Chapter 616 Incubation
The giant dragon is a magical creature, inheriting the high status of the old god Yemotar. This kind of giant lizard that looks like a reptile can actually be created indefinitely. It only needs the power of fit. With the help of the mother of the dragon, the new dragon Eggs can be laid.

Lyle listened to the explanation of the dragon priest and looked at his tall teacher.

"So, these five dragon eggs are the dragon eggs that the five dragon priests guided the power of the various groups in your body, teacher, and gave birth to the dragon eggs with the help of the body of Twilight Dragon Mother."

The giant dragon nodded with satisfaction, "That's right, the power of the Dragon Priest supports my body, and the chaotic power in my body is actually the fusion of the powers of the five races..."

Lyle went on to say, "That is to say, these dragon eggs are actually given power by the dragon priest, and Sylvester gave the body..." Lyle tilted his head and squinted at the tall dragon father.

"Then... Teacher Julong, did you play any role in the process of giving birth?"

The power inherits the power of the Dragon Priest's group, and the body is given by the Twilight Dragon, so why do you need the Dragon Father?

The dragon grinned, sharp teeth protruding from the corners of his mouth, and the dangerous fangs made Lyall's heart tremble.But that was just a little joke that the tolerant dragon father wanted to play with his own reckless dragon priest.

"My children inherit my blood, and I will give them real names and blessings to make them real dragons."

[Alcalon, Obsidian and the Dragon of War, my eldest son, you will be invincible. 】

【Immelt, Ruby and Dragon of Life, my eldest daughter, you will be loved by all. 】

【Krystal, dragon of crystallization and magic, my second son, I have seen your bright future. 】

【Claudia, Emerald and Dragon of Dreams, my second daughter, the creatures sleep peacefully in your dreams. 】

【Pordris, Dragon of the Pearl and the Sea, my youngest son, roll up the tide. 】

Father Dragon sang their names in the form of hymns, with ancient high-pitched tones. The rolling clouds formed a vortex in the sky, the sun was like a piece of precious jade, and the orange-yellow light dyed the sky with epic colors. Shaking slightly, they received their leader's blessing.

After a long time, the resulting images slowly recovered under natural adjustments. The dragon looked a little sluggish. He lay down beside Twilight Dragon, enjoying the loving care of Dragon Mother. Scratching against the softer jaw, the two giant dragons snorted comfortably.

Lyle stood beside Mr. Scholar, not disturbing the two-person world of the dragon and asked quietly, "Mr. Scholar, how did he tell the gender of the cub in the dragon egg? The unique connection between dragons?"

The blue dragon priest focused his eyes on the radiant crystallized dragon egg, and the teacher's instinct still distracted him from answering Lyle's question.

"He doesn't need to know that when the dragon eggs are laid, the dragon gets the bodies of different dragon species from the mother, and the father's blessing will make them have their own characteristics, including gender of course. The dragon Yemotar doesn't need Know the sex of the dragon's eggs, because it is up to him to decide. Just like humans, dear Lyle, your sex is determined by the genetic factors of your parents. It's just that the dragon's way is more subjective."

The two dragon parents are very satisfied with their children, and the dragon priest is also very satisfied with these new lives.

"Hey, look at Immelt, she will definitely grow into a lively little guy." The red dragon priest laughed, his rough big hand wanted to step forward to stroke but resisted to stop one meter away.

"So what, the white dragon egg is the biggest, don't compete with the sea dragon in vigor and size, the land dragon." The mermaid dragon priest seems to like this kind of comparison activity.

"Vigor and physique are not the criteria for becoming an excellent dragon. My new student will prove to everyone the nobility of magic." Mr. Scholar seemed to be full of confidence, and his competitive spirit was once again aroused by the crystallized dragon egg.

The dragon priest is excited, the connection between the dragon and the dragon priest will be connected again, this group of apprentices of the dragon, the benefactor of the dragon, will become the nannies and mentors of the five young dragons, and give all the dragons to themselves in return to the dragon.

