Chapter 742 BOSS Game
"The purest pleasure is often based on the pain of others, and you should work hard for pleasure."

"The deceiver, the Son of God, is the forerunner, and he should be obeyed. The admonitions of the noble ones are always more effective than trying alone."

"Holy light is a gift, a helper to assist in the pursuit of pleasure. You should worship the holy light as you love the joy that shocks your mind."

Every syllable will arouse the wriggling of the indescribable, the sound is like a mixture of chewing and cracking, and every group of invisible children is penetrated by the holy light, looking like a glistening seaweed forest on the bottom of the sea.The spiritual analysis and the power of the evil god exert influence simultaneously, and the power of justice is shaped in the body of the invisible son.Everything is "supporting" them, giving the family of evil gods a way of thinking close to the human soul, and creating a channel for them to experience pleasure.Brainwashing, the operation performed by Lyle is much more complicated than this term.Instead of changing their minds, he installed a thinking plug-in similar to the human brain in the body of the invisible son. The creator's code and knowledge of evil gods provided a theoretical basis for it. The flaws in the spiritual ceremony helped him a lot.

This is the first step to lead the invisible son to rebel against the evil god. After all, the prerequisite for becoming a fanatic is to lose a smart brain.This is an evolution in line with the laws of nature. God's servants gain wisdom, they begin to think, and become cunning.But before all that, Lyle would fill their heads with pleasure.

Lyle slapped the air around him, and a magic grid radiating to the surroundings began to appear in the empty place. He used administrator privileges to arouse the resonance of the basic code.The exposed data disappeared after a while, and Lyle's goal had been achieved.He glanced at the battle that had stopped at the foot of the mountain, and pointed out a nearby invisible son.

"Go down and get acquainted with my player, your toy." The individual separated from the clump, and the Son of No Walker fell from the cliff, like a huge rolling stone, hitting the foot of the mountain, less than ten meters away from the players, The twisted and chaotic limbs began to stretch out tentacles, instinctively showing the fear of the servant of God.

The dream elves stood around the Invisible Son, their eyes fixed on the huge monster in front of them, but the expression in their eyes was more of doubt than fear.Pull out the prompt bar to confirm the latest administrator information sent again.

"This is the new test monster? I just said how to fight a team battle and still have the new content test qualification to hit yourself on the head. Isn't this a group mosaic? I shouldn't expect those unscrupulous administrators In the field of vision of the dream elf players, the holy light on the surface of the invisible son is shining slightly, and the huge horror from the abyss is covered by the mosaic of the holy light. If it is not for the system prompt, they will not think it is an interactive object at all, at most Be a windy background board.

"Come on, the test rewards are real, don't be cheap and act like a good boy!" Dream Elf player No. [-] withdrew his gaze from the son of Mosaic. Although the light was not strong, his eyes still hurt after staring for a long time.

"Who was tested first?"

"Me." An impetuous berserker player raised his giant sword and charged heroically.

bump!The players who were still on the way suddenly squeezed into blood foam, and the next second, the invisible son stretched out his tentacles and swallowed the flesh foam that hadn't landed yet into his body.The whole process took less than a second, and a second later, a tombstone fell from the sky.Lyall stared carefully at the fragments of the dead man's dreams.After being devoured by the Invisible Son, the holy light in its body suddenly surged, and the soul wrapped in the victim was released from the top of the monster's head, turning into a tombstone and falling to the ground.The soul of the dream elf is unharmed, and the corruption from the power of the evil god is isolated by the holy light.Lyle breathed a sigh of relief, the Invisible Son who added the power of the Holy Light would not cause damage to the player itself, and it was finally confirmed at this moment.

This process is an automatic sacrifice led by justice.Paladins have the habit of offering trophies to the power of the Holy Light, and the Holy Light will give corresponding grace according to the honor offered.The Invisible Son passively sacrificed the soul of the trophy player, and he got a large ball of holy light, which is a good deal for anyone.

