Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 715 Andre's Final Court

Chapter 715 Andre's Final Court

Lyle tightly grasped the piece of paper in his hand. He had expected that this day would come to him sooner or later, just like when he picked up the invitation letter from Andry College.Fate is beckoning to me, and I will get it after all.

Nonsense, Lyle put his pessimistic thoughts behind him, his expression was like a beaten eggplant.

I have caused trouble, a big deal, the delicate piece of paper in my hand is a summons from the court of Andrei's executor, the law senior contacted himself with the ring of Andrei, Lyle still remembers the staid in the serious senior's words and solemn.This tone usually means something bad.

"The executor finally opened the court because of the Lich Disaster caused by you. Mr. Epidemic Doctor, as the person involved, please return to the academy immediately."

The court summons is far less gorgeous than the college invitation. It has no envelope, and there is no dark gold border stripe on the edge of the paper. The Andry emblem is the only decoration besides the text, and there is a rune certificate of permission on the back.Apparently the academy didn't intend to treat those who entered the court in a good light.When he walked out of the cracked teleportation array, Mr. Faceless looked at Lyle with strange eyes, and he passed the summons to Lyle.

Before Lyle hurriedly left the druid's crypt and returned to Andrei, he secretly contacted the Shining people to inquire about the situation.The companion of the Necromancer Figure Club explained the general situation and the outcome of the situation to him.Under his own brainwashing, all the members of the literary club turned into two-dimensional protagonists of Asahi, and with the blessing of Mr. Raymond's holy light, they stormed Andry Academy by accident, turned Andry into a battlefield, and even drove Gundam When the nuclear bomb was dropped, no one talked about the cockpit that went forward bravely. Shining knew that the distinguished president of the epidemic doctor was not interested in such small details.

Every time Shining said something more, Lyle on the other side of the communication would twist his expression a bit, his out-of-control eyebrows twisted into a ball like a worm, Lyle felt in a trance, and his soul seemed to come out of his shell like Nia.

Is it necessary for me to go back to die? I feel that no matter how I die, it is not enough. Mr. Raymond, can I still save him like this.

Anderi's night sky seemed a little brighter, and the regenerated temporary barrier was like a mirror growing in the sky, reflecting moonlight to make Anderi's land brighter.The burnt smell of the soil mixed with the dust of the alchemy explosion, and every few steps he had to cross a deep pit, the wailing of the war refugees was invading Lyle's sanity, causing him to fall into deep self-doubt.

I am so capable.

"My legs! Did any of you see my legs?!"

"I have an extra finger?!"

"Please! Dig me out, bury my head in the dirt."

Frightened and desperate liches are screaming in the trenches. They are marching in the swamp made of bone scum, and they themselves are not optimistic. The cracked bones that are barely put together, like fragile porcelain, seem to shatter at the touch of a touch.Lyle's heart was covered with a shadow, and he walked into the dusty college dejectedly, like a puppet who lost his soul.

It wasn't long before several able-bodied liches approached the moat, calling out to their frail companions within.

"Stop playing puzzles, the executor's court is in session, let's hurry up and join in the fun, what do you care about these bone scum, use the backup body to go! There are only a few dozen people in the TM, you guys are stupid to death, hurry up and go away."

The Shard Lich nodded.

"I almost forgot the time, so I'll take a step first! You hurry over."

After he finished speaking, he fell back, his body without conscious restraint was shattered into slag, and his soul poured into Andrey Castle, recovering from the sleeping bones.


Lyle came to the hall of executors all the way in a daze. The doors that were once full of beautiful things are now empty, and the doors without hanging objects look heavy and majestic.

Lyle took a deep breath.

Coming out this time, maybe I will officially become a lich.

Go through the front desk and turn into the long and narrow corridor connecting the defense room and the punishment room.Andrei's light bats don't seem to change often. The light bats in the executor's room have a cold feeling that other light bats don't have. They lie on the doorpost on the other side of the corridor, exuding bright and deserted in the dark. of light.There is no awareness of lighting tools at all, unlike other light bats curled up and hidden in the wings.When Lyle approached, they instead raised their heads, like stone statues that had sensed the intruder spread its wings and posed intimidatingly, with two round eyes staring at Lyle.

The corridor was so quiet that a needle could be heard. Lyle was the only figure in the long corridor. There were no rebuttals and screams of torture from the side of the closed door. Saw the figure of a lich.

In this case, Manipulation once mentioned it to himself.

The executor is the final court, Andrei's highest law enforcement agency. Mr. Dean is the judge and adjudicator. The academic gathering is a grand ceremony that every lich is willing to participate in, and the final court is a grand ceremony that every lich must attend.Andry's laws are made here, and the most serious cases are dealt with here, among other things, the Court of Finality has another purpose.

Chastise members of the Salvation Society.

