Chapter 257 Guardians (5000 words, edited task 46 56)

Nelson was not afraid of the new form of the twelve legions such as Frey, because in the group consciousness, he told them a story, a story about the guardians, to these novice paladins.

When Lokarot was ravaged by the Black Death, fear and death flooded the city. The corpses in the river could even block the water source, and the abandoned corpses on the streets were everywhere.The governing body of Locarrot was already dead at the beginning of the outbreak. Before the church was shut down, the pastor applied for assistance from the church.

Responsible for saving Lokalot is the newly formed Guardian Legion.

One of the four leaders of the Crusaders, Rafael Badmond, will come to save the city. The citizens who have heard his name have long prayed in their hearts. arrival.

The paladins did come, but there was no sign of Rafael in the team that came.Not only that, this group of rude paladins didn't have much contact with them.They use holy light to scout every citizen of Lokarot, and those who detect the plague will be escorted to a huge arena, where slaves used to fight.

The Lokarot felt insulted, but worse, by staying with other people infected with the plague.Those who are in good health, who think they are fine, struggle like hell.

"You can't lock me up with people who are doomed! You're murdering! Holy knights!"

The citizens began to panic. They avoided those paladins, fearing that they would also be checked out for the plague, and be imprisoned with those people and die of illness together.

The guardians also made a light wall with holy light outside the arena to prevent the people inside from running out. The paladins and priests sat around the light wall, ignoring the infected people who were beating the light wall and cursing them. reciting scriptures.Golden specks of light showered on the infected, but they didn't know it.

In Rafal's absence, an old priest presided over the situation.His name is Vitim, he is a highly respected old man, and he is also the mentor of many paladins. When he was young, he had read medical-related books, and all of these actions were inspired by him.All these, the infected see in their eyes.

Vitim was the first to call on the guards to chant scriptures outside the wall of light. When he was resting, he took the guards to personally inspect the infected people, carefully detecting abnormalities in their bodies.

At first, it didn't work, and people still died in the quarantine area, which caused other infected people to riot, screaming in terror and looking like crazy.They crouched on the light wall, looking at the old men who were piously chanting sutras, uttering vicious and sinister curses, like evil spirits in hell.

"Evil ghosts? You are demons! I spit on your holy light, your justice! Justice will not let us cry and die miserably, you hypocritical devils! You want to purify this city! You want to sacrifice us!"

The infected who thought they saw the truth became hysterical. His performance made the novice guardians suspicious, and many abnormal voices were born in Lokarot City.Among those infected were their families, and now these Guardians watch them die.Suspicion and controversy made Lokalot even more indifferent to the Guardians.

Under the leadership of Vitim, the guardians hid their dissatisfaction with the indifference of the citizens to themselves.

"Teacher, what the hell are we doing? Chanting scriptures will not help save them."

Looking at the impatient disciple, Vitim smiled. "The method is hidden in the scriptures, in our minds. The Bible carries everything in this world, we just need to find it, use your piety and perception, Pierre."

At a certain moment, outside the city of Lokalot, an angel descended.

Guardians and townspeople alike are heartened by the arrival of Raphael Badmond.Vitim also smiled.

"Pierre, when Master Rafal arrives, please tell him that the cure for the plague is in the third volume of the Gospel, and you need to find the exact location." Vitim got up and walked towards the light curtain, Behind the light curtain were the crowd staring at him.

"Teacher! What are you doing!"

Vitim showed a modest smile. "Pierre, I'm infected too, and that's where I should stay."

"No! Teacher, look into the eyes of these people, they want to eat you alive! Don't go in, you will..."

"I should go in, boy, for all of us, for the end of the plague. Please continue my work."

Outside the city, Rafal landed in front of a paladin. The guard had a handsome appearance that was no less handsome than Rafal, and his angular silhouette was even more popular than Rafal because he was more manly.

"You are late, Your Majesty Rafael, very late."

"I'm going to eliminate the source of the plague, Frey, with you and Mr. Vitim here, I should be able to handle everything here."

Frey nodded. "The citizens of this city are in high tension. They need your reassurance. Regarding the epidemic, Mentor Vitim is handling it. I believe there will be a result soon."

While Rafal and Frey were chatting, Pierre had already run over and told the leader about Vitim being infected and walking into the light wall by himself.

When Rafal approached the wall of light, there was already a confrontation inside. More than a dozen guards protected Vitim in a corner, and Vitim had several bruises and scars on his face.The moment the old man in charge of rescuing the infected entered, he was thrown down by crazy people, and the guards who couldn't stand it rushed in together, protected the old man, and beat those who used force After a meal.The man who was beaten all over the ground and looked for his teeth smiled.

"You are coming in too, dirty holy light, you will be tortured to death by the black god of death just like us!"

Vitim looked at these children apologetically, "You shouldn't have come in."

