Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 355 The initial weirdness

Chapter 355 The initial weirdness
The first ray of dawn illuminates the branches and leaves on the treetops, and the seemingly peaceful forest has awakened. This time, it is not the predatory animals or the birds on the branches that wake up the forest, but those Levi who are moving on the branches. Ranger.

Keira stood in the Temple of Dawn, feeling the morning wind with the temperature of the sun. Leweser's elite ranger had turned this dense forest into a dangerous place.

The old, young, and disabled have moved deeper into the jungle, and the already quiet Leweser Kingdom seems a little deserted at the moment.

Kayla doesn't like this kind of country, she likes the excitement, she likes to fly in the forest amidst the singing of the people, put on the ranger's leather armor, and take her own bow. While twisting, it disappeared into the green shadow.

"Let's go, Leweather's warriors."

The Leweser Ranger leaping in the forest is like a flying fish jumping on the branches. The dexterous jumping makes the messy team have a unique aesthetic feeling.

They rushed to the first line of defense, which was the outermost layer of the forest and the junction of the barren plain.Rangers rely on trees, and the only way they can win is through guerrilla warfare.Elite rangers can hide in the wilderness through natural camouflage, but the main attack method is assassination lurking in the dark.

Consuming the vitality of the Driya knight is the only way.

"Why did Deria go to war with us?"

Keira thought of Grandpa Echel who came back in a hurry last night, and he brought the fact that Delia declared war to the surprised queen.Although Keira's hunting skills are very skilled, this is the first time she has resisted foreign enemies during her tenure. For a while, the immature queen panicked.

Fortunately, Eichel reassured her. "It's okay, my dear, I'm still here. It's going to be okay, but this is indeed a good training opportunity. You should learn to lead the army in combat."

Kayla reluctantly accepts the arrangement, but she's soon panicked by Eichel's departure. "Grandpa, where are you going, we need you."

Seeing Keira showing the same timid expression as she had when she was a child, Echelle smiled.

"Remember the promise I made with you? When your Queen's career grows to a certain stage, I will prepare a gift for you. Now, I am going to prepare this 'gift', dear."

Keira stood at the edge of the forest, her falcon-like vision allowed her to see the group of cavalry in black armor in the distance, and took a deep breath.

"In this way, as our first meeting, it's really bad, Miss Lina."

On the wilderness of Driya, the marching knights formed an army while running.The sound of the roaring horseshoes was like a giant beast rolling on the ground.

Wearing the same iron helmet as the elite knight of Deria, but not the armor, Lina Deria maintains the delicate body of a slender girl, although the strength is like a beast.

With a roar, she conveyed the order to adjust the troops to every corner of the troops through the herald.

The aristocratic troops from Devon Laila and dozens of judges hang behind the knights, but the momentum is completely incomparable. One is like a servant and auxiliary soldier, and the other... is like a tourist group.

Although Devon Laila's aristocratic troops are well-equipped with excellent weapons and equipment, but their discipline and quality, Lena classified them as cannon fodder.

The Inquisitors haven't changed much, but they are too few in number.

To eliminate Leweser, he still had to rely on his own knights.

Driya's fighting style is very simple. The elite knights brought their own knights and ran over.Year-round physical fitness and weight-bearing, plus thick armor.They are very good at head-to-head, and the impact of the knight will turn this hopeless defense into a deadly attack.As for the actual effect, the collective charge of ten Driya knights can smash a stone wall.

"Charging posture!" Lina yelled, and the knights of Deria who entered the range began to accelerate.

Next, Her Majesty the Queen of Deryya will become the sharp front, the banner of the people, and take the lead...

Being blocked, in his own army formation, six elite knights in the same attire surrounded their queen.

On the battlefield, only the king and the legion commanders of the various troops have the authority to mobilize, that is, the knights he trusts the most. Could it be that they have mutinied?

"Benjamin, what do you mean!" Lina had already grasped her knight sword.

As the head of the Third Knights, Benjamin Dalton was about the same age as Lena. His father was a high-ranking officer who died in the Night Owl Rebellion, and his family was loyal to the royal family.Has existed as a knight of Linadria since she was a child.Those old knights put their future hopes on Benjamin, and he lived up to expectations. The king's knight, Mr. Benjamin Dalton, had an abnormal affection for his Majesty the Queen.

He, towards her...has the affection of an elder doting on his nephew!That's right!Benjamin, who is the same age, regards Queen Lena as his own child.At the beginning, those grandparents and old knights really trained Benjamin as Lena's future partner, so while they were training Benjamin, they also kept instilling the queen's advantages in front of Benjamin all day long.

However, it was wrong, a group of old men who only knew about fighting knew nothing about emotional cultivation, and just bluntly instilled their affection for the young queen into Benjamin.Over time, when Benjamin looked at Lena, he would smile like a kind elder.By the time the old man realized, Benjamin had already grown crooked.However, such a Benjamin became more loyal to the royal family, so everyone just made do with it.

"Lena, this war does not require your bravery. Protect yourself. Your existence is our greatest victory."

"..." It was still Benjamin's familiar strange smile, and Lina temporarily let go of her guard, and she was still a familiar companion.Moreover, she noticed that the army array of the Driya knights was not an attacking arrow array at all, but a defensive hexagon, centered on herself, and guarded layer by layer.

Not offensive, but defensive.

Lina can accept her subordinates to modify her order for better results, but this is obviously not the case.

"What do you guys want...?"

"Your blood will protect this country."

The familiar words pulled the manic Lina back into the illusion, and under Benjamin's surprised gaze, Her Majesty the Queen just snorted.

"If you fail, I will hang you personally when you return home after the defeat."

Of course it would fail, if it were just us.Benjamin whispered in his heart. He remembered the tall figure standing in front of his door that night, and the surprise still lingered on his face.

May your plan succeed, Your Majesty Rhett.

Under the tacit adjustments of the old knights, the Deryan knight army in a defensive posture rushed into the jungle.

The Driya Knight and Leweser Ranger officially confronted each other.

(End of this chapter)

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