Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 359 The Aid of the Burner

Chapter 359 The Aid of the Burner
The two armies collided, and the rock shields of the defender knights met the weapons in the hands of the front row judges, and then exploded.Spears of shattered rock spikes passed through the gaps in the Inquisitor's weapons and made contact with the body.

This is a skill that the Driya knight learned spontaneously after being promoted to a defender. At the moment of impact, the corners of the tower shield are broken, and the powerful impact obtained by the charge becomes a violent rock bomb.

The front row of judges was knocked down in an instant, and then trampled by groups of defender knights.

Mr. Irina's magical assistance made the fighters of the two countries almost enter a state of magic immunity. Derya's rock armor and the elusive Leweser gun machine arrows put the judge knights at a disadvantage.

However, the physical fitness of the judge knight is still very good.Years of experience in fighting made the judge change his attack method in an instant. Instead of using magic attacks, he used divine magic to strengthen his physical strike ability. Escaping into the shadows and healing divine spells can also quickly restore the decline.

The mage turret doesn't work, and those judge knights who used to be in the back row have also become Warcraft warriors who can resist and fight as well as the front row, and they will heal each other.

The defender's violent charge tore apart their formation, and it turned out that with the strength of individual soldiers in the chaotic battle, their own side could not effectively kill the paladins on a large scale.In the past, the destructive charge and tearing just hurt some skin like a blunt knife cutting flesh.

The speed of defender knights has been reduced, as has the attack power they carry.With a strong defense, it can indeed withstand the blows of the judges, but the individual itself can't do anything to them.

It's pointless to engage in chaotic warfare.On the contrary, it will give the judges whose formation has been torn apart a chance to reintegrate.

make a prompt decision.Leaving behind dozens of corpses of judge knights, the armies of the two countries distanced themselves from the holy light again.

The only chance to win, charge, charge, charge.

The formation of the judges was smashed and bitten again and again, bit by bit eating away at the army of the holy light.

Charge, which is used to determine the outcome with one blow, has become the only effective attack method.When Driya and Leweather soldiers lamented the power of the Holy Light, they couldn't help laughing.

Judge Knight, not hard enough.

As the church's external judging force, the Judgment Legion is an all-powerful legion, and the omnipotent legion means omnipotent.They do not specialize in special skills.This means that when limited means fail to work, they cannot block the defender's impact, and can only watch the group of stone bastards tear their own side to pieces time and time again.

The armies of the two countries saw the hope of victory, the judge knights were also making adjustments, and the Legion of the Holy Light was retreating towards the Kingdom of Driya.

"Stop them! Charge on! Warriors of Driya, keep the filthy light away from our homeland!" God knows what they'll do!
The defenders' attacks became more and more violent, the judge knights were constantly being left behind, and Algernon's expression was constantly distorted.

They were careless, the enemy is much stronger than imagined.He raised his head and looked at the magic pillar piercing into the sky on the hillside in the distance, with a haze on his face.If it weren't for the strategic mage of the legion, the judge would not have fallen into such a decline.

But now, the Legion of Judges even has to worry about their own survival.They were helpless against the king's army, so they could only find a way to reach Deria, stop the loss with the help of buildings, or reinforce the army.

Once again, Algernon raised his arms and braced his shield for a new onslaught.The judges were exhausted. They firmly believed that the Holy Light would win, but their bodies couldn't hold on.

Looking at the ever-approaching rock tower shield, Algernon fell into a trance. This time, how many companions will fall again.

"Algernon! Spread out!" A voice appeared directly in his mind, without source, like a hallucination.

The judge knight will not believe the voice that appears in his head inexplicably, because it is often accompanied by evil and depraved whispers.

But now, the head of the legion, Algernon, felt that the voice was very beautiful and full of vitality.

"Scatter! Brothers!"

"Our reinforcements are here!"

"It's the gay legion of the Fourth Angel!"

In the blink of an eye, the color of the enemy in front of the defender knight changed, and in the gap between the gloomy dark knights, there appeared knights as bright as a scorching sun. They held up dazzling light shields, like the sun rising on the horizon.

"Fire Bather! Purified place, unfold!"

Burning flames erupted on the battlefield, and the formed heat waves collided with the large rock shield.

The Legion of Holy Light withstood the attack.

This time, there is no bargain on either side.

Behind the shield, the Fire Bather, whose whole body was ignited by flames, looked at the Darkslayer behind him.

"Algernon, my brother, I haven't seen you for ten years, and you are in a lot of trouble."

Tsk, Algernon combed his messy hair back.

"That's all you brought here, Frey."

The Legion of the Guardians only brought three legions, including Frey and the leaders of the three Fire Bathers.

"I didn't know that we came here to fight, and you are still in such a miserable situation. The rest of the Legion and His Majesty Rafal are still on the way. We are just messengers." Frey looked at the guarded Legion in the distance, "Humans The army actually has such a mighty division, it's not easy to let you people with eyes on the top of your head be deflated."

"Blessing? Is this so?" Frey raised his palm, and the burning fire of the fire bather ignited on the guardian.

"Have you sealed their abilities?" Without those blessings, this betrayer of the Holy Light is absolutely as fragile as an ant.

The restless flames on Frey's body were just like his mood at the moment.

"It cannot be sealed, it is the power of the king of the human race, the power of justice recognized by the Holy Light." Frey turned his head and looked at Algernon, "I know that the judge is very jumpy and can cause trouble, but, NMD, Dozens of blessings on others are all the power of a king!!!”

"What the fuck did you do!!!"

"An enemy of the world?!"

"See that group of people on the hillside?" Algernon pointed in the direction of Lyle and the others, "It's a group of dead kings. They are dead people crawling outside, and they are the power of the king who has been desecrated."

"How do you say that, the dead should stay in the grave. Now that you are here, I plan to put it into practice."

The Legion of Guardians, the Shield of the Holy Light, the head-to-head professional, the vanguard of the tough battle.

Facing high-defense bastards like the Defender, the Fire Bather is just right for them.

As a matter of course, the Legion of the Inquisitors did not hesitate to steal the abilities of their brother legions.

Including their group awareness network as well.

【Damn it, you shame of the Holy Light!Don't pollute our sacred corporate network with your filthy souls!If it weren't for the order of the church, our Guardian Legion would definitely beat you to death! 】

[Cut, who cares about your gay network, MD has hundreds of big men who chat with each other [-]/[-], you don't need wives anymore, do you?Don't interfere with us with your disgusting psychic aggregates!Judges, come to our own affiliate network!Merging with this group of homosexuals, our last pure land will also be defiled. 】

Different from the confrontation between the army, the two legion commanders talked harmoniously.

Algernon looked at Frey.

"Well, if you want to win, this is the only way."

"The method is good, but what about the frontal battlefield? The number of guardians is still too small."

"But the defense is enough, we are the key to victory."

(End of this chapter)

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