Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 656 1 side of water and soil raise 1 side of people

Chapter 656
The leather boots stepped on the soft ground, and the strange touch from the soles of the feet made Lyle slightly amazed.It was a kind of softness that I had never experienced before. The land seemed to be alive. When the soles of the shoes sank into the mud, a gentle reverse thrust supported the whole person.In the process of advancing, the wonderful tactile sensation is constantly transmitted, and the dust in the soil only stays on the upper for a moment, just like a playful child returning to the ground.

Nature is alive.

The cool breeze hit the face like cotton wool, and the bumpy feeling in the mind caused by the long-distance transmission was quickly healed.The sun baked the air beneath the leaves, and the forest seemed to Lyall radiant.A kind of satisfaction of being one with nature arises spontaneously, and there is a beautiful and delicious elf girl standing in front of her.

An unknown elf.

"I'm Ivy, Mr. Lyle, welcome to the Forest of Dreams." The girl with short silver hair saluted respectfully. After the formulaic etiquette, a sweet smile appeared on her face. She was wearing casual clothes of the sea blue silk series popular in Wandering City. A small paper flower was pinned to his chest, "Master Hines ordered me to meet Mr. Lyle. The Blightcaller has a heavy workload, and His Excellency couldn't get away. He apologized for his impoliteness in not being able to greet you in person."

Lyle quickly waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, I contacted Mr. Hines just to follow Ms. Irasung's suggestion to borrow your portal. Rather, I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by a lovely girl like Miss Ivy. Don't think about it."

The polite words made Ivy cover her mouth and chuckle, "Please come with me, Mr. Lyle, before Mrs. Irasung arrives, let me take you around here as a guide, in a private name."

"Respect is worse than obedience."

Walking with the elf Ivy in the forest, Lyle's eyes looked at the tree houses where the elves lived. If it weren't for the fluttering golden and silver hair, it would be difficult for outsiders to distinguish the difference in appearance between the tree house and the normal giant tree.There are also those plants that change quietly. This forest is indeed moving slowly. In the introduction of the elf Ivy, the plants and land in the dream forest, because they have been cultivated by Druid spells for a long time, show a more spiritual attitude towards their own lives. Expressing, she also said that in the central area of ​​the dream forest, these movable plants are more active, and some natural spirits such as forest elves and tree demons were born from them.

The location of the portal is located at the outermost edge of the forest. As it goes deeper, the number of elves in front of Lyle's eyes is gradually increasing. They are either lying down on the canopy of the tree, or sleeping on the exposed tree roots.When Lyle approached, some of them opened their sleepy eyes, while others completely ignored them without any vigilance.

Lyle found that most of their hair was blond or silvery white, and most of their bodies were dressed in the style of clothing that prevailed in the Wandering City, which was slightly different from the appearance of the dream elves that Irason had talked about. 【The child of nature has an appearance similar to nature】

"Master Lyle will of course feel familiar, because most of what you see now are actually the wither elves who originally lived in the fifth area of ​​light. Our hair color has changed because of the study of the wither spell. Most of the dream elves The hair color is still dark green or azure blue, and only members of the bloodline and the royal family have golden and white hair, which symbolizes the noble long hair of the sun."

Ivy clasped her hands together as an apology, "If Lord Lyle wants to see the appearance of the dream elves living here, Ivy can't do anything. Because of some internal conflicts, the Blightcaller we came back lived separately from the other dream elves. This is just the temporary residence of the Blightcaller, if you want to get in touch with the depths of the forest, please ask Lord Irason to take you on a tour."

"So that's the case." Lyle pinched his chin. Sure enough, the longevity species are narrow-minded, "But Ivy, your family should still be waiting to reunite with you. It's only been a few decades since you left. For the longevity species Say it's just a trip."

Ivy's smile became forced, and she walked in small steps with her hands behind her back.

"It only takes a moment for the longevity species to make a world-shaking change in the heart. When we first came back, we were reunited with our family for a short time, but my mother looked at me now and unconsciously showed a choked expression, and tried her best to cover it up. The uneasy look made me... very upset. The change of the Blightcaller is really great, and the discomfort caused by the forced living together makes me feel that it is much better to keep a distance. And the gossip is still her friend Spreading between time... I was relieved to return to the stronghold built by Lord Hines. Only the Blightcaller can accept the Blightcaller. Ahaha, I accidentally talked too much, Lord Lyle, let's go to deep sleep quickly Let’s wait, that’s the central stronghold of the wither druids, Lord Irason will wait for us there.”

Ivy continued to be active as a guide, with the same smile on her face as before, as if the loneliness before was just an illusion imagined by Lyle.

It seems that I can't help anything. This is the result of the elves' own family affairs and their differences in belief and morality.Lyle sighed helplessly. He looked at the grass left behind by Ivy. The undulating grass sprouts wanted to touch her heels, but the pale withering magic made these spirits of nature retreat.

In the middle of the deep sleep is a tall ancient tree. Its half-abandoned appearance looks like a dangerous building on the verge of being scrapped. One ventilation hole.The internal structure has been cleaned and remodeled by the elves, so the interior is far more perfect than the dilapidated appearance, or the withered appearance is left on purpose, which makes Deep Sleep particularly conspicuous in the forest.

As the name suggests, what Lyle sees most during the deep sleep is the sleeping elves. They lie down in specially divided wooden compartments, sleeping in different postures, but most of them frown and look ugly, as if they are going through a A nightmare, sometimes with a slight groan, seemingly indescribably painful.

Lyle saw an elf screaming and opened his eyes, wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned over with a tired face and continued to sleep.

Dream elves... Lyle was thinking about the collective name of their race, looking at Ivy's side face with a normal expression.

"Are they all having nightmares?"

"They're working, Lord Lyall."

Going underground along the spiral passage, Lyle saw Hines.Like everyone else, he was lying in a deep sleep in a large compartment, accompanied by several elves, and the escort stood beside him, clenching his fists and watching his sleeping companion silently worrying.

Hines's expression was the most terrifying. Although he closed his eyes tightly, he was still gnashing his teeth, his lips were trembling like a chill, and the sweat was almost forming small puddles on his forehead.His spirit was fluctuating violently, and the ominous omen whispered in Lyle's ear the strong negative emotions he tasted in this space.

Lyle turned his head and looked at Ivy.

did not speak.

Ivy lowered her head and played with her fingers.

"Master Hines is really busy."

"Busy to sleep?"

"War! Lord Hynes is commanding a war."

"Murder in a dream?"


Ivy nodded vigorously.

It should be said that it is indeed the race of Irason.

(End of this chapter)

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