Academic Gathering with Lich Colleagues

Chapter 74 Bar Owner Beatrice

Chapter 74 Bar Owner Beatrice

The bright red smiling face on the mask cracked to the roots of his ears, and one could imagine how terrifying it was in the eyes of the succubus.

William shook the parchment, like the frail body of a succubus drifting away in the cruelty of reality.

"This is a succubus, those popular characters in the taboo delusional literature, you can imagine the saliva left by those noble sons after seeing it, no, probably all men will be convinced by it, as a medium demon, they are born with magical powers. , is also a pretty good familiar, and, isn't it a matter of course to repay your kindness with one's body?"

Can people be so shameless?

Just as Lyle re-examined his companions, the succubus was struggling with himself.

"I'm very sorry, my lord, I'm afraid I can't meet your expectations, because I'm just a half-demon, and my father is an ordinary human. Apart from inheriting the appearance of my mother, probably, my power will not be stronger than that of an adult man. "

"Also, my appearance has caused trouble, but I'm a boy."



William watched the succubus carefully.

There are no demon horns on the head, but there are small crystals on the side of the neck, which look like light tattoos, but that face, no matter how you look at it, has a tenderness and beauty, should you sigh the miracle of the Creator?
Really cute are boys.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you want, boys can also." Lyle said jokingly.

no reply.

William put the scroll back in his pocket.

"My mood at the moment is like suddenly getting a large inheritance..."

"It turned out to be fake money."

"This gentleman, um...what's your name?"


"...Good name." Lyle was stunned for a while, and then the body's etiquette switch automatically completed the flattery, although it seemed rather far-fetched at the moment.

"The name my sister gave me."

William quickly accepted that his wealth was gone.

He looked at the candy.

"Well, it's not a gentleman's job to embarrass a man, but candy, do you have to say thank you, at least mean it."

Candy put her hand on her cheek, tilted her head in contemplation, straight black medium-length hair slid across that innocent face, like a spring flowing over a pebble, "Maybe I can take the two adults to the Bloody Rose Bar for a drink, I'm there waiter."

"A free drink?"

Candy shook his head, "No, but I can serve adults for free without tipping."

"Are you soliciting customers?"

Candy hurriedly waved her arms, "No, it's just that I don't know what else I can do other than simply serving tea and pouring wine."

Watching the succubus fall into depression again, Lyle looked at William.

"Want to go? Bloody Rose."

"No opinion, a free local guide, as for the destination, there is no clue anyway, the difference is not big."

The three formed a team.

"I don't know what the two adults are called."

"The Epidemic Doctor."


William's clown mask makes the title quite appropriate.

"Why not startle?"

"Surprise can relax people's nerves."

Before leaving Sin Industry City, the two were stopped because the smuggling phenomenon was rampant here, and the Secret Pivot Council designed obstacles at the gate, and those without identity would be blocked or even detained.

Lyle can take out the Andrews emblem, but what about William.

"Sir, the two adults are with me." At the critical moment, Candy actually stood up, "This is my employee ID card, I am Bloody Rose Candy, and these two are our guests."

The hooded human in armor carefully checked the documents, "Several large-scale cases have occurred recently, and some unscrupulous people pretending to be members of Andre have caused a lot of damage to the reputation of the academy. The Secret Pivot Council is now strictly investigating, I'm sorry, sir, Can you explain to me your identity in Andrews, just a few words."

The guard's eyes were sharp like those of an eagle, and his gaze was fixed on William.

"We are Andre's apprentices of the seance, and the mentor is Mr. Dragon. This time, I came to Sin City to purchase the corresponding materials. Is this enough?" Lyle's hands flowed out light gray magic power, and a cold death The breath is like cold wind.

"No doubt, sir." The guard gave way, and a few drops of cold sweat could be seen on his forehead.

When the three reached the teleportation formation in the dark three area, William praised Lyle's performance.

"It's great, Epidemic Doctor, your performance is flawless, just like the real thing. Look at that guard's expression, haha."

"Haha." Of course perfect, after all I'm good at telling the truth.

Candy took the two to a teleportation array.

"We're going to the Light and Shadow District, which is the junction between the tenth light district and the tenth dark district. Literally and in fact, it is the neutral area. It is also the commercial center of the city of hesitation. There are many races on the chaotic side and the lawful side. "

"Bloody Rose is a bar for all races. Our boss is Lady Beatrice, but everyone likes to call her Lady Rose, or Goddess?"

"Sounds like a pretty good character."

"Yes, Ms. Qiangwei is the most perfect person I have ever met, with a charming face, great strength, and a shining smile. For me, it is my honor to have such a boss."

"Is she nice to you?"

"Ms. Qiangwei is very kind to all employees, and even offends customers for the grievances we suffered. I heard that there are many people who love her or hate her in the city of hesitation. She is the pearl of the light and shadow area."

"It looks like the bar will be quite lively."

"Yes, Bloody Rose is definitely one of the best bars in the City of Wandering. There were dark gangs fighting for the bar's protection money. Everyone knows that it is a big income."

"In the end, which gang won in the end?"

"This is one of the strong results of Ms. Qiangwei. There was no winner in that competition, because she firmly grasped everything in the bar in her own hands," Candy glanced at the two of them, "the public announced It's borrowing Andre's power."

"But I think it was something else that made those bad guys have the courage to provoke the boss, Ms. Beatrice, one of the three Banshee sisters."

"Three Banshees? What is that?"

"A nickname, of uncertain origin, used to summarize Ms. Beatrice's family members, her sisters, who miraculously coincide with some ancient myths and legends, and thus a widely circulated title."

Candy's head was quietly raised, and his emerald-like vertical eyes glowed, like a child sharing his secret. He tried his best to express that sense of mystery, but his soft voice only showed cuteness.

"Ms. Beatrice, known as Pandora."

(End of this chapter)

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