Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 729 The first professional experience

Chapter 729 The first professional experience

In order to provide the dream elves with the degree of devotion to the personal experience of each profession, Lyle has retained some of the most basic training features of those professions, making it a skill task to improve the profession level.Professionals need to continue relevant training to improve their professional proficiency to unlock more advanced special abilities and additional attributes. These proficiencies can be increased by hunting nightmares, but performing special tasks according to the trainer will improve more quickly.The premise is that these dream elves can perfectly complete the training that they have never been exposed to before.

It is not difficult to find the special buildings where the professional trainer NPCs are located. In Blue Dragon's plan, they are far away from monster gathering places. Players can reach the corresponding locations safely with a little attention. In less than a day, every Dreamland player Find your career mentor.

Each job transfer ceremony has its own characteristics, and every new professional player is very satisfied with his experience.

"I have completed the baptism ceremony of the holy light! Angels and lights surround me, holy songs linger in my ears, and the holy kingdom of heaven is right in front of my can't even imagine that the nun took us to pay homage to the gatekeeper angel , a powerful existence, stationed at the entrance of the copy, I believe that the path of the Holy Light is broad and bright."

"Defender knight! The first knight took me to the queen of Wangcheng, a majestic and noble majesty. I don't mean to belittle Her Royal Highness Queen Tiffany, but, my queen, Her Royal Highness Lina's face is like hanging in the sky. Another round of the moon, I finally understand why the first knight talked about "Long Live the Queen". I was named a knight under her majesty, and I joined the glorious knight order!" The elf hand wearing novice armor Holding the booklet, the palm-sized thin-covered book is full of praises for a certain queen.The Knights of the Dryas seem to have developed new members.

"Heh, the mentor of the berserker is the king of the ancient human race. It is a group of giants. They regard us as fellow citizens. We hunt together and enjoy the prey together. You... now seem to be too weak. Strength and fury, glory to you The tribe of the black dragon."

Hunters and war beasts are waiting in the distance. The elves who are petting big cats enjoy the envious eyes of other professional companions. When they are helping the animal companions to groom their hair, they ostentatiously tell about their adventures in the Levither Forest.

"The stalker's training camp is not far from the forest, but those dogs hiding in the shadows are not our partners. They are really... pretty nasty."

An icy voice appeared behind the hunter. Kylo Nikana wore a hood, and in the light leather armor, two hideous short swords hanging down caused the war beast to growl.

"You're talking bad about the fraternity, take it easy, kid. We're not going to cut out your tongue for the slightest slander. But I'm going to warn you, we're where the shadows are, and we're listening Got it, and can do it."

Kailo Nikana dived into the shadows again and disappeared, leaving only the shivering players, his whispers dissipating in the cold like a breeze.

"Where are Charles and Doroto, we should settle the old scores, let those self-proclaimed nobles experience the horror of assassins, our Queen's Eye, oh no, it should be called Queen's Blade now. Brothers, for the sake of nature Ladies of glory, wave your sharp knives and teach the House of Elders some lessons. First, find them.” Some players can’t wait to start the PVP mode after acquiring new skills, and Lyle doesn’t have much control over the behavior of players attacking each other , all attacks are valid if not teamed up.This is the dream elf's habit of dream exploration, so the only thing that really maintains peace is their own morality.

"Where are the mystics? Where are those long-range spellcasters who call the wind and rain? It's strange that they don't show off everywhere?" The players searched for the big robes, but found nothing. When they raised their heads, the silver tower was clearly visible in every corner of the dreamland .

All the mystic players are sitting in the tower at this time, writing hard.It's not that they don't have the capital to show off, and it's not that they don't have the idea of ​​showing off, but they can't do it. The daily training tasks of the mystics will make them burnt out. In the monster-killing test of a new skill, you have to take three deep breaths before you can stand up.

The three branches of mystics, Element Shaper, Portal Mage, and Magic Breaker, have the same professional mentor. As the most popular mainstream faction, Mr. Scholar's dream replica, the old mage can easily educate these new students.

