Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 593 The Molten Fire of McKenbert

Chapter 593 The Molten Fire of McKenbert

The Red Dragon Priest walked out of the bronze door without saying a word. He had an unpleasant meeting with other members of the Artisan Council just now.

"Those obstinate, old things half buried in the ground!" Compared with other dragon priests, Ferreheimer preferred the disguise of flesh and blood, because he regained his proud beard, which was the favorite of dwarves.Second only to forging, gang fights and fine wine.

"They won't listen to me! Their big asses are welded to that bronze chair! I'm ashamed to be with them!!!"

"Uncle, if the master craftsman can only get such an evaluation from you, my father and McKenbert will cry." A long black curly hair and beard are integrated into one, and the braids at the temples are fixed with gold rings. The mature dwarf walked out from behind the bronze door with a smile. His navy blue dress highlighted his solid body. He was a good blacksmith. A pair of silver eyes were set in his heroic face, which complemented the jewels on the crown. He was a blacksmith. Wise king.

The Dragon Familia tribe, the current king of the Molten Dwarves, Wieselg Firehammer.

After Freyheimer became the dragon priest, his elder brother became the second king of the dwarves, and the throne has now passed to his nephew. The dragon priest who is obsessed with forging has no sense of power, and the deep friendship between him and his brother It was also passed on to the children and nephews.

Facing the self-mockery of the dwarf king, the irritable red dragon priest did not stop there.

"They are idiots! What a great plan I proposed! In the end, no one agreed! Even you don't support me! You can't hold a hammer anymore? Don't you have the courage to hit it?! Artisan Council! You look timid! , It really makes me feel absurd, absurd and pathetic! And you too! You are the king! You are also the chairman of the artisan council, why do you let those wine bags and rice bags dominate the government! Our country has stagnated! Can't you see it !"

The finger of the red dragon priest who was about to poke Wiserge's face made the dwarf king a little helpless. His uncle seemed to have had a drink just now. "I am the king, of course I want to stand with the people, uncle, besides, the overall situation was settled at that time, and it would not help if I had one more vote. The artisan council and the king were at the same level as the original regulations. I can't slap my father in the face." Well, uncle, personally, I don't want to agree with you, what you want to move is the Molten Core, the core of the melting pot. Let the country suffer, and strive for a redundancy that the possibility cannot guarantee If I can promise you the chance to revive the dragon, then I must have drunk too much. Our country is very stable now, and we have completely entered the stable stage of self-sufficiency. If I told you, harvesting the Molten Core, I must would cause unnecessary confusion..."

"I don't listen! I don't listen!" The red dragon priest shook his head like a fool. To be honest, it's a bit disgusting for an old dwarf to make such a arrogant speech. "Wesselg, our people no longer have the enterprising spirit they used to! They are satisfied with the status quo, and they are afraid of losing what they have, just like... just like us back then... This is very dangerous, and it is a harbinger of extinction. "

The dwarf king was persuaded by the red dragon priest, and his expression became serious.

"Uncle, do you really have to do this?"

The red dragon priest was secretly happy, but on the surface he still pretended to be concerned about the country and the people.

"Yes, my king, we need your wise decision!"

"I understand, I don't agree. As a king, I will not agree to such a ridiculous decision."

The red dragon priest's face was flushed, as if he was being teased and the flames lit his beard, he threw the staff aside and opened his hands, like a fire lion that was always ready to pounce.

"However..." The dwarf king changed his voice, and took off the war hammer with the head of a flame gem from his waist, the dwarf's hammer of kings, "As your nephew, I will support your decision. Uncle, anyway, I will I can't persuade you, at least after you fail, I can still bear your guilt. If our country is about to rot, it will be like it used to be."

"Let the dragon priest light a new fire."

"Wesselge, you brat." The red dragon priest picked up the beautiful war hammer and raised it above his head. The burning flame burst out instantly, like a torch. "You won't regret today's decision, you dwarf king who is as clever as a monster."

Wieselg laughed, "I would rather you praise my enthusiasm for my family and the royal family, the fire hammer will never be extinguished."

Freyheimer let out a standard heroic laugh of the Firehammer clan.

"Notify the clansmen to take refuge, my king, today, McKenbert will be very 'lively'."

The dwarven kingdom of McKenbert is located deep in the ground. Under his land is a large active lava lake in the center of the earth.The dwarves forged their own kingdom with this unique firepower, and this area became the largest melting pot in the world, and the lava field under McKenbert was called the Great Melting Pot.

Molten dwarves aren't the only residents of the Great Forge, there are neighbors who are just as hot and smell like them.

Fire elemental creatures.

In the low-lying area of ​​the magma pool, there will be countless pitted caves on the mountain wall. These caves are deep and slender, but the temperature is higher than the surface of the lava pool, because these are the residences of elemental creatures.

The dragon priest wants to reach the Molten Core, he needs the assistance of an elemental creature, because the Molten Core is deep in the magma pool, without the protection of the elemental creature, even his bones will be burned to death.

Of course, there is another way, which is to let the blue dragon priest whose talent is flame immunity do it for him, but the red dragon priest can't afford to lose that face.

Fortunately, he has an elemental friend.

With the fire hammer, Ferreheimer found the deepest and largest cave.