The crimson gate in front of it was so red that it seemed to be oozing blood. The pattern of Grim Reaper’s nightshade drew a semicircle along the edge. The huge Andrei emblem was engraved in the runes on the gate. There was no gatekeeper, and the gatekeeper was engraved on the gate. The stone spirit in the relief painting.A bone stone sculpture with four arms, the upper body protruded from the relief, and the slender spider-like arms stretched out in front of Lyle.There was a rattling friction sound coming from the relief. His spine was being pulled out of the relief one by one. The chain-like joints were two meters long, and the front end was connected to the human skull. Er looked behind his back at the summons in his hand.

"May you escape punishment and blame, Mr. Epidemic Doctor." Shi Ling's voice was indifferent, but his blessing was not so fair.

Lyall's heart sank violently.

"……What's the meaning?"

The slender joints drill back into the relief, and the monotonous rhythm of Shi Ling seems to be reciting poetry.

【Life will grow old,
rocks wear out,
the soul will dissipate,
Time will die.

Punishment and blame await everyone at the final destination,

All you can do is escape this disaster. 】

Seems like a formulaic blessing without those bad undertones.

Lyle pushed open the door and looked inside.

The inside of the courtroom ended up being a folding space, much larger than he had anticipated.The judge seat is on one side, and Mr. Dean sits on the tall seat. The defendant's seat and the plaintiff's seat are divided into two courts. The auditorium is very different. Except for the side where the dean is, the auditorium is distributed around like a venue for a sports event. , and the top is already full of people at this time.

The moment Lyle approached the door, a whole area stood up collectively, and loud applause broke out.The lich above is distinct in color, red and white and transparent.It was the auditorium of the Seance professors, and they were very happy when they saw Lyle, as if Lyle had received some noble honor and honor.

Lyle lowered his head, and he felt that everyone was focusing on him.The Lich admires chaos and destruction, and the enthusiasm of the Spiritual School's hometown is a symbol of how much trouble they have caused.

The louder the applause, the more severe the sentence.Now it seems that the death penalty started.

Lyle felt shameless, looked down at the ground, and walked up to the dock in a desperate manner under the watchful eyes of everyone. The commotion around stopped, and it seemed that a serious trial had entered, but the Lich's eyes on Lyle became more concentrated, making Lyle I don't know what to do.

Under the pressure of sight, Lyle began to pay attention to the fine patterns on the table in the dock.It is a black and red intertwined pattern of thorns, arranged in a beautiful Amo language.The patterns are so pretty, but the spikes are real.The wood is mantra wood, is it really good to make this kind of wood with an ominous meaning?The dock is so spacious, it doesn't look crowded when two people stand together...

Lyle's thinking began to freeze, and he silently raised his head to look at the other defendant standing beside him.

A tall man in bandages with arms folded, Mister Dark.

Lyle turned his head to look at the nameplate on the table again.

Defendant, Literary Society.

Lyle understood why everyone was staring at him, and it really felt like he was dead.

"Ahaha, I'm sorry, I seem to have gone to the wrong place, and there was a misunderstanding." He greeted Mr. Dark mischievously, and Lyle wanted to find a corner to hide before his face was cooked.

Mr. Darkness hooked Lyle's shoulder directly, looking like a good brother.

"What a misunderstanding! They are all brothers! Epidemic doctor, you are with our literary club, right!" Darkness pulled Lyle's head over and whispered, "Come directly to our literary club, people like you stay in It’s too wasteful outside, help me rule the world, you can wash my dark army into fools of the Holy Light, it must be easy to make this world degenerate, I will let you be the head of the four dark kings, under one person, among ten thousand Now, the world will be in our hands!"

"George, get your dirty hands away! What are you doing to my pure one, are you looking for death!" Raymond's roar echoed in the court, and the dazzling holy light almost blinded everyone.

Lyall eventually made it to the Seance auditorium to hear the executor's indictment of the Literary Society.


"Mr. Raymond, why are you sitting in the auditorium of our Seance School?" Lyall pointed to the empty seat on the other side. On the seat of the huge Holy Light Chapel, the protoss Lofty greeted this side, and Sister Elleland Body curled up, head glanced to the other side.

The seats of the Seance School are full, except for apprentices like Lyle, the professor of the Bone School in white, the professor of the Flesh School in red, the professor of the Soul School who can see the seat through the body, and there is a saint in the middle. Raymond of Light.

Raymond laughed.

"If I sat on their side, wouldn't that force you to choose a side in a dilemma? As for my condescension to the seat of the Spiritual School, this kind of grievance is nothing to your efforts. How can I make it difficult for you? Well, my brother!"

Lyle's expression twisted, he remembered something painful, and muttered softly.

"I'm having a hard time, Mr. Raymond."

(End of this chapter)

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