Chapter 466 The Only Walker

"That ritual, the ritual of Joshua's transformation into the anti-Christ, must have something to do with Kallen, she is a pure person, and the origin of vampires comes from paladins." Five fingers crossed tightly, Lyle and Beatrice kept the original sitting posture.

"Dellaris mentioned baptism, and in this castle, there is only one church that can complete the baptism ceremony." Beatrice looked at the blood-colored window screen hanging from the ceiling, her face was calm, "There is an underground chamber for sleeping under the castle." The Crypt, and in the deepest part of the Crypt there is a building, a church. I received First Embrace there, Lorshutar calls it, the Church of Twilight. Kallen must be there, in the Church of Twilight."

"After we find a way to lift the seal and ask for help, we can go directly to save her..."

"Or lurking until the ceremony begins, we directly interfere with the ceremony, you rescue the little knight, and I will tear up my 'groom'."

"That would be dangerous."

"They asked for it. Naslan's anger and the humiliation I endured, I need to vent."

"As long as everything goes well, listen to you."

Beatrice snorted in satisfaction, and Lyle could feel her fingers scratch a few times, and the vampire's strange force made him grin his teeth in pain.

"As long as this damned seal is lifted, Naslan's daughter has a sure way to win."

"It's really good. We just need to use our brains a little bit to remove the unknown powerful seal that we have never seen before within ten days, and ask for help in a powerless state of basically being under house arrest."

"Not only that, but we also have to face the censure of the Losttal blood." Beatrice's face was filled with gloom, "Dalaris really dotes on his children, but this does not affect that he is an insidious guy. Sullen, cruel, and vengeful, he is a standard vampire. In fact, I am worried now..."

"What are you worried about?"

"My punishment. All vampires who make mistakes will be punished, not to mention defecting like me. He will love me and hate me, but no matter how much the vampire duke pampers me, he will not violate his principles, crime and punishment. I originally thought that this return, I would be punished by flogging. Don’t be surprised, this is the easiest punishment for Luo Shutar, so I specially changed into black clothes, so that the blood will not be ugly.”

"Beatrice," Lyle looked at her, with fire burning in his flat eyes, "you didn't tell me, you will be punished. How can you..."

"I am the most suitable candidate. You are now a member of Naslan and my family. And I also concealed the marriage contract, didn't I? Thinking about it this way, we are even."

"How... is this even? Isn't it because you are hiding two things from me..."

"Are you still reasonable? Bastard! I'll kill you!" Beatrice stood up, grabbed Lyle's collar with both hands and shook it desperately, until Lyle begged for mercy for the third time.Lyle's face was livid, and she was about to vomit at any moment, and Beatrice was panting heavily with a smirk.

"It's depressing to be back in this castle, I need to get some rest, I'm feeling sick."

Beatrice, with a strange blush on her face, walked towards the bed.

"Go ahead, I didn't know vampires could get sick too."

"It's not a disease, it's just a little discomfort. I haven't had this kind of situation for a long time... a long time... a long time..." Beatrice stood still, her body mobilized, and she stood in the center with her arms folded, Trembling helplessly, "!"

Beatrice rushed to the cupboard, her shaking body was rummaging through the cabinets, she was screaming frantically and sadly, "!" She's also breaking things hysterically, like digging through walls.

Concerned by Beatrice's sudden madness, Lyall reached out and patted her on the back.

"Beatrice, what's wrong with you?"

The swift and violent blow knocked Lyle into the air, "Don't touch me!!!" Lyle hit the wall, and his body responded to the heavy blow, which turned into a shock, and suddenly his throat jumped, and a stream of blood flowed down Leave the corners of your mouth.

Beatrice's movements stopped, her body turned around stiffly, and she stared straight at herself. The next moment, Beatrice appeared in front of Lyle, and her heavy breath was sprayed on her neckline.

Beatrice was kissing the corners of her own mouth, licking blood, like a docile beast.


Her name, like a switch, made her tremble all over.Beatrice raised her head again, and met Lyle's eyes. In the bright red pupils, two bloodstains slid down from the corners of the eyes.

"Sorry, Lyle, I'm sorry." She stood up tremblingly, slowly retreating like an abandoned child, and finally curled up in the corner of the room.

"My power has been sealed, I... I'm thirsty for blood... I'm so uncomfortable, I'm so uncomfortable right now, your smell... is my punishment... Quick... Get out of here!!! "

Beatrice raised her hands and rushed over like a wild beast. Her body twitched suddenly on the way, and she fell to the ground like a powerless baby.


"Get out! Get out! Don't look at me! Don't look at me!!" The girl's voice was pleading, her graceful body twitching uncontrollably on the floor.

Lyle didn't reach out, but walked out of the room and closed the door tightly.

The next moment, the sound of impact erupted on the solid door, followed by the harsh sound of nails scratching the wood. Beatrice, who lost her mind, had no idea how to open the door.

This is the punishment Duke Delaris gave her.

Put the bloodthirsty Beatrice in the same room with the human being Lyle, watching Beatrice tortured by blood-sucking urges, killing her family.He didn't physically hurt Beatrice, but he punished her deeply.

Her power was sealed and she was imprisoned in this castle, Beatrice was tortured by thirst for blood, and Lyle was helpless.

Ten days was also the duration of Beatrice's torture.

Tormented by blood-sucking urges, or, after killing Lyle, by his own mind.This is the torment that Beatrice endured. Normal humans cannot withstand a vampire's blood supply for ten days, even for one day.

But there is another option.

[I put it here, my child, you and your manservant, you can enjoy it at any time. 】

The blood-red chalice, becoming an eternally wailing blood bag, satisfies Beatrice's urge.This is the kindness of Delaris.

The scratching sound behind the door was still violent, accompanied by Beatrice's roar like a beast, those nails seemed to be scratching on Lyle's heart, making his heart bleed.

Dim candles lit the dark hallway, the scratching in the room stopped, and the insatiable blood-sucking urge seemed to finally drain Beatrice, so close to the door that Lyall could hear her groan.

Lyle faced the door, resting his forehead on the door panel, and placed his palm flat on the place where the scratching sound was the strongest just now, as if he could touch Beatrice by doing so.

Lyle said softly, "Beatrice, everything will be fine, I promise, you will not be in pain soon."

The gasps died away, followed by a deadly silence.

"Don't...Lyle...stay..." The voice inside the door disappeared.

Lyle didn't hear her because he was walking away slowly.

In the dim candlelight, a figure walked on the blood-red carpet.

Behind him, squirming shadows were like living creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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