"Looking at you suffering and being indifferent, it is better to let us die! Moreover, Rafael has come down, I believe that he and the guardians will definitely save us."

Rafal watched everything that happened, and assured the crowd inside the light wall and his defenders that he would save them.

"Let the priests who maintain the wall of light go, and let the fellow guardians who are paladins take over their work. We are more tenacious than them."

In the next few days, the guards were reciting scriptures with all their heart and soul, while Rafal was patrolling the entire city. Everyone here needed the angel's arrival and the power to make them feel at ease.

But in the wall of light, things have made new progress.

One day, one of the beaters who hurt Vitim fell on his knees before the old priest.His father was also infected with the plague, and his physical condition was deteriorating. The old man felt that his time was approaching, and his last request to the child was.

"I need a priest, my boy."

"Teacher, we don't need to help him, he deserves what he deserves!" The evil deeds of that day reappeared in the man's mind, and he, who was supported by his family, finally realized the ugliness of the past.He didn't argue, just lowered his head and begged silently with tears in his eyes.

"I see, son, please allow me to say my last prayers to your father."

"Teacher Vitim, this person is not worthy of you!"

"But his dad was worth it, it wasn't a difficult thing, I just went to meet an old man my age, a friend I'd never met."

Under the leadership of the man, they saw the old man who was about to go to the last moment. He was skinny and lying on several layers of crumpled cloth. It is co-authored like a fish.

"My child, are you back?"

"Yes, Father, I have brought back a priest."

"Holy Light blesses you, sir."

The old man lying on the bed actually smiled, "Thank you, Mr. Pastor, the blessing of the Holy Light is very precious to me at this moment." The old man gradually turned his head with the voice, and he lifted his bamboo pole from the quilt. He stretched out his arm to the air in front of him, "My lord pastor, I have a merciless request, I beg you."

Vitim grabbed the old man's palm. "I will grant your request if I can."

"Master Pastor, I beg you, forgive my child." The old man, who was dying, held him tightly with his last strength. "I can't see your face, but I can hear people's words. Your face must still have the damage my child caused you. I'm sorry, my child, he is not a bad person. He is right I am fine, but this terrible cold is destroying everyone here, my body is getting worse, and I know the burden on the heart of the child. My lord pastor, we are not like you, we are just mortals, mortals with original sin." The old man As he spoke, he stretched out his other hand, calling out to the man who was already in tears.

"My child, evil exists in all of us, but that is no excuse for you to hurt others. I know you are suffering a lot, but this is what every man goes through. You are a strong Man, my child. Promise me one last time, okay? Don't make such a mistake again, and apologize to the pastor."

"Yes!!! Father..." As the old man's wrist fell weakly, the man wailed hoarsely. "I promise you! Father! Did you hear me! I will apologize to the pastor and beg him to forgive my sins! Did you hear me! Father!"

The child's painful cries did not wake up the father. He did not hear the child's promise, but the trust in his heart made him close his eyes.

In the afterglow of the old man's body being cremated and burned, the man knelt down in front of Priest Vitim.

"I'm sorry for everything I've done to you, especially your disregard of previous suspicions, which made me feel my own ugliness even more. My lord pastor, please forgive my sins and allow me to bear the punishment for my crimes."

Vitim patted the man's shoulder. His palm was thicker than his father's, but it had the same weight on his heart.

"I forgive you, child. As your obligation, please live on until the day when the Holy Light saves us."

Hot tears flowed from the man's eyes, and he knelt devoutly, kissing the soil on the ground.

"Praise the Light."

Vitim has the first follower of Lokalot, and this number is still increasing.When death walks with you, many of the pretense of people will be shattered, they will be crazy at first, but eventually become numb from unresponsiveness, and some of them will be guided to pursue their inner voice.

"Praise the Holy Light." "Praise the Holy Light." "Praise the Holy Light." Under the leadership of Vitim, everyone prayed devoutly within the wall of light. Old pastor's teaching, doing the right thing.

The peaceful scene inside the light wall makes the guardians more motivated. What they save are those who are truly worth saving, followers of the holy light, and their own compatriots.

"We have found it! Your Majesty Rafal, we have found the hint of the Holy Light!" A few days later, the ecstatic guardians found Rafal who was blessing in public in the central square.

"What's the hint?"

"It's a story from the Bible."

Rafal scrutinized the marked sections.

"Salt City?" That was a story. There was once a city that was extremely evil, and the Holy Light decided to completely destroy this evil city.And sent an angel to lead the only kind family in the city to leave the city. While fleeing, no matter what, they must not look back.Everything was going according to plan, but at the end, his wife, out of curiosity, looked back and she turned into a pillar of salt.

Rafal thought carefully about the revelation of the Holy Light, and finally he knew the cure.

In the same second, Rafal came among the guardians like a breeze.

