Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 380 Development of Andrea's culinary world

Chapter 380 Development of Andrea's culinary world

Lyle came to the department room of the cooking club, it was open, and you could feel the heat wave coming from it when you stood outside the door, as well as other people hovering at the door.As the hottest emerging department at present, the Shengguang Cooking Club has caught up with those old academic departments in popularity, and this trend is even increasing.If it weren't for club members' strict restrictions on recruiting newcomers, it might have become Andre's largest club by now.

It is impossible to enter through the main entrance. The lich here holds a purse in his hand and is eagerly waiting for the delicious food to appear from behind the door. Uneven distribution and violent fights are normal, but the lich maintains the most basic restraint, because if hungry flesh and blood fight After being destroyed, it takes a long time to re-maintain.

Fortunately, Lyle has the privilege.

Nia stretched out her tentacles, gliding on the stone brick wall, and finally tapped three times on a brick covered in white mold.

"It's Nia!" The joy of about to taste the food was vividly expressed in the brisk words.

The hidden door panel opened, and the lich dressed as the butler invited Lyall to enter.

"Welcome, Son of Light."

Lyle is a permanent guest of Shengguang Cooking Club, not only because of his relationship with Mr. Raymond.As the person Raymond cared about most in Andrea, Lyle would ask the Holy Light Super Cook to satisfy Nia's personal appetite.Naturally, Lyle became the only largest exporter of Shengguang Cuisine.Especially when the members of the Holy Light Cooking Club realized that the luminous crumbs in Nia's hands were top-notch dishes, the two parties made a deal.

Nia exchanged [-]% of Luminous Cuisine for a forever valid unlimited food coupon from the Culinary Arts Club.

The president of the Shengguang Cooking Club is Mr. Cook. He was the first guy to express his appeal to Mr. Raymond during the Lich Disaster, and then he was slapped on the wall. Now, he is the chief executive here. chef.

As the most promising chef of Awakening Luminous Cuisine, Mr. Cook is in charge of cooking all of Nia's food, and has a pretty good relationship with Lyle.

"Mr. Cook, how is your cooking club doing?"

"Very busy," Cook yelled amid the crackling sound of ingredients, and Lyle could feel the hot wind through a layer of ice wall, "The Cooking Club is a new club, we are liches, and we have infinite energy cooking. However, there are too many guys waiting for food, and those lazy people who only eat and do not cook account for the majority of Liches. Even if we make the price of the dishes hundreds of times the cost, they are still willing to wait outside the door on."

"It sounds very fulfilling."

"Cooking is not a skill that can be improved by quantity, although practice makes perfect can be applied in many places. Our ability to grow into a super chef in a short period of time is also inseparable from eternal cooking."

"Wait, is there really a skill level test like a special chef here?"

Mr. Cook came over with the prepared dishes.

"Andrei doesn't have it, but Wandering City does. Members of the Holy Light Cooking Club, we have completed the most senior chef qualification exams for elves, dwarves, humans, demons and other races. In fact, this way" Lava magic cake "is a mixture of dwarf cuisine and demon cuisine, with a heavy taste."

"Wandering City gave us a diploma, a diploma of a super chef."

"But you are still not satisfied." Lyle enjoyed the food that can be said to be of the royal level of human beings, so excellent, but Mr. Cook himself showed dissatisfaction.

"Cooking that doesn't shine is also worthy of being called a super chef!" Mr. Cook scratched and deformed the chef's hat on his skull, and then let it go, "Not only me, but all of us have fallen into a bottleneck. The endless practice has made us become The best cooks of all races. We can embarrass the old cooks, but we've never had a clue about glow cooking."

"Master Raymond! He is definitely the god of cooking!" Mr. Cook once again expressed his respect to Chef Shengguang.

"We've tried many times, and nothing works."

"Have you come into contact with the Holy Light?" Lyle was curious, is the Holy Light Lich going to be born?
"In my dreams, I want to convert to the Holy Light, for the sake of cooking, but unfortunately, the Holy Light turned a deaf ear to my call."

Nonsense, calling for the Holy Light in order to cook, if I can listen to you, then I am really a child of the Holy Light.Lyle groaned.

"I'm very worried, Son of Light, the long-term confusion has caused a split in my community, and some members have fallen into evil ways."

"evil ways?"

"Some members gave up improving their culinary skills, and instead studied some crooked ways. Those superficial things, they want to copy the appearance of luminous cooking, and achieve the effect of luminous cooking through some means."

"for example……"

"By adding various luminescent dyes to the food, phosphorous bone meal achieves a luminous effect. Or choose some inducing hallucinogenic ingredients that are destructive to taste buds, allowing diners to enter an abnormal physiological state of satisfaction."

"Simply put, take the medicine."

"???" The dark cooking world just appeared?Should I say that you really deserve to be a chaotic and evil lich? It's not magical for you to cook without medicine.

Wait, I ate it.

Lyle stared wide-eyed, seeing that there was still a small amount of beef on the dinner plate, isn't it? Could it be that my perception of deliciousness is actually just taste fraud!I was drugged too!

"Don't worry, Mr. Epidemiologist, as the president of the Shengguang Cooking Club, I certainly don't allow any behavior that defiles the glowing cuisine. I will definitely suppress the group of dark cuisines. There is nothing wrong with these foods, please rest assured to enjoy them .”

It turns out that it is really called Dark Cuisine, is it a coincidence?

"Not a coincidence."

"The reason why dark cuisine is called dark cuisine naturally comes from our enemy, the Literature Club."

"Those unconscionable bastards provided a luminescent hallucinogenic strain to members of my society."

"Now it's not a simple dispute over cooking, Your Excellency. It's a war between Mr. Raymond and the president of the literature club, Mr. Heilong. And our Shengguang Cooking Club, as the vanguard of Mr. Raymond, will definitely fight hard In the end!" Mr. Cook rubbed his hands and showed a flattering smile, "The reason why I talked to Mr. Epidemiologist about this is that I hope you can understand what we mean."

"I heard that Mr. Epidemiologist and the Literary Society are friends, and Mr. Epidemiologist is also our friend, so I beg you to maintain a neutral attitude. Um... If you can, please speak kindly to Mr. Raymond In other words, we are very eager to return to the embrace of... the holy light."

"I see." The Literature Club has encountered new troubles.

"Can I ask, how do you plan to deal with the Literature Club?"

Mr. Cook smiled.

"We'll invite them into our kitchen..."

"Then stewed, boiled bone broth."

(End of this chapter)

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