At this time, the petrified players broke out into riots.

"Damn it, I was seconded! What do we need to test?! Is this a monster that humans can fight?"

In the player's eyes, there are new reminders above the ever-changing mosaic, as well as desperate blood bars.

[Test type BOSS: Son of the Invisible, reminder: If you touch it, you will die. 】

"You said it earlier!!! After finishing the update record, you can make up for it!!" The frightened player walked to the tombstone and knocked on his companion's tombstone to express his concern.The tombstone began to shake, and the stone chips were peeled off from the front, updating the epitaph to his companions.

[Death is too fast, I don't feel much, the reward has been received, and I still earn money after dying once.Let the pastor bring me back to life!I can still send it! 】


The player is communicating, and Lyle is also communicating with the invisible son.

"Any thoughts? About this ant that you instantly killed."

The Invisible Son answered succinctly.

【No. 】Squeezing an ant to death, completing such trivial work will not bring any feelings.

Lyle nodded, and glanced at the chaotic group behind him.

"Simple erasure will not bring any feeling. These insects have already covered the whole body of Father God. No matter how we clean them, they will not change their huge base before Father God comes. Therefore, we can Have some fun for yourself while these ants die."

Using the admin's rights to stealthily land, Lyle walked up to the stray invisible son and pointed at its head.

"Now, let me teach you how to play games with this group of players. First, we need to weaken you. If you see the red bar on your head, it represents your life value. If your life value is emptied, then you Lose. And when you clear the health of those players, you win."

The invisible son was about to move, and the tentacles on both sides began to dance wildly.

[I understand, Son of God, I will blow up their blood bars! 】

"Wrong, winning or losing is not important, the important thing is to be happy." Lyle seemed to feel the doubts of the invisible son, and issued a new order, "Before my order is issued, you cannot attack the player in front of you. In addition , You have to pay attention to the expressions of these players, now you should be able to analyze emotions by observing the expressions."

"let's start."

[Test BOSS: The Invisible Son started a battle with the player Chicken Xiaolongbao. 】

A hunter player has fought back and forth with the boss, he can always dodge the flicking tentacles in time, causing cheers and sweat in the battlefield, but the hunter's face is full of satisfaction as a master.As for the Invisible Son, Lyle could feel aggrieved. It was restrained and acted poorly.Always pause the moment the tentacles fall to give the idiot a chance to dodge.Moreover, this hunter also likes to run around, and every time he can accurately run into the attack range of the invisible son, causing internal injuries to the servant of God.If it weren't for Wu Xingzi's quick eyesight and quick hands, this idiot would almost walk onto the tentacles and fall to his death.The son of Wu Xing was very aggrieved. If it weren't for the order of the son of God, he would have crushed ADHD to death.

While attacking with all his strength, while desperately releasing water, the boss's health bar finally reached one-fifth.The invisible son looked at the flea in front of him, the hope on his face seemed to be shining, and the smile was bathed in the holy light, full of freedom and joy.As if he had seen the future, he stepped on the corpse of the BOSS alone, leaving a handsome back amidst the cheers and praises of his companions.Wearing the most handsome equipment and raising the strongest parrot, the number one hunter in the Dreamland was born today.

However, this dream was shattered by an evil ghost.

"Okay, kill him, my servant."

Oooooo! ! !The terrifying roar lifted the earth and rocks, the tentacles of the Invisible Son held up high, and the joyful mental shock surged like waves, and all the tentacles fell down with a bang.

[Follow your will, great fraudster! 】

When the second tombstone appeared, the system prompt was long overdue.

[Boss Invisible Son's blood volume is less than 20.00%, and he has entered a state of berserk. 】

Lyle shrugged, with a wry smile on his face, and he flapped his calm tentacles like a heartless bastard.

"how do you feel?"

[It's so cool. 】

(End of this chapter)

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