"The fire of the world, this is a magic spell that can destroy the plague. I can use it, but... the fire of the world will only save kind people, that is, the owners of the holy light. For others, it will be transformed into Ashes. I understand that the people inside are all potential followers of the Holy Light, but how long will it take us to strengthen them to the point where they can withstand the Holy Flame, many people can no longer persist."

"In the end, is it still a multiple-choice question?"

"No matter what, how much can be saved, how much!" The guardian immediately brought the news that the holy light can save everyone into the mask. At first, they were happy, but soon, people found that it was not easy.The citizens of Lokarot are a very indifferent and snobbish group of people, and this is defined as a sin in the eyes of the Holy Light. Even if they have changed now, they cannot change their past.

Inside the wall of light, it became a carnival of the Holy Light. Everyone was begging for the blessing of the Holy Light. Some got it, but some didn't.The desperation of gaining hope and then losing hope should drive those people crazy, but they have experienced similar encounters.Those frail old men looked at the children who had been able to light up the holy light, and shed tears of joy.

"Praise the Light."

Everyone is racing against time, while the paladins outside the wall of light are suffering.

At this time, new bad news appeared.Vitim was tortured by the black disease for a short time. On the night of his death, all the infected people surrounded him, and wept while looking at that kind face.

Vitim smiled and looked at everyone. "Birth, old age, sickness and death are the normal state of life. Don't be overly sad, my compatriots. Please believe that the Holy Light will save us. Praise the Holy Light."

At the last moment of his life, Vitim cast his last divine spell, the blessing of sacrifice.The flickering afterglow of his fire of life is like a firework that blooms in an instant. Under his brilliance, the five infected people inherited his holy light and his will.Vitim, the leader of the Holy Light, exchanged his own death for the rebirth of five glorious lives.

"In three days, I will use the flame of purifying the world to end all this." Rafal returned to his room, and before he left, he delivered the final judgment.No one can say that this order is wrong.All guardians are grabbing the last time to save more people.

Frey came to Pierre who was guarding the barrier.


"Yes! Chief Frey."

"...It's a private matter."

"Oh, what's the matter, brother?"

"When did you start a family, our family needs someone to continue."

"Huh? You're the eldest brother. Let's talk about it after you start a family. After all, you are so handsome. If you want to continue the family, you can find a partner. Why do you want me?"


Three days later, Rafael hovered in the sky, like the sword of Damocles of judgment hanging over the heads of the infected.

"Wait a minute!" Twelve guards, including Frey, came out.

"What's the matter? Frey."

"I thought of a way to save the remaining people, Your Majesty Rafal. The 12 of us are the strongest paladins among the guardians. We can build barriers to protect their lives."

Rafal frowned, "No, your methods are futile."

"Your Majesty Rafal, please let us try." Frey insisted uncharacteristically.

Although Rafal was puzzled, he still agreed to the request of Frey, his right-hand man. After all, the plague would not cause any harm to them.

Twelve paladins walked into the wall of light, and they stood among the crowd waiting for the baptism of flames. "Those who have not realized the Holy Light, please gather around us, we will make a final attempt." The twelve guardians are like umbrellas, surrounded by people waiting to be rescued.

Rafal raised the sword in his hand, the power of the holy light was transformed into a scorching flame, and with a violent slash, it crashed down.

At this time, the twelve paladins immediately revealed their true thoughts.How could they know more about magic than Rafal, the leader, that was just a cover.

The twelve holy light spears were condensed in their hands, and the flaming spear tips pierced each other's hearts.Golden blood flew in the air.Frey finally fulfilled the near-death condition to activate the Blessing of Sacrifice, and his blood turned into rain of light, dripping on those around him.Twelve young and powerful lives should be able to exchange for the salvation of these people.

"Frey! You bastards!!" In the sky, Rafal's roar was like Tianwei.

Frey looked at the raging flames of the world in front of him, and let out his own roar.

"Partial redemption is nothing but redemption!"

"If the Holy Light can't save them, then I will save them instead of the Holy Light!"

"If I can't even protect the people behind me, then what kind of justice should I insist on!!!"

"I am a guardian ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

The flames devoured everything.Washed away by plague and sin, leaving hideous burns upon them, they are the sufferers.The twelve human-shaped torches standing in the flames have been roasted beyond recognition, and they barely have a human shape.

The glow sprinkled on the twelve fire-bathers was the glow that belonged to the Kingdom of God.

The angel with broken wings opened the gates of the kingdom of God and kept the souls of the victims under his command.

Rafal, who lost his wing, barely flew in the sky, and his golden feathers and blood dripped on the land illuminated by the light of the Kingdom of God.The flames of the twelve bathers are never extinguished, and they look at the angel above their heads, their leader.

Rafal smiled holy.

"Your lives are under my control, my bastard legion commanders."

(End of this chapter)

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