Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 552 Dragon's Rhapsody

Chapter 552 The Dragon's Rhapsody (Igoros' Treacherous 16)

That was a month after Sheriu caused a plague of flesh and blood in the Wandering City, sinking the mobile city.

The deep and dark secret room is lit with scented candles extracted from sperm whale fat. A refreshing fragrance lingers on the ancient stone steps that cannot be seen in age. The demon fire agave was sealed in ice, pouring flames at the green figures who teased them outside the transparent barrier, although it was useless.

"Hahahaha, what an idiot." Ira Songen smiled proudly, her moss coat dropped some light green light powder under the trembling of the owner, it was tiny pollen, excessive inhalation would cause hallucinations.But the few people here are obviously not within the scope of the ability of hallucinogenic seeds.

With a cold face, Princes took some books with mithril-encrusted covers from the built-in bookshelves. This one will look interesting, especially when it is taken out of a pile of academic papers.Lady Frost squinted at her sister, then turned the first page of the book, and a gust of cold wind came out of the book, blowing the green dust to the other side.

The fine light powder fell on the dense and deep breath, and entered the big nose hidden in the beard.

Fraheimer sneezed, flames spurted out of his mouth, and the fiery red beard was also ignited by the magic leak of the Red Dragon Priest, burning those green stickies to ashes.The spark was fleeting, and the dwarf habitually patted his intact beard, ignoring the sneeze-causing green pollen and cold wind.He guards his newly built small stove, passing the brewed tea to those on the other side.

"Tea is ready, brother."

The stooped and thin black dragon priest was only two-thirds the height of a dwarf, and he took the burnt red teacup with his thin palm. "thanks."

Ferreheimer patted his robes. The Dragon Priest's law robes that used to fit well compared with his stocky body shape now, like a small gown.But the red dragon priest didn't care, this robe has been regarded as a craftsman's apron by himself for a long time.He has more things to worry about now.

"Brother Ormhead."

The old man raised his head, revealing a pair of deep eyes under the black hood.

"I don't understand, since the larvae of the evil god cultivated by Morokui can already reshape our flesh and blood, why do you still maintain this thin and small appearance?"

"Too fragile, this flesh and blood is just a toy for pleasure, although the potential is amazing."


"You guys have been slack lately."

The slight voice of the black dragon priest silenced the entire space.

In the next second, the sound of agave spraying flames was particularly ear-piercing.

"Shh~" Irason, who was originally pretending to be a gopher, could only stick her face on the ice, hinting at her irritable child.

The black dragon priest covered his face.

"The only one who still maintains his ambition is Morroki. His ambition and madness grow wildly together. And you..."

"Embers are embers after all, breathing desperately is just cooling yourself down faster." Princes's clear voice solidified the atmosphere.

Erasong En noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and the green dragon priest, who was aware of his mission, began to adjust the atmosphere.

"It doesn't matter if we don't care, isn't there still Holy Light?"


Ira Song En successfully adjusted the atmosphere, and now the other three dragon priests turned their eyes to her. How should I say that look, it is pity.

The giant elf baby, who couldn't bear their sight, hid behind the fire-breathing potted plant.

"What I mean is...Brother Morokei must be able to find a way to revitalize the dragon priest, so it doesn't matter if we take a break now!... right?"

The timing came just right, a flashing portal appeared on one side of the room, and the one who came out of it was the man who had saved the scene for the green dragon priest, the blue dragon priest Morokui, Mr. Scholar.


The scholar who had just passed through the portal only saw a spreading green figure rushing towards him, subconsciously used space teleportation, and avoided the tiger pounce of the female elf from the folding space.

Seeing that Irason was about to fall headlong into the portal, a big hand in a rough leather costume grabbed the dazed Irason, grabbed her head and lifted her up in the air.The tall figure walked through the portal, broke into the council of dragon priests, and stood behind the scholar.

The dragon stared at the innocent eye between his fingers, Irason exploded into a pile of pollen, and her real body appeared beside Princess who had condensed the storm.

"Giant dragon!!! This time you are courting death yourself!!!"

"Exile in time and space." The scholar stretched out his silvery white palm and patted the dragon. The surface of the tall dragon's body began to undulate like tinfoil that had been impacted. His body turned into a blurred shadow on the spot, bursting The ice crystals exploded on the spot.

The Black Dragon Priest's hand grabbed Princess' ankle floating in the storm, and Lady Frost stopped casting spells, although she still looked angrily at the double image in the space.

"Your explanation, Morroki."

Mr. Scholar seems to have been prepared for a long time. He took a step forward, showing the arrogant side of a human king.

"Triton's evil god believers represented by Sheriu have appeared. I will never allow my city and my ethnic group to be polluted again. The number of dragon priests is too small. We need to expand new members. In order to deal with The next disaster."

"Don't even think about it! I won't be a partner with this bastard!" Princess still didn't hold back her anger, and directly rejected the scholar's proposal.

The Council of Dragon Priests, with one veto already, seems off to a bad start.

"A new dragon priest?" Olmheid began to think about the possibility. The black dragon priest actually knew the current situation, "It's quite an attractive proposal, Morrokey. But as a member of the dragon priest, you should We are also aware of the difficulty. We can't transform into a new dragon priest, the dragon family is dead, there are no surviving dragons, and there is no dragon soul."

"Even if you find a way, he is not a suitable candidate. He will affect the unity of our Dragon Priest Council."

The scholar looked at the others. They were all firmly on the side of Princess. They had watched and helped each other for a long time, and they supported each other after the death of hope. It was this connection that supported the existing Dragon Priest Council. Clearly, I am also one of them.

"Scholar, let me do it." The rough costume was broken by brute force, and the hideous bone claws tore through the space-time rift, and the gloomy lich stepped into the room.

The dragon first saluted slightly, "First of all, I apologize for my rash visit."

"I'm not going to stop my dragon craze, so..."

"If I need to submit to mediate the conflict with this crazy woman and join you..."

"Don't think about it! Unless I'm dead, oh, I'm dead, but don't even think about it when I'm dead!"

"I'm not going to be your sincere Dragon Priest Paoze, so why not try another way."

Eerie soul flames burn in the dragon's skull.

"I'm the chief professor of spirituality in Andrea. We have a saying that death is never the end."

"If the dragons are dead... why not let them get back on their feet."

Ferreheimer let out a cold snort.

"I thought how capable you are, it's not the way that necromancers want to resurrect corpses. Naive, you will find that mythical creatures are much more complicated than you think, even if you get the dragon bone, the soul of the dragon is long gone Among them, what you resurrected is just a fake with a similar shell. What's more, now that the holy light is shining, you may not even be able to find the keel."

Mr. Dragon responded to the dragon priest's taunt with an Andry-esque grin.He tilted his head and spread his hands.

"We have Lyle."

(End of this chapter)

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