"Alcalon will be a new generation of dragon king, I said it." The black dragon priest's speech was concise and decisive. He and Mr. Scholar looked at each other, and a new confrontation of power emerged again.

Is there one missing?
"Ah!!!" The Elven Dragon Priest yelled, and fell to her knees, staring at her eyes, clutching her head as if she had a headache.

"What's the matter, my sister." The other dragon priests were lenient when it came to mascots.

Irason rubbed her head, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I just went deep into Claudia's dream. I originally planned to communicate with her and help her consciousness quickly take shape. In the end, she bit me! It hurts!"

The dragon priest was silent, looking at the green dragon priest with unusual eyes.

The previous mascot actually sneaked away ahead of time! ! !Relying on the characteristics of herself and the emerald dragon falling into a dream, she actually helps the baby dragon that is still taking shape to give prenatal education!Damn, it's so deeply hidden.

Could it be that the Emerald Dragon will become the most powerful existence of the Five Dragons!Absolutely not!

The five dragon priests who used to be brothers and sisters are now rivals, even Irason is no exception.Lyle watched the various young dragon early education programs and activities made by the dragon priest, silently sweating for the little ones.

"Dragon priests, shouldn't we first consider the hatching of dragon eggs instead of the education of young dragons. Hey! Green dragon priests who have gone astray, don't fall asleep, your body is twitching!"

Under the reasonable and well-founded explanation of Dragon King Priest Lyle, the dragon priests stopped competing with each other.

"Hatching eggs? In our knowledge, there is no skill in this area."

"That should be regarded as something of the dragon's instinct, so it needs to be hatched by Ms. Silvert."

Hearing her name, Twilight Dragon, who was biting and playing with Mr. Dragon, raised her head, she nodded, and then shook her head again.

"I do know how to hatch a dragon egg, but I can't hatch it myself. The hatching of a dragon egg requires his parents to spray dragon breath for care. But my shadow dragon breath is highly corrosive, and the dragon doesn't have to think about it." , his chaotic dragon breath will only hatch a group of little lunatics."

A new problem has emerged, these dragon eggs may not be able to hatch!Because their parents were not strictly normal dragons.

"Then what should we do?"

Sylvester raised his front paws to scratch the scales on his chest, "Let me think about it, by the way, Lyle, how was Nia born?"

"Nia?" If I remember correctly, Nia also seemed to have a transitional stage from the egg to the son of the evil god. At that time, she was still a ball of water like a slime.

"I remember..." Lyle closed her eyes and frowned in thought, "I cooked her in a pot? Mixed ingredients and soup."

"...the style of a lich." X5
Sylvester laughed loudly, and rained fists on the Dragon King's back, "Lyle reminded me that dragon eggs can't be hatched only with dragon's breath, they need to eat energy, as long as it is energy of similar nature, it can acceptable."

The dragon priests suddenly realized.

"The flames of the cauldron will warm Immelt's dragon eggs. I'll consult with the garden baron. Fire elementals would make great nanny."

"In the undercurrent of the deep sea and the glow of the temple, the pearl dragon will grow first."

"Magic power, I don't lack this kind of thing."

"The new generation of dragon kings will be bathed in the warm blood of wild beasts, and their corpses will become his breeding ground."

"I can discuss it with Suzanne and see if she is willing to help me with another child."

The matter seemed to be perfectly resolved, and the five dragon priests left with the dragon eggs with permission. Lyle was just about to say goodbye when the dragon grabbed him by the collar.

"My children also inherit some of the traits of the evil god. They will grow very fast. If we live here for a few days, we will see them break out of their shells in a short time."

Lyle nodded.

"Would a dragon's childhood be short?"

"Yes, though the knowledge in their bloodlines will grow their minds, the joys are short-lived. Their age will quickly hit puberty, and then they will begin to enjoy the dragon's long life. They will be your age, Le Er, I hope you can be their childhood playmate."

Lyall imagined a life in which he would take care of five young dragons himself.

"Teacher, are you sure that a child who is young and ignorant but full of strength will not tear me apart?"

"What, wouldn't it be good to put it back together after it's broken?" Mr. Julong smiled and expressed his true thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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