Inside the cave with a diameter of four meters, the inner wall of the rock reflects the texture of wax oil. The twisted air makes them blurred in the vision of the dragon priest, as if they are liquefied. A foul-smelling rose-colored steam is suspended above the cave, reaching the cave directly internal.

"I'm coming in!!!" the red dragon priest roared and walked towards the inside.

He found his purpose.

It was an elemental creature with only the upper body shaped by flames. It had two thick flame arms like an orangutan, an inverted triangle body with eight melting abdominal muscles, and a wreath on his head, made of sparks. wreath.

The Garden Baron was lying on a special sun chair, with two crystal lenses hanging on his face, and stretched out his hand to apply sunscreen on his pectoralis major, although the oil would evaporate into steam in the next instant.

The Garden Baron is the name of this high-level elemental lord. He is one of the earliest elemental creatures born in the great melting pot, and is the head of the great melting pot's elements.The reason why he is called the Garden Baron is because he likes to grow flowers. As a result, all the blazing dragon snake orchids couldn't stand the bad temperature here and smuggled into the city of wandering.

"What are you doing, Garden Baron?"

"I'm on vacation, can't you see that? My old friend."

I just see you polluting the environment.The red dragon priest didn't tell the truth, and turned around to leave.

"Then you can continue to rest, I will ask other elemental creatures to help."

"There are no other elemental creatures. I am the only elemental creature in the Great Forge."

"What!!!" The Red Dragon Priest fell into panic, "What happened to the flame element? How did you kill the clan? What happened during my absence?"

The Garden Baron put his hands on the pillow and spoke with a relaxed tone.

"Genocide? Nothing, it's just that my little brothers have all moved, and they will report to me before they leave, so I can be sure that I am definitely the last fire element now."

"Moving? Where did they move to?"

"Anywhere they want to go? The Invisible Zone of Wandering City? An active volcano? Or anywhere it's not illegal to burn."

The red dragon priest was very puzzled.

"But, why? The melting pot is your home, isn't it good to live here?"

The Garden Boy stood up from the sun chair, took off two lenses, and stared directly at the red dragon priest with burning eyes.

"Freheimer, I think you don't understand at all. You dwarves have become very boring now. In the past few years, the Molten Dwarves have neither forged nor opened arenas, and we don't like drinking. Kemper couldn't even burn something. We fire elements, we are a little tired of you. It's like... um... Although the melting pot is our home, but the development of our hometown is not good, we have to find a way out Is it okay to go out to work? We also want to find something interesting to do."

"Anyway, you dwarves don't need us anymore. It's boring to soak in magma all day long. We can go to the invisible area to find people for entertainment in the immigrant wandering city. If you want to burn people, you can go to the black abyss arena, and the mystics are now recruiting elements Partners, any element is not limited. You will also get a female companion of water element, you guys, how do you compare McKenbert's benefits with others. "

"Why do you want a water element female companion?"

"For lust, why are you so surprised? It is illegal to discriminate against the biological needs of elemental creatures."

"But, aren't you fire elements? Don't you have reproductive isolation?"

"Huh? How do you think those mixed elements were born? Our hunting range is very wide!"

"...I am eye-opening." The red dragon priest realized that this action was imperative, and the Molten Dwarves really needed to change.

"Now you fire elements... Are you having a hard time?"

"It's a little bit. When we went to the elemental plane to chat with other elements last time, we were very embarrassed. It was completely rootless fire that couldn't find the target. Let's not talk about other elements. Do you know the shining element? The small elemental race, which is not counted among the four major elements, has become extremely arrogant recently. It is almost wanting to do it to anyone. Damn it, it is said that there is a very strong light caster in the real world, and those shining elements are like madmen. Why don't you fight for your anger, where is the caster idol of our fire element, Ferreheimer, you are not weak, can you stop being obsessed with blacksmithing, and be an idol to earn some face for our fire element."

"... Regarding idols, what do you think of Red Dragon? A top flame mage."

The Garden Baron rubbed his little head.

"But, isn't the dragon dead?"

"We dragon priests have a big plan..." Freheimer flashed the fire hammer in his hand, "As long as you let me hit the hammer on the Molten Core, I will give you a red dragon idol and let McCann Bert regained his flaming vigor."

"Okay!" The garden baron roared angrily, and burned all the sunscreen and sun chairs. "I knew Ferreheimer that you would not let me down, and it was not in vain that I squatted in this hole for a few years, and even missed the date of my ice-elemental beauty. I still love the hotness of the flame girl more ,Ha ha ha ha."

The Garden Baron applied the protection magic to the Red Dragon Priest, hunched him on his back, turned into a heat wave and rushed towards the magma pool.

"Ferreheimer, if you forge the Molten Core, you're also beating on the heart of McKenbert's mountains. The eruption of the volcano and the rain of lava will definitely erupt in the Dwarf Kingdom."

"Then let him explode, let those idiot dwarves listen to the alarm clock of life!"

"Hahahaha, I like it! We really hit it off!"

In the depths of the magma pool, looking at the burning core, the Red Dragon Priest held up the fire hammer and smashed it down hard.

"Recast our Molten Core!"

"Dwarves and fire, you can't afford to mess with them!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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