Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 485 The Bell Ringer

Chapter 485 The Bell Ringer

The boards that had been hit by the explosion became more fragmented, and the crumbling gloomy tower turned into a pile of fragments. After Ralph rectified the unknown fear, it looked ridiculous.

Violet inserted the sword into the gap in the plank, tested it a little, and then extended the sharp blade into a gap where the bell ringer might be buried.These boards are very scattered, and a little more gravity may cause a secondary collapse, like dominoes pouring over the ground.

But this is not a big problem for Violet, who has a light body and flexible movements.Violet is good at wielding swords and dancing, which is the result of her dual identities of sheriff and young lady.Violet, who was like a civet cat, walked on the ground like a muddy ground.

Ralph was standing on the edge of the ruins, holding his musket, and the muzzle moved slowly with Violet.This requires sufficient patience and strong perseverance. Using Violet as the bait to seduce the monster, Ralph will not allow any failure of his own.The index finger was close to the trigger for nearly a minute, and the numbness of the limbs was transmitted from the nerves to the brain due to the stiff movements.Ralph was still focused like a corpse.

The moment the noise sounded, the evil wolf's eyes flashed.

"Weier, two o'clock, jump up!"

At this time, Violet had just retracted the silver sword. She had tested a sufficiently deep gap on the front of her left foot, and she was in the most relaxed state when the crisis was resolved.Before the brain could react, the muscle memory retained in training made a decision after hearing Ralph's voice, which was to follow the man's instructions and make a sudden leap in the direction of two o'clock.

The reaction force caused the plank to collapse, but the giant hand protruding from the bottom quickly lifted the plank away. It was a two-meter-long hand as thick as a bucket. The flesh was black and purple, and the texture was like a rotten plum eaten by moths. The skin on the tips of his fingers was worn away, and the wooden splinter wedges pierced into the flesh like a poisonous snake with fangs, and the rotten smell of pus flowed out of the broken flesh.

The big hand instantly shattered Violet's original standing position. After the attack was fruitless, he changed to a clap and reached for the jumping female sheriff.

Violet spun her body in the air, and a backflip caused the giant hand to fly into the air, and there were only a few red hairs between her clenched fingers.The hat was grabbed, and the ends of the loose long hair were dyed disgusting black by the pus, and rolled on the ground, Violet and the big hand pulled away.

The half of the bell ringer was exposed in the debris of the ruins.

He is a deformed and twisted giant, about four meters tall. The only piece of dark linen wraps his upper body. A pair of big and small eyes grow in the tattered horizontal flesh. The ugly folds make his head look Like a crushed walnut, and his lips were probably hidden in those folds, or not.Ralph was hard to tell.

There is no light of wisdom in the big and small eyes, and his actions also show that his IQ is not high, but his ability to express maliciousness is quite sound.The bell ringer pulled out another big hand from the ruins. Compared with the big hand that came out first, his right hand was smaller and the color of the filth was much lighter.His right hand was clenched into a fist, and he never let go.

The moment the bell ringer appeared, he began to make muffled hums, as thick as a cow's cry, like the roar of a human being with his mouth covered.The swollen body was bleeding profusely, and there were three triangular wooden boards and countless wooden thorns inserted into the rickety back.

Ralph was not sure if those wooden objects were decorations carried by the bell ringer himself, but he was very relieved if they were not.

The moment the monster emerged, it roared at Violet, and the witcher's escape made him feel annoyed.Almost at the same moment, his teacup-sized eyeball exploded, and Ralph's bullet hit his target accurately.

eng! ! !

The bell ringer covered his head and shook his body on the spot. The threat of the sightless monster was reduced by more than half.Violet held the sword and waited, waiting for the bell ringer's frantic struggle to weaken a bit, and then rushed forward to make him make a new sound.

The struggle of the bell ringer ceased.

Violet ran and danced on the plank like a dragonfly on the water, the sharp sword in her hand danced with a wonderful rhythm.

This time, the target was the exposed neck of the bell ringer.

Another round of Ralph's bullet was already loaded, and the dragon fire was ready for the next explosion at any time.The wolf stared at his prey, and something abnormal was revealed in the gaze.

Those wood chips stuck into the flesh of the bell ringer are growing.Growth is just a visual illusion, it is repairing the body with flesh and blood, squeezing out foreign objects that do not belong to the body.The body of the bell ringer was healing itself, and all the damage caused by the blasting of the tower was recovered within ten seconds.

Overdrive regeneration.

And the shattered eyeball was obviously also in the recovery category.

"Pay attention to dodge."

Ralph entered another shooting state, and Violet's attack could not be stopped, and Ralph had to interfere with the bell ringer's movements during the short time when the bell ringer launched his attack.

The sweeping giant hand slammed into Violet like a big tree. If the attack was solid this time, there might not be a few of her bones intact.

Fortunately, the roaring bullet grazed the gap between the bell ringer's thumb and index finger, rolled up some flesh, and once again blasted the giant's eyeball.

Another roar, another recovery.Violet's attack only sliced ​​off part of the flesh on his shoulder, but she herself escaped the devastating attack.

It's too outrageous, Ralph thought, this strange regenerative ability can almost make this monster invincible.

Thoughts were weaving in Cassandelle Sheriff's mind, and Ralph's thinking ability was as fast as the rapidly gathering dark clouds in Cassandelle's sky.

Sylvester's words are true.

It is possible for us to defeat these monsters.

Then this super-speed regeneration ability must have a limit, a condition that allows the possibility to exist.

The bell ringer was pulling his own lower limbs out of the rubble, no matter how stupid an idiot is after being blinded twice, he knows that he cannot be a regular target, and the short-haired dwarf who stands still is more dangerous and needs to be pinched first. broken.

The bell ringer put his hands on the ground and pulled his lower body out of the ruins. He ignored Violet's attack, and he could ignore the attack like a cat's scratch.Just use your left hand to protect your head and block the vital points.

The bell ringer finally stood up.

Ralph finally saw what he wanted.

The right hand of the bell ringer was always clenched into a fist, which was not caused by physical deformity. The center of his right fist and the gaps between his fingers were glowing faintly.

The bell ringer was holding something in his hand, something he held tightly in his hand.

"Val, cut off the fingers of his right hand!!!"

Without hesitation, under the cover of Ralph's fierce gunfire, Violet stepped onto the bell ringer's knee, jumped backwards, and with the force of her fall, cut off the bell ringer's thumb and index finger.The sharp sword came out of its sheath like a poisonous snake, flying the gadget in the fist.

The shining under the rust appears in everyone's sight.

It was a bell, a golden bell with a handle.

(End of this chapter)

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