Chapter 718 Depends on us
This is the end of Mr. Shocked's Wraith Science, and Lyle turned his attention to the court again. He originally thought that because of his distraction during this period, he would miss a large section of language art that attacked each other one after another.But he was wrong. Mr. Darkness, as the president of Andrei Literature Club, Andrei's image of promoting terrorists, firmly controlled the rhythm of the defense.Lyle was surprised to find that Mr. Law was emphasizing the same thing as before three or ten minutes ago, nothing more than changing several oral expressions and rhetorical styles.Lyle was still able to keep up with their progress without any trouble.

Three and 10 minutes, except Mr. Law's inner boredom and superficial irritability, nothing has changed.Even Mr. Dean on the trial bench showed signs of fatigue. As the clerk, Mr. Jing had put down his quill long ago. His expression became the same as that of the audience around him, falling into the lack of interest and the lack of expectation. Extraordinary surprises break the status quo of expectations.

"I thought too much about your literary club!" There was a sound of teeth grinding under Mr. Law's mask, and he clenched his fists, as if he was struggling with the invisible handles that did not exist on both sides of the table. "You are still exactly the same as before. It's unreasonable. Do you really think Andre is still the organization that needs to be pleasing to the Holy Light and live with your permission, Mr. Darkness?"

Lyle felt that the original noisy courtroom, the voice disappeared, no more private whispers, and no trivial movements.The fire of the soul burned quietly, and Lyle felt that his heartbeat was becoming the only sound.

The silence was broken by the movement of the darkness, the shadow of Mr. Darkness came alive, the shadow under his feet was spreading, eroding the bricks and stones under his feet, climbing up the table legs, climbing up the corners of the carvings... Following the moving shadow, a wave of The oppressive feeling like a heart attack fell on Lyle, making Lyle unable to breathe.The sacred light illuminates the courtroom, and some ancient courtrooms become resplendent in an instant. The power of light suppresses the darkness, making it more magnificent, but without the oppressive feeling that makes people kneel down. Raymond is reminding him that he is a little excited brother.

Mr. Darkness glanced at the auditorium, and refocused his eyes on the somewhat stiff law. He straightened his back, recovered from the strange posture like a cat, and answered coldly with a bit of hostility.

"Don't speculate on the history you haven't experienced. You are just a kid who is complacent with the glorified stories. The changes you see are just small adjustments in the unchanging world. The migration of a grain of sand will not change the desert. The whole picture." Darkness covered his mouth and let out an unexpected smirk, "Even though I have the power to break the rules, this time, I am willing to show mercy and have a so-called 'argument' with you that has nothing to do with strength and only talks about rules. .”

"This is to prove to everyone that the literary society I have mastered is a perfect society capable of both literature and martial arts."

"Come out, my legal team!"

The closed door suddenly opened, and three figures in strange poses attracted all eyes.

"Who is so wicked, put a lighting technique in a dark secret room..." A murmur sounded, and the three of them stepped in rhythmic order, and in the only dark applause, they boarded the dock.They turned their heads to look at the dean, showing bright smiles.

"Where there is grievance, there is us."

"Invincible, never suffer, Anderi College always has a sharp sword."

"My name is Battlecry."

"My name is Windfury."

"My name is mocking."

"Fight for the Literary Society!"

They held hands and danced in circles.

"Today, we, the Three Musketeers of Andrei, will be the envoys of justice, and restore the world to a peaceful and prosperous world! We will sue Andrei!!!"

Lyall looked at the three men in black robes, the dean looked at the three men, the law looked at the three men, and the Andre Lich looked at the three men.

Who would have thought that these three Andrei super litigators would now face up against their old club, and I would even sue myself when I became angry.

They looked at their companions through the holes in their black robes, encouraging each other.

"Work hard, after finishing this vote, we are really, really invincible in the world, who else in the entire legal world is our opponent! We can even beat ourselves!"

The three of them were excited for less than ten seconds.

"I protest!" The roar of the law was deafening. He climbed up to the plaintiff's table and pointed at the three men in black robes with trembling fingers, "Gentleman! Reporter! You are delusional! How dare you appear in the final court of Anderi! You still want to justify the crimes you committed, Mr. Dean, the order of Anderi will never allow these lawless people to violate it!!!”

"They are criminal suspects awaiting trial! They are not qualified to defend the Literature Society! Because they are the parties involved!"

There is no reason for criminals to justify themselves. Such obvious things will not escape Mr. Dean's eyes.

But... Mr. Dean had a smile on his face, but there was a gloom like indigestion on his face.

"I have objections, my lord judge!" Wan Xiang took off his black robe, and the three of Andrei gave up their entertainment-like disguise, and put themselves into the working state that Mr. Dean was all too familiar with.

"I don't know if you remember, Andrea has a rule."

"When a member of Andrei has a mental abnormal state such as soul damage or charm control, in Andre's law, his soul in a mentally abnormal state and the normal state registered by the soul tower should be regarded as two independent Conscious individual."

Mr. Paranoia directly grasped the crux of the problem, which also made Mr. Law's face pale when he heard this, even though he was wearing an iron mask.

"Could it be that..." His tone was full of unwillingness, and the law code he wrote would actually become a stumbling block for him.

The gentleman laughed.

"That's right! Could it be that!"

"The Four Heavenly Kings of our Literature Club have returned from the Soul Tower, and the ceremonial personnel there can prove to us that during the Lich Disaster, we did fall into the mental anomaly caused by the head of the Necromancer Figure Club, Mr. Epidemiologist! That is to say , The series of sins you mentioned! I did not do it! It was another 'I' who did it!"

I was mentally ill just now, and I am innocent!

"The debt relationship, personal grievances, and other interest disputes between two mentally abnormal people will not be inherited. In other words, the criminal Edward Alphonse, my gentleman is innocent! Therefore, as a lich I, who have nothing to do with the disaster, can become a lawyer for the Literature Society and defend them, and because of this, our Literature Society! Not guilty!"

"If you really want to arrest someone! Go and arrest the other me!"

Mr. Reporter added the finishing blow.He stretched out his finger and pointed at the staggering Mr. Law.

"Law! The real reason for your failure..."

"That is, you messed with our literature club!"

"You are already dead!"

Under Mr. Dark's arrogant black wings, the three members of the Literature Club completely defeated Andre's enforcers. Amidst the chaotic and arrogant smirks, the real darkness descended.

"Defendant's counsel ... defended effectively."

"Literary Society, not guilty."

(End of this chapter)

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