Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 299 Birth of Appetite

Chapter 299 Birth of Appetite

The wheel of the spine that was manipulated to be taken out of the storage container and inflated to its original size in the real dimension was precisely number 357.As Lyle expected, there was nothing unusual, but how did it react.

The manipulator conducted a simple inspection in front of Mr. Judge, "There is no abnormality, Your Honor, I don't think there is any possibility of intelligence..."

"Lies! He is covering up the crime of Mr. Epidemic Doctor. It is impossible for Elijah to be without thinking. She clearly accepted my gift. I put my own hands on her tentacles and watched her put them into her body. She can't No intelligence." The poisonous umbrella roared in the shining hands, this view was a big blow to the light bat that had fallen into a morbid love.

Mr. Judge didn't get angry because of the roar of the poisonous umbrella, he just tapped the gavel lightly, and replied bluntly with the unique indifference of a lich.

"The law on the protection of modified creatures is itself a law written by the spirit lich to restrain itself. As the compilers, they themselves have the absolute right to interpret these rules. Mr. Poison Umbrella, the spirit spirit is definitely the one who interprets these The original authority..."

Mr. Judge's words became icy cold, and he looked at the light bat trembling under the pressure. "We respect the facts, Mr. Poison Umbrella, we will uphold your rights, but we will not allow you to abuse your rights. You should stop for a while."

Poison Umbrella did not continue to roar, as if accepting the cruel reality, what he experienced was just a dream.

Lyle was released on the spot, and Mr. Poison Umbrella had to pay compensation for his destruction, which was coordinated by the light bat and the necromancer figure agency.

Mr. Judgment left, Lyle looked at Mr. Poison Umbrella sitting in the defendant's seat, and had an idea in his mind.

"Boss, we should go back...Huh? You want to..."

Lyle approached Spine Wheel 357, which was standing in the center, and Nia showed clinging tentacles on his arm.

"I'm doing what I have to do, I'm chasing the truth. This is my creation, I need to know her secrets, to know... the truth."

Poison Umbrella raised his small head, looking at the figure wearing a beak mask and coiled tentacles surging around him.

Nia's flesh and blood merged with No. 357, and they were at the same source.With the help of Nia's connection, Lyle closed his eyes.

" that so..." Nia's tentacles returned to their original positions, Lyle turned his head, and the lens of the bird's beak mask shone on Mr. Poison Umbrella with reflection.

"Do you want to try again? Mr. Poison Umbrella, about No. 357's pursuit of you, let's reproduce the scene again, let us witness the truth together."

Poison Umbrella let out a joyful cry again, "Is it okay? Can I touch her again?"

Lyle stepped back, giving him space.

"Of course, my friends must also be full of curiosity about this phenomenon, and there is no spontaneous behavior of wisdom."

Shan Liang and the others looked at the suddenly enthusiastic epidemic doctor, a little puzzled.

"How do you feel, the boss suddenly became excited?"

The light bat poisonous umbrella quickly flew in front of the spine wheel, and he looked at the epidemic doctor solemnly, "Mr. epidemic doctor, although I am very grateful for your atonement, but before the truth, everything will be revealed."

Lyle was not angry, he showed enough patience.

"Please do what you want, Mr. Poison Umbrella."

"Inexplicable. Come on, Inet, let these arrogant liches see our bonds."

Poison Umbrella called his beloved's name again, as if expecting a miracle to happen.

In the astonishment of the trio from the Figure Club, a miracle really happened.

Spine Wheel No. 357, from the inner side of the attachment tissue of her bottom spine, stretched out three slender fleshy tentacles, just like the tentacles of a snail, slowly and slowly extending towards the poisonous umbrella, following the movement of the light bat The movement changes direction, like a girl tentatively extending her fingers.

Poison Umbrella let out a cheer of surprise.

"See, liches! She has a soul, and she is my love."

The smug Umbrella fluttered through the air, proudly displaying his truth to the stunned lich.

Shining and the others fell silent, staring blankly at a reality beyond their comprehension.

Lyle still looked like he had nothing to do with him, which made Bingtong couldn't help but remind him that if the poisonous umbrella pulls Mr. Judgment back now, the outcome of this case may change.

"Mr. Poison Umbrella, it is not a gentleman's behavior to make a 'lady' wait." Lyle "friendly" reminded the light bats flying in the air, pointing to the tentacles extended by No. 357, "You should respond to her .”

"Of course! My love! Feel my fiery love!" The poisonous umbrella spun around in the air, rushing towards the tentacles like a bomber dive.

The moment his soft fur and tentacles come into contact.

Yasha took off her disguise, and after the soft and delicate tentacles, the twisted tentacles of the sick abscess surged towards the thin poisonous umbrella.He was like an ant falling into a pit, waiting for the antlion's favor, those panicked eyes were about to be covered with flesh and blood.

"Nia, let her spit it out!"

Nia's black and red tentacles immediately controlled the actions of Spine Wheel 357, and amidst the layers of rioting flesh and blood, the poisonous umbrella was spit out by the moving muscles.At this time, the hair on his body that was originally intact has become alopecia areata, and there is a corrosive hiss on the surface.Poison Umbrella's face was dull, and the panic in his heart had surpassed the pain on the outside.

Lyle patted his head lightly, "Mr. Poison Umbrella, impulsive love is the devil who lives in the abyss and watches."

Although when he said this, Lyle had a smile on his face.

This is not to mock Umbrella's experience, but he understands the needs of the Spine Wheel.

She is hunting, she is hunting.Without the control of the soul and the brain, it instinctively yearns for the flesh and blood to eat.

She suffers from hunger.

His own creation, the Wheel of Spines, felt the hunger.

Surprise, ecstasy was dominating Lyle's brain.

There must have been some changes in Nia. Maybe during the journey in Lokarot, in the temple of the corrupted protoss, the lump of flesh and blood she ate made her grow again. This time, it was a germinated appetite.

Nia has a strong appetite, and this abnormality has also been passed on to all the creations that Lyle has made recently.

The feeling of hunger, the instinct to eat.

Lyle couldn't be happier.

Is it a lich?No desire, no desire, is it?Andrea's friends, have you ever thought about feeling hungry?

I, Lyall Buller, member of the Cup of Extravagance, follower of desire.

I will change your way of action just like the Holy Light affects this era, and you will be grateful to me in a short time.It's really a happy thing to think about.

Liches, it's time for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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