Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 247 The Magic Flute Player

Chapter 247 The Magic Flute Player

Lyle handed the tray to Rachel, the girl with the big smile in the restaurant.At this time, like herself, she was wearing a mask, and was recycling the used dinner plates among the masked people.Karen has become the focus of children because of her unique temperament and beautiful armor. She has become one with some bold children.In addition to the collective activities of the Guardians, there will also be some outsiders who are as eager to help as Lyle, although the number is quite rare.

"Thank you very much for your help, sir. Your kindness shines like a holy light." Rachel put the dinner plates that Lyle handed over into her cart. layer of grease.

Lyle looked at the paladin who was bragging with his companions not far away about the gifts he had received. The gadgets held in his hands were touted as treasures. "I just offered the aid I could. Nothing shines against their golden souls."

Rachel's work is still going on.

"There is no distinction between goodness and inferiority. In my eyes and in the eyes of my compatriots, you are all great people."

Lyle let out two chuckles in response to her excessive praise.Lyall looked at her mask, as if seeing her beautiful eyes through the mask.

"Rachel, are you one of these victims, no offense intended, because your beautiful."

"A beautiful soul is more valuable than a skin. Yes, Mr. Lyle, I am one of the sufferers. I was one of them a few years ago. The only difference between me and them is that Rafal Bai It's just the blessing of His Majesty Demon's crown."

"You mean, a few years ago, you were also cured by Rafael Badmond?"

"Yes, like Ellie, I have received the healing of the holy sword Nogburn. But unlike her, it is not in public. The place where I received the ceremony is here, in this land where I was born and raised. In the shadows. Whenever the Ritual of the Light comes, when the Guardians come to the city, His Majesty Rafal will secretly heal a part of us."

"Why secretly?"

"In order to maintain the basic balance of Lokarot. The other residents of Lokarot and us have derived different classes. The antagonism of classes is easy, but it is a hundred times more difficult to eliminate than to establish. The current order is very fragile. Every injustice will affect those who fanatically pursue the light. I am the one chosen by everyone to take care of the children. This restaurant will be an orphanage at other times. In Rocarot, an orphanage is enough to support the growth of children. Maybe in a few years, when His Majesty Rafael heals us all, the victims and their masks will disappear into history. I look forward to that day. Until then, I will thank the Holy Light Grant us all kindness."

With the active cooperation of the victims, the collection of dinner plates ended quickly. Rachel stretched her waist, "Thank you very much, Mr. Lyle, please rest well now, there is still a long time for the Holy Light Ceremony, please enjoy it."

Rachel and some women disappeared down the alley with carts full of dinner plates and Guardian helmets, and they would finish the rest of the cleaning, cleaning every dish with a mind that Rachel joked was far more than a man. Grease.

At this time, the leisure after meals and spiritual sustenance allowed both the victim and the guardian to find a stone to rest easily. Although they did not distinguish each other, the topic still separated each other.Several guardians were telling the stories of their expeditions abroad, and several old victims were telling the legends left over from history.

Lyle was originally more interested in the grotesque legends and memories that have become history, but Karen thought he needed the influence of the Holy Light, and Lyle compromised when he thought the impact was not significant.Before joining the paladins sitting around, Lyall cast a ghostly glance at the crowd surrounding the old man.At the very edge, a thin figure, wearing a mask, squatted there, enjoying the loneliness of being alone in the crowd.

It was an unseemly male wearing a thin gown, the dusty gown showed a bit of decay, the mask on his face covered the only gap left by the veil wrapping his head.This kind of attire is not surprising here. Some people who want to help the victims but also want to hide their identities are such strict disguises.The man leaned against the corner, listening to the old man's words, listening to the deep and slow voice behind the mask.

A small hand grabbed his dangling palm, and he was startled at first, but after seeing that it was a little girl wearing a mask, his body was controlled to regain his composure.With a suppressed tremor in his voice, he looked at the little figure holding him.

"What's the matter? Child."

Behind the mask came a sound like the chirping of a bird. "My name is Allie, sir."

