Chapter 644

The existence of elemental creatures is actually the most intuitive manifestation of resource possession.Because all elemental creatures feed on elemental energy, the strong ones devour the weaker ones, and as much as they eat, they will become stronger, and the energy conversion rate is very high.Because of these characteristics, the battles between elemental creatures are more direct and frequent.They often fight for the possession of energy, so the nature of the elements is chaotic, because they only pursue strength and their own nature in their hearts.

Every elemental lord wants to kill another elemental lord, because the energy resources of the elemental plane are limited, and the elemental lord is the apex of this energy level, and their number depends on the power threshold of the plane.Other elemental beings are a meal, every elemental thinks so.

But such a straightforward predator of the jungle rarely happens between high-level elements of other elements.Because they have already occupied most of the resources, they are more afraid of losing than gaining.Before each action, they think about the plan and weigh the pros and cons.The resources occupied by each element are limited, but they can also cultivate multiple element lords.The competition of multiple candidates brings more cumbersome planning and thinking. They need to think about killing each other while preventing others from taking advantage of others.Under the balance of multiple power relations, a delicate and fragile peace is reached among the higher elements.

But the fire element doesn't use its brain.What kind of conspiracy and tricks, mantis catching cicadas, I don't want to think, I just want to kill this sand sculpture in front of me, I want to fight, I want to be strong and fierce.

In the era of initial chaos, the Land of Flames will always stay in the stage of riots.

The other elemental lords have already started thinking.

The four great flame barons didn't think about anything, and very tacitly copied the guy to find his next-door neighbor.So the four flame lords present have all fought each other with the goal of death.

The other elemental lords form gangs, and the flame lords fight each other.

The other elemental lords colluded to backstab secretly, and the flame lords fought each other.

The other elemental lords tried to interfere with the fire lord's fight, and the fire lords fought each other and took it with them.

The other element lords gave up interfering with this group of fire lunatics, and the fire lords fought each other.

Then, the four barons found that they could not do anything to each other, could not lose, and could not win. The land of flames left behind all the powerful elements after the baptism of war, and the four of them were equally divided.

Then the Lie Yan fool became enlightened. They no longer continued to fight each other with the purpose of killing each other, but continued with the purpose of cultivating sentiment and physical and mental pleasure. Once their mentality changed, they showed their feelings.While the other elements continued to intrigue, the four flame lords had already called each other brothers and punched each other by the way.

The personalities of creatures with the same element are almost the same, so the four flame lords quickly played together.

Only then did the Garden Baron contact other elemental lords to descend on the melting pot together.

But the dwarf craftsmen didn't care about this, they only knew that there were three more equipment showcases.

The three new firelords were immediately overwhelmed by the fanatical dwarves.

The brand-new four elements of the flames began to exchange pleasantries again.

"If I didn't say hello in advance, I thought it was a money element or something else that called me." Baron Bubble shook the mithril webbing hanging from his neck. It was originally a cloak, but now it looks more like a scarf .

"Are these dwarves crazy? Why are they sending equipment and money? Garden, you have learned a new way to suppress threats?"

The Garden Baron was not polite, and directly gave Baron Sponge a Ten Commandments Destroyer punch. The elemental lord twisted his upper body into a twist.


"What nonsense are you talking about, the dwarf brother of McKenpot is my good buddy, this is the reward for my hard work!"

The garden baron's words did not get the approval of his companions, and the other flame lords looked like fools.They are all flame lords, who doesn't know who.

"Don't mention that, is Immelt there?" Ever since Red Dragon came to the melting pot to start her practice, the Garden Baron would share with his lord friends every day what he had learned about raising a baby.For no other reason than it was boring, dwarves weren't as interesting back then as they are now.And the elemental lord, who was always irritated by the Garden Baron showing off his baby, also became curious about the little red dragon.They are all flame lords, and they have all been beaten by those idol worshiping shining elements.

"Little Mel went to rest. Although the next activities are related to her, she is not needed."

Not long ago, the flame lords put forward a proposal to create a spiritual leader. The main reason at that time was the collective madness caused by the light element due to spiritual worship.Although the Flame Lord blocked their attack, the Flame Barbarian also recognized the strength of the Holy Light Madman.

"So, is it feasible to promote idol activities in the fire element?"

"Otherwise, where do you think these equipments come from?" The Garden Baron chuckled, "That's why I called you all to come together. You all come to work as an operations officer for Immelt. These things are paid in advance."

"I'll share with you what I've learned from the operation guru these days! Brothers, it's time for us to use our brains!"

After a period of exchange of ideas, although other flame lords still have a little understanding of being an operation officer, they have already experienced the power of the red dragon idol.

"There is also an undead army of dwarves fighting for the red dragon. To put it bluntly, the strength of Immelt's life warlord is enough to pose a threat to us elemental lords."

"That was a really, really nice surprise."

The four flame lords let out a smirk that they understood each other.

"And this new equipment is enough for us to do a big fight."

That night, the Garden Baron entered the palace of Wesselg, the king of the dwarves, and had a secret meeting.

Although there was no secrecy, according to eyewitnesses, the Red Dragon operation officer was wearing gold and silver that night, and his whole body was on fire like a scorching sun. At that time, all the dwarves were busy sleeping or squatting in their workshops, and chose to turn a blind eye.

The next day, on the platform directly above the melting pot, which was the viewing stand where the red dragon Immelt held idol activities, the four elemental lords gave their speeches in front of a group of dwarves.

The specific content includes, the Red Dragon Dafa is good, we must carry it forward.The four operating officers have selected a world with a barren faith, where they plan to spread the fire of the Red Dragon Queen. For this reason, they need to choose the best and most steadfast warriors among the dwarves of Maconport.After the Garden Baron brought out the Edict of Licensing issued by the House of Firehammer, the frenzy of the dwarves was unstoppable.

Fire elementals have only one requirement.

Can fight, especially can fight.

The Red Dragon Missionary Corps was soon established.

The Garden Baron stood on the high platform, looking at the lava vortex of the great furnace, and announced loudly.

"We've been silent for too long."

"Now, flames and dwarves, come to mess with you."

(End of this chapter)

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