Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 620 Buried Secret Deed

Chapter 620 Buried Secret Deed

Looking at the dragon shadow that turned into a black spot on the horizon, Lyle stood there and muttered to himself.

"They will definitely listen to it. My strange answer just now will definitely have a little weight in their hearts. Only in this way will they not get into some extra trouble."

[You put shackles on the dragon. 】

"I am the shackles, the joint choice of the dragon mentor and Mr. Raymond."

[Do you know the story of "Wolf is Coming"? 】

"We share the same memory, what are you trying to say, Omen?"

[You are used to the lich's way of thinking, the last joke is actually not abrupt in your usual idioms.You are more human than you think, more us.Frequent mischief will only make them think that is your true face, and your warnings will not have much effect. 】

[You have deviated from humans for too long. 】

Lyle froze for a moment, looking at his palm.

"I didn't notice, so would that be a big deal?"

[That's not a problem, it's more of an evolution for us.We are growing up, just like young dragons who are alive and energetic. 】

"Whatever you say, I want to go back to Andry College..." I took back my half-stepped foot, "Have I not visited human beings for a long time? Uncle Ralph probably lives in a world of two, and William's Guys in... three worlds, by the way, we can go see Kevin, we haven't seen each other since the last time he decided to inherit the county of Hamlet, and have the ability to fly to Naslan or Andry Carrier pigeons are all dead, and the last few times they have passed by Mr. Unknown from the Advanced Magic Research Institute, but unfortunately he is not positive about the punctuality of messengers. Come on, Nia, let’s visit Earl Kevin.”

An ominous shadow swam across the ground, overlapping tree shadows shivering as it passed.

[Your existence is also affecting the surroundings, and the human beings who are closely related to you can no longer be regarded as ordinary people. 】


Andrea, the bright sunlight shines on the broken window sills, and the weeds stained with minced meat strip away the warmth of the light, leaving only pure light on the recently repaired marble floor. There are no footsteps in the empty corridor, It seems that only ghosts are floating here.

The sound of the chain sliding sounded in the corner, and an elegant blue and white checkered tablecloth fell from the void. It was Mr. Reporter, the trio of literary clubs, the editor-in-chief of Andrei Daily, and one of the writers of the weird series of publications.

This is a remote corner of Andrei, a dead end. The towers that were originally connected by the passage have disappeared, and only the ruins of the walls indicate that it was still useful here.No lich will come to this vacant window, because it is facing the daylight, and the creeper vines crawling out of the rubble also show vitality. Only lost newcomers or liches who like to suppress their instincts and look for excitement like reporters will come here.

This is a secret base that is not a secret to the reporter. He often comes here to sketch or process some earth-shattering literary works.

"Hey, Mr. Plague Doctor is not in Andrei, so the fun here is much less. With the disguise of flesh and blood, the lich's self-awareness is a little stronger, and there are not many secrets that can be traded with me."

As soon as he sighed, Mr. Reporter saw the back of a robe in his field of vision. He was sitting on the stone brick that he often sat on, looking at the bone forest in the distance with his eyes shining in the light.

"Business is coming, let's see what kind of secrets this strange newcomer has." The reporter thought of thirteen fraudulent acts that violated Andre's Lich-friendly laws. It's hard to be a liar these days, and even harder to be a reporter.

"Lost? Newcomer." Pretending to be an enthusiastic senior, the reporter came to the figure very skillfully.

The figure was not surprised either, instead he asked the reporter, "How do you know I'm a newcomer?"

The reporter was confident, "There is no value in staying in this place, only lost newcomers and people who have prepared for a long time will come here, and I know almost all of the latter. Let me introduce myself, I am a reporter, a secret agent, trade secret Merchant, are you interested in finding out? If you have a secret."

"Okay, I'm going to try it."

Unexpectedly easy to talk, this newcomer is not defensive at all, just like Mr. Epidemic Doctor back then.

The brass clock unfolded behind the reporter, the rusted chains began to hide the reality, the hidden enchantment of the transaction secret was perfectly formed, and the reporter waited for the newcomer to tell his secret.

Inside the newcomer's hood, the corners of his mouth turned up.

"There was once a lazy boy who was a member of an ancient organization. They had a special occupation and were loyal to a king and his domain. Therefore, this organization had a high status in that land. No force, light or magic, can occupy its seat. The boy's mentor is one of the leaders of the organization, and they are like the king's advisors or a closer connection."

"Because of laziness, the teenager didn't focus too much on his career, but his teacher didn't blame him. The teenager's teacher was also his father, and after his child didn't show his determination to inherit his mantle, he put his own Children are excluded from serving the king and are intended to keep him away from the dark side of those jobs."

"That was a wrong decision. The concealment of his apprentice and child aroused the boy's rebellion. He showed his talent and began to secretly dig out the work hidden by his mentor, as well as the true meaning of the entire organization. The task. He saw the darkness. His companions were the king's accomplices. Their only job was to guard the secrets of the ruler's atrocities. It was a dishonorable job. The boy's world collapsed, and he hated those concealments very much. This organization is helping the evil. As a righteous adolescent, he wants to carry out his own justice."

"Don't...don't say any more." The voice of Mr. Reporter, who was empowered by the power of the secret contracter, trembled, but the transaction was still going on, and he couldn't stop it.

The newcomer went on to tell the story.

"The boy found an opportunity. He bravely stood up at the organization's most important ceremony and exposed the king's atrocities and the darkness of that mysterious organization to the people. He practiced his own justice, even if it meant killing relatives. That organization The others, failed in their duties, they did not keep the king's secret. The chains of rules that fell from the sky tore each of them apart as the price of breaking their promises. And the 'justice' boy also got his 'reward'. All members of the organization The power poured into his body, and he became the spokesperson and the only spokesperson of the rules. The king was divided into pieces by all the people, and the tyrant did not struggle, but just watched his country fall into the flames of war."

"It turns out that the truth of this world is far from being as simple as the young man thought. That piece of homeland was once a hotbed of gods, where the evil of gods was buried. The king and the mysterious organization reached an agreement, and the king was to carry those vicious sacrifices." , and that organization was responsible for maintaining the stability of the country. After losing the king and the organization, God’s vicious warfare swept across the land, and until now, the poison of war is still lingering. The boy finally discovered this, because he The secrets that my companions once guarded have been passed on to me because of their deaths."

"Can this story become the secret of the transaction?"

"Sberger Yesh, Mr. Reporter? Should I call you, the Last Secret Contractor?"

[The transaction failed, the secret contracter Sberg has mastered this secret. 】

The reporter knelt down on the ground, looking at the newcomer in front of him with vicious eyes.

"That' secret, who are you..."

The newcomer took off the hood, and under the blond hair was a handsome face, with a smile on his face that was indifferent to life.

"I am Sheriu, the enemy of all living and dead. Mr. Reporter. This is the secret of our trade."

[The deal is concluded. 】

"Secret contract holders, don't leak the secrets."

(End of this chapter)

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