"Oh, hello Ellie, I... I watched you at the ceremony and you were... great! Congratulations, kid."

Ellie's mask looked at him, and after a thank you, Ellie's gaze didn't stop.

"You haven't told me your name, sir."

"I... My name is Aiwen." Allie took Raven's hand and shook it happily.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Aiwen, you are so thin."

Alvin grabbed his arm and tried to escape from Ellie's palm, but it didn't work.

"Huh~, is there anything else? Ellie."

"I saw you alone just now, Mr. Ivan, I think you need me...need me to hold you, can we be friends? Mr. Ivan."

Aiwen's body paused for a second, his tense arms began to relax, and the palm of his hand held by Ellie was no longer stiff. He reached out and stroked the little cutie's soft yellow hair.

"We're already friends, Ellie."

Ellie jumped happily, and she led Aiwen to the old storyteller.

"The story of Grandpa Angola is very interesting, but his voice is very small, we should come closer."

The sound of long and short footsteps appeared on the floor.

Alvin's voice broke this rhythm.

"I'm sorry, Ellie, for everything I've done."

The sudden apology made Ellie bend her head. "Although I don't know what bad things you did to Aiwen, the Holy Light will forgive you, Aiwen, thank you for telling me." Ai Li turned around to hold Aiwen's waist, counted down three times with her mouth, and let go Alvin. "I forgive you, Ivan, we are friends!"

The Angolan elder's voice was very soft, and as Ellie said, they got close to hear his story.

"Locarrot, decades ago, when there was no holy light, it was no different from other cities. Oh~ There is a little difference, there is one thing in Locarrot, especially many, and that is rats. In People's wardrobes, dinner plates, wine glasses, and toilets are full of this ugly black thing, and the residents of Locarrot suffer so much that it even got a name, Rat City."

"The lord of Locarrot is deeply endangered by rats. He offered a reward of up to [-] gold coins to reward the person who can eradicate the rat plague. All the residents are boiling because of the huge bounty, and various methods of rat control emerge in endlessly. , but in the end, all failed.”

"At this time, a special person appeared. No one knew his origin or name, only that he was wearing a gray and white dress. He had a flute, a magic flute. He accepted the reward offered by the lord and promised to return to the city within three days. It is clear about the rat infestation."

"In fact, he did it on the first day. He played the magic flute, and the rats who did evil were attracted by the sound of his flute. The rats followed the magic flute player in groups like soldiers, They stepped on the steps, crossed the stone bridge, and crossed the fields. To the music of the Magic Flute, the mice jumped into the Loren River one by one, and they drowned themselves. The water fills, and their ugly death sends Lokarot into a frenzy."

"The magic flute player tidied up his attire, and he politely pushed open the door of the lord's mansion, asking for the agreed reward. But the lord refused, and the greedy lord turned his back on his promise, and drove the magic flute player out. But The performer is not an ordinary person who is bullied by him, he is angry at the lord's dishonesty, and he also hates the residents of Lokarot who are ignoring him, he clamors and will make them pay the price."

"That was the third night. When it was agreed to collect the reward, the sound of the magic flute sounded again in the city of Lokarot. Night. Some people who have not yet slept, saw the ghostly shadows in the city, and spent the night cowering."

"The next day, all the children in Locarrot disappeared. When the anxious adults called out the names of their beloved ones, one or two people finally stood up. They said that the ghost that appeared on their walls last night , really shadows of those children walking around. The flute player took their children just like he took the mice. When everyone regretted it, he took all the children and disappeared, never to be seen again Appear."

"That's the story of 'The Magic Flute Player.'"

The voice of the old Angolan man stopped, and the excited children started a discussion.

"The flute player is a villain who shouldn't let children leave their parents."

"But it was the lord who made the mistake first. He just did it wrong."

Ellie did not participate in the argument of her companions. She raised her palm and asked the old man.

"Grandpa Angola, do you know the name of the magic flute player?"

"I don't know, Ellie. No one knows his identity. Just like in the story, he just jumped out. Maybe, there were people who knew his name in the past, but they are old."

"Or maybe they forgot."

(End of this chapter)

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