Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 331 The new business of the Necromancer

Chapter 331 The New Business of the Necromancer Figure Club (15)

In Lyle's hands, the Lich Crown began to shake, and Lyle even suspected that it would split in his hands in the next instant.Lyle looked at Raymond's hard helmet without making any extra movements. Mr. Raymond was not joking.

He actually planned to give the artifact Andre Lich's Crown to Lyall!If Lyall knew that Raymond had given away his holy sword Turmund, maybe he would not be as shocked as he is now.

"Mr. Raymond, why are you unwilling to wear the Crown of the Lich? Does it have any negative effect on the power of the Holy Light?"

Raymond shook his head, "No, Lyle. The Crown of the Lich is the crown of Andrei's tribe. This kind of power of the tribe that will not be rejected by any force will of course bring me certain benefits. "

"But I can't wear it, not for me, but for you, for Andrey."

"For Andrey."

"The Lich's Crown is Andrei's king's crown. Of course I know what its obedience means." Raymond tapped his helmet, "That means, I will be crowned king. Be Andrei's The Lich King."

"Is there anything wrong with being Andre's leader?" Although Andre's chaos needs to be managed, isn't Mr. Raymond himself the biggest mess in Andre?As for the qualifications of the king.Mr. Raymond, you are already Andrea's uncrowned king.

Lei Meng shook his head, "The king is chosen by the people, and the people of Andrei are those liches. Those liches who run away when they see me, do you think they have a certain possibility of supporting me in their hearts."

"Mr. Dean holds the crown because the liches have acquiesced to his leadership position. The academy that the dean has spent so much effort to build, every lich, no matter good or bad, will respect his efforts."

"But you expect them to bow down to me? It's not as easy as I break their bones. Leaders who don't give recognition only lead to the weakness of the Clan."

"As long as I wear the crown of the lich, Andrei will become more and more dilapidated."

It turned out that Mr. Raymond was really thinking about Andrey.

"Mr. Raymond, if you treat the Liches kindly from now on, will they support you one day?"

Raymond wrapped his arms around himself.

"Then it's better to let me die, the kind of bastards who are beaten ten times a day and I don't think so much, let me destroy Andre little by little with my own hands."

"..." Mr. Raymond rejected the Lich Crown, and he had good reasons.

Lyle left the Chapel of the Holy Light holding the dimly lustrous Lich Crown. The Lich Crown also understood the reason, knowing that it would not be able to get on Raymond's head in a short time, and became devastated.

"Crown of the Lich, I'd better send you back to Mr. Dean." There was no answer or objection.

Returning the crown to Mr. Dean who knew this earlier, Lyle said goodbye and left.

The Executive Committee is recalling those original versions of Hungry Flesh, and Mr. Scarlet has also been asked to temporarily stop the creation of the creation.Those recycled flesh and blood were thrown back to the Necromancer Figure Shop, waiting for Lyle's experiments and adjustments.

Lyle returned to the department room and gently pushed open the club door.

In the unlit room, Lyle's eyes widened.

tsunami.A large group of purple-red writhing flesh with protruding joints formed a rolling tsunami of flesh and blood three meters high and ten meters wide, and rushed towards him suddenly!
"Damn it! Nia!" Nia came out from behind Lyle like a black snake, and her flesh and blood transformed into a pale bone shield in an instant. The bony spurs pierced the ground like a reef to block the impact of the tsunami.

"What happened? In my society?"

Fortunately, the flesh and blood pounced only for a moment, and the minced meat piled up on the ground returned to its "shell" like a frightened snail, a giant nautilus shell with a diameter of two meters that was grasped by Shan Liang and others.

"Congratulations boss! The study of hungry flesh and blood is a complete success!"

In other words, the tsunami of flesh and blood just now was something like a celebration salute?But looking at the crackling laughter of those bastards shaking their jaws, maybe they didn't take Lyle's idea away.

"Let me just accept your congratulations." The Necromancer Figure Club was not disturbed by the plague of the Lich. Long, they are also lack of interest in new research, and it will be a matter of time before they get hungry flesh and blood, and there is no need to go to academic gatherings to squeeze Liches.

"I knew it would turn into a plague of liches in the end, we should go together!" Shan Liang feared that the world would not be chaotic.

Lyle moved his fingers, looking at the production record passed by the operator.

"Manipulation, this part, how can there be such a large experimental expense? The most outrageous thing is, why are these expenses still earned? Earned more than the order of the spine wheel!!!" Lyle looked at the club in surprise The business genius here really wants to understand the process.

Mr. Flexible answered. "Andrei is developing, and we have to keep pace with the times. Thanks to the hungry flesh and blood of the boss, we have found new business opportunities. We have created new products and sold them to those pretenders."

"What did you build?"


denture?You guys are really talented, selling false teeth to the lich!Lyle thought about it carefully, the lich did not seem to have many teeth.Human teeth grow in the alveolar bone and are connected by substances such as gums. After death, the muscles are decomposed, and the bone layer gradually dies. Finally, the teeth become loose and fall off.In starving flesh and blood, there are no teeth.This means that those liches can only chew with the teeth on their upper and lower jaws that have expired for dozens or even hundreds of years.Putting false teeth on a lich might really be very profitable.

"Don't worry, boss, we have launched a variety of powerful dentures during the Lich Calamity. Not to mention eating, digging holes is easy! There are also a variety of shapes to choose from, multi-layered shark teeth , convoluted thread teeth, and bevel teeth that can impress! With that sales volume, our club was full of pretenders waiting outside for days and nights!!!”

"Necromancer's dentures! Help you devour everything!!!"

Lyle felt cold sweat appearing on his forehead, so Andrei was gnawed beyond recognition by the pretender, and he really had his own society's fault.If the executive committee breaks in now and arrests everyone in this room, there will be absolutely no one innocent.

As expected, the Necromancer Figure Club, which aims to lead a new era of spiritualism, has begun to become the mastermind behind the plague of the Lich.

Feeling guilty all over, Lyle touched tons of Oriu gold coins in exchange for selling false teeth.

"I'm going to restrict the transformation of hungry flesh and blood next, you all come to help."

"By the way, adjust the degree of fit between the dentures and hungry flesh."

"Since the customer has paid, we must give him the most considerate and high-quality service."

(End of this chapter)

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