Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 314 Uncle and Nephew Scam

Chapter 314 Uncle and Nephew Scam
Ralph Buller.

This is the choice that fate made Kevin make. Kevin decided to transfer everything he was about to encounter to Ralph.

Talent, luck, mobilization.

Needless to say, he did succeed.

Lyle's goal has shifted from Kevin to his own uncle.He is familiar enough with himself, and when coaxing Ralph, his performance is definitely more handy.The uneasiness in Lyle's heart has also been reduced a lot. He is actually quite afraid of Kevin's talent for luck. If he forces the experiment, he may be unlucky.In comparison, Ralph, who is an ordinary person, is undoubtedly much simpler.

There are advantages and disadvantages.

As a first-class sheriff of Cassandelle, Ralph's mind is undoubtedly much more mature than the noble young master Kevin.This makes it difficult for him to be tricked, let alone coaxed into eating dark matter.

Moreover, as Cassandelle's greatest fear in Lyle's memory, wanting to face Ralph's cold expression, even Lyle, who is his nephew, felt guilty.

If Ralph finds out that he intends to poison him, Lyle will definitely die a miserable death.

Lyle gritted his teeth, no risk, no reward.

This experiment is related to the next living condition of the Andary Lich.Possessing an appetite is just the beginning, he will use his talents and talents to add fun to the world.

As if sensing Lyle's will, Nia's tentacles stretched out became steady and light, like a seasoned hunter who started hunting, staring at Ralph's shadow that disappeared into the darkness.

The night watch sheriff is obviously a hard job. As the only wanderers in the middle of the night, they have to endure the cold and sleepy night.

But Ralph is clearly an outlier.

In the middle of the night, he showed great vitality, those bright eyes that occasionally reflected the light of street lamps in the dark, the steady sound of leather boots on the stone tile floor, and the strange figure that disappeared in the darkness in an instant.

Observing his uncle from Nia's perspective, Lyle gradually discovered something special about Ralph.He used to hide himself in the dark, as if he was following someone.He would occasionally stop to look behind him and the remote corners around him.At this time, Nia would stand still nervously, reducing the small sound of her movements.

It was as if he was the one being watched.

The fearful tracking trip finally came to an end when the sun first rose. When the sun began to appear, Ralph tidied up his hat brim and headed back towards the house.Today's old hunters seem to have no harvest.

Lyle breathed a sigh of relief, and concentrated on it for a long time. If he hadn't taken a few energy potions halfway, he might not be able to bear it.Fortunately, we made it through.

in a dream.

Ralph tidied up his uniform. Although he was still in his usual outfit, he spent two extra seconds tidying up his collar, and finally closed the door.

Brighton Restaurant is one of Cassandelle's most famous high-end restaurants. It is said that the owner was once a retired butler of a jazz.This restaurant is mainly engaged in high-grade aristocratic food, although in Ralph's view, it is just using the name of the old knight to make those fools who claim to be noble but not noble pay IQ tax.But people always want to be in groups, and places supported by the masses naturally have their existence value.

And the person who invited him was not an idiot, but a more tactful and smart person.

Ralph bypassed the bowing footman and walked through the fancy door. Garrett's chubby body and the oily wig that concealed his baldness were clearly visible in the quiet crowd.

Mr. Garrett smiled broadly and tapped his fingers on the table.

Ralph sat across from him, watching his boss order the waiter in a pretentious manner, like a real nobleman.

Facing Ralph's silent gaze, Mr. Garrett slumped down on the chair.

"I know you hate this, but I have to do something, even if it's just putting on a face, to express my gratitude to you. You've done a good job these years, Ralph."

Clinking glasses with Mr. Garrett lightly, Ralph kept a calm face, Garrett has long been used to his indifference. "I thought this was your promotion banquet, Mr. Garrett, who is about to become the mayor."

"Oh, I wouldn't invite such a gloomy person like you to my regular reception, that would spoil the atmosphere. Today is just a meal between friends." Garrett drank a glass of wine, cut off the meat with a knife and fork and put it in his mouth.

"I know, you guys will never follow me to the neighboring province. Ralph, this is your chance. The position of Inspector Cassandell is still vacant. I know, you have that strength."

"Yes, I do have that strength. If the Public Security Department only needs me, I will be happy to accept this position." It is definitely a nightmare for a security officer to have Ralph, the social abyss, as his boss.

Garrett scratches his head, apparently struggling with this, too.

After thinking for a while, I don't want to.

"That's all I'm going to say. I gave you the letter of recommendation. It's up to you in the end. After I move out, I probably won't see your stinky face anymore. This meal will be considered a breakup. Let's start." Come on, Mr Buller."

Ralph had guessed what he meant a long time ago, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional. Accompanied by the soothing music played in the restaurant, he felt a little sad.

Forget it, after this meal, the boss will leave.

Ralph picked up the knife and fork and began to cut up the steak in front of him.

The sound of knives and forks touching the plates, people's whispers of chatting and chewing also disappeared. In the silence, only Ralph was moving.

Slowly, he lifted a chunk of meat that was dripping with oil, and Ralph put it near his mouth.

Garrett stared at his movements and swallowed subconsciously.

Damn it, it's only a few centimeters away!

This is a dream, and this is a dream manipulated by Lyall.This is Lyle's deception.

Garrett's promotion dinner, Ralph's invitation, and their skilful conversation were all Lyle's elaborate deception.

The purpose, of course, is to let Ralph eat the steak in his hand, pass through the dark matter disguised by Ralph, and complete the experiment.

Lyle disguised himself as Garrett, and was able to get rid of his suspicions. Even if Ralph was furious after eating the food, he would not blame him, but thought it was a strange nightmare.With the help of the immersion stone's manipulation of the hazy dream, he finally reached this step perfectly.Chatting, as well as Mr. Garrett and Uncle Ralph's complaints about each other in the past, their tone and demeanor, they pretended to be ninety-nine percent.

Lyall stared wide-eyed, watching the piece of meat slowly approaching Ralph's lips.

Under Lyle's gaze, time seems to be slowing down, and the speed of the piece of meat is also gradually slowing down.

In the end, it really stopped.

Lyle's heart fell to the bottom all of a sudden.

He bit the bullet and urged Ralph.

"What's the matter, the dish doesn't suit your taste? Do you want to ask the servant to change it for you?" Changing, it's useless, it's just a disguised dark substance.

Ralph raised his head and looked directly at Lyle, his eyelids slightly narrowed like a cunning old wolf.

"It's nothing, I just feel sorry that such delicious food can't be enjoyed with my family."

Lyle was stunned for a moment, completely unable to understand why Ralph said such words.

"What do you mean?"

Ralph smiled.

"I mean……"

"Why don't you eat, Lyle."

(End of this chapter)

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