Knowledge is power. To be a mage, you need to do more questions!The training tasks of the mystics are also quite simple, with a cycle of learning, doing questions, and taking exams.Both the druid elders and the druid apprentices have little understanding of the magic power system taught by the king of magic. This esoteric and traditional discipline can squeeze them out, and all the elves are struggling in the sea of ​​questions, wanting to cry without tears.

"Want to give up? Well, go out from my mage tower and turn left for 100 meters..." The mirror image of the old mage said to his students, "You can completely kill a hundred monsters outside, and practice 10 here. Minute effect, don't worry, my stupid apprentice, even a brainless zombie will one day become a great mage, and you idiots are no exception." A new professional contempt chain was born among the mystics, and the idiot who didn't learn the secret method Those are the bottom.

Those druid apprentices who dreamed of calling wind, rain, and thunder, avoided their mentors, but devoted themselves to Mr. Scholar, the most rigorous magic professor, and became poor people who studied when they woke up and studied in their dreams.

During the class break, the old mage heard the wailing of the new apprentice, and the transparent mirror rolled his eyes.

"Delusion that I will directly impart magic power and become a legendary archmage. You people of Irasonen really...can dream. Only the knowledge you have obtained through hard work is your own power. Do you understand? Only Keep studying and exploring, and you will become strong." The blue dragon Christo was trembling all over, but still gave a thumbs up.

The old master's teaching mode is very strict, and the effect is also very remarkable.

Shapers quickly learn their first skill, harnessing the elements.The old mage nodded and helped the apprentice to adjust the boiling fireball in his hand, "Hold on, the fire element is the most powerful, destructive and unstable elemental power today, but the fire element is still suitable for you novices to use, yes Now, remember to add an extra spell when invoking the fire element. [In the name of Immelt the Red Dragon Queen], that will make it easier for you to tame the fire power."

The first skill of the teleportation mage is to open the weakened version of the portal, the blade of the dimension.Recklessly opened the chaotic lines of space-time rift and threw it out. The extremely strong penetrating power can almost ignore any defense, including their own. Ten teleportation mages released their skills and eight committed suicide. The old mage was very angry and added [-] more magic power to them. Analysis exercise.

The spellbreaker's first skill is called mana burning, which burns the magic power in the enemy's body, interrupting its spellcasting and causing damage at the same time.But the new lawbreakers have doubts about their abilities.

"Teacher, the effect of mana burning is not obvious."

"You will be promoted in the future. Perceiving the magic power in the enemy's body is the key to the spellbreaker. On the basis of mana burning, you will also learn mana detonation and mana extraction, and extract the enemy's power for your own use. The spellbreaker will become Most enduring spellcaster."

"And what if our enemies don't have magical powers?"

"Then extract their vitality, blood, body fluids, these tangible things are easier than extracting magic power, but don't blindly turn the blood into your own, the blood type mismatch will cause rejection, and it would be too stupid to let your body collapse Of course, vampires have no such worries, and vampires will be the best lawbreakers."

"Mentor, I have another question, why does the effect of mana burning weaken with distance?"

"We need to rely on the magic net to control the magic power. These invisible magic blood vessels will consume part of the power when transmitting our instructions, so the mana burning effect in melee combat is the best."

"Melee combat? But we are mystics."

"Who told you that the mystic can only be long-range, and the magic breaker is a complete melee mage. After that, I will teach you mana armor, weapon enchantment and mana storm heart. The magic breaker, in my vision Among them, it is the spell-casting warriors who draw all the magic power on the battlefield and create a magic-forbidden area around them. The magic power for dozens of people and hundreds of people can be used by one person. You will be terrible war machines."

The lawbreaker apprentice raised his eyebrows, "Then what is the difference between a lawbreaker and a magic swordsman? We both use mana for close combat."

Helplessness appeared on the old mage's face, and he couldn't give a good explanation.

"Spellblade is a profession created by my students on a whim. I don't know much about his vision."

"His exact words were..."

[Magic Swordsman?Happy career! 】

(End of this chapter)

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