Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 684 Paradise Phantom

Chapter 684 Paradise Phantom
The idea of ​​transforming into Nia was shelved by the shapeshifters who had suffered a lot.But their curiosity is not over yet, and there is a real ordinary person who doesn't look so complicated before their eyes.

Lyall, it looks easy to copy. From the memory intercepted by the short copy, the doppelganger knows that this human spirit wizard who is studying at the Lich Academy has a close relationship with Nia.Partly wanting to get more knowledge about Nia, and partly out of curiosity about Lyle, the doppelgangers began to copy Lyle.Their bodies twisted and changed again, and a feeling of being invaded arose in Lyle's heart.

Lyle had already planned.

Ominous omens sneered in Lyle's spiritual world, and the wriggling shadows hid some of the memories.The evil incarnation of fear has created a lot of gadgets in this already dehumanized mental space, enough for any mental intruder to complain.A fallen angel had been the last to attempt to infuse Lyle's spirit, and the tragic angel is now dead.Nia is the evil god of the flesh, and Omen is the evil god of the spirit.

Lyle's duplicates quickly reshaped their bodies, but before they opened their eyes, they collapsed as if they had been hit hard.These little deformed monsters covered their bodies and rolled on the ground, screaming pain in their mouths.

Mumu pulled out the slender roots from the soil and walked over. Two similar dryads appeared with him.They were not tempted by the information from Nia and Lyle, but maintained their original appearance.The older doppelgangers were more cunning, that was the explanation Lyle could think of.

Mumu didn't attack, but walked towards those small shapeshifting monsters crying out for pain with his companions, extended his palms and turned into wickers to sweep over their bodies.The three treants emitted a blue brilliance, and the screams of the doppelganger gradually subsided.

Mumu patted the head of the grassland fairy named Yingying, who took a look at Lyle and disappeared into the grassland.

The little doppelgangers scattered, while the three parallel treants looked at Lyle.

"I am very sorry, my companions have forgotten the habit of respecting personal privacy, and they have been punished for this. Please forgive them."

Lyle nodded silently, the aura in his eyes was examining Mumu.He opened his mouth tentatively, pointing at the little guy who had turned into a stone again.

"I can understand that the curiosity of young life forms is quite strong. In fact, I was neither big nor small when I was young."

"Young?" Mumu shook her head, "Yingying, they are not young, in fact they are older than us, but the erosion of time has weakened them, and they have forgotten many things."

Reverse growth?Lyle knew he was wrong.

"You are not shapeshifters. Velimlo will record the memories of every replaced person. They will only become stronger and stronger, and there will be no aging. What are you...?"

Mumu was stunned for a moment, "Villimulo? What is that? What are we?"

It stared blankly at its companion, receiving the same puzzled expression.

"We don't know, but our father called us [Phantom], just like we don't know about Paradise, and we don't know about our own birth. We only know about the present..."

"We have the gift of change, we can learn and understand." Mumu returned to the distance near the wall monster, "Father said, our birth is accompanied by a mission, and we are always looking for our own mission. Some become Some became water, and I became a tree. Perhaps this is my mission, to bask in the sun, to bear sweet fruit, to provide shade, to be a tree."

"Being the custodian of the park and welcoming everyone. It's a mission that I can feel right now, and it's a very vaguely pleasant feeling."

"This is a paradise, dear Lyle. We will try to understand every guest who enters here, provide him with help, solve problems, and do our best." Mumu smiled apologetically, "The premise is that the guest wants us to Do it."

I made a big mistake, and Mumu's sincerity made Lyle feel ashamed.Like a paranoid patient, I misinterpreted the kindness of these phantoms. I should have thought of it a long time ago. From the moment I encountered the wall monster, they were trying to relieve Lyle's tension.And I became more and more cautious by accident, and played those little phantoms who wanted to help like idiots.

Lyle felt his shame, which was gradually buried in Andrea, crawl out of the grave, and put his face on the fire.

It's time to open up to these phantoms.


The more sincere and forgiving these phantoms were, the more it made Lyall's dark and ugly thoughts feel ashamed.The ominous smile hides Lyle's spirit further and hides the ugliness, so that Lyle has a chance to maintain the brilliance on the surface and stand with these pure and good people.

The secret provided by Mr. Reporter does not seem to be difficult at all.

"Mumu, can I join you? I want to join the group of phantoms." Although they are not Velimlo, these phantoms are similar in talent to shapeshifters. suitable for his tribe.

Mumu's body gradually blurred, gradually overlapping with Lyle's outline, it stretched out its fingers, and slowly approached Lyle's forehead.Without dodging, Lyle accepted his copy, and Omen loosened his control, allowing the idea of ​​joining the group to be promoted to be read by the phantom.

Mumu became like Lyle, well, the brighter Lyle smiled and nodded. "Want to join our group to advance to Four Locks?"

Shame washed Lyall's heart like a reverse tide.

"Huh? Why be ashamed, Lyle. Isn't it a good thing to want to be stronger? Only with strength can we better protect the weak. We welcome people who are self-motivated."

Lyle was overjoyed, "So I can join?"

Mumu didn't answer directly, and pointed to the red-roofed tower at the foot of the mountain in the distance. "It's not up to me, Lyall. That tower was our father's residence, and he's gone now, but he left a [Book of Omniscience] in the tower about Paradise and about our arrangements. , there are his instructions there. You need to enter there to find, the phantom will follow the father's will."

Lyle bid farewell to Mumu and walked to the depths of the paradise.He was in a good mood, and the surrounding landscape looked radiant.The touch of snow on the top of the mountain in the distance, the cold and fresh wind rushing towards you, the sparkling water flowing downstream, and the fish with bright scales bubbling among the stones at the bottom of the water.The two red deer reappeared, standing on the stone platform chewing moss, one of them phantom.It led Lyall through Stonehenge, rubbing its antlers against the bushes, and soon the antlers were covered with berries.

Before those berries were eaten by Nia one by one, Lyle came to the bottom of the tower.Pushing open the old wooden door, Lyle walked into the dark tower, which seemed to have not been lived in for a long time, there were cobwebs hanging on the candlesticks, and a musty smell came from the room.Lyle took out a crystal block blessed by the Holy Light, and illuminated the stairs to move up.The first floor is the reception room, the second floor has no previous use, and the third floor seems to be the father's living room. The bookcase in the corner is full of books, the broken window is cold, and some ancient robes are piled in the closet , the wool carpet in the center is strewn with manuscripts and some unknown measuring instruments.

Lyall saw the 【Book of Omniscience】.It was visibly placed on the only pulpit, and the sunlight from the broken window fell on the red cover, and Lyall saw the runes dancing in the air two inches high.Nia's tentacles easily put the book of omniscience in Lyle's hands.There are no traps, spell traps, strange powders, or locks.

This [Book of Omniscience] is very thin, less than ten pages from the spine.Lyle opened the book with doubts.

On the first page, Lyle's heart fell to the bottom.

"Whether you are a cunning person with evil intentions, a kind person with good intentions, or an impartial seeker of knowledge. I, Nurfa Sheen, will never share my achievements with you. You In Paradise, among the phantom clan I created, you will never get what you want!"

 Happy New Years, readers.

(End of this chapter)

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