Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 279 Detecting the Dark Tide

Chapter 279 Detecting the Dark Tide
"Lyle?" Nia's tentacles wiped Lyle's cheeks, and the voice in her heart conveyed her concern.

"I'm fine, Nia." Suppressing the feeling of vomiting in his throat, Lyle swung his head against Nia's tentacles.

It is an insult to the doctor to let a life pass by in such a twisted and morbid form in his own eyes.He is Anoin, still the abominable guy whose life is nothing.

"If Lyle doesn't like it, we can run away! Nia can make Lyle run super fast!"

Watching the dark flesh at his feet slowly congeal, Lyle took a deep breath.

"We have to learn, Nia, in order to make us stronger, in order for us to have the power to dominate others."

Nia's restless tentacles were silent for a moment, and she pressed against Lyle's head tightly, wanting to hear his thoughts.

"Do you feel happy dominating others?"

"I don't know, Nia, I don't know what it's like to dominate because I've never done it. But let's imagine it first."

"Nia is an evil god, one day, Lyle's wish will be fulfilled!"

Lyall patted his head, stroking Nia as the mucous membrane.

"Then we have to work hard now."

Anoin's teaching continued, and the incantations and magic mobilization forms of flesh and blood transformation were different from the spiritualism he had been exposed to.It would be better to say that in the strict sense, this is no longer spiritualism, and Lyle, who is a living person, can clearly recognize this.This is not transforming corpses, this is distorting life and desecrating the original form of life.The liches who had already lost their lives obviously did not have such a sense of guilt. Although they did not have Lyell's biological knowledge, their excellent aptitude allowed them to learn this spell.

"Professor Anoin, where is our experimental subject? The object we practice spells on." A Lich student who has mastered a new ability is eager to try.

Arnold looked at everyone, the smile on the mask and the smile behind the mask merged into one.He turned sideways and pointed to the reservoir behind him.

"In the water, gentlemen, your subjects are under the surface. You can experiment with any living thing, anything you see."

Lyle knew what was underwater. It was a school of fish in a sea area. The wonderful expedition with the mermaid once made Lyle see the creatures in those dark waters.

"Mr. Anoin, but aren't the fish and sea beasts under the water normal? Is it really good for us new students to get started with these living creatures directly?"

"What you are doing, is not some kind of catastrophic species destruction. Gentlemen, evolution accompanies natural selection, and you are also an uncertain factor in it. Use some worthless fish schools to create more seances like Mr. Plague Genius, in my opinion, is worth the price. It's just an evolutionary species selection."

The Lich Academy accepted Arnoin's suggestion, just like a group of babies with axes went to the execution ground, they stepped into the water and started their own experiments.

"Mr. Epidemic Doctor, please start your experiment. I am looking forward to your results." Anoin looked at Lyle who was still staying on the shore, and made a kind reminder.

Lyle dives underwater.

The underwater is deep and dark. The moment you leave the air, it's like someone turned off the light, leaving only a thin layer of light on the surface.

There are not many creatures on the surface, and even the roving sharks that once wreaked havoc in the shallow layer have disappeared.

Lyle sensed the figures of Lich classmates, and their soul fires also blazed underwater.Maybe I should remove the skulls of a few students for lighting, so that the loss of fish can be reduced.

This is not something that can be said to be done.

After diving down to a place where the light can no longer be found, liches have already come into contact with schools of fish. They fish like water ghosts skillfully, and maybe the several times of cleaning up the water surface don't seem to be futile.

They held schools of fish in the palms of their hands, and the slippery mucus and scales did not keep the fish out of their clutches.

With the light of spells, those living creatures changed their appearance.Some grew extra bones, some scales turned into hedgehog-like spines, some bones softened and looked like octopuses, and some turned into wriggling lumps of flesh.

But most of them were shattered, and the exploding flesh blew up water bubbles, and those red-stained bubbles seemed to be floating above, and maybe when they touched the air and burst, there could still be howls of life coming from inside.

"Who are we going to catch? Lyle." Nia's tentacles popped out from her wet sleeves, and the extended tentacles flapped in the water. Lyle was like a giant squid.

Lyle looked at the school of fish fleeing in panic around them. They might have sensed something in the dark, and they would avoid those human bones in cloth robes.

Perhaps it was Nia's disguise, a small fish with blue stripes escaped to Lyle's side and was caught by the tentacles.

Lyle looked at the fish and finally made up his mind.He opened his hands, and the bloody spell slowly approached the little fish.

"Everyone is doing it, so I can do it too..."

It was Nia's black tentacles that came into contact with the bloody spell.The beautiful and tough tentacles melted into blood foam under the incantation, and the unshackled little fish swam back to the deep sea.

"Nia, are you okay, does it hurt?" Looking at the fault caused by himself on Nia's tentacles, Lyle felt uncomfortable.

"It doesn't hurt, it will be fine soon!" Before Nia finished her sentence, the surging flesh and blood on that tentacle had healed again, as if Lyle had never done anything.

"Nia can be Lyle's experimental subject, because Nia is alive! Nia will heal herself, super powerful! Lyle's idiot can't hurt Nya!" The end of the tentacle changed into a fish, and it came alive The body scales are the same as real fish.

"Do what you want to do, and don't do what you don't want to do. Lyle, Nia will help you."

Black tentacles expanded from Lyall's body, weaving a nest in the water, and huge meat balls protruded out of the tentacles to catch fish in the water, and after a while, threw them out.

With Nia as the target of casting spells, Lyle is aware of the changes in the transformation of flesh and blood, and his knowledge grows at an extremely fast rate.

"So... bones can be woven; so... insect shells; so... gelatinous tentacles..."

In the selfless experiment, Lyall learned new abilities.

A sea snake was entangled in his hands, those wild eyes were staring at him viciously, and the fangs had been wrapped in flesh and blood.

This snake was originally a sardine.

Biotransformation, blood and bone transformation... Lyle has learned many creations and summed up a set of effective laws.

"Maybe you can write this learning experience into notes and give it to others, so that you can reduce the loss."

Lyall, who was thinking in this way, suddenly turned his eyes to stare at his body.

"I still don't know how to modify the human body..."

Understanding Lyle's intentions, Nia stretched out her tentacles to capture Lyle, trying to build a mannequin.

Strangely, some of the tentacles went beyond Lyall and extended out of the black nest.

"Strange, are there other humans or humanoid creatures here?"

The tentacles finally extended into the coral clumps of water droplets, and the tentacles kept protruding down, forming an underwater forest in front of Lyle.Blacknest is cracking, generating new tentacles to catch what's in the coral.

Lyle felt it.

The white mask like a huge shellfish, the huge dead branch-like arm hidden in the river bed, and the tentacles hidden in the crevices of the coral bushes.right under him.

Giants sleep here.

Fear sets in.

With the playful smile on the white mask.

 There is not enough time, and the two missing updates, as a remedy, will start the task of editing this weekend.

(End of this chapter)

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