cercera, skip the red tape and start what we want."

Three witches were carried up. They were three witches without ethnic groups. Their strength had reached the third level, but now they were as weak as babies.The power of witchcraft has eroded their bodies, and their internal organs have almost stopped.A witch's life is short and ends abruptly as her power increases.

Vera Liz stretched out her slender fingers like immature bamboo shoots, and a shadow like a black cat poured out of her palm, and got into the body of the witch.

"My people, hunt in the shadows."

The black shadows were like torches, burning on the bodies of the three witches. When the shadows completely merged into their bodies, the sick witches opened their eyes. They had the same animal pupils as Vera Liz, and a pile of them stood on top of their heads. Cat ears, the slender tail is swinging freely, the nails are as sharp as claws, and the tips are shining coldly.

They have become agile and powerful, and their power has entered the fourth level.

It worked, and the Mistress of the Witches appeared, and she bestowed the boon of the Clan, and the Witch's life was no longer held by the failure of her organs.Their future is as bright as that of other races, and stronger.All the witches looked with joy on the new Matron, their savior.

"Master Willa Liz, please allow me to follow you!" "Me too!" "Me too!"

Vera Liz smiled, exactly the same as Cersella's.

"No, these are not enough, my sisters, we are not completely strong, our bodies are redeemed, but our spirits are not yet, we are still the ones who think we are weak, unless we overcome our fears , be your own master.”

"Master Willa Liz, what should we do?"

"We were abandoned, hurt, escaping, hiding, fear and numbness. Why, why are we the only ones who suffer? We lost our homeland and were swallowed up by the justice that the Holy Light claims! Now, you have to continue Swallow your breath and pretend you weren't hurt!"

Wen Li had a bad thought in her heart, and the premonition in her heart was ringing like an alarm bell. She rushed to Sessela, grabbed her skirt, and screamed in a gaffe, "Answer me, Sercela, where are we? , Where is that light in the distance! What are you planning!"

"Where is this place? Just as you thought, Wen Li, this is the Brink Inns Ranger Mountains, where..."

Violet waved her hand and tore apart the surrounding clouds. In the distance, there was a city wrapped in light. It was still bright in the dark, just like the fire in the eyes of all witches.

"Our enemies are sleeping right under our noses, enjoying everything we have lost! How can we just lie down in the cold wind and watch them enjoy their own peace! Peace built on the bones of our sisters! The hunt has begun , my sisters! Let them experience what we have experienced! They will pay for what they have done!"

"There is the holy city of Lokarot."

(End of this chapter)

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