Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 62 Sword Dance Mandala and Ruthless Country

Chapter 62 Sword Dance Mandala and Ruthless Country
The genetic method was the first to rule it out. There is no other reason. Lyle doesn't know how to get his own bone meal. Sorry for the destruction of himself, I refuse even a finger.

"Mr. Scholar, what if I use other people's bone meal for genetics, say, Mr. Dragon?"

"So, would you be willing to be strangled by your own talent for stepping on an ant? It's just an exaggerated metaphor."

"There is no need to consider the genetic method, I refuse." There is a picture in my mind.

"What is a spiritual token?"

"Things with the breath of gods, their remains or remains. The living gods will carefully guard their everything, and the dead gods may be the opportunity for them to be resurrected again. If you are strong enough, of course, there is also the possibility of seizing power. , it just so happens that this kind of adventure is very suitable for the Andri people."

"No, I don't want to be a backup to the gods."

"That sword dance mandala, what a rare thing."

"A special herb. When people eat it, their physical fitness will increase rapidly. With a little treatment, it can also be used as the best auxiliary for spellcasters. The problem is that its origin is single and special."

"where is it?"

"The Scanthor Mountains, the border of civilization, there are only two human kingdoms, and they attack each other, and the war lasts for ten years."

"Didn't the church forces interfere?"

"Lewisser and the Kingdom of Dria have been expelled from the church, and the church has no right to interfere in their dispute."

In the Middle Ages, all countries had the origin of the church. Sometimes theocracy and kingship were bound together. The church would balance disputes between countries, and let dissent be resolved at the discussion table. There was no right to declare war on an enemy country without a reason, and violators would be punished. Expulsion from religious membership is a very serious consequence. There has even been a precedent for a king to repent and atone for his sins to obtain Islamic membership. In any case, a country that has lost its religious membership and has not perished after ten years of struggle does not exist in the real world.

These two countries are definitely ruthless, because losing your religious status means you will be attacked by all countries.

"These two countries must be very powerful."

"As a country with a sword dance mandala, their citizens are almost the most capable of fighting in the era of civilization."

"The age of civilization? That is to say, the age of barbarism?"

"The names of the more distant eras are different, and it is meaningless to discuss now, let's say it now, the strategic plant of the sword dance mandala has received absolute control from two countries, you want to get their chance in person, it is no exaggeration , approaching zero."

"If Mr. Scholar has a method, please teach me."

"You can't do it yourself, you can borrow it. There is an association similar to the Andrei Society in the city of hesitation. It's called Remembrance of Twilight. There, you should be able to find out about the sword dance mandala."

"But, Mr. Scholar, I don't know how to get to the City of Wandering?"

"Ah, it's not in a hurry. Tomorrow night, the extravagant cup of you will visit the city of wandering together. Mr. Dragon happens to have some important things to discuss with me over there, so wait patiently, epidemic doctor."

"By the way, Mr. Scholar, I heard that you seem to have a title of Dragon Priest..."

"Yes, there is nothing to be curious about, Epidemic Doctor, it is just the remnants of history. The glory of the past will never return with the disappearance of the giant dragon. The world now belongs to the Holy Light, and it also belongs to you advanced people. Your staff How is it done, your talent is a flaw in wand enchanting, what about the wand?"

"Everything is good, my staff can be released perfectly, the carving on it can even communicate with me, its name is Medusa."

"Medusa? Can you show me?"

"Of course." Lyle patted Medusa around her neck, quite gently, he didn't want to suffocate.

no respond.

Mr. Scholar's eyes also noticed the bulging part of Lyle's neck behind Lyle's black coat, and his eyes were level, staring straight at that area.

A change appeared, Medusa actually started to move, but she slipped behind Lyle.

"Mr. Scholar, Medusa seems to be a little afraid of you?"

Mr. Scholar's enchanted mask turned slightly, looking at Lyle's beak, "Really? Maybe. How's Arianna doing?"

"It should be fine. Although we have been together for a long time, it seems that Arianna is indeed living happily."

"Well, that's a good kid. When I was young, I worked as a tutor for the Naslan family for a while. Arianna is a pretty well-behaved child. In comparison, her sisters are a lot of headaches."

Seemingly aware of the impoliteness of talking behind his back, Mr. Scholar stopped the conversation, though Lyle was very curious.

"Epidemic doctor, after you go back, I suggest you to test your talent ball a little from the perspective of a professional doctor."


"I have developed a magic that detects germs in the body. It will diagnose the hidden pathogens in the body. When the number exceeds a threshold, the magic will call the police like me."

"And I accidentally discovered that your talent sphere contains a large number of infected pathogens. Although they are all common human diseases, in order to avoid a large-scale plague in a certain place, please handle it properly."

"Ok, I see."

Leaving from Mr. Scholar's room and saying goodbye to Ms. Wenli outside the door, Lyle walked back to the cup of extravagance.

The talent ball is attached to its shoulder. Since it has tentacles, it especially likes to stay on Lyle's shoulder. As Lyle moves, the sphere also rises and falls.

"It was really unexpected, it looked cute, and it turned out to be a large pathogen."

"It's not that I ate something strange recently." Medusa rushed back to the cane from her cuff, and stretched her body wantonly between Lyle's fingers.

"Are you willing to come out? Medusa, she actually hid when she met Mr. Scholar."

"It's really ignorant and fearless. I'm a magic wand. It's hard to see a magic wand that doesn't flinch. That kind of magic power is also thanks to the current archmage who are willing to practice breath shielding, so that you won't let you, a rookie, be in him. He fainted in front of him."

"How strong is Mr. Scholar?"

"It's not that strong, so to speak? Do you know the magic net node?"

"The meeting point of the magic of the world, the hub of magic, the source of the caster's power."

"There is another feature of the magic web node, that is, the abilities of the caster will increase by up to [-]%, because the energy of the magic flow is infiltrated."

"Beside that person, your ability can be improved by about [-]%, that is the magic node of the human form."

"In the eyes of our staff, it is the god who gives us strength."

(End of this chapter)

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