Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 398 Miracle?Miracle.

Chapter 398 Miracle?Miracle.

After many forced experiences, Lyle discovered the problem of the so-called "assistant soul".Sometimes my spine wheel can be as dexterous as a fish swimming in the water under the cross attack of three demons, and sometimes... It's just a living nightmare.

Black Abyss Arena.

Andry Lich's flesh and blood eyeballs stared at the big screen until the white bone wheel rubbed against the edge of the magma pool and completed the bone car drift. They felt the beating of their hearts again, and the audience erupted into even more fanatical cheers. Voice.

Apparently, the little accident just now was regarded by everyone as a show of skill on the tip of a knife. Only a few of Lyle's seniors and mentors fell into thought, but because of insufficient evidence, they chose to remain silent.

The hands of the eight people who downgraded the Hellfire Race to a game were still shaking while holding the remote control device.

Mr. Gentleman breathed a sigh of relief and handed over the remote control to the operator.

"Games are another life. At this moment, I realized something." The gentleman smoothed the bristling hairs on the flesh and blood camouflage, and looked at the guy with strange eyes. "Reporter, you almost brought my gaming life to an end, including both gaming and life."

Seven people, the highest level of play is manipulation, inspiration, and delusion, and their superb skills occupy the highest level of the chain of contempt.

Then there are most averages, including gentlemen, who don't have too many flashy moves, but they can hold out until their highly skilled companions take over the remote when difficulties come.

In the end, it was that god-like existence.

Mr. Reporter, he created his own difficulties.I am not a challenger of difficulty, I am the difficulty itself.

Thinking back to the first time the reporter held the phone, everyone couldn't help shaking.

What did the reporter do?
The wheel of the spine fell flat, and the sliding shovel state did not slow down and went straight to the magma pool beside it.The whole process was so smooth and smooth that the nearest Mr. Paranoia almost couldn't react.

"Son of Holy Light, Mr. Epidemiologist, committed suicide by throwing magma into hell? Do you know what will happen if such a headline appears in Andre News? My friend, reporter. You are not playing a game, you are playing your life. Play Our lives." The gentleman looked at the three shiny people seriously, "I think that in the future, Andrei must take a test if he wants to drive the Spine Wheel, and he must drive with a license, so that our flesh and blood camouflage will not become a "daily" item ,please."

The three people from the Necromancer Figure Club did not refute, and they were also reflecting on why they did not propose corresponding regulations when the Wheel of the Spine was released.They figured it out because they thought it was too easy to operate.It is almost the instinct of a lich to control creations with magic power. Even if they are not spirit wizards, liches also have the talent to manipulate puppets.

This should have been a very simple matter, until the reporter showed up and almost killed everyone the first time.

"I will, I will apply to the executive committee to add this to the Andrea speed limit law."

The gentleman nodded, and looked at another close friend of his, looking over a scumbag with his head bowed. "Delusion, can I hand over the control of the vehicle to you in the future? I'm really scared."

Delusion turned his head, and the lines in the virtual light screen flashed sparks.

"That's exactly what I mean. If you don't tell me, I will mention it."

Journalists who felt that their own existence was being denied partly protested.

"...It's all about the device. It's my first time getting started, and I'm not very familiar with it. Just let me..."

"There will be no next time." The three people from the Necromancer Handicraft Club tightly guarded the device in their hands, and the two from the Magic Research Club and the two from the Literature Club formed a human wall, as if guarding against some prehistoric beast. "Journalist, that was your one and only chance. If I went back in time, I wouldn't even give you that one chance."

"Your game career is over, and you will die when you debut."

It wasn't until the reporter was hit that his face turned pale that everyone breathed a sigh of relief. "At least he didn't get angry and continued to try. This is kindness..."

The reporter is the one who is most interested in racing games, and he is also the one who plays the worst.This can probably explain what the more food is, the more fun it is.

But the reason for the poor operation of the reporter is also understandable.

The reporter himself is not an ordinary lich, he is a secret contracter.It is the hidden guardian that best fits the background of this era.His gift is also his curse.He had to spend most of his energy digging to keep everyone's secrets.

The reporter itself has become a secret puppet.

So, dishes, is understandable.

All in all, Mr. Reporter has been deprived of control rights, and only the rights of cloud players are reserved.

In hell, the wheel of the spine is still moving forward.

Lyle spread out in his own flesh and blood seat, because it is a relatively comfortable reclining seat, so the audience did not realize that his body bones were completely soft.The lava that was close at hand just now exudes high heat, which makes my eyeballs feel dry from being roasted.

One step away from death.

But Lyle quickly regained his composure, which was probably the only gain in this series of misfortunes.

"Nia, can you seize control of the Spine Wheel?" Go to hell with any auxiliary souls.Or I shall go to hell, the devil of hell.

On the inner ring of flesh and blood, black tentacles pulsate like distorted blood vessels under the skin.The tip is equipped with bone armor, and it is constantly testing the high-speed rotating outer ring.The control areas of those auxiliary souls are all on the outer ring, revolving around Lyle.

The black tentacles of the probe were smashed at high speed, and Nia couldn't touch the devices that she had planned to set up in advance, but during the operation, the control of the flesh and blood had been transferred, and the physical control method failed again.

"The speed is too fast, and Nia can't touch it at all, unless I pierce them with the main tentacles covered with bone spurs, but then the spine wheel will be broken."

"Then slow down, slow down until you can touch it."

Lyle mobilized his magic power, and found that he couldn't slow down.

This terrifying monster in the wheel of spines has become a train to hell.Oh, it's already in hell.

In the stands of Heiyuan Arena.

The gentleman watched the spinner wheel getting faster and faster, and the power of the huge creation seemed to never run out.

"The Spine Wheel is the crystallization of the entire Necromancer Figure Society, not to mention that we also invited foreign aid, and we used materials from Mister Miracle."

"A miracle?" The gentleman looked at his friend, waiting for his explanation.

Miracle coughed twice.

"Shiny, they did come to me, with the [black meat] that is said to be created by Mr. Plague Doctor, with dual characteristics of spirit and flesh. Although I don't know its source, I also confirmed its extraordinary. Especially ...After I mixed it with demon blood. It showed some characteristics of demons."

Fortunately, the law is not here, and Mr. Jing is far away.Miracle, again, experimented with unidentified meat.

But this time, he combined the flesh of the evil god and the blood of the demons into one.

Demons can absorb the power of hell, which makes them extremely powerful in hell.

But now, the speeding spine giant wheel is a terrifying mutant demon, and it is a perpetual motion machine in the plane of hell.

Unless the power of hell dries up and the plane of hell is broken.

 After my personal experience, I discovered a fact.

  Games are infinite.

  And my time is limited.

  Really, the sadness of ephemeral species.

  If only I could not be human.

(End of this chapter)

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