Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 709 Taboo Challenger

Chapter 709 Taboo Challenger

Andrei's night is chaotic and desolate. For a lich who can't close his eyes, the moonlight for one night is like a candle that flickers on and off.The past time is quicksand falling from the fingers, and liches don't care about such meaningless things, after all, they have no deadline (deadline).

With the camouflage of flesh and blood, the lich has new expectations for the sun. The sunlight that once annoyed the dead has become the most outstanding dining bell, and it has a different definition from the moonlight that it always accompanies.But this only allows the Lich to distinguish between day and night. The good times and the real indifference bring temporary satisfaction to the Lich, just as the sweetness of food only stays in the taste buds for a short time, slipping away quietly through the cracks in the bones.

But tonight, not just the law, all liches, whether they are suppressors or rebels, have experienced pressure and suffering for a long time.

If punishing evil is the greatest merit of every paladin, then tonight Lyle once again proved the gold content of the pure.

The Warriors of Light are gritting their teeth and persisting, while the Executioners also feel headaches from resisting.All the methods to disintegrate the fighting spirit of the literature club have failed. The group of soft bones were brainwashed by the epidemic doctors to become tough fighters with their own determination and obsession. It is a pity that I want to see Andre getting better and better. Law is not happy at all. stand up.

"Give up resistance! Haven't you noticed your abnormality yet! We are correcting your mistakes! This is the aid of our companions!"

Carried forward along with the voice was the Literary Club Lich undergoing correction.They reached a dark deal with the executors in private. As long as they can lure the Warrior of Light to surrender, the executors will consider commuting the sentences of several people. As one of the important people who were "saved", Mr. Reporter nodded fiercely.

"I'm an expert in negotiating!" One of Andre's three musketeers guaranteed the ticket, although he used to be a blackmailer who was better at grasping each other's little secrets.

The reporter is on.

He was waving his hands, smiling all over his face, disguised in humanoid flesh and blood, without changing clothes.He looked like Lu Xiuxiu who was fine.Then he fell, his skin slid five meters on the ground, and his bones clattered on the ground.Sensing the embarrassing disguise of flesh and blood, he raised his tentacles, and rushed back to the reporter's skeleton.

And he did, making the struggle stand still.

2 minutes later, Law salvaged his skull from a more ferocious barrage of light.

Law let out an unnatural laugh.

"You wonder why I'm happy? It's simple. I have a legitimate reason to torture you twice, reporter. Before this, my heart has been oscillating between the big picture and personal grievances."

"Thank you for your professionalism, reporter."

"You helped me get rid of the trouble of making choices."

The law firmly fixed the skull carrying the reporter's soul with a rune device, just like treating his most precious treasure.He leaned out his upper body from the bone barrier, his gloomy gaze sweeping across the Brave of Light.

"Let's make trouble~ make trouble~ you will soon end up like him."

The terrifying Mr. Law was further resisted by the brave of light. In this stinging sight, the brave misunderstood the lich's words as another meaning.

They share the same hatred and unite as one, and the Brave of Light, who was originally a little out of character because of his own personality, also tried his best to provide help to his partners.

"If we fail, we will be turned into the same skeleton monsters by them! We will be controlled! Turned into toys whose bones are gnawed by meat worms, we can't lose!"

Mr. Law, who was tricked again by the literature club, has no words other than strong attack in his mind.Perhaps feeling the commander's rage, some stalemate lines began to loosen, and the Andrei forces were further compressing the living space of the Brave of Light.

Behind them was the solid Andrei enchantment, and the solid cage constructed by the force of death was like a huge coffin. It was Andrei's protective umbrella, and it could also be an iron cage full of despair.

Frost was densely covered on the barrier, and after a few seconds of contact, the fingers and palms of several brave warriors of light had permanently stayed on it, and their flesh and bones froze away, and they felt no pain.

They are warriors of the light, but their bodies are not of the light.

The despair in front of him is like a towering mountain, and like a dark night, Andrei, no, the malice of this world seems to gather into a ferocious beast, choking the brave of light by the throat.

"Edward!" The excited young people shouted his name, followed by the executor Lich who also followed the separated crowd and noticed the key role.

The dust from the battle matured his tattered robes, and the little man's stability seemed to be a disease that often accompanied him. His body looked a little thin and his steps were messy among his companions.

This brave man was also one of the few people who came into contact with Andrei's enchantment at the front.He lost a leg, so he could only half-kneel on the ground close to the barrier. The fractured surface had been frozen, but his shattered body made his momentum even higher.

The broken leg was right in front of him, like a failed sculpture on the wall, but he had a calm expression, and simply turned around to look directly at the shadow of the Lich.

"We seem to have been planted, and the result is consistent with Lu Xiuxiu's speculation..." He spread out his palm, and he pinched the withered rosebud in his hand, subconsciously and carefully preserving it.

"...gentleman." Every step of the law will cause the earth to cry, and the word spirit ignites pale flames on his body, the fireballs that wrap the law, and the law can use extreme events to beat them into a paralyzed sitting Inside the boy's skull. "Sit there obediently and wait to die, don't play tricks."

Edward Alphonse lowered his head, as if accepting his fate.Among them, the brave of light rushed to the law, trying to control the slowly approaching lich with the magical power bestowed by the god of light.

In the end, it failed. The existence of the law and his magical breath could not be captured.The law seems to have become a realistic shadow that exists but cannot be touched, a ghost under the sun, a walker in a different dimension.

As one of the two leaders of Andrei's executor, the vice president of the Magic Research Society, and Andrei's code compiler, the law is naturally a high-level combatant, but he usually doesn't take it seriously.

[Shadows under the light] can also be called the self-awareness of law enforcement, the talent of guarding oneself and stealing oneself.

Law has spent his life trying to govern better, but just as he broke old precepts for vengeance, his other side, like a bad joke of fate, has become his gift.

The self-proclaimed iron-faced law enforcer has the ability to erase his own breath under any rules.Any rule, any order, as long as it observes a loophole, it will no longer act on this lawless person.No matter the authority of the rules is strong or weak, and the scope is large or small.

The gift of the law is to find loopholes in the rules and to make things easier for itself.The so-called fish that slipped through the net.

The so-called lawyer is probably this kind of sword master who holds the double-edged sword of laws and regulations but will not be cut.

Unable to be locked by the holy light and unable to be hit by the attack, Mr. Law stalked in the middle of the artillery fire. He deliberately slowed down, straightened the wrinkled collar, turned over the cuffs, took out the indictment to be signed, and put his right fist behind him.

He would take off the gentleman's skull, stuff the confession letter into the skull through his eye hole, and watch the gentleman's soul flame burn the letter to ashes, creating a mandatory soul contract.

There is no absolutely reliable contract in the world, Law understands this, but the strongest defaulter Miracle is by his side, Law believes that his junior and junior have absolute sense of proportion.


As imagined, without much effort, the gentleman's skull was easily removed by himself.His small face is in the palm of his hand.That persistent look makes it look more like a work of art.

"Have you heard of it? People can't get anything without sacrifice, and they need to pay a price if they want to get something. This is the rule of equivalent exchange. This is the rule of alchemists."

In the palm of the law, Edward's head put on a beating smile.

"At the price of my freedom..."

"The land that encloses the entire castle of Andrey is formed into an array."

"I finished."

(End of this chapter)

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