Chapter 277 Gaze
Lyle actually didn't want to visit Professor Arnoin. After experiencing the incident of the mermaid Weina, he felt that his relationship with the professor was not harmonious.Especially the rumors about Arnold's new changes that I heard afterwards were like a thorn in my chest.Lyle had an ominous feeling about Arnoin, even fear.After thinking about it again and again, Lyle still didn't evade tonight's class.Whether it's the fear of the ominous giant in his heart, or his ominous intuition about Anoin, Lyall has to check it out.In this way, the big stone that is pressing in my heart can fall to the ground.

The Necromancer Figure Club received some new members of Spiritualism, flexibly gave them the detailed manufacturing information of the Spine Wheel, and enthusiastically provided all the materials for making this creation.Those studious newcomers practiced the magic of transforming creations all day and all night in the spacious side room, and the spine wheel they made would sell for a good price in the Demon Race after being debugged by Lyle and others.It has become a norm for Andry's liches to be obsessed with academics, and they are very keen to perform this kind of practice that can improve skills, although most of them are repetitive mechanical movements.Alteration does not kill their manufacturing goals, so this place, which Lyle jokingly calls the assembly center, will produce new surprises from time to time, but the lack of ability itself makes most people choose to manufacture the spine wheel.

Along the way, Biaotong was advocating his capitalist theory. Although the result was good, Lyle did not dare to flatter the view of lich researchers as tool people.By the way, Chang Tong himself is such a lich, so this is cannibalism?
According to the shining feedback, the Spine Wheel has become a craze among the black abyss demons, and the orders are increasing every day, which makes the labor force of the Necromancer Figure Club seem stretched, so they have to raise the price Dispel the purchasing enthusiasm of the demons.However, there are more orders!
"The higher price makes those demons think it's worth the money." Shan Liang complained on the road, holding a pen and calculating the funds, "Damn it, how much did I lose?"

Manipulating the president who looked at him silently, he tapped the indifferent mask on his face, looked sideways at Hongyue outside Andrei's aisle, and began to talk to himself.

"When you go to that reservoir, you won't be able to see the moon. In fact, I suspect that Professor Arnold is a fake spiritual master, because he has never taken any serious classes. We have attended three of his lectures in total, against the rules of the college. The minimum standard. He just sent us to the underground reservoir to clean up some of the silt or other waste in the water. Other than that, there was no teaching in the two-hour class. Either he is an uneducated liar, or he is A villain who cherishes his own broom. If it weren't for Mr. Scarlet's strong advice, and every instructor has a normal temper, I would definitely give up this course like most people."

Manipulate and turn your head to bring your absent-minded friend back to his mind.

"I said, what's your impression of Anoin?"

Shining tilted his head, "The smiling man?"

Mr. Flexible also gave his own opinion. "The spiritualism capitalist, let us work for free without giving any form and meaning of remuneration. In a sense, he is indeed a master of spiritualism. He treats us liches as mindless zombies, which is not spiritual. study?!"

Lyle felt comforted by his companions, although it didn't work.What bothered him was not his incompatibility with the new professor and new courses, but Anoin, although his companion would definitely not empathize with him like he did.

Continuing to worry was of no avail, and Lyle decided to join the conversation.

"Will Mr. Arnoin also smile? I can't imagine how he smiles." I really can't imagine the smile of the water monkey with malice in its filthy eyes.

"It's not him who smiles, Doctor Plague." Shining gestured on his face, the reflective scales turning like living things.

"Mr. Arnold is wearing a bone mask, a smiling bone mask. Although that weird smile is hard to describe, I can't remember the word for a while..."

Lyall's pupils were dilated behind the mask they couldn't see, and he murmured softly.


"Yes! What I want to say is this! A playful smile."

It seems to be the same familiar reservoir. Lyle and the others walked down the spiral staircase leading to the Youhan Reservoir. I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect. The temperature around here keeps dropping, and this spiral staircase seems to have no end.

When it came to the bottom, the stone bricks were covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and Nia formed a layer of heat-insulating film on the surface of Lyle's skin.

The location is a once-familiar reservoir, but not everything is so familiar.

The original shell-like closed door was gone. As a substitute for the cover, it was a black vertical strip-shaped colloid connecting the upper and lower thresholds, which was somewhat similar to the combination of tendons and muscles.

Maybe it's because the time hasn't come yet, and there aren't many students waiting outside the reservoir.But through communication, I found out that the dozen or so people standing here are all Anoin's students.The repeated and meaningless underwater cleaning work has exhausted the patience of those Lich students, and most of the remaining ones are idlers like Lyle who have additional information channels or are really interested.

"The door is open."

Not long after Lyle and the others stood in the line, a gap was opened in the barrier like a door curtain.Lyle guessed that these were substances similar to muscles. After all, Arnoin was essentially a professor of the flesh and blood faction, and showing the teaching content to students was the root of it.

However, these muscle-like things have completely different behavior patterns from muscles.

Muscles can only stretch and contract, like springs, but these, black things, bend toward the sides, splitting a shuttle-shaped gap from the center of the barrier.Even if it is pulled to the maximum, this gap can only allow two people to pass side by side.

"I guess Professor Anoin designed this way to show that his abilities surpassed ordinary flesh and blood, and showed his own weirdness. But this is not efficient. You see, such a big door can only open so much."

Shan Liang, gesticulating, beckoned his companions to go forward, and when he passed the threshold, he realized that the president of the epidemic doctor hadn't followed.

"Boss, what are you still doing?"

When the door opened, Lyle stood there in a daze, looking at the spectacle, as if someone had taken his soul away, until the shining shout brought him back to his senses.

Lyle took a breath, and then walked into the reservoir silently.

It's not what Shiny thought.Those crooked flesh and blood are not to show Arnoin's unusualness.

This opened door is actually simulating a common and visible thing, which is an eye.Those black things are the eyelids, with shuttle-shaped holes split in the center like open pupils.

As the door slowly opened, in Lyle's eyes, it was as if a giant beast had opened its vertical eyes.

Lehermin knew how absurd his thoughts were, but something in his head twisted his thoughts into something even worse.

There is only one meaning expressed by Arnold.

I am watching you.

 Make up for yesterday's.

(End of this chapter)

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